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03/09/2024 - 9:00 pm - Public conference at the civic Planetarium of Milan - "The wonders of gamma astronomy - Two great scientists: Beppe (Giuseppe Occhialini" and nanni (Giovanni) Bignami" curated by Patrizia Caraveo (INAF) - Reservations and information at the link Lofficina del Planetario 2024-09-03 icona per documenti web   
The July newsletter from our editorial staff: Museum subscription as a gift! - MusAB - summer timetables - Universe in bloom - online basic course - from September 2024 - A wish for the summer - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-08-31      icona per documenti pdf 
05/08/2024 - Guido Chincarini - A key figure in our institute in the 90s and a leading scientist in international astrophysics, he passed away on August 5, 2024 - The current set-up of many research activities (and not only) for which the Observatory is famous throughout the world were set up, organized and strongly desired by Guido during his Directorship, from 1985 to 2001. We all remember him and thank him. On MediaInaf, Guido’s memory signed by our Director Roberto Della Ceca, Filippo Zerbi and Paolo Vettolani: MediaInaf 2024-08-05 icona per documenti web   
July 2024 Astrocuriosity: The cost of time by Luigi Foschini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-07-31 icona per documenti web   
25/07/2024 - Unprecedented peak of energy in the most intense of Grb - MediaInaf - An emission line has been identified, perhaps due to the annihilation of matter and antimatter in the Grb known as BOAT - The discovery, of great scientific impact, published in Science, has also involved several researchers/associates of our Observatory (Om Sharan Salafia, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, and Gabriele Ghisellini) not to mention that the first signatory, Maria Edvige Ravasio, graduated and obtained a doctorate from us - Read the whole story on MediaInaf - Read on newspaper Repubblica 2024-07-25 icona per documenti web   
24/07/2024 - 24/07/2024 - Elsa, Euclid's artificial intelligence - MediaInaf It is a Horizon Europe project and will use machine learning algorithms to analyze the gigantic archive of images and spectra produced by the ESA mission. Among the researchers involved in the project is our colleague Ben Granett, with fundamental input on spectral analysis with advanced techniques. - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-07-24 icona per documenti web   
24/06/2024 - A trio of super-Earths candidates around a nearby star - MediaInaf - Orbiting around the orange star Hd 48948, located about 55 light years from us, are three candidate super-Earths discovered thanks to the Harps-N spectrograph mounted at the TNG - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-06-24 icona per documenti web   
06/22/2024 - The French-Chinese SVOM satellite has taken off - The satellite dedicated to the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts was successfully launched from the Xichang spaceport - Our researcher Maria Grazia Bernardini is co-Investigator of the mission - Read the whole story on MediaInaf and Astrospace 2024-06-22 icona per documenti web   
2024/06/19 - Raiders of the lost iron - MediaInaf - Where do all the metals synthesized in stars end up at the end of the "production cycle"? To answer, a team led by Silvano Molendi of the INAF IASF in Milan decided to follow one in particular: iron. Among the co-authors is our researcher Sabrina De Grandi - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-06-19 icona per documenti web   
The June newsletter from our editorial staff: from 4 June MusAB joins the Lombardy Museum Subscription network - From 7 to 9 June Astronomy Festival - Castellaro Lagusello (MN) - The conference of 12 June at 6pm of I Cieli di Brera has been cancelled - Registration for the teacher training course "Multisensory teaching of astronomy" by mid-August - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
June 2024 Astrocuriosity: Henrietta Leavitt: measure the Universe by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-06-01 icona per documenti web   
05/21/2024 - X-rays from an exhaust vent of the galactic center - MediaInaf - Observing the of the center of our galaxy, is visible what appears to be a "drain mouth" connected to a chimney from which hot gas comes out from a nearby region of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The "vent" is located about 700 light years from the center of the galaxy and Gabriele Ponti of INAF in Brera, co-author of the study, describes it to Media Inaf - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-05-21 icona per documenti web   
May, 15 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - A window on the invisible Universe: Radio astronomy and the role of Italy - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Carla Giovannini (Professor University of Bologna) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2024-05-15 icona per documenti web   
May, 13 2024 - 7.30pm - Galaxies: types, colors and spectra - Conference in Milano - Our researcher Angela Iovino for Pint of Science/ Aperitifs with science - In Milan in premises 10gradinord via G. Watt 5 - Download the pdf on the side to read our news 2024-05-13      icona per documenti pdf 
07/05/2024 - An asteroid in memory of our researcher and friend Tomaso Belloni - Asteroid 1998 DY11 is now also (33151) Tomasobelloni decision taken by the IAU planetary nomenclature commission on the initiative of our observatory. Tomaso would certainly have appreciated it a lot. Read the news:WGSBN Bull. 4, #6 - Osservatorio Astronomico di Sormano - CNEOS database JPL NASA e MPC 2024-05-07 icona per documenti web   
4-5 May 2024 - Earth in sight! - Milano - Conference for the Tenth Anniversary of "AstronomiAmo" Association - With the patronage of INAF, Municipality of Milan and ARPAV - All the details here: Earth in sight! 2024-05-05 icona per documenti web   
The May newsletter from our editorial staff: 13-15 May, Pint of science festival - Aperitifs with science; May 15th at 6pm conference by I Cieli di Brera; Competition: "The Universe at school - Calvino among the stars"; Rock’n’science podcast by Ilaria Arosio - Supermassive Black Hole - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-05-01      icona per documenti pdf 
May 2024 Astrocuriosity: Cosmic resonances by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-05-01 icona per documenti web   
27/04/2024 - Einstein Probe opens its eyes to the X-ray sky - MediaInaf - Observed some celestial objects already known and a new transient - Luigi Piro and our researcher Giancarlo Ghirlanda are "appointed scientists" for ESA’s participation in the mission - Read all story: MediaInaf 2024-04-27 icona per documenti web   
04/24/2024 - A magnetar lights up the Cigar galaxy - MediaInaf - Giant flare in M82. News of the discovery in Nature journal - Among the authors are our researchers Paolo D’Avanzo and Sergio Campana and our PhD students Matteo Ferro and Riccardo Brivio - Read on MediaInaf 2024-04-24 icona per documenti web   
04/19/2024 - XXII edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships - Here are the 2024 winners - Concluded in Reggio Calabria with the names of the 5 students who will represent Italy at the International Olympics - At the link right away the article written by our researcher Daniele Spiga on: MediaInaf< /a> 2024-04-19 icona per documenti web   
16/04/2024 - 7.30 pm - DM (Direct Message) from the universe - Evening hosted by our researcher Stefano Sandrelli with several guests - At the Duse theater in Bologna - Free event but by reservation mandatory at the link: tickets - More information at the link: Teatro Duse 2024-04-16 icona per documenti web   
2024/04/16 - ESO Press Release - Most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy found - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read the whole story at the link: eso2408 2024-04-16 icona per documenti web   
15/04/2024 - In Brera, an inventoried treasure - MediaInaf - The new inventory of our observatory is online - The whole story told by Agnese Mandrino, our manager of the library and historical archive of the OAB - Read on MediaInaf 2024-04-15 icona per documenti web   
12/04/2024 - 6 pm - Life as an astronomer - the eyes of the Canary Islands - Conference with our researcher Chiara Righi - At the Institute. Sup. Leonardo da Vinci - Carate Brianza (MB) - Free entry while places last 2024-04-12    
12/04/2024 - The green (or better red) fight of the Adalia bipunctata ladybugs - To fight the aphids, 500 ladybugs were deposited in the park of the Merate headquarters of our observatory - All the story in the pdf alongside 2024-04-12      icona per documenti pdf 
2024/04/11 - ESO Press Release - Beautiful nebula, violent history: clash of stars solves stellar mystery - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read the whole story at the link: eso2407 2024-04-11 icona per documenti web   
04/09/2024 - 8:45 pm - Is astrophysics really useful for anything? - Online conference with our researcher Stefano Sandrelli - For the La Semina Cultural Association of Merate (LC) - Links to follow the event: YouTube - Facebook 2024-04-09 icona per documenti web   
The april newsletter from our editorial staff - 04/08 - 7.00pm: Solar Eclipse! - Live EduInaf online - 09/04 - 20:45: But is astrophysics really useful for anything? - Online meeting with Stefano Sandrelli - 12/04 at 6.00 pm Life as an astronomer: the eyes of the Canary Islands - conference with Chiara Righi - Carate Brianza - 16/04 7.30pm DM dall’universe - Theatrical show in Bologna - 16-21/04 I Want the moon - Artistic installation by Luca Ballestra and illustrations Alice Sironi at the MusAB - Podcast: Rock’n’Science - God Save the Queen by Ilaria Arosio- To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-04-01      icona per documenti pdf 
April 2024 Astrocuriosity: The Great Annihilator by Luigi Foschini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2024 Astrocuriosity: Pi universe by Gianluigi Filippelli - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-03-31 icona per documenti web   
The March newsletter from our editorial staff - 13/03 - 6:00p.m.: The Dark Universe - Conference for "I Cieli di Brera"- Speaker: Lorenzo Pizzuti - 18/03 - 11.15am: Look at the sun! - Live EduINAF on YouTube - Podcast: Rock’n&rsquo ;Science - Johnny B Goode by Ilaria Arosio - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-03-31      icona per documenti pdf 
2024/03/27 - ESO Press Release - Astronomers unveil strong magnetic fields spiraling at the edge of Milky Way’s central black hole - Read the whole story at the link: eso2406 2024-03-27 icona per documenti web   
Rock’n’Science - Ilaria Arosio’s Podcast - In 1958 Chuck Berry released Johnny B Goode, a song that sings the American dream ... Listen to the whole story and the others episodes on Spotify at the link: Rock’n’Science 2024-03-27 icona per documenti web   
2024/03/25 - X mirrors forged from a water "laser sword" - MediaInaf - How are the mirrors that will be used in the NewAthena mission produced? Interview also with our researcher Daniele Spiga involved in the mission together with other researchers from our institution involved in the two BEaTriX and Vert-X projects - Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf 2024-03-25 icona per documenti web   
November, 25 2023 - March, 24 2024 - Time Machines - The journey through the Universe begins with you - An exhibition that tells the story of Italian astrophysics organized by INAF - Roma - Palazzo Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194 - Read the review by researcher Patrizia Caraveo on MediaInaf: Look at the sky and turn on the "time machine" - All info: Time Machines 2024-03-24 icona per documenti web   
2024/03/18 - XXII edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships - Preparation course for the 2024 National Final - Organized by INAF and SAIt the course will consist of in three lessons for the theoretical test and one lesson for the practical test and will take place online between 20 March and 4 April - The whole story at the link: Preparation course for the National Final 2024-03-18 icona per documenti web   
March, 18 2024 - 11:15 p.m. - Look at that Sun! - Live on YouTube - Read all info on: EduINAF Live 2024-03-18 icona per documenti web   
PCTO - Registration open from 1 to 15 March 2024 for the MERATE (LC) branch - For secondary schools - Attention: Merate is located in the province of Lecco - All the info at the link: PCTO at the INAF-Brera Astronomical Observatory 2024-03-15 icona per documenti web   
15/03/2024 - Mass and spin of a black hole in its variability - The latest scientific article by Tomaso Belloni together with Sara Motta - MediaInaf - How to derive mass and intrinsic angular momentum of a black hole using information on the variability of its X emission and the relativistic precession model? ... Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf< /a> 2024-03-15 icona per documenti web   
March, 13 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - The dark Universe - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Lorenzo Pizzuti (Researcher in MIlano Bicocca) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2024-03-13 icona per documenti web   
March, 08 2024 - XXII edition for Italian Astronomy Championships - Students admitted to the national final - Congratulations to the 7 finalists in Milan!! The whole story on the web page of: Official site for Italian Astronomy Championships 2024-03-08 icona per documenti web   
March, 05 2024 - ESO Press Release - Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2405 2024-03-05 icona per documenti web   
February, 29 2024 - ESO Press Release - Astronomers reveal a new link between water and planet formation - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2404 2024-02-29 icona per documenti web   
February 2024 Astrocuriosity: Faster than light? Let’s discover Cherenkov at the theater! by Anna Wolter and Laura Paganini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-02-29 icona per documenti web   
The February newsletter from our editorial team - 04/02: Echoes of Light - Theatrical show appointment with ScienzaInScena - TeatroInMatematica - Milan Pacta Salone theater - 04/02: The Across The Universe Day - Podcast: Rock’n’Science by Ilaria Arosio - 11/02 Women and Science - International Day of Women and Girls in Science - EduINAF - 21/02 A day at MusAB - From 2.30pm to 5.30pm in Milan - Competition: The Universe at School - Calvino among the stars - EduINAF - The great INAF exhibition: Machines of time - Rome - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-02-29      icona per documenti pdf 
INAF-GREEN - To reduce the INAF’s environmental impact - In February 2023 the INAF GREEN Group was appointed with the task of "defining energy, structural and behavioral strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the Institution" - People involved in OAB: Mario Pepe for Green Public Procurement - Patrizia Romano and Maria Rosa Panzera as contact persons - Contact: - To know more: INAF-GREEN 2024-02-26 icona per documenti web   
February, 19 2024 - ESO Press Release - Brightest and fastest-growing: astronomers identify record-breaking quasar - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2402 2024-02-19 icona per documenti web   
16/02 - "M’illumino di Meno 2024" - National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles - Since 2005 a campaign carried out by Rai Radio2 with the broadcast "Caterpillar" - Our institute has joined the initiative with Luigi Foschini who will talk about this day and specifically the problem of light pollution for the observations of celestial objects during this night evening observation of the sky. - Make this day a small gesture of sustainability too! - To know more: M’illumino di Meno 2024-02-16 icona per documenti web   
26/01 - 04/02 2024 - Echoes of light - ... and the Universe knocked at the gates of the Air - Theatrical show on the theme of the Cherenkov effect within the 2024 Theater and Science Festival - Organized by "PACTA . dei Teatri" - The presence in the Observatory of many "primary actors" of the Cherenkov telescopes facilitated the work to create this theatrical premiere (ASTRI and CTAO) - All information on the page: Echoes of Light - For more information download the pdf file 2024-02-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
January, 31 2024 from 2.00pm - Event in memory of Tomaso Belloni - At the Cimino Hall of the INAF Headquarters in Rome - Viale del Parco Mellini 84 - Our observatory will be in connection from the POE Hall in Merate - Download the PDF flyer alongside with the program and the link to connect 2024-01-31      icona per documenti pdf 
January, 30 2024 - From 6pm to 7:30pm second conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - Title: Why does matter exist instead of nothing? - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-30 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 2024 - A day at MusAB - Milan - From 2.00pm to 5.30pm: visit to the museum with the MARSS App and at 5:30pm guided tour with the astronomer - All information on the site: 24/01/2024 at MusAB< /a> 2024-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 2024 - A day at MusAB - Milan - From 2.00pm to 5.30pm: visit to the museum with the MARSS App and at 5:30pm guided tour with the astronomer - All information on the site: 24/01/2024 at MusAB< /a> 2024-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 - From 6pm to 7:30pm first conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Daniele Spiga - Title: world-destroying tides - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-23 icona per documenti web   
January, 10 2024 - ESO Press Release - Missing link found: supernovae give rise to black holes or neutron stars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2401 2024-01-10 icona per documenti web   
January, 09 2024 - Launch of the Einstein Probe satelliteLed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with the participation of ESA, MPE and CNES, it will allow to study transient phenomena in the X-ray band. As an observatory we are involved on a scientific level through (ESA) with our researcher Giancarlo Ghirlanda and on a technological level through Media Lario (mirror system for the FXT instrument) - The whole story at the two links: Update for Einstein Probe - ESA - Update for Einstein Probe 2024-01-09 icona per documenti web   
January, 08 2024 - XXII edition for Italian Astronomy Championships - Students admitted to the 2024 Interregional Competition - Out of 12427 registrations, 1136 students were selected throughout Italy, 111 for the Milan ... The whole story on the web page of: Official site for Italian Astronomy Championships 2024-01-08 icona per documenti web   
February, 6 2024 - From 6pm to 7:30pm second conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Chiara Righi - Title: Icecube and the secrets of Universe: the hunt for neutrinos continues - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-06 icona per documenti web   
MusAB - Milan - opening days - Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 3pm (INAF-OAB - Info and tickets at the link: book visit) - Friday from 2pm to 6pm - Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10am to 6pm (thanks to Società Rnb4Culture - Info and tickets at the link: book visit) - All information on the site: MusAB 2024-01-04 icona per documenti web   
Rock’n’Science - Ilaria Arosio's Podcast - 1967 is the year of the invasion of British psychedelia. The Rolling Stones release "Their Satanic Majesties request" ... Listen to the whole story and to the other episodes on Spotify at the link: Rock’n’Science 2024-01-03 icona per documenti web   
January 2024 Astrocuriosity: Asteroids, beans and horseshoes: the strange orbits of quasi-satellites by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-01-02 icona per documenti web   
January Newsletter from our editorial staff - 23/01: "Universe in bloom" - advanced course - The frontiers of astronomy - Podcast: Rock’n’Science - 2000 Man - Rolling Stones span> - Competition: The Universe at school - Calvino among the stars - The great INAF exhibition: Time Machines - Rome - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-01-01      icona per documenti pdf