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  • The July newsletter from our editorial staff: Museum subscription as a gift! - MusAB - summer timetables - Universe in bloom - online basic course - from September 2024 - A wish for the summer - To find out more download the pdf on the side    immagine icona documento pdf

  • Guided visits in Milano and Merate (LC) - Information: come to see us

  • 25/07/2024 - Unprecedented peak of energy in the most intense of Grb - MediaInaf - An emission line has been identified, perhaps due to the annihilation of matter and antimatter in the Grb known as BOAT - The discovery, of great scientific impact, published in Science, has also involved several researchers/associates of our Observatory (Om Sharan Salafia, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, and Gabriele Ghisellini) not to mention that the first signatory, Maria Edvige Ravasio, graduated and obtained a doctorate from us - Read the whole story on MediaInaf - Read on newspaper Repubblica

  • 24/06/2024 - A trio of super-Earths candidates around a nearby star - MediaInaf - Orbiting around the orange star Hd 48948, located about 55 light years from us, are three candidate super-Earths discovered thanks to the Harps-N spectrograph mounted at the TNG - Read the whole story on MediaInaf

  • 06/22/2024 - The French-Chinese SVOM satellite has taken off - The satellite dedicated to the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts was successfully launched from the Xichang spaceport - Our researcher Maria Grazia Bernardini is co-Investigator of the mission - Read the whole story on MediaInaf and Astrospace

The Brera Astronomical Observatory is a research center of excellence of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF), global recognised with leading research in Milano and Merate sites.
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CieloBuio - Coordination for the protection of the night sky