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December 22 2017
Giant Bubbles on Red Giant Star’s Surface - ESO Photo Release

Astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope have for the first time directly observed granulation patterns on the surface of a star outside the Solar System ... Read all story on eso1741
2017-12-29 icona per documenti web   
December 06 2017
Ennio Poretti the new Director of FGG (TNG)!

Compliments to Ennio Poretti: starting 1st January 2018 will be the new Director<./span> of TNG! Read on TNG web site Ennio Poretti Director of TNG
2017-12-22 icona per documenti web   
December 14 2017
Stellar Nursery Blooms into View - ESO Photo Release

The OmegaCAM camera on ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope has captured a glittering view of the stellar nursery called Sharpless 29 ... Read all story on eso1740
2017-12-21 icona per documenti web   

December, 2017 20
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 20 - sixth lesson for advanced course - "Light and Electromagnetism - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-20 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December, 13 - 19 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

December, 13 2017 - 6 p.m. - The secrets of Cerere - Speaker: Maria Cristina De Sanctis -INAF – Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali di Roma. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-12-13 icona per documenti web   

December, 2017 12
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 12 - fifth lesson for basic course - "Stellar evolution - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

December, 2017 06
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 06 - fifth lesson for advanced course - "Gravity - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December 06 2017
First Light for ESPRESSO - the Next Generation Planet Hunter - ESO Science Release

The Echelle Spectrograph ESPRESSO has successfully made its first observations. Our Observatory is part of the consortium that designed and built ESPRESSO ... Read all story on eso1739 - Read also MediaInaf article: An Espresso will find Exoplanets and see MediaInaf video: First light for Espresso, 3.0 Planet Hunter
2017-12-05 icona per documenti web   

Decemberr, 4 2017
A golden era of astronomy - Conference in Merate

December 4, 2017 - 9:00 p.m. - Merate Auditorium - Piazza Prinetti - Conference with our astronomers: A golden era of astronomy - Cosmic collisions and gravitational and electromagnetic waves - All info web page - Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 29 2017
MUSE Probes Uncharted Depths of Hubble Ultra Deep Field - ESO Science Release

Deepest ever spectroscopic survey completed ... Read all story on eso1738
2017-12-04 icona per documenti web   

November, 2017 28
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 28 - fourth lesson for basic course - "New possible worlds: the extrasolar planets - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-28 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 26 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

November 26, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Under Ofiuco zodiac sign - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format

2017-11-26 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

November, 2017 22
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 22 - fourth lesson for advanced course - "To be astronomer for an hour - Speaker: Ginevra Trinchieri. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-22 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 13 - 19 2017
2017, Light in Astronomy

From November, 13 - 19, 2017 Italy Light Festival organized by INAF and National Astronomical Society. . Web page events for our Observatory : Light in Astronomy 2017 - Download flyer for MERATE - download flyer for MILANO
2017-11-20 icona per documenti web   
November, 15 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

November, 15 2017 - 6 p.m. - Advanced Virgo: study gravitational waves in Galileo land - Speaker: Giovanni Losurdo - INFN - Pisa Advanced Virgo Project Leader. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-11-15 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 15 2017
Closest Temperate World Orbiting Quiet Star Discovered - ESO Science Release

ESO’s HARPS instrument finds Earth-mass exoplanet around Ross 128 ... Read all story on eso1736
2017-11-15 icona per documenti web   
November 03 2017
ALMA Discovers Cold Dust Around Nearest Star - ESO Science Release

The ALMA Observatory in Chile has detected dust around the closest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri ... Read all story on eso1735
2017-11-14 icona per documenti web   

November, 2017 14
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 14 - third lesson for basic course - "The solar system: origin and characteristics - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

November, 2017 08
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 08 - third lesson for advanced course - "A proof for a theory - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-08 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October 25 2017
Revealing Galactic Secrets - ESO Photo Science Release

An astonishingly deep image reveals a myriad of dim objects along with faint intracluster light ... Read all story on eso1734
2017-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 16 2017
ESO Telescopes Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source - ESO Science Release

Merging neutron stars scatter gold and platinum into space. ESO’s fleet of telescopes in Chile have detected the first visible counterpart to a gravitational wave source. Read all story on eso1733
2017-10-26 icona per documenti web   

October, 2017 25
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 25 - second lesson for advanced course - "The casual discovery - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-25 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 2017 24
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 24 - second lesson for basic course - "The sky above Milano - Speaker: Fabio Peri. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-24 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October 16 2017
New results for gravitational astronomy - INAF-ASI-INFN Press Release

Today October 2017, 16 from 3:45 p.m. Press Release about new discoveries for gravitational astronomy. Streaming on MIUR web site ( and on Media INAF. Read all the story on INAF.
2017-10-16 icona per documenti web   
October, 15 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

October 15, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Space and time - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format

2017-10-15 icona per documenti web   

September, 29 - October 15 2017
BergamoScienza, between music theatre and ... science - by Stefano Sandrelli - Media Inaf

BergamoScienza 2017 - The Science divulgation festival in Bergamo - From September 30 to October 15 2017. Read the story on Media Inaf by Stefano sandrelli Media Inaf
2017-10-15 icona per documenti web   
October, 11 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

October, 11 2017 - 6 p.m. - Trappist-1: seven red lights planets - Speaker: Monica Rainer - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-10-11 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 2017 10
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2018 10 - first lesson for basic course - "Introduction to Astronomy - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-10 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 03 2017
The gravitational waves swamp the Nobel Prize in Physics - Media Inaf

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 was divided, one half awarded to Rainer Weiss, the other half jointly to Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne ... Read on Media Inaf
2017-10-09 icona per documenti web   
September, 27 2017
The Strange Structures of the Saturn Nebula - ESO Photo Release

The spectacular planetary nebula NGC 7009, or the Saturn Nebula, emerges from the darkness like a series of oddly-shaped bubbles, lit up in glorious pinks and blues ... Read all the story on ESO 1731
2017-10-05 icona per documenti web   

October, 2017 04
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 04 - first lesson for advanced course - "From G. Galileo to G. Schiaparelli - Speaker: Agnese Mandrino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 14 2017
Merz-Repsold, the telescope that lived twice - by Stefano Sandrelli - Media Inaf

A new life for the telescope used in the last 1800s by G.V. Schiaparelli to discover Mars secrets. Now you can find it in the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milano - by Stefano sandrelli with interview to A. Mandrino - Read all story on Media Inaf
2017-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September, 29-30 2017
MEET me TONIGHT 2017 - September 29/30

MEET me TONIGHT 2017: observatory events Meet Me Tonight 2017 & Observatory
2017-09-30 icona per documenti web   
September, 23 2017
Heritage European days

September 23, 2017 cultural institutions will be open. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m seminars about "Culture and nature in Milano". - place: Milano National Archive. Among speakers Agnese Mandrino at 12 a.m. with a seminar about "The Martians in Milano" - All info National archive Authority of Lombardy or National Archive.
Download the progam in pdf format
2017-09-23 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 24 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

September 24, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Discovering Saturn rings - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-09-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August, 09 2017
News for evening visits in Merate

News for evening visits in Merate: sold out until December 2017 - For booking from January 2018 phone o send an email - All info Visite guidate
2017-09-15 icona per documenti web   

September, 14 2017
STAR TREK Live - Milano

Visiting our Astronomical Museum in Milano you can receive two free tickets for the Star Trek Live. All info Star Trek Live Adventure
2017-09-14 icona per documenti web   
September, 13 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

September, 13 2017 - 6 p.m. - Italian space astrophisycs - Speaker: Roberto Della Ceca - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-09-13 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

August, 25 2017
Neutron stars and the collapsed atoms - by Paolo D’Avanzo - MediaInaf

Small as asteroids but able to make very powerfull explosions...By Paolo D’Avanzo. Read all the story on MediaInaf
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   
August, 17 2017
Supermassive Black Holes Feed on Cosmic Jellyfish - ESO Science Release

ESO’s MUSE instrument on the VLT discovers new way to fuel black holes ... Read all the story on ESO 1725
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   
August, 31 2017
ALMA Finds Huge Hidden Reservoirs of Turbulent Gas in Distant Galaxies - ESO Science Release

First detection of CH+ molecules in distant starburst galaxies provides insight into star formation history of the Universe ... Read all the story on ESO 1727
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   

August, 08 2017
On-line three books of F.G.W. Struve!

Three Struve’s books in pdf format - Struve was an astronomer best known for his observations of double stars. You can find the books in pdf format at the link Opere Struve
2017-08-24 icona per documenti web   

August, 11 2017
Schiaparelli and the Merz-Repsold telescope

Merz-Repsold telescope used by G.V. Schiaparelli for Mars observations from our Observatory in Milano will be showed in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milano. Read the article on ":La lettura - Corriere della sera" Schiaparelli and the telescope that caused the Mars legend
2017-08-24 icona per documenti web   

August, 10 2017
News for Obseravory - summer closing

On August 14th and 15th the Observatory will be closed

July, 25 2017
Eyes Wide Open for MASCARA in Chile - ESO Organisation Release

Exoplanet hunter sees first light at ESO’s La Silla Observatory ... Read all the story on ESO 1722
2017-08-08 icona per documenti web   
July, 27 2017
A Tale of Three Stellar Cities - ESO Science Release

Using new observations from ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope, astronomers have discovered three different populations of young stars within the Orion Nebula Cluster. ... Read all the story on ESO 1723
2017-08-08 icona per documenti web   

August, 04 2017
Moving sounds 2017- Cosmic bassoon in Merate!

Sold out for "Cosmic bassoon" - August 4, 2017 - During the festival "Moving sounds 2017" - July 1 to August 4 everyday a concert, everyday a new place to discover- All info Cosmic bassoon
2017-08-04 icona per documenti web   
July, 05 2017
Dazzling Spiral with an Active Heart - ESO Photo Release

ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) has captured a magnificent face-on view of the barred spiral galaxy Messier 77 ... Read all the story on ESO 1720
2017-07-20 icona per documenti web   
July, 07 2017
Open Night in Merate - read the article!

Open Night in Merate a success!
July 07, 2017 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation. Next opening in September. Read the article on Merateonline.
2017-07-07      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 21 2017
The six women of the stars explain how they conquered Nasa

For the first time an article signed only by women. They discovered the secrets of Black Holes born after Big Bang. Among the six researchers Tullia Sbarrato who studied in our Observatory for degree and PhD. Read the article on Repubblica Le sei ragazze italiane delle stelle: "Così abbiamo conquistato la Nasa"
2017-07-04 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
CTA Prototype Telescope, ASTRI, Achieves First Light

During the nights of 25 and 26 May, the camera of the ASTRI telescope prototype recorded its first ever Cherenkov light while undergoing testing at the astronomical site of Serra La Nave (Mount Etna) in Sicily managed by INAF-Catania. Read all the story on MediaInaf (in italian) Astri cattura i suoi primi lampi gamma dal cielo - Read CTA press release CTA Prototype Telescope, ASTRI, Achieves First Light
2017-06-30 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
VST Captures Three-In-One - ESO Photo Release

Two of the sky’s more famous residents share the stage with a lesser-known neighbour in one enormous new three gigapixel image from ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope (VST) ... Read all the story on ESO 1719
2017-06-29 icona per documenti web   
May, 31 2017
More spectra with hologram

A new theoretical study in our Observatory uses diffraction gratings to obtain more spectra during a single observation ... On MediaInaf the interview to Alessio Zanutta More spectra with hologram
2017-06-23 icona per documenti web   
May, 17 2017
This. Is Inaf - teaser video by Davide Coreo Borga

What is Inaf? A three minuts video to discover it - Teaser video by Davide Coreo Borga - Go to Youtube link: Inaf - Chasing the unknown
2017-06-18 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

June, 14 2017 - 6 p.m. - CTA: light octaves - Speaker: Giovanni Pareschi - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-06-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 22 2017
Remember that time we discovered a supernova using Ruth?

Surprising Ruthsonday - time 9:43 p.m. - What a discover for seven students of Milano University during an astronomical prectice exercise ... All story on Media Inaf Remember that time we discovered a supernova using Ruth?
2017-06-13 icona per documenti web   
June, 08 2017
ALMA Finds Ingredient of Life Around Infant Sun-like Stars - ESO Science Release

ALMA has observed stars like the Sun at a very early stage in their formation and found traces of methyl isocyanate ... Read all the story on ESO 1718
2017-06-08 icona per documenti web   
June, 01 2017
Sad news: farewell to Nanni Bignami

Greeting to Nanni Bignami: the funeral ceremony will be in Milano at "Sala delle Colonne - National Museum of Science and Technology - June, 1 2017 - time 11 a.m. .
2017-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May, 26 2017
Open Night in Merate

May 26, 2017 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation.
May, 23 2017
Stefano Sandrelli and Samantha Cristoforetti on TV

On Sunday May 21 during the TV program "Che tempo che fa" Samantha Cristoforetti presented the book "Nello spazio con Samantha" written in collaboration with Stefano Sandrelli! Look at the interview at 20th minuts of registration Che tempo che fa
2017-05-23 icona per documenti web   
May, 21 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

May 21, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - The astronaut Paolo Nespoli will return on International Station.... - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-05-21 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 17 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

May, 17 2017 - 6 p.m. - Homo sapiens in the space - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-05-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 03 2017
VISTA Peeks Through the Small Magellanic Cloud’s Dusty Veil - ESO Science Photo Release

The Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy is a striking feature of the southern sky even to the unaided eye. But visible-light telescopes cannot get a really clear view of what is in the galaxy because of obscuring clouds of interstellar dust ... Read all the story on ESO 1714
2017-05-15 icona per documenti web   
April 2017
Stars and rock’n’roll by Ilaria Arosio

In the montlly magazine "Le stelle" April number you can find a very interesting article by Ilaria Arosio about stars and rock’n’roll. On line magazine Le stelle.
2017-04-22 icona per documenti web   
April, 12 2017
ALMA Captures Dramatic Stellar Fireworks - ESO Science Release

Stellar explosions are most often associated with supernovae, the spectacular deaths of stars. But new ALMA observations provide insights into explosions at the other end of the stellar life cycle, star birth. ... Read all the story on ESO 1711
2017-04-19 icona per documenti web   

April, 19 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

April, 19 2017 - 6 p.m. - 1 - 100 - multi-verse? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-04-19 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
March, 27 2017
Stars Born in Winds from Supermassive Black Holes - ESO Science Release

ESO’s VLT spots brand-new type of star formation ... Read all the story on ESO 1710
2017-04-13 icona per documenti web   
March, 16 2017
Dark Matter Less Influential in Galaxies in Early Universe - ESO Science Release

VLT observations of distant galaxies suggest they were dominated by normal matter ... Read all the story on ESO 1709
2017-04-12 icona per documenti web   

April, 11 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

April 11, 2017 - eleventh lesson for basic course - The Standard Cosmological Model and the puzzle of expansion of the Universe - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-04-11 icona per documenti web   
April, 09 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

April 09, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Titan? A world made up by methane - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-04-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 29 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 29, 2017 - last lesson for advanced course - What is time? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini (INAF-OAB). All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-29 icona per documenti web   
March, 28 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 28, 2017 - eleventh lesson for basic course - The large-scale structure of the Universe - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-28 icona per documenti web   
March, 10 2017
Ancient Stardust Sheds Light on the First Stars - ESO Science Release

Astronomers have used ALMA to detect a huge mass of glowing stardust in a galaxy seen when the Universe was only four percent of its present age. ... Read all the story on ESO 1708
2017-03-21 icona per documenti web   
March, 15 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 15, 2017 - tenth lesson for advanced course - The Physics of Star Trek - Speaker: Fabio Peri. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-15 icona per documenti web   
March, 14 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 14, 2017 - tenth lesson for basic course - What is the meaning of the stars? - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-14 icona per documenti web   
March, 12 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

March 12, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - White snow and seven planets - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-03-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 09 2017
Conference in Merate

March, 09 2017 - 8:45 p.m. - Searching another Earth - conference by Stefano Covino INAF-OAB - c/o Aula Magna P. Borsellino Ist. Agnesi and Viganò - Merate - De’ Lodovichi 10 - Merate (Lc)
2017-03-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 01 2017
A Galaxy on the edge - ESO Photo Release

A colourful stripe of stars, gas, and dust is actually a spiral galaxy named NGC 1055. Captured here by ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), this big galaxy is thought to be up to 15 percent larger in diameter than the Milky Way ... Read all the story on ESO 1707
2017-03-07 icona per documenti web   
March, 5 2017
Museocity - Milano - Secret museum - Sidereus Nuncius exhibition

March 5, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Galileo "Sidereus Nuncius" exhibition c/o Brera Astronomical Observatory Event: "Museocity" - Secret Museum. More information about MuseoCity Milano - MuseoCity. Download our program in pdf format
2017-03-05 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
March, 01 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 01, 2017 - ninth lesson for advanced course - Introduction to quantum mechanics - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February, 23 2017
Ultracool Dwarf and the seven Planets - ESO Science Release

Temperate Earth-sized Worlds Found in Extraordinarily Rich Planetary System ... Read all the story on ESO 1706
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   

February, 14 2017
Statue of Boscovich in Milano

A statue in Milano as a tribute to Ruggero Boscovich. Read on Repubblica - Read on Comune di Milano
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   

February, 21 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 21, 2017 - Eighth lesson for basic course - Universe giants: galaxy clusters - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-21 icona per documenti web   

11-12 - 18-19 February 2017
Mars and the Martian - Milano

February, 11-12 and 18-19 2017 - Mars and Martians: exploring Red Planet for two weekends in Milano. Where: National Museum of Science and Thecnology "Leonardo Da Vinci" Milano - All info: Mars and Martians in Milano
February, 6 2017
Neil Gehrels Neil Gehrels passed away

Neil Gehrels passed away on February 6. Neil was one of the most respected scientist for high enery astrophisics. Read on Media INAF the interview to our Director Gianpiero Tagliaferri: Farewell to Neil Gehrels
2017-02-17 icona per documenti web   

February, 15 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 15, 2017 - eighth lesson for advanced course - Technology - What about instruments to study cosmic inflation - Speaker: Paola Battaglia. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-15 icona per documenti web   
February, 6 2017
Giovedìscienza award

Sign up for GiovedìScienza award for researchers under 35 years old. All info GiovedìScienza
2017-02-14 icona per documenti web   
February, 10 2017
Conference in Merate

February 10, 2017 9:45 p.m. - conference: Climate changes and civilization collapse - Speaker: Elio Antonello. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-02-10      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 1 2017
Celestial Cat Meets Cosmic Lobster - ESO Photo Release

Astronomers have for a long time studied the glowing, cosmic clouds of gas and dust catalogued as NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 ... Read all the story on ESO 1705
2017-02-10 icona per documenti web   
February, 10 2017
Conference in Merate

February, 10 10 2017 - 9 p.m. - Evening hearts - Waiting for S. Valentino - Speaker: Monica Sperandio - Abramo Raule (violinist) - Giovanni Mazzei (piano) - Third conference about "Music and Astronomy" - Merate Auditorium - piazza Eroi - Merate (Lc). Information about conference "Evening Hearts" - Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-02-10      icona per documenti pdf 

February, 07 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 07, 2017 - Seventh lesson for basic course - In galaxies kingdom - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-07 icona per documenti web   
February, 3 2017
Conference in Merate

February, 3 2017 - 08:45 p.m. - Why knowledge makes free - by Edoardo Boncinelli Conference organized by La Semina - The conference will be mediated by our astronomer Stefano Covino. Place: Auditorium P. Borsellino - Ist. Agnesi and Viganò Via De’ Lodovichi 10 - Merate (Lc)
2017-02-03      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 01 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

february 1th 2017 - Seventh lesson for advanced course - Technology - All about ESO telescopes - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January, 27 2017
Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

To commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day we share this video Night Will Fall
2017-01-27 icona per documenti web   

January, 19 2017
Contracts Signed for ELT Mirrors and Sensors - ESO Organisation Release

The construction of the 39-metre ELT, the largest optical/near-infrared telescope in the world, is moving forward ... Read all the story on ESO 1704
2017-01-27 icona per documenti web   
January 2017
Tutta colpa di Galileo - on TV

On TV - Italia Uno - Three episodes about space discovery - Some scenes were recorded in OAB.
Link to the first .
2017-01-24 icona per documenti web   

January, 24 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 24, 2017 - Sixth lesson for basic course - Stellar relics: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 17 2017
ALMA Starts Observing the Sun - ESO Science Release

New images taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile have revealed otherwise invisible details of our Sun, including a new view of the dark, contorted centre of a sunspot that is nearly twice the diameter of the Earth. ... Read all the story on ESO 1703
2017-01-23 icona per documenti web   
January, 18 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 18, 2017 - Sixth lesson for advanced course - Research - News from particles world - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-18 icona per documenti web   

January, 10 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 10, 2017 - Fifth lesson for basic course - Stellar evolution - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-10 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2016
2017 APOD

From APOD web-site you can download the 2017 calendar..
2017 APOD Calendar.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   

Christmas 2016
2017 TNG CalendarStars!

From TNG web-site you can download the 2017 calendar..
CalendarStars 2017.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   

Christmas 2016
Holiday cards from Hubble!

From Hubble Space Telescope web-site you can download holiday cards..
Holiday cards.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2016
Days closed during Christmas - Our wishes

Days closed: from December 27, 2016 to January 01, 2017.
For Milano no guided visits from December 20, 2016 to January 1, 2017.

All info Guided visits.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year
Christmas 2016
The most accurate Universal map - MediaInaf

VIPERS project results. The project is coordinated by INAF researchers..
Read all story Media Inaf
2017-01-01 icona per documenti web