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December 2016
How old are you?
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about stars age ...

2016-12-31 icona per documenti web   
November 2016
For all the gold in the world
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Where did all the elements come from? Gabriele Ghisellini tells us ...

2016-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 2016
And two! And three!
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) ...

2016-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September 2016
A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Proxima Centauri b ...

2016-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2016
Next curiosity in September
July 2016
A failure recipe
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the failure of Hitomi satellite ...

2016-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June 2016
Did we really land on the moon?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about Moon landing and the conspiracy theories about it ...

2016-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May 2016
Cantami o diva .,.
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about lagrangian points ...

2016-05-01 icona per documenti web   
April 2016
Why does time go on?
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about time arrow ...
2016-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2016
21st-century discovery: the gravitational waves detection
 - Luca Perri
Luca Perri tells us about century discovery ...
2016-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February 2016
IX and X planets
 - Tomaso Belloni
Tomaso belloni tells us about the planets discovery for our solar system ...

2016-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January 2016
Extinguishing universe
 - Gabriele Ghisellini
Gabriele Gisellini tells us about the future of universe ...

2016-01-01 icona per documenti web