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April 2024
The Great Annihilator
 - Luigi Foschini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2024
pi greco universe
 - Gianluigi Filippelli
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2024
Faster than light? Let’s discover Cherenkov at the theater!
 - Anna Wolter e Laura Paganini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2024
Asteroids, beans and horseshoes: the strange orbits of quasi-satellites
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2023
Beyond the (observable) universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2023
One, none, one hundred and forty-five moons: Hill’s sphere
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2023
Homo Planetarium
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2023
Plow through space with full sails
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2023
THE MINI MOUSE: story of a young pulsar on the run
 - Sara Motta
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2023
Euclid is ready
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2023
Chopping gravity: the Roche limit
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2023
A historic eclipse
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2023
Little astronauts without overalls
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2023
Planetary defence
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2023
How far is the nearest Black Hole to us?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2022
Living on a rotating world
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2022
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2022
The first images of the James Webb Space Telescope
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2022
DART, or better: how to play pool with asteroids
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2022
X-ray observed on different plans!
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2022
Is Stonehenge the solstice stone ... or it’s not?
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2022
How we can see black holes if they are really black?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2022
Observing X-ray on different planes
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2022
Lucy in the sky with the five tightrope walkers
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2022
The James Webb Space Telescope
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2022
Avenged Icaro!
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2021
One ticket to Mars round trip, Thank you!
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2021
The physics of complexity
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2021
Which news
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2021
The tide you did not expect
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2021
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-08-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2021
... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2021
The big pear, that is Earth, our planet
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2021
The end of the Universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory - by Gabriele Ghisellini
2021-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2021
The four hundred attack!
 - Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory - by Tomaso Belloni
2021-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2021
Perseverance is Martian
 - Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory. Read the new curiosity by a new entry astronomer Daniele Spiga
2021-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2021
Energia oscura
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month has a new outward appearance on the web site POE factory. Read the new curiosity by Gabriele Ghisellini
2021-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2021
Tu quoque Gregorii
 - Tomaso Belloni
What have in common Giulio Cesare and the Pope Gregorio XIII?
Read the curiosity by Tomaso Belloni
2021-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2020
Accelerating expansion of the universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Take a 100 Watt light bulb and follow me ... by Gabriele Ghisellini
2020-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2020
Explosive shells
 - Tomaso Belloni
What about the matter that lands on a neutron star?... by Tomaso Belloni

2020-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2020
Is there life on Venus
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
On September 14 an international team of researchers announced the detection of phosphine gas lingering in layers of the planet’s atmosphere where temperatures and pressures are relatively balmy ... by Gabriele Ghisellini

2020-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2020
Of cabbages and kings
 - Tomaso Belloni
Not about astronomy but I want to speak about exponential and delaies, physics, Middle Ages army and current events - Tomaso Belloni

2020-10-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2020
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
On July 13, 2019 the Russian-German SRG mission was successfully launched from Baikonur (Kazakistan). eROSITA is the primary instrument on-board ... by Gabriele Ghisellini

2020-09-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2020
How to drive a telescope
 - Tomaso Belloni
Telescope on earth have to be point towards the object you want to see ... What about a space telescope? by Tomaso Belloni

2020-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2020
Under Pisces
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
How many times have you read your horoscope? Do you believe it? by Gabriele Ghisellini

2020-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2020
Astronomy in the Coronavirus era
 - Tomaso Belloni
What changes in the Coronavirus era for astronomers? by Tomaso Belloni

2020-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2020
Earth space ship
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Think about us stable on the Earth....for example in our bed... Are we really fixed? Not at all! Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Earth’s movements ...

2020-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2020
Galactic Eruptions
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about the X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from the black hole hosted by GSN 069 galaxy

2020-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2020
Dyson Spheres and Alien Civilizations
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
For the first curiosity of 2020 Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Tabby star, Dyson spheres and alien civilizations

2020-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2019
Cosmic dust
 - Tomaso Belloni
Interstellar space is not empty but gas and interstellar dust are present. This is not good for astronomical observations...but which usefulness? Tomaso Belloni tells us about it

2019-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2019
X-ray and straight backs
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us X-Ray discovery
November, 8 1895 - Friday afternoon ...
Wilhelm Röntgen a physic, age 49 ...
but for him the best is yet to come ...

2019-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2019
Fixed points
 - Tomaso Belloni
Fixed points in astronomy ... Tomaso Belloni talks about this problem

2019-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2019
A black hole and a neutron star: dancing tango for the last time
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
On august 14th 2019 a ripple of gravitational waves reached Earth ... Gabriele Ghisellini talks about this event

2019-09-02 icona per documenti web   
July 2019
A black hole first image second episode: is it a photo or isn’t?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni talks about a useless question: is it the first-ever picture of a black hole a photo?

2019-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2019
A black hole first image
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Scientists used a global network of telescopes to see and capture the first-ever picture of a black hole ... by Gabriele Ghisellini

2019-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2019
Einstein’s spin
 - Tomaso Belloni
Like a spinning top: wobbling jets from a black hole that’s "feeding" on a companion star ... by Tomaso Belloni

2019-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2019
X-ray Chimneys in the Milky Way
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini talks about the discovery of Gabriele Ponti ...

2019-04-01 icona per documenti web   
Febraury 2019
Ultima Thule
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Take a rifle and then try to shoot at a 1 cm^2 target... but at a distance of 2000 km... Not easy, is it? And, on top of that, the target is moving very fast ... by Gabriele Ghisellini

2019-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2019
Comets and magnitudes
 - Tomaso Belloni
46P Wirtanen: why I didn’t see anything despite the news from media?... by Tomaso Belloni

2019-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2018
FRB ... still an unsolved puzzle
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Fast Radio Bursts ... still an unsolved puzzle ... by Gabriele Ghisellini

2018-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2018
Hopping robots onto asteroid Ryugu
 - Tomaso Belloni
Is this a Donald Duck’ adventure? No itsn’t....It’s the currrent planetary science Tomaso Belloni

2018-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2018
Einstein right once again!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Another confirmation for general relativity by Gabriele Ghisellini ...

2018-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2018
Solar wind and a new Icaro
 - Tomaso Belloni
Do you know Icaro’s story? Tomaso Belloni tells us about Parker Solar Probe ...

2018-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2018
Neutrins and blazars
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about neutrins from a blazar ...

2018-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2018
Lego bricks in space?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about little satellites ...

2018-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2018
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Bacteria, neurons and universe ... Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about numbers ...

2018-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2018
’Oumuamua, the alien asteroid
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the discovery of the first alien asteroid ...

2018-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2018
Hawking’s radiation
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
I saw Stephen Hawking for two times ...
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Hawking’s radiation ... ...

2018-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2018
Accretion pulsars and original tools
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about binary sistems in which you can find a pulsar with a stron magnetic field ...

2018-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2018
How big is the universe?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Universe is very, very big ...
Read all story by Gabriele Ghisellini

2018-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2018
The shortest day of the year
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the shortest day of the year ...

2018-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2017
The four levels of pleasure
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about intellectual pleasure ...

2017-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2017
I knew it!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about neutron star fusion ...

2017-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2017
The top 5 in astrophysics
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us his list pf the top5 in astropysics ...

2017-11-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2017
Science is not democratic
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini explains why you can’t set light velocity by lifting up hands ...

2017-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2017
Next curiosity in September
June 2017
Missing links
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about "Transformer" pulsars ...

2017-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2017
Opinion: Aliens, very strange universes – Martin Rees
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini translate for us an interview to Martin Rees tells one of the most important astrophysic. in the world ...

2017-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2017
Dancing with stars
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about a strange dance with a a always hidden dancer ...

2017-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2017
Organic material on Cerere
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the new discovery on Cerere...

2017-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2017
Interplanetary navigation
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about interplanetary travels ...

2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2017
Chemtrails. Are they real?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about chemtrails ...

2017-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2016
How old are you?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about stars age ...

2016-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2016
For all the gold in the world
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Where did all the elements come from? Gabriele Ghisellini tells us ...

2016-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2016
And two! And three!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) ...

2016-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2016
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Proxima Centauri b ...

2016-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2016
Next curiosity in September
July 2016
A failure recipe
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the failure of Hitomi satellite ...

2016-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2016
Did we really land on the moon?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Moon landing and the conspiracy theories about it ...

2016-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2016
Cantami o diva .,.
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about lagrangian points ...

2016-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2016
Why does time go on?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about time arrow ...
2016-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2016
21st-century discovery: the gravitational waves detection
 - Luca Perri
Luca Perri tells us about century discovery ...
2016-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2016
IX and X planets
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the planets discovery for our solar system ...

2016-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2016
Extinguishing universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about the future of universe ...

2016-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2015
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about ULX ...

2015-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2015
Is there somebody else?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about the probability of intelligent alien civilizations ...

2015-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2015
ASTROSAT: a new window into our Universe
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about ASTROSAT India’s first astronomical space observatory launched on September, 28 2015 ...
2015-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2015
Picasso paradox
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about the time travels ...

2015-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2015
Next curiosity in September
July 2015
A new burst in Cygnus constellation
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about a strange X-ray source in Cygnus constellation ...
2015-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2015
Oceani di luce
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about the ocean of electromagnetic waves in which we are immersed ...

2015-06-03 icona per documenti web   
May 2015
Black holes in a gravitational tango
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about two black holes that are entwined in a gravitational tango ...
2015-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2015
Be fat is good
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about how a black hole bacames fat ...

2015-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2015
Sorry where is Nord?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about Pole star ...
2015-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2015
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about boreal aurorae

2015-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2015
A four planet band
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about HR 8799 and its planetary system ...
2015-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2014
What is the most powerful natural engine?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the most powerful natural engines ...
2014-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2014
Novae and cataclysm
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about cataclysmic variables ...
2014-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2014
Live in Laniakea
 - Gabriele Ghisellini & Luigi Guzzo
Gabriele Ghisellini and Luigi Guzzo tell us about Laniakea...our little universe ...
2014-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2014
Waiting for Rosetta
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about missions devoted to comets ...
2014-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2014
Next curiosity in September
July 2014
Cosmic jets
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells su about cosmic jets
2014-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2014
When we will arrive you have to wake me up
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about Rosetta mission ...
2014-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2014
Gavitational waves detected!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells su about the discovery of primordial gravitational waves ...
2014-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2014
All the sky?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about variability and how to measure it ...
2014-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2014
Why does week last seven days?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about week duration ...
2014-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2014
The masquerade ball
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about the detection of high energy X-rays with coded masks ...
2014-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2014
Miss Universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Miss Universe ...
2014-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2013
A little movement toward red
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about matter in relativistic jets ...
2013-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2013
The monsters inside galaxies
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the monsters inside every galaxies ...
2013-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2013
A field choise!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about the "magnetar" SGR 0418+5729 ...
2013-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2013
The mistery of gamma-ray from deep universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about very strong beep from deep universe ...
2013-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2013
This year also in the wake of a comet
 - Tomaso Belloni
What is interesting in August sky? Tomaso Belloni tells us ...
2013-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2013
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
What about our death in a black-hole? Gabriele Ghisellini tells us ...
2013-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2013
False alarm
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about a Soft Gamma-ray Repeater that for sometimes looked as a gas cloud ...
2013-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2013
Mission Planck and the newborn Universe: April 25, year 13,5 billion b. C.
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Planck mission that has released the most accurate and detailed map ever made of the oldest light in the universe, revealing new information about its age, contents and origins ...
2013-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2013
Forrest you have to run!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about MAXI J1659-152 a binary system formed by a red dwarf and a solar mass black hole ...
2013-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2013
Falling asteroids - are they dangerous?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
February 15 2013: an extraordinary coincidence ... Gabriele Ghisellini tells us
2013-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2013
Andromeda is following to us!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Are you afraid about? Gabriele Ghisellini tells us ...
2013-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2013
The reddening of the light
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the redshift of the light ...
2013-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2012
From a diagram to the phisycs of the stars
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about Hertzsprung-Russell diagram ...
2012-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2012
The strange case of quasar 1222+216
 - Fabrizio Tavecchio
Fabrizio Tavecchio tells us about the blazar PKS 1222+216 ...
2012-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2012
The stars bar code
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Until now light is the only way to discover something about Universe ... by Gabriele Ghisellini
2012-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2012
The cloud is arriving!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about the supermassive black hole lurking at our Galaxy’s heart ... by Tomaso Belloni
2012-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2012
Where are they? The Fermi paradox
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
In an informal discussion in 1950, the physicist Enrico Fermi questioned why, if a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exists in the Milky Way galaxy, evidence such as spacecraft or probes is not seen ... by Gabriele Ghisellini
2012-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2012
Warning! Do not overfill with Hydrogen
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about neutron stars in a binary system Tomaso belloni
2012-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2012
The dark side of the matter
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
We think to know enough our universe but Gabriele Ghisellini
2012-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2012
The name of the stars
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about star’s name ...
2012-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2012
Einstein: "the happiest thought of my life"
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about one of the most important Einstein’s thoughts ...
2012-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2012
Galactic mist
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about universe’ transparency ...
2012-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2012
The most ancient telescope in the world
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about our eyes ...
2012-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2012
The elephant and the mouse
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about the smallest Black Hole Candidate ...
2012-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2011
Swift and 2010 Christmas comet!
 - Sergio Campana
Sergio Campana tells us about last year Christmas ...
2011-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2011
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about stars collapse ...
2011-12-02 icona per documenti web   
October 2011
I don’ask for Moon
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about a very unlikely event that happened ...
2011-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2011
Dwarfs and Giants
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the destiny of the Sun ...
2011-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2011
Outside view
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about an outside view of our galaxy observing X-ray sources in other galaxies ...
2011-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2011
The monster wakening
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the violent x-ray emission observed on march 28, 2011 ...
2011-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2011
More than a telescope
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about LOFAR a multi-purpose sensor array...
2011-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2011
Gamma Ray burts, blue sun and mass extinction
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
What will happen if a Gamma Ray burst explodes near Earth? Gabriele Ghisellini tells us...
2011-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2011
A LOFT in the sky to study black-holes
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso Belloni tells us about LOFT one of the four candidates for a medium-class mission that will launch by ESA in the period 2020-22...
2011-05-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2011
The unsustainable lightness of nothing
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2011-04-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2011
You are very heavy!
 - Tomaso Belloni
2011-03-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2011
One or more Universes?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2011-02-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2010
Intergalactic cultural exchanges
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November 2010
An Earth's twin
 - Ghisellini Gabriele
2010-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2010
You make me spin...
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2010
Sunset beauty
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2010-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2010
Rocks around a clock: the first extrasolar planets
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-08-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2010
Why do we make research?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2010-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2010
Stop! you are captured!
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2010
Was Einstein sadly mistaken or not?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2010-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2010
Do Pulsars really pulse?
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2010
Faster than light!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2010-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2010
Close your mouth while you're eating!
 - Tomaso Belloni
2010-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2010
Candles in the dark
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2010-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2009
A cosmic tsunami
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2009
What are Standard Candles?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-12-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2009
How do we observe with a space telescope?
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-11-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2009
Go ahead Fermi!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-10-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2009
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-09-01 icona per documenti web   
July 2009
How run for Megaparsec in 1000 seconds
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-08-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2009
How many years for the end of the world?
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-07-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2009
A Gamma-Ray Burst as the winner for the most distant source of the sky
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-06-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2009
Dancing in the solar system
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-04-30 icona per documenti web   
March 2009
Earth, Earth, Earth!
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-03-31 icona per documenti web   
Febraury 2009
How can I find a black-hole?
 - Tomaso Belloni
2009-02-28 icona per documenti web   
January 2009
The begin of time
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2009-01-31 icona per documenti web   
December 2008
The complexity of a black hole
 - Tomaso Belloni
2008-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2008
The biggest telescope for the most energetic photons
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2008-11-30 icona per documenti web   
October 2008
How can I see a black hole
 - Tomaso Belloni
2008-10-31 icona per documenti web   
September 2008
We are children of stars
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
2008-09-30 icona per documenti web   
June 2008
Which is the greatest distance can you see?
 - Tommaso Maccacaro
2008-06-30 icona per documenti web   
April 2008
Which is our velocity Dad?
 - Tommaso Maccacaro
2008-04-30 icona per documenti web