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2024/06/19 - Raiders of the lost iron - MediaInaf - Where do all the metals synthesized in stars end up at the end of the "production cycle"? To answer, a team led by Silvano Molendi of the INAF IASF in Milan decided to follow one in particular: iron. Among the co-authors is our researcher Sabrina De Grandi - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-06-19 icona per documenti web   
June 2024 Astrocuriosity: Henrietta Leavitt: measure the Universe by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-06-01 icona per documenti web   
The June newsletter from our editorial staff: from 4 June MusAB joins the Lombardy Museum Subscription network - From 7 to 9 June Astronomy Festival - Castellaro Lagusello (MN) - The conference of 12 June at 6pm of I Cieli di Brera has been cancelled - Registration for the teacher training course "Multisensory teaching of astronomy" by mid-August - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
05/21/2024 - X-rays from an exhaust vent of the galactic center - MediaInaf - Observing the of the center of our galaxy, is visible what appears to be a "drain mouth" connected to a chimney from which hot gas comes out from a nearby region of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The "vent" is located about 700 light years from the center of the galaxy and Gabriele Ponti of INAF in Brera, co-author of the study, describes it to Media Inaf - Read the whole story on MediaInaf 2024-05-21 icona per documenti web   
May, 15 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - A window on the invisible Universe: Radio astronomy and the role of Italy - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Carla Giovannini (Professor University of Bologna) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2024-05-15 icona per documenti web   
May, 13 2024 - 7.30pm - Galaxies: types, colors and spectra - Conference in Milano - Our researcher Angela Iovino for Pint of Science/ Aperitifs with science - In Milan in premises 10gradinord via G. Watt 5 - Download the pdf on the side to read our news 2024-05-13      icona per documenti pdf 
07/05/2024 - An asteroid in memory of our researcher and friend Tomaso Belloni - Asteroid 1998 DY11 is now also (33151) Tomasobelloni decision taken by the IAU planetary nomenclature commission on the initiative of our observatory. Tomaso would certainly have appreciated it a lot. Read the news:WGSBN Bull. 4, #6 - Osservatorio Astronomico di Sormano - CNEOS database JPL NASA e MPC 2024-05-07 icona per documenti web   
4-5 May 2024 - Earth in sight! - Milano - Conference for the Tenth Anniversary of "AstronomiAmo" Association - With the patronage of INAF, Municipality of Milan and ARPAV - All the details here: Earth in sight! 2024-05-05 icona per documenti web   
May 2024 Astrocuriosity: Cosmic resonances by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-05-01 icona per documenti web   
The May newsletter from our editorial staff: 13-15 May, Pint of science festival - Aperitifs with science; May 15th at 6pm conference by I Cieli di Brera; Competition: "The Universe at school - Calvino among the stars"; Rock’n’science podcast by Ilaria Arosio - Supermassive Black Hole - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-05-01      icona per documenti pdf 
27/04/2024 - Einstein Probe opens its eyes to the X-ray sky - MediaInaf - Observed some celestial objects already known and a new transient - Luigi Piro and our researcher Giancarlo Ghirlanda are "appointed scientists" for ESA’s participation in the mission - Read all story: MediaInaf 2024-04-27 icona per documenti web   
04/24/2024 - A magnetar lights up the Cigar galaxy - MediaInaf - Giant flare in M82. News of the discovery in Nature journal - Among the authors are our researchers Paolo D’Avanzo and Sergio Campana and our PhD students Matteo Ferro and Riccardo Brivio - Read on MediaInaf 2024-04-24 icona per documenti web   
04/19/2024 - XXII edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships - Here are the 2024 winners - Concluded in Reggio Calabria with the names of the 5 students who will represent Italy at the International Olympics - At the link right away the article written by our researcher Daniele Spiga on: MediaInaf< /a> 2024-04-19 icona per documenti web   
2024/04/16 - ESO Press Release - Most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy found - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read the whole story at the link: eso2408 2024-04-16 icona per documenti web   
16/04/2024 - 7.30 pm - DM (Direct Message) from the universe - Evening hosted by our researcher Stefano Sandrelli with several guests - At the Duse theater in Bologna - Free event but by reservation mandatory at the link: tickets - More information at the link: Teatro Duse 2024-04-16 icona per documenti web   
15/04/2024 - In Brera, an inventoried treasure - MediaInaf - The new inventory of our observatory is online - The whole story told by Agnese Mandrino, our manager of the library and historical archive of the OAB - Read on MediaInaf 2024-04-15 icona per documenti web   
12/04/2024 - 6 pm - Life as an astronomer - the eyes of the Canary Islands - Conference with our researcher Chiara Righi - At the Institute. Sup. Leonardo da Vinci - Carate Brianza (MB) - Free entry while places last 2024-04-12    
12/04/2024 - The green (or better red) fight of the Adalia bipunctata ladybugs - To fight the aphids, 500 ladybugs were deposited in the park of the Merate headquarters of our observatory - All the story in the pdf alongside 2024-04-12      icona per documenti pdf 
2024/04/11 - ESO Press Release - Beautiful nebula, violent history: clash of stars solves stellar mystery - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read the whole story at the link: eso2407 2024-04-11 icona per documenti web   
04/09/2024 - 8:45 pm - Is astrophysics really useful for anything? - Online conference with our researcher Stefano Sandrelli - For the La Semina Cultural Association of Merate (LC) - Links to follow the event: YouTube - Facebook 2024-04-09 icona per documenti web   
The april newsletter from our editorial staff - 04/08 - 7.00pm: Solar Eclipse! - Live EduInaf online - 09/04 - 20:45: But is astrophysics really useful for anything? - Online meeting with Stefano Sandrelli - 12/04 at 6.00 pm Life as an astronomer: the eyes of the Canary Islands - conference with Chiara Righi - Carate Brianza - 16/04 7.30pm DM dall’universe - Theatrical show in Bologna - 16-21/04 I Want the moon - Artistic installation by Luca Ballestra and illustrations Alice Sironi at the MusAB - Podcast: Rock’n’Science - God Save the Queen by Ilaria Arosio- To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-04-01      icona per documenti pdf 
April 2024 Astrocuriosity: The Great Annihilator by Luigi Foschini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-04-01 icona per documenti web   
March 2024 Astrocuriosity: Pi universe by Gianluigi Filippelli - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-03-31 icona per documenti web   
The March newsletter from our editorial staff - 13/03 - 6:00p.m.: The Dark Universe - Conference for "I Cieli di Brera"- Speaker: Lorenzo Pizzuti - 18/03 - 11.15am: Look at the sun! - Live EduINAF on YouTube - Podcast: Rock’n&rsquo ;Science - Johnny B Goode by Ilaria Arosio - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-03-31      icona per documenti pdf 
Rock’n’Science - Ilaria Arosio’s Podcast - In 1958 Chuck Berry released Johnny B Goode, a song that sings the American dream ... Listen to the whole story and the others episodes on Spotify at the link: Rock’n’Science 2024-03-27 icona per documenti web   
2024/03/27 - ESO Press Release - Astronomers unveil strong magnetic fields spiraling at the edge of Milky Way’s central black hole - Read the whole story at the link: eso2406 2024-03-27 icona per documenti web   
2024/03/25 - X mirrors forged from a water "laser sword" - MediaInaf - How are the mirrors that will be used in the NewAthena mission produced? Interview also with our researcher Daniele Spiga involved in the mission together with other researchers from our institution involved in the two BEaTriX and Vert-X projects - Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf 2024-03-25 icona per documenti web   
November, 25 2023 - March, 24 2024 - Time Machines - The journey through the Universe begins with you - An exhibition that tells the story of Italian astrophysics organized by INAF - Roma - Palazzo Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194 - Read the review by researcher Patrizia Caraveo on MediaInaf: Look at the sky and turn on the "time machine" - All info: Time Machines 2024-03-24 icona per documenti web   
March, 18 2024 - 11:15 p.m. - Look at that Sun! - Live on YouTube - Read all info on: EduINAF Live 2024-03-18 icona per documenti web   
2024/03/18 - XXII edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships - Preparation course for the 2024 National Final - Organized by INAF and SAIt the course will consist of in three lessons for the theoretical test and one lesson for the practical test and will take place online between 20 March and 4 April - The whole story at the link: Preparation course for the National Final 2024-03-18 icona per documenti web   
PCTO - Registration open from 1 to 15 March 2024 for the MERATE (LC) branch - For secondary schools - Attention: Merate is located in the province of Lecco - All the info at the link: PCTO at the INAF-Brera Astronomical Observatory 2024-03-15 icona per documenti web   
15/03/2024 - Mass and spin of a black hole in its variability - The latest scientific article by Tomaso Belloni together with Sara Motta - MediaInaf - How to derive mass and intrinsic angular momentum of a black hole using information on the variability of its X emission and the relativistic precession model? ... Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf< /a> 2024-03-15 icona per documenti web   
March, 13 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - The dark Universe - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Lorenzo Pizzuti (Researcher in MIlano Bicocca) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2024-03-13 icona per documenti web   
March, 08 2024 - XXII edition for Italian Astronomy Championships - Students admitted to the national final - Congratulations to the 7 finalists in Milan!! The whole story on the web page of: Official site for Italian Astronomy Championships 2024-03-08 icona per documenti web   
March, 05 2024 - ESO Press Release - Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2405 2024-03-05 icona per documenti web   
February 2024 Astrocuriosity: Faster than light? Let’s discover Cherenkov at the theater! by Anna Wolter and Laura Paganini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-02-29 icona per documenti web   
The February newsletter from our editorial team - 04/02: Echoes of Light - Theatrical show appointment with ScienzaInScena - TeatroInMatematica - Milan Pacta Salone theater - 04/02: The Across The Universe Day - Podcast: Rock’n’Science by Ilaria Arosio - 11/02 Women and Science - International Day of Women and Girls in Science - EduINAF - 21/02 A day at MusAB - From 2.30pm to 5.30pm in Milan - Competition: The Universe at School - Calvino among the stars - EduINAF - The great INAF exhibition: Machines of time - Rome - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-02-29      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 29 2024 - ESO Press Release - Astronomers reveal a new link between water and planet formation - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2404 2024-02-29 icona per documenti web   
INAF-GREEN - To reduce the INAF’s environmental impact - In February 2023 the INAF GREEN Group was appointed with the task of "defining energy, structural and behavioral strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the Institution" - People involved in OAB: Mario Pepe for Green Public Procurement - Patrizia Romano and Maria Rosa Panzera as contact persons - Contact: - To know more: INAF-GREEN 2024-02-26 icona per documenti web   
February, 19 2024 - ESO Press Release - Brightest and fastest-growing: astronomers identify record-breaking quasar - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2402 2024-02-19 icona per documenti web   
16/02 - "M’illumino di Meno 2024" - National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles - Since 2005 a campaign carried out by Rai Radio2 with the broadcast "Caterpillar" - Our institute has joined the initiative with Luigi Foschini who will talk about this day and specifically the problem of light pollution for the observations of celestial objects during this night evening observation of the sky. - Make this day a small gesture of sustainability too! - To know more: M’illumino di Meno 2024-02-16 icona per documenti web   
26/01 - 04/02 2024 - Echoes of light - ... and the Universe knocked at the gates of the Air - Theatrical show on the theme of the Cherenkov effect within the 2024 Theater and Science Festival - Organized by "PACTA . dei Teatri" - The presence in the Observatory of many "primary actors" of the Cherenkov telescopes facilitated the work to create this theatrical premiere (ASTRI and CTAO) - All information on the page: Echoes of Light - For more information download the pdf file 2024-02-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
January, 31 2024 from 2.00pm - Event in memory of Tomaso Belloni - At the Cimino Hall of the INAF Headquarters in Rome - Viale del Parco Mellini 84 - Our observatory will be in connection from the POE Hall in Merate - Download the PDF flyer alongside with the program and the link to connect 2024-01-31      icona per documenti pdf 
January, 30 2024 - From 6pm to 7:30pm second conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - Title: Why does matter exist instead of nothing? - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-30 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 2024 - A day at MusAB - Milan - From 2.00pm to 5.30pm: visit to the museum with the MARSS App and at 5:30pm guided tour with the astronomer - All information on the site: 24/01/2024 at MusAB< /a> 2024-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 2024 - A day at MusAB - Milan - From 2.00pm to 5.30pm: visit to the museum with the MARSS App and at 5:30pm guided tour with the astronomer - All information on the site: 24/01/2024 at MusAB< /a> 2024-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 - From 6pm to 7:30pm first conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Daniele Spiga - Title: world-destroying tides - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-23 icona per documenti web   
January, 10 2024 - ESO Press Release - Missing link found: supernovae give rise to black holes or neutron stars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2401 2024-01-10 icona per documenti web   
January, 09 2024 - Launch of the Einstein Probe satelliteLed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with the participation of ESA, MPE and CNES, it will allow to study transient phenomena in the X-ray band. As an observatory we are involved on a scientific level through (ESA) with our researcher Giancarlo Ghirlanda and on a technological level through Media Lario (mirror system for the FXT instrument) - The whole story at the two links: Update for Einstein Probe - ESA - Update for Einstein Probe 2024-01-09 icona per documenti web   
January, 08 2024 - XXII edition for Italian Astronomy Championships - Students admitted to the 2024 Interregional Competition - Out of 12427 registrations, 1136 students were selected throughout Italy, 111 for the Milan ... The whole story on the web page of: Official site for Italian Astronomy Championships 2024-01-08 icona per documenti web   
February, 6 2024 - From 6pm to 7:30pm second conference of advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - Speaker: Chiara Righi - Title: Icecube and the secrets of Universe: the hunt for neutrinos continues - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2024-01-06 icona per documenti web   
MusAB - Milan - opening days - Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 3pm (INAF-OAB - Info and tickets at the link: book visit) - Friday from 2pm to 6pm - Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10am to 6pm (thanks to Società Rnb4Culture - Info and tickets at the link: book visit) - All information on the site: MusAB 2024-01-04 icona per documenti web   
Rock’n’Science - Ilaria Arosio's Podcast - 1967 is the year of the invasion of British psychedelia. The Rolling Stones release "Their Satanic Majesties request" ... Listen to the whole story and to the other episodes on Spotify at the link: Rock’n’Science 2024-01-03 icona per documenti web   
January 2024 Astrocuriosity: Asteroids, beans and horseshoes: the strange orbits of quasi-satellites by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2024-01-02 icona per documenti web   
January Newsletter from our editorial staff - 23/01: "Universe in bloom" - advanced course - The frontiers of astronomy - Podcast: Rock’n’Science - 2000 Man - Rolling Stones span> - Competition: The Universe at school - Calvino among the stars - The great INAF exhibition: Time Machines - Rome - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2024-01-01      icona per documenti pdf 
"In your life I wish you at least one blackout on a clear night" - Mario Rigoni Stern - Our best wishes for a peaceful holiday - Download our best wishes in pdf format 2023-12-31      icona per documenti pdf 
2 and 4 January 2024 from 10am to 4.30pm - MusAB opening and guided tours with the astronomer - Free visit from 10am to 3pm - To book: free visit - From 3pm guided tour with the astronomer - To book: guided visit 2023-12-25 icona per documenti web   
Stefano Magini award for the best master’s thesis in astrophysics (2022 edition) - Congratulations to Giacomo Rivolta and his OAB tutors Giovanni Pareschi and Vincenzo Cotroneo - See the news on our fb page: Stefano Magini award 2023-12-25 icona per documenti web   
Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli played by Mattia Tedone - Theatrical series of #Sorvegliatispaziali - On YouTube: MediaInaf 2023-12-24 icona per documenti web   
December, 06 2023 - XXII edition for Italian astronomy championships - Starting whistle - The pre-selection phase took place today throughout Italy - An absolute record of schools registered ... The whole story on the web page of: MediaInaf 2023-12-23 icona per documenti web   
Reservations open for advanced course in astronomy - Universe in bloom 2024 - The frontiers of astronomy - 10 conferences (5 online - 5 in presence on Tuesday from January to April 2024 - All info: Universe in bloom 2024 2023-12-22 icona per documenti web   
22/12/2023 - from 3.30pm to 6.00pm - A Christmas (Astro)carol - Stories of science, astronomy and Christmas with Stefano Sandrelli (INAF-OAB), Lorenzo Pizzuti (UNIMIB) and Laura Paganini (INAF-OAB) - Milano Bicocca - Department of Physics - Free admission upon reservation at the link: google form - Download the flyer with all the information on the side 2023-12-22 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December, 19 2023 at 6:00pm - Christmas Lecture: What are stars for? Ilaria Arosio will be the speaker of the last lesson of the basic astronomy course "The Universe in Bloom" - Online conference open to the public - More info on the page: The Universe in Bloom 2023 2023-12-19 icona per documenti web   
OPEN DAY - Merate - Daytime visits on the FIRST Friday of the month to our Merate office will resume from December - All information: guided visits 2023-12-19 icona per documenti web   
18/12/2023 - Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde of a new physics - MediaInaf - A very powerful gamma-ray burst and a photon of very high energy that should never have arrived on Earth. .. In the team led by Giorgio Galanti of INAF Milan also our Fabrizio Tavecchio, Lara Nava and Giacomo Bonnoli - Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf 2023-12-18 icona per documenti web   
18/12/2023 - Hot plasma all around the Milky Way - MediaInaf - Analyzing all-sky data collected by the eRosita X-ray space telescope, a team from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Germany), led by Nicola Locatelli of INAF-Brera, has discovered that our galaxy is surrounded by a hot and ionized gas ... Read the whole story at the link: MediaInaf 2023-12-18 icona per documenti web   
November, 02 2023 - XXII edition for Italian astronomy championships - Pre-selection phase - All information on the web page: Pre-selection phase: dossier 2024 2023-12-18 icona per documenti web   
December, 13 2023 - time 6 p.m. - Conferences series: "Cieli di Brera 2023" - "The challenges of Mars. The exploration of a difficult planet" - Speaker: Paolo Ferri (Former ESA space operations manager) - More info: Cieli di Brera 2023 2023-12-13 icona per documenti web   
December, 13 2023 - The Event Horizon Telescope images of M87 and Sagittarius A* black hole - Conference by our researcher Om Salafia - Event within the international conference "Photographs from Outer Space" - A Female Archeology of Image-Data - 11-13 December 2023 - Sala Napoleonica - University of Milan. All information in the flyer in attachment in pdf format 2023-12-13 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December, 6 2023 - A day at MusAB - Milan - From 2.00pm to 5.30pm: visit to the museum with the MARSS App and guided tour with the astronomer - All information on the site: 6/12/2023 at MusAB< /a> 2023-12-06 icona per documenti web   
December 2023 Astrocuriosity: Beyond the universe (observable) by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-12-02 icona per documenti web   
December Newsletter from our editorial staff - 06/12 - A day at MusAB - 13/12 at 6.00 pm - The Skies of Brera: The challenges of Mars. The exploration of a difficult planet - 19/12 at 6.00pm - Christmas Lecture: What are stars for? - Streaming conference - Registration open: Universe in bloom - advanced course - The frontiers of astronomy - New episode of the Podcast: Rock’n’Science - 2000 Man - Rolling Stones span> - Competition: To Gianni Rodari, via Lattea quaraquarinci - Competition: The Universe at school - Calvino among the stars - The great INAF exhibition: Time Machines - Rome - To find out more download the pdf on the side 2023-12-01      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 13 2023 - The XXVII International Astronomy Olympics concluded in Beijing - 5 medals for Italy (2 silver and 3 bronze) - All story on MediaInaf web page: Astronomy Olympics, 5 medals for Italy 2023-11-26 icona per documenti web   
November, 08 2023 - Science Programme Committee (SPC - ESA - Two important news for our observatory: for the medium class missions, Theseus selected for the study of gamma-ray bursts - For the L class missions, Athena selected for the X-ray study - Both missions see our observatory involved both from a scientific and technological point of view - All the story at the link:SPC - ESA 2023-11-25 icona per documenti web   
November, 22 2023 - time 6 p.m. - Conferences series: "Cieli di Brera 2023" - Sixth conference: "Euclid, the surveyor of the dark Universe" - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo (University of Milan and associated INAF) - More info: Cieli di Brera 2023 2023-11-22 icona per documenti web   
October, 25 2023 - There’s tellurium in that kilonova - by MediaInaf - The James Webb Space Telescope revealed that the second brightest gamma-ray burst ever, observed on March 7, 2023, originated from the explosive merger of two neutron stars - Among the various INAF researchers who participated in the study was our Om Sharan Salafia - Read all story: MediaInaf - Italian web page 2023-11-18 icona per documenti web   
WEBINAR 2023/11/17 - 10:00 - 12:00 - BEaTriX, the new facility for X-ray testing with an expanded and parallel beam - Registration open at the link: google form - Download the flyer with all info in pdf format 2023-11-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Extraordinary openings of our headquarters in Merate sold out - September 08, October 06 and November 10 - Our researchers will accompany you through the Merate laboratories, to discover the modern research that is carried out in our Institute without forgetting a visit to our telescopes - All information: Open Night in Merate 2023-11-14 icona per documenti web   
11/11 at 4.30pm - Theatrical show - "Italo Calvino’s Cosmicomics" - by the association Realtà Debora Mancini, in collaboration with INAF - With Debora Mancini, Daniele Longo, Daniela Tediosi and Stefano Sandrelli - Villa Reale Monza - Hall of Mirrors - Free entry by reservation on the page: reservations 2023-11-11 icona per documenti web   
November, 7 2023 - 2:15pm - The first spectacular images from the Euclid satellite - Are you ready for new dazzling photos of the Universe? To watch first images live: Euclid photographs the universe 2023-11-07 icona per documenti web   
November 2023 Astrocuriosity: One, none, one hundred and forty-five moons: Hill’s sphere by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-11-02 icona per documenti web   
November Newsletter from our editorial staff - Saturday 11th at 4.30pm theater show "Italo Calvino’s cosmicomics" - Wednesday 15 day at MusAB: various events from 10am to 5.30pm - Thursday 16 at 6pm conference "Italo Calvino and science" - Wednesday 22nd at 6pm "Euclid: the surveyor of the dark universe" conference of the "Cieli di Brera" cycle - New episode of the Podcast "Rock’n’Science - The dark side of the moon" - Competition "To Gianni Rodari via Lattea quaraquarinci" - MusAB opening every weekend - For all info download the flyer in pdf format 2023-11-01      icona per documenti pdf 
25/10 at 6:00 pm - XRISM: a satellite for the mysteries of the most energetic universe - Conference in Milan - Free entry - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi - INAF-OAB - All information on the page: Cieli di Brera 2023 2023-10-25 icona per documenti web   
October, 16 2023 - XXII edition for Italian astronomy championships - Registrations - All information on the web page: XXII edition CIA 2023 2023-10-16 icona per documenti web   
Registrations open for the 4th Italian Astrostatistics School - Organized by Stefano Andreon (INAF-OAB) the school will be held from 16 to 20 October 2023 - All information: Astrostatistics School 2023-10-16 icona per documenti web   
Reservations open for FREE Basic course in astronomy - 2023 - Universo in fiore - 11 conferences on Tuesdays from October to December 2023 to explore the universe organized by our institute - Online live streaming on YouTube - All info: Universe in bloom 2023-10-06 icona per documenti web   
October 2023 Astrocuriosity: Homo planetarium by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-10-02 icona per documenti web   
October Newsletter from our editorial staff - MusAB opening every weekend - 25/10 at 6.00 pm conference in Milan: XRISM: a satellite for the mysteries of the most energetic universe - National Competition "Young Astronomers and Galileo National Telescope" - EduINAF Competition "Calvino among the stars - New Podcast "Rock’n’Science" - Reservations open for educational activities - For all info download the flyer in pdf format 2023-10-01      icona per documenti pdf 
29/09 at 4:45 pm - Euclid mission - Conference in Merate - Free entry - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo - UniMi - Reservation required from 19/09 at the link: conference booking 2023-09-29 icona per documenti web   
27/09 at 6:00 pm - Return to the Moon and the future that awaits us: state and prospects of a very ambitious project - Conference in Milan - Free entry - Speaker: Francesca Esposito - INAF-Capodimonte - All information on the page: Cieli di Brera 2023 2023-09-27 icona per documenti web   
September 2023 Astrocuriosity: Plow through space with full sails by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-09-02 icona per documenti web   
September Newsletter from our editorial staff - From 14/09 bookings open for FREE online basic astronomy course - From 15/09 MusAB opening every weekend - 27/09 at 6.00 pm conference in Milan for the "I cieli di Brera": Return to the Moon and the future that awaits us - 29/09 at 8.45pm conference in Merate: The Euclid mission - For more information download the document on the side in pdf format 2023-09-01      icona per documenti pdf 
August, 17 2023 - ESO Science Release - New type of star gives clues to mysterious origin of magnetars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2313 2023-08-17 icona per documenti web   
July, 11 2023 - 2 articles on Giornale di MerateEuclid satellite and Open Night event in OAB - Download the articles in pdf format 2023-08-11      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 27 2023 - Soundcheck, a gravitational antenna on the Moon - MediaInaf - ESA has communicated that Soundcheck has been selected in the "Reserve Pool of Science Activities for the Moon" - Objective: to study the internal structure of the natural satellite of the Earth and use it as a large antenna for gravitational waves - Among the creators also INAF - Paola Severgnini, Stefano Covino and Roberto Della Ceca have been involved since the beginning - Read on: MediaInaf 2023-08-10 icona per documenti web   
July, 31 2023 - Euclid Firts Light Images - Look at the video: Euclid First Light Images and read: Euclid early commissioning test images 2023-07-31 icona per documenti web   
July, 19 2023 - ESO Release - Does this exoplanet have a sibling sharing the same orbit? - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2311 2023-07-25 icona per documenti web   
July, 25 2023 - ESO Photo Release - New image reveals secrets of planet birth - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2312 2023-07-25 icona per documenti web   
July, 20 2023 - New discoveries about blazars come from the satellite Ixpe - MediaInaf - Thanks to a series of observations made by the Ixpe satellite of the blazar Markarian 421, it was possible to confirmed the idea that the plasma responsible for the X-rays follows the helical structure of the magnetic field inside the jets - Among the authors, our researchers Fabrizio Tavecchio and Giacomo Bonnoli - Read on: MediaInaf 2023-07-20 icona per documenti web   
July, 18 2023 - Science, the cost of not being a native English speaker - MediaInaf - What career obstacles do scientists who do not read, speak or write English at a level comparable to that of a native speaker experience? Diverse and tangible, according to a study that focuses on environmental sciences. But the problem is also perceived in astrophysics. With the comments of Sergio Campana and Laura Pentericci, INAF researchers and associate editor of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics - Read on: MediaInaf 2023-07-18 icona per documenti web   
July, 16 2023 - The "Giant Golden" Award to Oberto Citterio - After the dedication of an asteroid, another honor given by the municipality of Inverigo (Co) for scientific merits and technological developments - Read the reasons in the pdf file below - Read the article: Inverigo - The Giant Golden Award to Oberto Citterio 2023-07-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
July, 11 2023 - ESO Release - ESO&’s Extremely Large Telescope is now half completed - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2310 2023-07-11 icona per documenti web   
Extraordinary openings of our headquarters in Merate - July 07 - Our researchers will accompany you through the Merate laboratories, to discover the modern research that is carried out in our Institute without forgetting a visit to our telescopes - All information: Open Night in Merate 2023-07-07 icona per documenti web   
July 2023 Astrocuriosity: THE MINI MOUSE: story of a young pulsar on the run by Sara Elisa Motta - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-07-02 icona per documenti web   
July, 1 2023 - Euclid launch on 1 July successful, now on its way to L2 - Our observatory is involved with various researchers and is responsible for various activities/work packages - All info: Euclid Consortium - Read also on our pages: Euclid and our observatory 2023-07-01 icona per documenti web   
July, 1 2023 - Countdown for Euclid - The launch live - Saturday 1 July 2023 at 16:00 - Aula Magna Dept. of Computer Science - Milano University - via Celoria 18 - Our observatory is involved with various researchers and is responsible for various activities/work packages - All info: Euclid Consortium - Download the flyer in pdf format 2023-07-01 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
July/August Newsletter from our editorial staff - Our greetings for the summer break and two news of considerable interest that you will be able to explore during this summer: gravitational wave (GW) background and the launch of the Euclid satellite - For more information download the document on the side in pdf format 2023-07-01      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 21 2023 - Euclid target launch data announced - ESA and SpaceX are targeting Saturday, July 1, to launch the ESA’s Euclid mission from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to the Earth-Sun Lagrange point 2 (L2) on a SpaceX Falcon 9 - Euclid will study Universe’s evolution and therefore, investigate the nature of dark matter and dark energy - All info: Euclid Consortium 2023-06-27 icona per documenti web   
June, 26 2023 - New Year’s GRB holds the luminosity record - MediaInaf - Published in Nature Astronomy the description of the GRB 220101A gamma-ray burst which holds the luminosity record in the optical bands - Among the authors also our Stefano Covino - Read on: MediaInaf 2023-06-26 icona per documenti web   
June, 7 2023 - The Extremely Large Telescope - Beyond the limits - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Paolo Saracco (INAF-OAB) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2023-06-07 icona per documenti web   
June 2023 Astrocuriosity: Euclid is ready by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May, 11 2023 - ESO Photo Release - ESO telescope reveals hidden views of vast stellar nurseries - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2307 2023-05-25 icona per documenti web   
May, 24 2023 - A mini-mouse for MeerKat - MediaInaf - An international group of researchers has discovered by chance an interesting and rare object: a pulsar wind nebula, called Mini Mouse due to its resemblance to the larger the Mouse. Media Inaf interviewed our researcher Sara Elisa Motta, first author of the study - Read on: MediaInaf 2023-05-24 icona per documenti web   
May, 22-24 - Pint of Science in Milano - Pint of Science - some researchers for you in a pub to discuss of science! - May, 23 7:15 p.m. - Maria Chiara Rossetti: "All the way back: towards the first galaxies with JWST" - Ostello Bello Duomo, Street Medici 4 May, 24 - 7:15 p.m. - Giacomo Bonnoli: "From Mercurio to GPS: when the search surprises - BIMStrò - street dell’innovazione 3 - click here for all info
Pint of Science - some researchers for you in a pub to discuss of science! - May, 23 7:15 p.m. - Maria Chiara Rossetti: "All the way back: towards the first galaxies with JWST" - Ostello Bello Duomo, Street Medici 4 May, 24 - 7:15 p.m. - Giacomo Bonnoli: "From Mercurio to GPS: when the search surprises - BIMStrò - street dell’innovazione 3 - click here for all info
2023-05-24 icona per documenti web   
May, 16 2023 - ESO Organisation Release - BlackGEM telescopes begin hunt for gravitational-wave sources at ESO’s La Silla Observatory - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2308 2023-05-16 icona per documenti web   
May, 10 2023 - The birth of modern cosmology - Conference of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - Speaker: Massimo Capaccioli (Prof. Emeritus University of Naples Federico II) - Free admission subject to availability - Read all info on: I Cieli di Brera 2023-05-10 icona per documenti web   
May, 6 2023 - Monica Rainer and the discovery of exoplanets - CICAP National Conference - Are we alone in the universe? - Go to the link below to see the conference: The discovery of exoplanets 2023-05-06 icona per documenti web   
May, 6 2023 - Stefano Covino and the SETI project - National Conference - Are we alone in the universe? - Go to the link below to see the conference: The SETI project, in search of intelligent life 2023-05-06 icona per documenti web   
May, 03 2023 - ESO Science Release - Astronomers find distant gas clouds with leftovers of the first stars - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2306 2023-05-03 icona per documenti web   
May, 02 2023 - Galileo’s telescope - Conference by our Luigi Foschini on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the publication of Galilei’s "Il saggiatore" to understand how telescopic discoveries have revolutionized the vision of the world, of man and of God - See on YouTube: conference 2023-05-02 icona per documenti web   
May 2023 Astrocuriosity: Chopping gravity: the Roche limit by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-05-02 icona per documenti web   
May Newsletter from our editorial staff - For all info download the document on the side in pdf format 2023-05-01      icona per documenti pdf 
April, 29 2023 - Italian Astronomy Championships - The awards ceremony - The final of the Italian Astronomy Championships has ended in Cortina. See the video of the awards ceremony: ceremony - Read the news on: National Final 2023: the winners 2023-04-29 icona per documenti web   
April, 27 2023 - 5:00 p.m. - Under the same sky? Astronomers and racial laws in Italy - Meetings of the Journal of Astronomy - SAIt - With our Agnese Mandrino Head of the INAF-OAB Library and Historical Archive - Presented by Ginevra Trinchieri - INAF-OAB Astronomer - See the conference at the link: Under the same sky? 2023-04-27 icona per documenti web   
April, 26 2023 - ESO Science Release - First direct image of a black hole expelling a powerful jet - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2305 2023-04-26 icona per documenti web   
April, 21 and 23 2023 - MusAB & MARSS - Fuorisalone 2023 - From 10 to 6 p.m. you can visit the Museum of our observatory in augmented reality - Info and reservations: instrument gallery reservations - Download and read the article in pdf format on Tuttomilano - newspaper la Repubblica - April, 20 2023 2023-04-23 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
April, 23 2023 - Visit to Schiaparelli’s dome - Fuorisalone 2023 - From 10 to 5 pm. you can visit our jewel - Info and reservations: Schiaparelli’s dome reservations 2023-04-23 icona per documenti web   
April, 17-22 2023 - MARS - A world of new things- Astronomy week - We report: 13 and 21 April - 8:30 p.m. observation of the sky in Merate - 19 April, 5.00 pm Conference by Agnese Mandrino "From Brera to Mars: G. Schiaparelli explorer of the red planet". The week is organized by FLA in collaboration with Ass. Euresis and OAB - All info: Astronomy week 2023-04-22 icona per documenti web   
April, 21 2023 - Habitable zone: what if water wasn’t enough? - MediaInaf - Several of our researchers among the signatories of this study coordinated by Riccardo Spinelli PhD student of the University of Insubria - Read the article at the link MediaInaf 2023-04-21 icona per documenti web   
March, 28 2023 - Interview with our researcher Sergio Campana - Twenty-one rings in the X-rays had never been seen - A story that begins with the powerful gamma-ray burst of October 9, 2022 - Article on MediaInaf - Read also "The brightest gamma-ray burst of all time" - MediaInaf 2023-04-05 icona per documenti web   
April 2023 Astrocuriosity: A historic eclipse by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-04-02 icona per documenti web   
April Newsletter from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2023-04-01      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 18 2023 - STEM: a game for girls! - Article on LeccoNotizie - Sabrina Perego one of our PCTO 2022 students came in first place at the STEM Olympics organized by AIDIA with the Lecco Polytechnic - Congratulations to Sabrina and to the other two winners - Special guest at the awards ceremony Amalia Ercoli-Finzi - Read the news at the link: STEM: a game for girls! 2023-03-30 icona per documenti web   
March, 14 2023 - The newspaper "Giornale di Merate" interviews our researchers Gianpiero Tagliaferri and Giacomo Bonnoli: "The largest gamma-ray observatory, Merate Capofila, is born." - Download the artiocle in pdf format 2023-03-29      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - March, 29 2023 - Astronomers witness the birth of a very distant cluster of galaxies from the early Universe - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2304 2023-03-29 icona per documenti web   
March, 09 2023 - Italian Astronomy Championships - List of admitted - The 2023 Interregional Competition was regularly held on 14/02 - Congratulations to all the finalists - Read more: Italian Astronomy championships 2023-03-28 icona per documenti web   
March, 22 2023 - Start of Ramadan 1444 hijri - Thanks to our colleagues who followed the event and its preparation - Article on 2023-03-22 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - March, 21 2023 - First results from ESO telescopes on the aftermath of DART’s asteroid impact - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2303 2023-03-21 icona per documenti web   
February, 27 2023 - Presentation to the press of the MARSS project: MusAB in Augmented Reality from Science to Society - Project started under the direction of GianpieroTagliaferri then with Roberto Della Ceca with works in full Covid19 will finally see the light on 3 and 5 March 2023. The Management thanks all the employees and individuals who have allowed the project to be successful, in particular Ilaria Arosio and Laura Barbalini who kept the "bar straight" until the end - Read more: MediaInaf article 2023-03-18 icona per documenti web   
March, 03 2023 - Last photos of Euclid before shipping to Florida for launch - Several of our researchers contribute to the mission. See the photos: The Euclide space telescope - Read more: MediaInaf article 2023-03-09 icona per documenti web   
February, 21 2023 - Interregional Competition - Problems with solutions posted - Read more: Italian Astronomy championships 2023-03-08 icona per documenti web   
February, 14-15 2023 - Interregional Competition - The photos - See on facebook: Italian Astronomy championships 2023-03-02 icona per documenti web   
March 2023 Astrocuriosity: Little astronauts without overalls by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-03-02 icona per documenti web   
March Newsletter from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2023-03-01      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 27 2023 - Euclid, launch scheduled for the summer - MediaInaf - Euclid, the hunter of the dark side of the universe, is scheduled to be launched this July from Cape Canaveral by the SpaceX Falcon 9. Several of our researchers contribute to the mission. Read more: MediaInaf article 2023-02-27 icona per documenti web   
February, 08 2023 - A chestnut for every employee hired since 2018! - The planting today in the park of our headquarters in Merate. Initiative of our Director Roberto Della Ceca to create a greener workspace and to enhance the contribution that employees make to the institution - See the pictures on our facebook page 2023-02-26 icona per documenti web   
February, 01 2023 - "The Brera Astronomical Observatory - A history spanning 250 years" - Online article of the ITALIA Foundation: Land of Beauty - STEAM Special Edition: Read the article 2023-02-17 icona per documenti web   
Observe the Neanderthal comet - Also called the &green comet", C/2022 E3 (Ztf) will come closest to our planet on February 1 - For the occasion, EduInaf organized a live broadcast on January 30 on Youtube - Read the article on MediaInaf: Green like a comet 2023-02-15 icona per documenti web   
BEaTriX/ATHENA on Raiplay with Bianca Salmaso - See from 26:30 to 32:40 minutes: Newton - Telescopes in space - Ep 22 2023-02-14 icona per documenti web   
February 2023 Astrocuriosity: Planetary defence by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-02-02 icona per documenti web   
January, 09 2023 - Students admitted to the 2023 Interregional Competition - Read more: Italian Astronomy championships 2023-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January, 23 2023 - Preparation course for the 2023 Interregional Competition - Read more: Italian Astronomy championships 2023-01-23 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - January, 04 2023 - Serpent in the skay captured with ESO telescope - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2301 2023-01-20 icona per documenti web   
January 2023 Astrocuriosity: How far is the nearest black holes to us? by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2023-01-03 icona per documenti web   
January and February Newsletter from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2023-01-02      icona per documenti pdf 
Our best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a good 2023 - At the link below the wishes from our Brera POE Office: "It was the last hour of the day ..." 2022-12-31 icona per documenti web   
December, 21 tenth lesson for the basic course of astronomy in Milano - "Christmas lecture" - For info: poefactory - BASIC course 2022-12-31 icona per documenti web   
December, 12 2022 - WEAVE First Light - Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes press release - First-light observations with the WEAVE spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Canary Islands) - Congratulations to all our researchers, students and associates who contribute to this great project - Read more: Press Release 2022-12-30 icona per documenti web   
December, 07 2022 - Polarimetry of a gamma ray burst, with Alma and Vlt - MediaInaf - In Nature and Astronomy journal the results of a simultaneous measurement of polarization in the radio band and in the optical band. Among the authors of the study also our Stefano Covino. Read more: MediaInaf article 2022-12-29 icona per documenti web   
December, 07 2022 - Astonishing high-energy gamma-ray bursts - MediaInaf - The discovery gave rise to 4 articles in Nature, one of which in collaboration with INAF with our researchers O. Salafia, P. D’Avanzo, S. Campana and G. Ghirlanda and Stefano Giarratana (INAF-OAS Bologna). Read more: MediaInaf article 2022-12-28 icona per documenti web   
December, 06 2022 - The pre-selection phase of the Italian Astronomy championships is underway - MediaInaf - Read more: 21th edition of the Italian Astronomy championships 2022-12-27 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - November, 30 2022 - Most distant detection of a black hole swallowing a star - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2216 2022-12-26 icona per documenti web   
November, 20 2022 - "Mars is yellow, here it’s snowing" - Read in pdf format the article on La Lettura of Corriere della Sera newspaper 2022-12-24      icona per documenti pdf 
Margherita. The voice of the stars - Documentary/portrait of Margherita Hack 100 years after her birth with the important contribution of Stefano Sandrelli - See to the link RaiPlay - Margherita. The voice of the stars 2022-12-23 icona per documenti web   
The 21st edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships is underway - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-12-06 icona per documenti web   
December 2022 Astrocuriosity: Live on a rotating world by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-12-02 icona per documenti web   
M4RT3! - The online escape room between science and science fiction to discover the mysteries of Mars - Created by the Observatory in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Technology of Milan (Agnese, Ilaria and Laura!) - From 25 to 27 November you will find it at Milan Games Week - 25/11 at 17:45 the talk: Science, Science Fiction & Videogame with our Stefano Sandrelli - Information at the link: M4RT3! 2022-11-27 icona per documenti web   
Horn lights - A precious legacy - The exhibition in Milano: from September 20 to October 21 - an exhibition dedicated to the figure of Guido Horn d’Arturo recognized as the father of "wedge" mirrors for large reflector telescopes - Several scheduled events - All info: the exhibition 2022-11-21 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - November, 10 2022 - ESO images a wondrous star factory to mark 60 years of collaboration - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2215 2022-11-10 icona per documenti web   
Interview with Tomaso Belloni about the black hole discovered using data from GAIA mission - See the interview on TGR Leonardo November, 8 2022 (-3:20 sec): TGR Leonardo - Read the article on MediaInaf: Here is the closest black hole to Earth 2022-11-08 icona per documenti web   
On Wednesday 2 November, the medal dedicated to "George Gamow", a Russian-Ukrainian naturalized American astrophysicist, was awarded to our colleague Filippo Zerbi, scientific director of INAF - All story to the link: The "George Gamow" medal to Filippo Zerbi - MediaInaf 2022-11-02    
November 2022 Astrocuriosity: Taken it! by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-11-02 icona per documenti web   
November Newsletter - from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2022-11-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Photo Release - October, 31 2022 - ESO captures the ghost of a giant star - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2214 2022-10-31 icona per documenti web   
October, 25 2022 from 11:15 a.m. - Follow the partial Solar eclipse with us! - INAF telescopes for a special live series "Sky in the living room" - Vai alla pagina con tutte le info: partial eclipse 2022-10-25 icona per documenti web   
The XXVI International Astronomy Olympiad (IRAO 2022) took place remotely from 15 to 24 October - Read more: IRAO 2022: the results 2022-10-24 icona per documenti web   
With Hugo we will discover the first gamma-ray bursts: Searching for gamma-ray bursts isn’t very simple - Our researcher Sergio Campana tells us about it - Read the italian article on: MediaInaf 2022-10-14 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - October, 13 2022 - Heaviest element yet detected in an exoplanet atmosphere - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2213 2022-10-13 icona per documenti web   
X-ray optics: better doped: a new approach for deposition of a carbon-based coating by immersion of the optic in a liquid dopamine solution - Our researcher Vincenzo Cotroneo tells us about it - Read the italian article on: MediaInaf 2022-10-07 icona per documenti web   
October 2022 Astrocuriosity: The first images of the James Webb Space Telescope by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-10-02 icona per documenti web   
October Newsletter - from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2022-10-01      icona per documenti pdf 
27/09/2022 - 1:14 italian time - impact of the dart probe with the asteroid Dimosphos - Waiting, read on MediaInaf: Italian record photo: Earth from 14 million kilometers 2022-09-27 icona per documenti web   
SOLD-OUT - Merate under stars 2022 - 16/09/2022 - 7:30 p.m. - Guided sky observation with musical interludes - In collaboration with: municipality of Merate and L. Clerici Founding - All info to the link: Merate under stars 2022 2022-09-19 icona per documenti web   
Merate under stars 2022 - 18/09/2022 - 9:00 p.m. Conference of astronomy - Title: The most powerful fireworks in the Universe - Speaker: Maria Edvige Ravasio - In collaboration with: municipality of Merate and L. Clerici Founding - All info to the link: Merate under stars 2022 2022-09-18 icona per documenti web   
September 2022 Astrocuriosity: DART: how to play billiards with asteroids by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-09-02 icona per documenti web   
Astrophysical Polarimetry in the TimeDomain Era - August 29 - September 1 2022 - International Workshop organized by INAF-OAB at the Campus of Milano Polytechnic, Lecco territorial Pole - Read the news on LECCOTODAY: Supernovae, x-ray, gravitational waves: all the secrets at the Polytechnic - Download and read the article on La provincia: "The elite of astrophysics in Lecco city - 4 days at the Polytechnic" - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2022 - Read in this very hot summer two articles about G.V. Schiaparelli’s diaries preserved in our site in Milano: From Brera to Mars with Schiaparelli’s diaries - MediaInaf - G.V. Schiaparelli’s diaries: alternative use of stamps 2022-08-31    
The weather and our Observatory - Read the newspaper in our section about us 2022-08-31    
ESO Photo release - August, 16 2022 - ESO telescope images a spectacular cosmic dance - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2211 2022-08-16 icona per documenti web   
What about Luna on the night of San Lorenzo 2022? - August, 1 2022 - Read all story on: Media Inaf 2022-08-12 icona per documenti web   
Astrocuriosity on holiday! See you in September - Read and look the videos: astrocuriosity on POE OAB FACTORY
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-08-02 icona per documenti web   
Summer Newsletter - from our editorial staff.
Our events in June - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-08-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - June, 18 2022 - "Black hole police" discover a dormant black hole outside our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2210 2022-07-18 icona per documenti web   
July, 13 2022 - 9 p.m. - Conference Show - "And it was evening and morning, light seen by a physicist and an actor" - BIanca Salmaso (physicist - OA Brera) and Marco Ballerini (actor) - Società Umanitaria - Milano - Download the flyer in pdf format for all info 2022-07-13      icona per documenti pdf 
Media Inaf - July, 12 2022 - James Webb, five wonders of the universe to come - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-07-12 icona per documenti web   
July 2022 Astrocuriosity: X-rays on different plans observed! by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-07-01 icona per documenti web   
Nights of whims - astronomical musical conference - June, 24 time 9 p.m. in Merate - All info: cycle of musical conferences - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-06-24 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
U(V)DAY - Workshop - COVID19 and UV rays - June, 21 2022 from 10 to 18 - Palazzo Brera - Via Brera 28 - Milano - Free participation - Online registration request - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-06-21      icona per documenti pdf 
Media Inaf - June, 15 2022 - Long gamma-ray bursts: thirty years of history - A study signed by Giancarlo Ghirlanda and Ruben Salvaterra presents a historical excursus of the observations of long gamma-ray bursts - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-06-15 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - June, 15 2022 - The Tarantula's cosmic web: astronomers map violent star formation in nebula outside our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2209 2022-06-15 icona per documenti web   
MusAB - June, 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Visits to Schiaparelli’s dome - Sunday openings 2022-06-12 icona per documenti web   
June 2022 Astrocuriosity: Is Stonehenge the solstice stone ... or it’s not?? by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-06-02 icona per documenti web   
June Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in June - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - The final - The National final: the winners 2022-05-18 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - May, 12 2022 - Astronomers reveal first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2208 2022-05-12 icona per documenti web   
May 2022 Astrocuriosity: How we can see black holes if they are really black? by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-05-02 icona per documenti web   
May Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in May - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-05-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Our Ukrainian guests, Vladimir e Oksa, tell their stories on Merateonline. Read all story on: Merateonline by Saba Viscardi. 2022-04-26 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - April, 20 2022 - Astronomers discover micronovae, a new kind of stellar explosion - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2207 2022-04-20 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - April, 11 2022 - ESO telescope captures surprising changes in Neptuno’ temperatures - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2206 2022-04-11 icona per documenti web   
April 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Observing X-ray on different planes by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-04-02 icona per documenti web   
April Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in April - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-04-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Media Inaf - March, 11 2022 - A study on Astronomy and Astrophysics about direct observation of an extended X-ray jet in a blazar - Among authors - coordinated by our PhD Luca Ighina - several our researchers - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-03-30 icona per documenti web   
Media Inaf - March, 07 2022 - A study on Nature Astronomy about accreting corona and relativistic jet in a microquasar - Among authors Tomasdo Belloni - Read on: Beat. Strong. The microquasar. 2022-03-29 icona per documenti web   
Sunday and weekly openings for MusAB - Brera Astronomical Museum - All info: MusAB site 2022-03-28 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - 2022 National final - Admitted list published - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-03-24 icona per documenti web   
Media Inaf - March, 24 2022 - A study on Monthly Notices about not predictable brightness clusters of galaxies - Compliments to Stefano Andreon, Ginevra Trinchieri and Alberto Moretti - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-03-24 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - March, 02 2022 - "Closest black hole" system found to contain no black hole - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2204 2022-03-13 icona per documenti web   
BEaTriX is a new building laboratory in Merate site.... - Learn more to the link: BEaTriX facility 2022-03-12 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - February, 24 and 25 2022 Interregional competition - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-03-11 icona per documenti web   
March 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Lucy in the sky with the five tightrope walkers by Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-03-02 icona per documenti web   
March Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in March - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-03-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - February, 16 2022 - Supermassive black hole caught hiding in a ring of cosmic dust - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2203 2022-02-23 icona per documenti web   
From February, 9 2022 on line the ADVANCED ASTRONOMICAL course - For booking and info: poefactory - online course 2022-02-21 icona per documenti web   
Febraury, 17 2022 - time 8:30 p.m. - Hundred thousand of billion of stars but Giovanni the telegraphist feels themself alone - by Stefano Sandrelli - In occasion of Margherita Hack centennial - For info and booking: google form 2022-02-17 icona per documenti web   
February, 03 2022 - by MediaInaf - Four hundred mirrors for ASTRI and CTA - Read the italian new to the link: MediaInaf 2022-02-10 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - February, 10 2022 - New planet detected around star closest to the Sun - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2201 2022-02-10 icona per documenti web   
February 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: The James Webb Space Telescope by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-02-02 icona per documenti web   
February Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in February - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-02-01      icona per documenti pdf 
A researchers team guided by Francesco Borsa reported the presence of atomic oxygen in the hot atmosphere of Kelt-9b an extrasolar planet ... Read all story on MediaInaf: "Detection of neutral oxygen in the atmosphere of Kelt-9b" 2022-01-21 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - January, 04 2022 - Orion’s fireplace: ESO releases new image of the Flame Nebula - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2201 2022-01-21 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - Admitted students for interregional competition - Read the news: Admitted students 2022-01-20 icona per documenti web   
Sunday opening for MusAB - Brera Astronomical Museum - January, 16 2022 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - All info on MusAB web page Sunday openings 2022-01-16 icona per documenti web   
January 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Avenged Icaro! by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
January Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in January - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-01-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - December, 14 2021 - Watch stars move around the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole in deepest images yet - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2119 2021-12-24 icona per documenti web   
December, 22 2021 - time 6 p.m. - Conferences series: "I Cieli di Brera: Marziani" - Third conference: "Merry Christmas Martians! From science to science fiction for the Red Planet - Speaker: Andrea Bernagozzi (Valle d’Aosta Astronomical Observatory) - Online on POEFACTORY Martians 2021-12-22 icona per documenti web   
Planetary alignment - December, 17 2021 - 6 p.m. - A streaming observation events of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus with INAF telescopes - Online on: Planetary alignment 2021-12-17 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - December, 8 2021 - ESO telescope images planet around most massive star pair to date - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2118 2021-12-08 icona per documenti web   
MusAB - Brera Astronomical Museum - December, 7 2021 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - In view of next opening in January 2022 FREE guided visits lasting 45 minutes - READY FOR YOU - Only by booking - GREENPASS needed - All info on MusAB web page READY FOR YOU 2021-12-07 icona per documenti web   
In a submitted work to A&A a INAF researchers team among them ours Tullia Sbarrato and Gabriele Ghisellini reported the presence of powerful relativistic jets in quasars in the early Universe. Read all story on MediaInaf: "Hidden relativistic jets and where they are" 2021-12-05 icona per documenti web   
Starting for XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - Registration for schools from October, 28 to December, 3 2021 - All info: XX Olimpiadi Italiane di Astronomia 2021-12-03 icona per documenti web   
December 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: A return ticket for Mars, thank you! by Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
Contest "Work-school histories" - Promoted by "Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Cuneo" - 2nd place for Alessandra Raschieri PCTO 2020 with Daniele Spiga and Bianca Salmaso. Thanks to Stefano Sandrelli, Ilaria Arosio, Mauro Fiorini (IASF-MI), Giorgio Pariani, Giorgia Sironi e Stefano Basso - Look the awarded video: X-rays Universe 2021-12-01 icona per documenti web   
December Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in December - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-12-01      icona per documenti pdf 
November 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Complex systems by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
November Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in November - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-11-30      icona per documenti pdf 
SHOCKING ELSA - A pink shocking travel in November with Elsa Schiaparelli - PACTA . dei Teatri - Ilaria Arosio is one of the authors - November 5 and 11 and from 18 to 30 - Download our newsletter with all info 2021-11-30      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 24 2021 - time 6 p.m. - Conferences series: "I Cieli di Brera: Marziani" - Second: "Mars inhospitable environment: dust and storms - Speaker: Francesca Esposito (INAF- Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte) - Online on POEFACTORY Martians 2021-11-24 icona per documenti web   
November 13, 2021 last day for 2021 International Astronomical Olympic games. Milano was the general quarter. Thanks to our staff for all organization. Read all story on: 2021 International Astronomical Olympic games, Romania in pole position 2021-11-13 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - November, 11 - Black hole found hiding in star cluster outside our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2116 2021-11-11 icona per documenti web   
November, 8 2021 - 6:30 p.m. - ONLINE cocktail with the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - Live coverage on: 2021-11-08    
Expo 2021 - Dubai - CTA Observatory (Cherenkov Telescope Array) - Media-Inaf video about italian participation to CTA. Our Observatory has a considerable role in this project. See video: Cta Observatory, from boundaries of the Universe to Expo 2020 Dubai 2021-11-04 icona per documenti web   
NASA has selected a new space telescope proposal called Compton Spectrometer Imager (COSI) that is expected to launch in 2025 ad NASA’s latest small astrophysics mission. In the scientific team our astronomers Fabrizio Tavecchio and Giancarlo Ghirlanda too. Read all story on NASA link: NASA Selects Gamma-ray Telescope to Chart Milky Way Evolution - Read on italian MediaInaf linkCuriosi "Cosi" nel cuore della Via Lattea 2021-11-04 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - November, 4 - Astronomers make most distant detection yet of fluorine in star-forming galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2115 2021-11-04 icona per documenti web   
October, 21 - Interviews to our researchers - PCTO 2021 - Second series about space dangers - Giancarlo Ghirlanda (OAB researcher) - On our channel on YOUTUBE
PCTO 2021 - Interviews to our researchers
2021-11-02 icona per documenti web   
October 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: What about Novae by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
October Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in October - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-10-30      icona per documenti pdf 
October, 28 2021 ore 9:00 p.m. - "E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle" - Dante and Astronomy - Speaker: our astrophysics and writer Stefano Sandrelli - online on - Otherwise in Palazzo Schuster Sala Pio XII - via Sant’Antonio 5, Milano - Only by booking writing - Green pass necessary 2021-10-28 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - October, 12 - Meet the 42: ESO images some of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2114 2021-10-22 icona per documenti web   
Interviews to our researchers - PCTO 2021 - Second series about space dangers - Riccardo Spinelli (PhD student - Insubria University) - On our channel on YOUTUBE
PCTO 2021 - Interviste con i nostri ricercatori
2021-10-21 icona per documenti web   
October, 20 2021 - time 6 p.m. - Conferences series: "I Cieli di Brera: Marziani" - First: " Past and present for Mars: water research - Speaker: Roberto Orosei (INAF- Istituto di Radioastronomia) - Online on POEFACTORY Martians 2021-10-20 icona per documenti web   
October, 10-17 - Bergamoscienza 2021 - For schools our astronomers Andrea Melandri and Stefano Sandrelli. For more info download the newsletter in pdf format 2021-10-17    
We are on FLICKR! Look at our photo albums on: the Observatory on flickr - Thanks to Mario Carpino, Elio Antonello and Laura Barbalini
Brera Astronomical Observatory on FLICKR
2021-10-15 icona per documenti web   
Interviews to our researchers - PCTO 2021 - First series about life on other planets - Francesco Borsa and Marco Riva - From September, 9 every Thursday on our channel on YOUTUBE 2021-10-13 icona per documenti web   
Booking open for online BASIC ASTRONOMICAL course - All info: poefactory - online course 2021-09-30 icona per documenti web   
September Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in September - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-09-30      icona per documenti pdf 
September 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY: The tide you didn’t wait for by Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-09-30 icona per documenti web   
September, 25 2021 - Scientific marathon on Focus TV - Reccomend: time 4:30 p.m. "From Riccardo GIacconi (Nobel Prize for Physics in 2002) to BEaTriX - Italian X-ray Astronomy" realised in our Merate site - Speeches from Ilaria Arosio and Bianca Salmaso - Click on the following link for Focus TV scheduling for 25/09/2021 2021-09-25 icona per documenti web   
"Merate sotto le stelle" on Merateonline - Read about inauguration: Four astronomical, musical and theatrical events for Merate 2021-09-19 icona per documenti web   
The Martians series - PCTO 2021 - 2 curious guys, 1 researcher and a Red Planet - From June, 10 every Tuesday and Thursday on POEFACTORY 2021-09-10 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - September, 09 - ESO captures best images yet of peculiar "dog-bone" asteroid - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2113 2021-09-09 icona per documenti web   
Look panoramic views of Zeiss and Ruths domes in Merate and panoramic view of Schiaparelli’s dome in Milano - Credits to Mario Carpino.
Thanks a lot Mario Carpino for the panoramic views of Zeiss and Ruths domes in Merate
2021-09-09 icona per documenti web   
September, 16,17,18 and 19 2021 - time 8:30 p.m. - MERATE under stars - Location: Observatory park in Merate (LC) - BOOKING CLOSED for September 18 event - Read all to the italian link: information and booking
Four events in name of stars!
2021-09-08 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY: Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-08-31 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - August, 05 - New ESO observations show rocky exoplanet has just half the mass of Venus - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2112 2021-08-22    
03/08/2021 - Interview to Marco Landoni about an implementation example of calculation that will be useful also in the scientific world - From INAF and Amazon Web Services collaboration - Read all story on: NetworkDigital360 2021-08-21 icona per documenti web   
July, 28 - Schiaparelli the astronomer who created Martians - Read on: la Repubblica online 2021-08-20    
28/07/2021 - Hi-tech handicraft of light magicians in Brianza - On MediaInaf an interesting interview to Michele Frangiamore - Read on: MediaInaf 2021-08-15 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - July, 22 - Astronomers make first clear detection of a moon-forming disc around an exoplanet - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2111 2021-08-05    
July 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY: ... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ... by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-07-31 icona per documenti web   
July Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in July - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-07-31      icona per documenti pdf 
New investigations about the origins of the speet decay in GRBs on Nature Communications - Among authors Maria Grazia Bernardini, Paolo D’Avanzo, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Gabriele Ghisellini, Maria Edvige Ravasio and Om Sharan Salafia - Read on: MediaInaf 2021-07-16 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - July, 16 - Galactic fireworks: new ESO images reveal stunning features of nearby galaxies - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2110 2021-07-16    
July, 12 2021 award ceremony for XIX Italian Astronomy Olympics - On YouTube the recording - All info: - Download the poster in pdf format 2021-07-12      icona per documenti pdf 
So a cluster galaxies comes to light - In this article the results by and international team guided by Stefano Andreon - Read on: MediaInaf 2021-07-06    
June 2021 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY: The big pear, in other words our planet by Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2021-07-01 icona per documenti web   
June Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in June - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2021-07-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Let there be light. The fil rouge of modern physics - MediaInaf review of the new book of Gabriele Ghisellini
MediaInaf review by Maura Sandri about the new book of Gabriele Ghisellini. Read the story on Let there be light. The fil rouge of modern physics
2021-06-30 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - June, 16 - Mistery of Betelgeuse’s dip in brightness solved - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2109 2021-06-29    
Look panoramic view of Schiaparelli’ dome in Milano - Credits to Mario Carpino.
Thanks a lot Mario Carpino for the panoramic view of Schiaparelli’s dome in Milano
2021-06-28 icona per documenti web   
June, 27 2021 - As with a microwave oven you can measure the light velocity - On " Il Sole 24 Ore" daily newspaper the rewiev about Gabriele Ghisellini’s new book by Patrizia Caraveo 2021-06-27      icona per documenti pdf 
Not to be missed - June, 27 - 9:20 p.m. on RAI TRE TV some shots about Merate’telescopes on TV program KILIMANGIARO SUMMER 2021 2021-06-27    
Annular Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - Go to link: information and view
Some information for the annular Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021. In Italy we will see a partial solar eclipse in the nord.
2021-06-10 icona per documenti web   
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Sabrina De Grandi interviewed by Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021
Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Eleventh: Sabrina De Grandi (OAB) answers about the article Gaia Early Dr3 - The best stellar catalogue ever - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-06-02 icona per documenti web   
May, 21 2021 - I’ll bring you in light mysteries - Gabriele Ghisellini on Corriere della Sera - Milano
In this interview our astrophysics Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about his new book "Light was" with a subject dear to science. Download the article in pdf format
2021-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
May Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in May - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter in pdf format
2021-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
To know about our research download our Report in pdf format 2021-05-31      icona per documenti pdf 
May, 2021 - Ilaria Arosio speaks about our observatory - Online article on
Ilaria Arosio, our astrophysics and popularizer interviewed by Valentina Neri about our observatory on (De Agostini) - Read the article
2021-05-30 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

1 article - 2 interviews - Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Tenth: Alberto Moretti (OAB) answers about the article Athena looks itself in the mirror - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-05-27 icona per documenti web   
May, 26 2021
Sky in living room to see super Moon - Online event

On the occasion of next super Moon (May, 26 2021) some INAF branch (from Trieste to Palermo getting through Roma) will give us a YouTube special about Moon - Link event Sky in living room: the super Moon
2021-05-26 icona per documenti web   
May, 2021
Covid and sun rays - Article on Il Giornale

May, 07 2021 - Interview to our astronomer Giovanni Pareschi and prof. Mario Clerici - Covid and sun rays - On Il
2021-05-14 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

1 article - 2 interviews - Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Ninth: Tullia Sbarrato (OAB) answers about the article Athena looks itself in the mirror - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-05-13 icona per documenti web   

April 2021
April Newsletter - from our editorial staff

Our events in April - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter in pdf format
2021-04-30      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Eighth: Ilaria Arosio and Laura Barbalini answers about science and outreach - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-29 icona per documenti web   
April, 19-24 2021
Invisible universe - Black holes and gravitational waves - Astronomy Week

April, from 19 to 24 - ONLINE the Second Edition for Astronomy Week; realized by our Observatory with Euresis (a digital platform of Lombardia for Environment). You can follow events about "Invisible Universe - Black holes and gravitational waves" - All info: Astronomy Week
2021-04-24 icona per documenti web   
STEM in the City

April: fifht edition for #STEMinthecity supported by Milano district - April, 21-22 and 23 Marathon STEM - Our Observatory is contribuiting with some events in particular with STEAM: A as Arts, Astrophysics, actress - A chat between an astrophysics and an actress ... - All info: #STEMintheCity 2021
2021-04-23 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Seventh: Paolo Saracco (OAB) answers about the article The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-22 icona per documenti web   
April, 21 2021
Happy Astro Hour - I Cieli di Brera - Ulysses’ Moon and Dante’s star- Astronomy Week

April, 21 - 6:00 p.m. "Ulysses’ Moon and Dante’s star" a ONLINE cocktail together with Stefano Sandrelli talking about Dante - In occasion of Astronomy Week - All info: Happy Astro Hour
2021-04-21 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

1 article - 3 interviews - Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Fifth: Alberto Sesana (Milano Bicocca University) answers about the article Unveiling sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates in active galactic nuclei - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-15 icona per documenti web   
April, 10 2021
Last frontier - A day dedicated to science - Focus TV

April, 10 2021 - 2:30 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. a TV marathon on Focus TV about science. Some shots in the site of Milano of our observatory with some of our researchers. Have a good viewing!
2021-04-10 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

1 article - 3 interviews - Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Fifth: Paola Severgnini answers about the article Unveiling sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates in active galactic nuclei - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-08 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Seventh: Paolo Saracco answers about his article The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies" - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-07 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

1 article - 3 interviews - Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Fourth: Roberto Serafinelli answers about the article Unveiling sub-parsec supermassive black hole binary candidates in active galactic nuclei - See the interview on: YouTube
2021-04-01 icona per documenti web   

March 2021
March Newsletter - from our editorial staff

Our events in March - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter in pdf format
2021-03-31      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 30 2021
Travel into dark matter with Tomaso Belloni

2021, March 30 - 6:00 p.m. - Conference: Travel into Dark Matter - Speaker: Tomaso Belloni - Online event organized by "La Semina" organization in Merate - For all info download the brochure in pdf format
2021-03-30      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Third: Gabriele Ghisellini answers some Nicoletta’ astronomical curiosities ... nebulas, galaxies, Hawking’ radiation and more ... See the interview on: YouTube
2021-03-25 icona per documenti web   
March, 19 2021
Schiaparelli’ dome virtual tour - For Milano Digital Week

2021, March 19 - 4:00 p.m. - For Milano Digital Week you can live with us a Virtual Reality experience: Agnese Mandrino will take us to visit Schiaparelli’ dome in Brera - Online: YouTube
March, 18 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - Second: Fabrizio Bonoli with ancient and modern sky representation and more ... See the interview on: YouTube
2021-03-18 icona per documenti web   
March, 17 2021
Happy Astro Hour - Sky over Brera

2021, March 17 - 6:00 p.m. - "Cosmic explosions and mass extinction" - A online cocktail together with Riccardo Spinelli and Giancarlo Ghirlanda talking about ... Mass extinction! Online: YouTube
March, 15 2021
Astronomy and Education, a new center in Italy - MediaInaf

A new center in Italy to support the Office of Astronomy for Education created by INAF, SAIt and Tor Vergata University and that will be coordinate by Stefano Sandrelli - Read the: IAU Press-Release - Read on: MediaInaf
February, 12 2021
UV and the struggle against Covid - About us

February, 10 2021 - Interview to Giovanni Pareschi - UV for the struggle against Covid - On Corriere Adriatico. For subscribed member you can read it online: Interview to Giovanni Pareschi. Download the article in pdf format
2021-03-11      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 11 - May, 20
Hevelius: from ancient to up to date - Nicoletta Bonanno - PCTO 2021

Nicoletta Bonanno’s interviews on our YouTube channel every thursday from March, 11 to May, 20 - Stage title (PCTO): "Hevelius: from ancient to up-to-date" - First: Agnese Mandrino with stellar atlas and more ... See the interview on: YouTube
2021-03-11 icona per documenti web   
March, 05 2021
A bridge between sky and land. The new set up for the Astronomical Museum of Brera

March, 5 2021 - 11:00 a.m. 5 - during Milano MUSEOCITY we will show you the new set up of the Astronomical Museum of Brera. All info on: 5/03/2021 - Il riallestimento del Museo Astronomico di Brera
2021-03-05 icona per documenti web   
March, 5 2021
The best place and time to live in the Milky Way - on MediaInaf

Until about six billion years ago, the outskirts of the Galaxy were the safest places to live, despite the relatively low density of Terrestrial Planets. The article on A&A by national team with some AOB researchers - Read on: Media Inaf
2021-03-05 icona per documenti web   
March, 4 2021
Brera Perseverance - Article on La Repubblica

March, 05 2021 - Via streaming the new set up for Astronomical Museum of Brera - On YouTube A bridge between sky and land. The new set up for the Astronomical Museum of Brera. Download and read the article on Repubblica in pdf format
2021-03-04      icona per documenti pdf 

February 2021
February Newsletter - from our editorial staff

Our events in February - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter in pdf format
2021-02-28      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 24 2021
Gianni Rodari: February, 26 2021online the awards ceremony

EDU Inaf - Award and contest - February, 26 20201 - 5:30 p.m. - online the awards ceremony for INAF composition Contest: "A Gianni Rodari, via Lattea quaraquarinci" - All info Gianni Rodari: completed mission!.
2021-02-26 icona per documenti web   
February, 22 2021
Optical and ultraviolet pulsed emission from an accreting millisecond pulsar - on MediaInaf

For the first time optical and ultraviolet pulsed emission from an accreting millisecond pulsar. The article on Nature Astronomy by an international team with some AOB researchers - Read on: Media Inaf
2021-02-22 icona per documenti web   
February, 18 2021
Perseverance’s arrival on Mars - This evening on Focus TV - channel 35

2021, 18 February - from 9:00 P.M. on channel 35 - Focus TV - A Focus TV troupe will be in our site of Milano for Perseverance’arrival on Mars planet - Agnese Mandrino will illustrate Schiaparelli’s material we have in our library and Daniele Spiga will answer to some scientific questions. More info about Perseverance: Here Perseverance will land - by MediaInaf - Mars in 38 phials - by MediaInaf

January, 25 2021
XIX Edition for Italian Olympics of Astronomy- Preparation course for Inter-regional competition

January, 25 - February, 12 2021 Preparation course for the inter-regional competition for the XIX edition of Italian Olympics of Astronomy - Click on the following link for all information.
2021-02-12 icona per documenti web   

January, 25 2021
XIX Edition for Italian Olympics of Astronomy- Preparation course for Inter-regional competition

January, 25 - February, 12 2021 Preparation course for the inter-regional competition for the XIX edition of Italian Olympics of Astronomy - Click on the following link for all information.
2021-02-12 icona per documenti web   
February, 11 2021
International Day of Women and Girls in Science - INAF iniziatives

February, 11 2021 - International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Go to the following link for all INAF iniziatives: Women and Girls in Science. From our Observatory: Women scientists | interviews - Women astronomer - MusAB
2021-02-11 icona per documenti web   
January, 26 2021
L’universo in fiore - Beginning of the advanced course

Universo in fiore - January, 26 2021 beginning for the advanced course of astronomy - All information to the following link ADVANCED course. On our Youtube channel some testimonies.
2021-02-08 icona per documenti web   
January, 24 2021
XI Edition for Schiaparelli award

January, 21 2021 - Publication of the XI Edition for Schiaparelli award by Italian Education Ministry - Click on the following link for all information.
2021-02-07 icona per documenti web   
January, 12 2021
Star mergers. The trilogy - on MediaInaf

What will happen when two neutron stars – or e black hole and a neutron star – merge? The process has been reconstructuring in detail by an international team led by our astronomer Stefano Covino with the results published in three papers ... - Read on: Media Inaf
2021-01-12 icona per documenti web   
January 11, 2021
ALMA captures distant colliding galaxy dying out as it loses the ability to form stars - ESO Science release

Galaxies being to "die&quo; when they stop forming stars ... Read all story translated by Anna Wolter on eso2101
2021-01-11 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2020
Our Wishes - POE office

Come out and look up....Starry sky is always upen us..... Click on the pdf icon to download our best wishes in pdf format
2020-12-31      icona per documenti pdf 

December, 10 2020
The rapid build-up of aassive early-type galaxy - MediaInaf

From the observations of the Large Binocular Telescope the evolutionary history of a massive galaxy - Compliments to Paolo Saracco and his team. Read all story on the following link The rapid build-up of aassive early-type galaxy - MediaInaf.
2020-12-26 icona per documenti web   

December, 7 2020
Athena and Vert-X - MediaInaf

Vert-X laboratory: open for calibration works - Compliments to Alberto Moretti and his team. Read all story on the following link Athena look in the mirror - MediaInaf.
2020-12-26 icona per documenti web   

December, 10 2020
Xmm-Newton, Italy in pole position - MediaInaf

Six milion of seconds gained from two project proposed by two Italian astrophysicists - Compliments to Gabriele Ponti. Read all story on the following link Xmm-Newton, Italy in pole position - MediaInaf.
2020-12-26 icona per documenti web   

December 2020
Work at Ruths telescope!

Autumn 2020 - Extraordinary maintenance for Ruths telescope in Merate, the one we use for evening observations of the sky - In the following time-lapse video you can see all work - Thanks to Marco Scardia, Renzo Valtolina, Stefano Basso and Simone Iovenitti (INAF-OAB) - click here for the video.
2020-12-25 icona per documenti web   
December, 21 2020
Jupiter and Saturn - Meeting between giants!

December, 21 - 5:00 p.m. - Jupiter and Saturn: a big meeting! - FB event - on Youtube
2020-12-21 icona per documenti web   

December, 9 2020
Happy Astro Hour - Mountains tells us

December, 9 2020 - 6.00 p.m. on YouTube - Happy Astro Hour - A virtual cocktail with Elisa Palazzi (ISAC-CNR) - Mountains tells us the weather changing - YouTube event - fb event.
2020-12-09 icona per documenti web   
November 2020
November Newsletter - from our editorial staff

Our events in November - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter in pdf format
2020-11-30      icona per documenti pdf 

November, 27 and 28 2020
MEETmeTONIGHT - Face to face with the research for 2 days

November, 27 - 28 2020 - Face to face with the research - Italian annual appointment linked to European Researchers’ Night - Click on the following link for our events. All italian events on the page MEETmeTONIGHT.
2020-11-28 icona per documenti web   

November, 22 2020
1, 100, 1000 multiverse on Focus LIVE 2020

November, 22 2020 - Gabriele Ghisellini talks about multiverse - Watch on focus LIVE 2020 1, 100, 1000 multiverse!.
2020-11-22 icona per documenti web   

November, 2020
The Solar System on RaiScuola

The Solar System on RaiScuola - Channel 146 - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - Dates: November, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 13 - 9 p.m. - Online on RaiScuola
2020-11-13 icona per documenti web   

November, 11 2020
Happy Astro Hour - On air with Giacomo Leopardi

November, 11 2020 - 6.00 p.m. on YouTube - Happy Astro Hour - On AIR - A virtual cocktail - Giuseppe Mussardo (physicist theorist), Gaspare Polizzi (science philosopher) and Stefnao Sandrelli (astrophysics) will talk about the infinity science of Giacomo Leopardi - click here to connect on YouTube - click here to connect on facebook
2020-11-11 icona per documenti web   

November, 2020
Secret Universe: last discoveries - Focus TV

Secret Universe: last discoveries - Focus TV - Speaker: Stefano Covino - Dates: November, 2 - 11:23 p.m. - November, 4 - 9:56 a.m. - Online on Focus TV
2020-11-04 icona per documenti web   
June - September 2020
Our videos from students in stage

During Coronavirus, 4 female students in stage (PCTO) - On Youtube you can see their interviews to our astronomers: Covid-19 and Ultraviolet light (5 episodes) - Working abroad - Moving researchers! (10 episodes) - Projects in progress (3 episodes)

September, 12 2020
At what point is the NIGHT? - Astrophotografy show until October, 18

Astrophotografy show until October, 18 2020: "At what point is the NIGHT?" - c/o Centro Civico G.Verdi - Segrate (MI) - The show is organized by PhysicalPub and conceived by Chiara Righi and Simone Iovenitti (a post-doc and a PhD students of INAF-OAB) with the support of several researchers of our staff. See the opening on YouTube:opening show. Show time: from September, 12 to October, 18 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, - Monday and Friday until 11.30 p.m. All info on facebook - online audioguide.
2020-10-18 icona per documenti web   

October, 15 2020
Red in the night with music - October, 15 - Booking from October 1

October, 15 2020 - 9 p.m. - Conference with music: "Red in the night" - Monica Sperandio (speaker) - Abramo Raule (violin) - Giovanni Mazzei (piano) . Auditorium Giusi Spezzaferri in Merate (LC) - All info "Conferences with music" - Booking opening from 1/10/2020 - Download the flyer in pdf format
2020-10-15 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 14 2020
Happy Astro Hour - On air

October, 14 2020 - 6.00 p.m. on YouTube - Happy Astro Hour - On AIR - A virtual cocktail with two astronomers Andrea Melandri (INAF-OAB) and Silvia Piranomonte (INAF-OAR) and ... two neutron stars, two black holes, two (or more) interferometers ... You can ask what you want about gravitational waves - click here to connect.
2020-10-14 icona per documenti web   

October, 12 2020
The new INAF President

October, 12 2020 - Marco Tavani is the new INAF President - More reinforce for International project - more reinforce for observative structures and developping for new ones - more support for basic research - more support for admission of our young researchers and more support for internal progressions. This is the program of Marco Tavani our new President. Read on Media Inaf.
2020-10-12 icona per documenti web   
August, 07 2020
Cos-B is the starting point for Esa - on MediaInaf

Cos-B was the first satellite launched from the European Space Agency. The history told by our astronomer Roberto Della Ceca. - Read all story on: Media Inaf
September - December 2020
Universo in fiore 2020

September, 29 2020 FIRST lesson for the BASIC Astronomy course - For Covid19 emergency the course will be ONLINE - The ADVANCED corse will be from 2021 January - All info "Universo in fiore 2020".
2020-10-01 icona per documenti web   

September, 15 2020
Grave bereavement in INAF

We learn now about the passing of our Presidente Nichi D’Amico.
2020-09-15 icona per documenti web   

September, 8 - 9 2020
Stars telling during summer - September, 8 - 9 - SOLD OUT

Sold out for 2 evening observations with the naked eye - September, 8 and 9 2020 in Merate site of Observatory - All info "Stars telling during summer".
2020-09-08 icona per documenti web   
July, 16 2020
Ngc 2992: a laboratory to study black holes - on MediaInaf

A study led by Italian researchers from Asi, Inaf and Roma Tre University shows high energy bursts from the black hole accretion disk of Ngc 2992. Our astronomer Valentina Braito is one of the Italian researchers ... Read all story on: Media Inaf
July, 16 2020
Space Diplomacy origins - on MediaInaf

Our astronomer Roberto Della Ceca - INAF responsible of spatial projects management - tells us about the contact between the USA Apollo space shuttle and the Soviet Union Sojuz module. On July 17 the 45th anniversary ... Read all story on: Media Inaf
June, 22 2020
Covid-19 and ultraviolet light

Sofia Longhi during a stage in Merate for high school (PCTO) interviewed some researchers involved in Covid-19 and ultraviolet light project - See on Youtube: Giovanni Pareschi - Andrea Bianco - Edoardo Redaelli - Alessio Zanutta -
June, 15 2020
Covid-19: the germicidial power of ultraviolet radiation - on MediaInaf

The high germicidic power of UV from studies - Read all story on: Media Inaf
May, 21 2020
Gaussian methods for periodic Blazars - on MediaInaf

Modeling Blazar light curve periodicities by means of Gaussian processes allows us to derive a wealth of information about the data under study and suggests an original analysis framework for light curves of astrophysical interest. A study led by our astronomer Stefano Covino. - Read all story on: Media Inaf
April, 30 2020
Proton–synchrotron as the radiation mechanism of the prompt emission of GRBs? - on MediaInaf

A group of researchers of Inaf, Infn, Gssi, Sissa and Milano-Bicocca University propose proton-synchrotron as a promising mechanism to solve the incomplete cooling puzzle of the prompt emission of gamma-ray burst (GRBs) - Read all story on: Media Inaf
April, 24 2020
Inactivation of the coronavirus with UV light - on MediaInaf

Test in progress in the laboratories of "Sacco" Hospital of Milano - The researchers of INAF Observatory of Brera-Merate and Padova with University of Milano physiopathology department are developing and testing Uv devices for air sanitisation and for deactivation of Sars-Cov-2 virus ... Read all story on: Media Inaf
April, 2020
Reserach for all in one click - by Media Inaf

Online platform for teachers, students and families with the best Italian reserach contributions - Click here to connect with platform
May, 12 2020
Weekly Newsletter - from EduINAF editorial staff

Novità e spunti settimanali per il vostro studio e la vostra curiosità - Dal portale di risorse didattiche, approfondimenti e ribriche di INAF: - Scaricare la newsletter in formato pdf qui di seguito
2020-05-19      icona per documenti pdf 
April, 2020
Resources and initiatives for school and society by INAF

Click on the following link to go to EDU INAF: Resources and initiatives for school and society by INAF

April, 2020
EDU INAF SCHOOL - Resources and initiatives for school by INAF

Click on the following link to go to EDU INAF SCHOOL: Resources and initiatives for school by INAF

March, 2020
I Cieli di Brera - Conferences on YouTube

On our YouTube channel you can find the 2017, 2018 and 2019 conferences of the cycle "I Cieli di Brera" - All conferences: YouTube

March, 2020
#peopleofbrera - Facebook and Instagram

How we can survive to Coronavirus together with our astronomers - hashtag #peopleofbrera on fb and Instagram

CANCELLED - March, 19-29 2020
Shocking Elsa - Exhibition in Milano

From March, 19 to 29 2020 a pink shocking travel with Elsa Schiaparelli, a symbol of indipendent fashion - Show created by Maria Eugenia D’Aquino, Alberto Oliva and Ilaria Arosio - PACTA SALONE via U. Dini 7, Milano. All info:

March, 8 2020
MusAB special - closed door

For MusAB, virtual tour for the visit of the second Sunday of the month - All info: Astronomical Museum of Brera
February, 2020
Astronomy courses 2019-20 - Milano - Universo in fiore - LESSON IS CANCELLED

ATTENTION: the lesson of February, 25 2020 is cancelled. News for next lessons on this page and on "Universo in fiore" 2019-20. Download the flyer in pdf format
2020-02-24 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
February, 20 2020
Evaporation of black holes - Stephen Hawking’s heritage - Conference at Milano Planetarium

February, 20 2020 - 9:00 p.m - Evaporation of black holes - Stephen Hawking’s heritage - by Gabriele Ghisellini - c/o Civic Planetarium of Milano - Corso Venezia 57. - Click here for all information
February, 20 2020
Wish, research, beauty: what is the use of stars? Conference in Lissone (MB)

February, 20 2020 - 8:45 p.m. - Wish, research, beauty: what is the use of stars? - by Ilaria Arosio - "To be familiar with and free to choose" Festival by I.I.S. United Europa - Lissone (MB) - c/o Civic Library - Piazza IV Novembre Lissone
February, 9-19 2020
Black Martina Tremenda in Space - Performance - Milano

Martina Tremenda in Space. Do you know universe? - Performance loosely based on the book "Avventure e scoperte nello spazio (AstroKids)" by Laura Daricello and Stefano Sandrelli - February, 9 -19 2020 - All info for February, 9: Martina Tremenda - February, 9 - For February, 19: 347 84 00 486 -
February, 9 2020
Extra opening for MusAB with Italian Touring Club

"Open for you" is a Italian Touring Club project: every second Sunday of each month a visit for the historical Museum of Brera with the volunteers of Italian Touring Club - Next opening: February, 9 2020 - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Go to links MusAB - Open for you

February, 08 2020
Black Black sky - performing universe 2020 - Milano

Black Black sky - performing universe 2020 - February, 8 - 20:45 - PACTA Hall Via U.Dini 7 Milano - An astrophysic, Stefano Sandrelli, a dancer and an actress together telling us the universe - Coproduction PACTA . dei Teatri – Sosta Palmizi. All info at the link: Black Black sky 2020 - performing universe
2020-02-08 icona per documenti web   
January 15, 2020
Astronomers Reveal Interstellar Thread of One of Life’s Building Blocks - ESO Science release

Phosphorus, present in our DNA and cell membranes, is an essential element for life as we know it. But how it arrived on the early Earth is something of a mystery.. ... Read all story on eso2001
2020-01-29 icona per documenti web   

January, 27 2020
Conference in MIlano

January 27 2020 - 5:30 p.m. - Conference: The first-ever image of a black hole! - Speaker: Luciano Rezzolla - In collaboration with Brera Art gallery and Milano-Bicocca University - Where: Passione room - Brera Palace - Milano

2019 feast days
Our best wishes!

Our best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December,10 2019
Erc for Gabriele Ponti for the project "Hot Milk"

The European Research Council announced the winners of its latest Consolidator Grant competition: 301 top scientists and scholars across Europe. For Italy the grants are 23 (position fourth). Among these Gabriele Ponti, INAF OAB researcher.
Read on Media Inaf
2019-12-29 icona per documenti web   
November 2019
Media Inaf and OAB

Our researchers on Media Inaf - Read on: Ologrammi hi-tech per studiare le stelle, e non solo - La stele di Rosetta dei lampi gamma - Grb 190114C minuto per minuto - Quelle pagliuzze blu negli occhi di Magic
2019-12-26 icona per documenti web   
December, 11 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conferences cycle - Milano

December, 11 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - Last conference: "Fast Radio Burst and more: sky monitored by SKA project" - Chiara Ferrari - Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera
2019-12-11 icona per documenti web   
July - November 2019
Moon: collective story - Fiftieth from Moon landing

July, 20 1969 mankind takes the first walk on the surface of the Moon ... INAF-OAB celebrates the fiftieth anniversary with some events. Look at Moon - Collective story
2019-11-30 icona per documenti web   

November, 4-19 2019
Light in Astronomy - All events

Light in Astronomy 2019 - From November 4 to 19 2019 two weeks for astronomy and astrophysics circulation - Click on the following link for all events Light in Astronomy 2019
2019-11-19 icona per documenti web   
November, 13 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conferences cycle - Milano

November, 13 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - Fourth conference: "Space conquest" - Roberto Della Ceca - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera
2019-11-13 icona per documenti web   

October, 2019
News from Astronomical Museum of Brera

WEEKLY (REGULAR) GUIDED TOURS: Every Wednesday (excluding holidays) starting at 14:00; max 7 people. No booking is required. Meeting point at the entrance of the Astronomical Observatory. The tour includes a brief history of the Observatory and of astronomy from XVIII to XX century, as narrated by the instruments displayed in the gallery, and a visit to Schiaparelli’s telescope and dome. Price: 5 euros - Duration: an hour and a half - Click here for all info: MusAB - weekly guided tours
2019-10-31 icona per documenti web   
October, 29 2019
Walking on the Moon: innovation between stars - Milano

October, 29 2019 - time 6:00 p.m. – Wlaking on the Moon: innovation between stars - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio (INAF-OAB) - Introduction: Prof. Salvatore Torrisi - Acting Rector for Research Development - Bicocca University - Where: Innovation Pub - Street Roberto Cozzi 3, Milano - Free entrance - Only on booking- Click here for all information Research Development - Bicocca University - Milano - Innovation Pub
2019-10-29 icona per documenti web   
October, 13 2019
Extra opening for MusAB with Italian Touring Club

"Open for you" is a Italian Touring Club project: every second Sunday of each month a visit for the historical Museum of Brera with the volunteers of Italian Touring Club - Next opening: November, 10 2019 - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Go to links MusAB - Open for you
2019-10-28 icona per documenti web   
September, 23 - December, 19 2019
Show: "Walking on the Moon" - Milano - Bicocca University

Show "Walking on the Moon: 1969-2019, 50 years from the first step" - September, 23 - December, 19 2019 - Milano - Bicocca University - Click here for all information: Walking on the Moon
2019-10-27 icona per documenti web   
October, 22 2019
All Rock stars - Milano

October, 22 2019 - time 4:30 p.m. – All Rock stars - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio (INAF-OAB) - Inside the show Walking on the Moon - Milano Bicocca University - Room U6-03, Free entry on booking - Click here for all information
2019-10-22 icona per documenti web   

October, 19 2019
Beethoven and black holes - Milano

October, 19 2019 - time 6:00 p.m.– Beethoven and the black holes - Speaker: Simone Iovenitti (INAF-OAB) - Director: Ruben Jais - Beethoven’s symphony n.5 - CycleMusic and science - Milano Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo - Largo Mahler - Click on the following link: for booking
2019-10-19 icona per documenti web   
October, 16 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conferences cycle - Milano

October, 16 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - Third conference: "Gravitational waves and the puzzle of gold in our solar system" - Silvia Piranomonte - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera
2019-10-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October 2019 - April 2020
Astronomy courses 2019-20 - Milano - Universo in fiore - Booking from 09/10

September, 10 2019 registration opening for 2019-20 Astronomy courses in Milano - All info "Universo in fiore 2019-20". Download flyer in pdf format
2019-10-14      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 26-27 2019
News from Media Inaf

Stefano Andreon and Francesco Borsa on Media Inaf - Click here to read the article Why are some galaxy clusters underluminous? - Click here to read the article The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG XI
2019-10-13 icona per documenti web   
September, 24 - October, 11 2019
Galileo, Moon and .... much more - Readings and music - Merate - Booking from 09/24

October, 11 2019 - 6:00 p.m.- Thoughts with readings and music about Galileo scientific research - Free admission - only by booking while seats last. Location: POE room - All information: Galileo, Moon and ... much more Download the flyer in pdf format
2019-10-11 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 2019
NameExoWorlds: give a name to one exoplanet - deadline 10/10

Thanks to the ExoWorlds competition it is now possible: you can participate as an individual person, a group or a school following some simple rules. To participate to the competition you have to send your proposal name for the exo-planet assigned to your country by October 10. All information: NameExoWorlds.
2019-10-10 icona per documenti web   
October, 5-6 2019
Shows in dome - Valentina Benvegnù personal exposition - Merate

Other Spaces: from micro to macro - Valentina Benvegnù personal exposition - October, 5-6 2019 - 10:30; 12:30 a.m. - 3:30;6:00 p.m. - Opening invitation: October, 3 - 6:00 p.m. - All information Shows in dome - Click here to Valentina’s site - Download flyer in pdf format
2019-10-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 27-28 2019
MEETmeTONIGHT 2019 - Milano

September, 27-28 2019 - MEETmeTONIGHT - Researchers’ Night in Lombardia and Campania. Every year a lot of public events dedicated to bringing researchers closer to the public - Click here for all information: MEETmeTONIGHT
2019-09-27 icona per documenti web   
September, 18 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conference cycle - Milano - CANCELLED

CONFERENCE CANCELLED: September, 18 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - Third conference: "Gaia, Einstein’s compass" - Mariateresa Crosta INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino - Next conference: October, 16 2019 - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera - Download the flyer in pdf format
2019-09-18 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
July 2019
Our events in July

Events in July, download the program in pdf format - Stay with us!
2019-07-31 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

July - November 2019
Moon - The Spotify Playlist!

Spotify playlist by Ilaria Arosio, Laura Barbalini and Gianluigi Filippelli of 73 songs dedicated to Moon. To listen click on the following link : MOON - Collective Story
2019-07-31 icona per documenti web   
July, 30 2019
Suonimobili 2019 at OAB!

July, 30 2019 - 9:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. - José Valente (viola) and Manuel Maio (violin) in Merate - Click here to link suonimobili website - Download the flyer with events in Merate in pdf format
2019-07-30 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
July, 16 2019
Back to the Moon - Ilaria Arosio - Biassono (MB)

July, 16 2019 - 9:00 p.m. - Location: Civic Library of Biassono (MB) - Street: S. Martino 9 - Conference "Back to the Moon" - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio (INAF-OAB) - Free event - Click here for information.
2019-07-16 icona per documenti web   

July, 9 2019
Moon destination - Monica Sperandio & Luciano Mantegazza - Merate

July, 9 2019 - 8:45 p.m. in Merate Observatory - "Moon destination - Useful information for Lunar tourism" - with Monica Sperandio and Luciano Mantegazza - ONLY by booking - 8 Euro - From 15 - Click here to link event page Download the flyer in pdf format (1,3 Mb) - Flyer credit: Chiara Pelizza - ASL - M.G. Agnesi Merate (LC)
2019-07-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
July, 6 2019
"L’ochiale per veder la Luna grande" - Glasses to see the great Moon - Touring Club - Milan

July, 6 2019 - 8:30 p.m. - Location: Palazzo Litta in Milano - Street: Corso Magenta 24 - "Glasses to see the great Moon - Leonardo Da Vinci and the astronomy." - by Touring Club - Speech by Mario Carpino (INAF-OAB) about Galileo and the Sidereus Nuncius - Free donation until the end of seats- Click here to link information page.
2019-07-06 icona per documenti web   
July, 2019
Well done for Marco Landoni and Tomaso Belloni

Marco Landoni and Tomaso Belloni on MediaInaf - Read the news on the pages: Inaf and Amazon together to study Universe and Spatial meeting from Berna to Pechino. Congratulations!
2019-07-05 icona per documenti web   
July, 4 2019
Moon .... Where are you? - Theater and Science with Bianca Salmaso and Marco Ballerini - Booking closed

July, 4 2019 - 9:00 p.m. in Merate Observatory - "Moon ...Where are you?" - Theater and science with Bianca Salmaso (physicist) and Marco Ballerini (actor) - ONLY by booking - 35 seats - 10 Euro - From 14 - Click here to link event page. Download the flyer in pdf format (4Mb) - Credit for poster: Aurora Stucchi - ASL - M.G. Agnesi Merate (LC)
2019-07-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

July, 4 2019
The other side of the Moon - Gabriele Ghisellini - Milano

July, 4 2019 - 7:00 p.m. - Location: Labò Cultural center in Milano - Street: Farini 70 - "The other side of the Moon" - with Gabriele Ghisellini (INAF-OAB) - Free event with little party best with booking - Click here for fb event page.
2019-07-04 icona per documenti web   
June, 24 - 28 2019
2nd Italian Astrostatistics School

June, from 24 to 28 2019 - 2nd Italian Astrostatistics School in Milano - Prof.: Stefano Andreon - Click here to link school website
2019-06-28 icona per documenti web   
June, 12 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conference cycle - Milano

June, 12 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - Second conference: "Athena project: X-ray knowledge" - Bianca Salmaso - INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera
2019-06-12 icona per documenti web   

June, 10 2019
Moon night - Music and Astronomy - Merate

June, 10 2019 - 9 p.m. - Location: Giusi Spezzaferri Auditorium in Merate - "Moon night: 1969-2019 - Background and curiosities looking for future" - Monica Sperandio (speaker) - Abramo Raule (violin) - Giovanni L. Mazzei (piano) - Luciano Mantegazza (speaker from telescope) - Giuseppe Malaspina (telescope technician) - During the event we will see Moon live projection from a telescope - "Music and Astronomy" conference cycle - Click here for web page conference cycle "Music and Astronomy" - Download the flyer in pdf format
2019-06-10 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
June, 9 2019
Extra opening for MusAB with Italian Touring Club

"Open for you" is a Italian Touring Club project: every second Sunday of each month a visit for the historical Museum of Brera with the volunteers of Italian Touring Club - Schedulated seminars by Mario Carpino: 11:30 a.m. "The discovery of extrasolar planets" - 3: p.m. Duomo sundial - Official time in Milano during 1700s - 4:30 p.m. "The discovery of extrasolar planets" - Next opening for MusAB: June, 9 2019 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Go to links MusAB - Open for you
2019-06-09 icona per documenti web   

June, 07 2019
Open Night in Merate - Booking CLOSED

June, 07 2019 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation - All info Open Night, June, 07 2019. Pay event only by booking - BOOKING CLOSED.
2019-06-07 icona per documenti web   

May, 31 2019
Conference in Merate

May, 31 2019 - 08:45 - Villa Confalonieri - Conferenza title: "14 billions old for the universe it doesn’t feel it"- Speaket: Gabriele Ghisellini - Location: Garibaldi 17 - Merate (LC)
2019-05-31 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May 2019
News from, Cherenkov Astri-Horn Telescope

Crab Nebula first observation with Astri-Horn Telescope - Click here for the news on Media Inaf: "Cielo gamma: due specchi sono meglio di uno" - Click here for CTA Press Release: "ASTRI-Horn is first Cherenkov telescope in dual-mirror configuration to detect the Crab Nebula at TeV energies" - Click here for APPEC news: Crab Nebula detected with ASTRI-Horn Cherenkov Telescope
2019-05-24 icona per documenti web   
May, 22 2019
Conference in Merate - Online booking CLOSED

Online booking CLOSED for the conference "Looking for Black Holes" by Tomaso Belloni - Date & Time: May, 22 - 9:00 p.m. - Place: OAB conference Room in Merate - Free event ONLY by online booking - 50 seats - click here for information
2019-05-22 icona per documenti web   
May, 20-21-22 2019
Pint of Science in Milano

May, 20-21-22 2019 - 07:30 p.m. Pint of Science - some researchers for you in a pub to discuss of science! For the cycle " From atoms to galaxies&quo: May 21 Chiara Righi - Neutrinos like a star! - May, 22 Simone Iovenitti - Space-Time: when the situation gets grave - May, 22 Claudia Toci - How to cook a planetary system - click here for all info
2019-05-22 icona per documenti web   
May, 22 2019
Conference in Merate - Online booking CLOSED

Online booking CLOSED for the conference "Looking for Black Holes" by Tomaso Belloni - Date & Time: May, 22 - 9:00 p.m. - Place: OAB conference Room in Merate - Free event ONLY by online booking - 50 seats - click here for information
2019-05-22 icona per documenti web   
May, 15 2019
"I Cieli di Brera" - Conference cycle - Milano

May, 15 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Conferences cycle "I Cieli di Brea" - First conference: "The red planet: what about the future of Mars space exploration?" - Francesca Altieri - INAF-Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali - In collaboration with Pinacoteca of Brera and "Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere" - C/O Sala della Passione - Pinacoteca in Palazzo Brera, via Brera 28 Milano - Click here for all info: I Cieli di Brera
2019-05-15 icona per documenti web   

May, 06 2019
"Great Jupiter! Back to the future" - Conference at the Planetarium in Milano

May, 6 2019 - 9:00 p.m. - POP-SCIENCE conference at the Milano Planetarium - Title: GREAT JUPITER! Back to the future. Temporal paradox, time travels ... Between science and science fiction - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio - Click here for all info - Click here for fb vent page
2019-05-06 icona per documenti web   

April, 2, 4, 9, 11 and 16 2019
Guided visits to MusAB - Milano ASL students - #STEM in the city 2019

April, 2, 4, 8, 11 and 16 for you guided visits with students of ASL to discover Brera Astronomical Museum - Free entrance (25 seats) - In occasion of STEM in the city a week organized by Miur in collaboration with SAIT and INAF - Read on: ASL and MusAB - Read on: #STEMintheCity2019
2019-04-15 icona per documenti web   
April 2019
Astronomy courses 2018-19 completed - Milano - Universo in fiore

Astronomy courses completed - online presentations and audio - All info "Universo in fiore"
2019-04-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
April, 10 - 12 2019
When we arrived on Moon ... Memories for 50th Anniversary of Moon landing

April, 10 and 12 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. we will invite you to leave your testimony about Moon landing. We will celebrate the 50th anniversary with your memories - Please contact us:
April, 13 2019
Martina Tremenda in Space - National Astronomy Week

April, 13 2019 - "Martina Tremenda in Space" show - 4:00 p.m. - C/O Cinema Teatro Politeama - Seveso (Mi) - In occasion of the National Astronomy Week (MIUR in collaboration with SAIT and INAF) - Booking and program: A view to the sky
2019-04-12 icona per documenti web   

From March, 15 2019
Postcards from Moon - Brera Astromomical Museum

For you a precious collection every week from March, 15 in occasion of fiftieth anniversary of Moon landing - Link collection Postcards from Moon
2019-04-10 icona per documenti web   
March, 20 2019
Compliments to Gabriele Ponti and his team!

Thanks to Xmm-Newton satellite data, Gabriele Ponti and his team discovered two hot gas columns extending hundreds of parsecs above and below the Galactic Centre. The results on Nature. Read on " Media Inaf - Read on " Nature
2019-04-02 icona per documenti web   
April, 1 2019
Conference at Milano Planetarium

April, 1 2019 - 9:00 p.m. - Cover with sky - Technology and innovation between stars - by Ilaria Arosio - C/O LOfficina del Planetario - Milano Civic Planetarium - Corso venezia 57 - More information: Tomorrow I’ll be on the Moon. How can I get dressed? - fb event
2019-04-01 icona per documenti web   

February 2019
Riccardo Giacconi. Memories - EDU INAF

A web page in memory of Riccardo Giacconi on EDU INAF - by Laura Barbalini, Anna Wolter and Luigi Stella.
Read all story on Milano and Riccardo Giacconi
2019-03-25 icona per documenti web   
March 2019
News for Astronomical Museum of Brera

OAB Museum will be closed from March, 19 to March 22 - Link to the web site MusAB
March, 20 2019
Waiting for ... I cieli di Brera

Waiting for eleventh edition of conferences cycle "I cieli di Brera" - March, 20 2019 - time 6 p.m. Fabrizio Bonoli presents "Discovering Moon face - From legends to landing" - c/o Sala della Passione - Palazzo Brera - via Brera 28 Milano Info: I cieli di Brera
2019-03-20 icona per documenti web   

March, 14 2019
Digital teaching for Astronomy - Seminar for Digital week in Milano

March, 14 2019 - 4:00 p.m. - c/o INAF OAB in Milano - via Brera 28 - Stefano Sandrelli, Gianluigi Filippelli and Laura Barbalini present: " Digital teaching for Astronomy - Seminar for Digital week - Free admission - Info: Digital teaching for astronomy
2019-03-14 icona per documenti web   
March, 11 2019
All rock stars. Fifty years of astronomy across a musical revolution - Conference in Milano

March, 11 2019 - 9:00 p.m. - POP-SCIENCE conferences c/o Milano Planetario U. Hoepli - Conference by Ilaria Arosio: All rock stars. Fifty years of astronomy across a musical revolution - Info and booking: Pop-Science - fb page pop-science event
2019-03-11 icona per documenti web   
February 06 2019
Bubbles of Brand New Stars - ESO Photo Release

The dazzling region of newly-forming stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) was captured by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer instrument (MUSE) on ESO’s Very Large Telescope ...
Read all story on eso1903
2019-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February, 21 2019
Compliments to Giancarlo Ghirlanda and his team!

Today on Science a very important result by a team coordinated by Giancarlo Ghirlanda ...
Read all story Getto relativistico dopo l’onda gravitazionale
2019-02-21 icona per documenti web   
From September, 28 2018 until February, 10 2019
Brave captains - The discovery human adventure (1906-1990) - MUDEC MIlano

MUDEC Milano from September, 28 2018 to February, 10 2019 the show "Brave captains - The discovery human adventure (1906-1990)" - Among relics Schiaparelli’ observative armchair. Read on Media Inaf
2019-02-10 icona per documenti web   

January 22 2019
A Fleeting Moment in Time - Photo Release

European Southern Observatory’s Cosmic Gems Programme captures last breath of a dying star ...
Read all story on eso1902
2019-02-06 icona per documenti web   
January, 10 2019
Open Night in Merate - Booking CLOSED

January, 10 2019 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation
Christmas, 2018

Our best wishes for Christmas and Happy New Year! - Closing days: from December, 24 2018 to January, 1 2019 - Info guided visits for Merate: BOOKING CLOSED from December, 22 2018 to January, 7 2019. No daytime guided visits in January, they will restart on February, 1 2019. Info for guided visits - Download the new TNG calendar 2019 Calendar
2019-01-01 icona per documenti web   
December 2018
Our events in December

Download the programin pdf format of all our events in November - Stay with us!
2018-12-28      icona per documenti pdf 
December, 14 2018
Life and death for Sun and stars - Cinema and Astronomy - La Valletta Brianza

Three science fictions and three astronomical conferences - Third event - December, 14 2018 - 8:30 p.m. - Conference: Life andd death for Sun and stars - Speaker: Gianantonio Guerrero - Film: Sunshine by D. Boyle Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-12-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December, 12 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

December, 12 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: An ESPRESSO to search for exoplanets - Speaker: Marco Landoni - INAF-OAB All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-12-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

December, 11 2018
All together to see comet with GAV _ BOOKING CLOSED

BOOKING CLOSED - December, 11 2018 - 7:30 p.m. - We will observe the comet 46P Wirtanen with the group of star friends of Villasanta (MB). All info comet page booking
2018-12-11 icona per documenti web   

November, 29 2018
Conference - Milano Planetarium

Milano Planetarium - November, 29 2018 - 9 p.m. Conference: One, one hundren, one thousand universes - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info Planetarium
2018-11-29 icona per documenti web   
November, 25 2018
The strange universe of Interstellar - Cinema and Astronomy - La Valletta Brianza

Three science fictions and three astronomical conferences - Second event - November, 25 2018 - 3:00 p.m. - Conference: The strange universe of Interstellar - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - Film: Interstellar by C. Nolan. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-11-25 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 20 2018
Astronomy courses 2018-19 - Milano - Universo in fior

November, 20 basic course by Paola Battaglia. All info "Universo in fiore"
2018-11-20 icona per documenti web   
November, 20 2018
Open Night in Merate - Booking closed

November, 20 2018 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation. Booking closed.

November 19 2018
Cosmic Serpent - Photo Release

ESO’s VLT captures details of an elaborate serpentine system sculpted by colliding stellar winds ... Read all story on eso1808
2018-11-19 icona per documenti web   

November, 16 2018
The discovery of other worlds - Cinema and Astronomy - La Valletta Brianza

Three science fictions and three astronomical conferences - Firts event - November, 16 2018 - 8:30 p.m. - Conference: The discovery of other worlds - Speaker: Luciano Mantegazza - Film: Forbidden Planet by F.M. Wilcox. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-11-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

November, 14 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

November, 14 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: Is this under rhe same sky? 1938-2018 - Racial laws and astronomers in Italy - Speaker: Agnese Mandrino - INAF-OAB All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-11-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 11 2018
Extra opening for MusAB with Italian Touring Club

"Open for you" is a Italian Touring Club project: every second Sunday of each month a visit for the historical Museum of Brera with the volunteers of Italian Touring Club - Next opening for MusAB: November, 11 2018 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Go to links MusAB - Open for you
2018-11-11 icona per documenti web   
November 6 2018
ALMA and MUSE Detect Galactic Fountain - Science Release

Observations by ALMA and data from the MUSE spectrograph on ESO’s VLT have revealed a colossal fountain of molecular gas powered by a black hole in the brightest galaxy of the Abell 2597 cluster ...
Read all story on eso1836
2018-11-06 icona per documenti web   
November, 2 2018
NO Daytime visit first friday of November in Merate

NOTICE: no daytime visit for November, 2 2018.
October, 29, 2018
Bewitches night - Conference of Music and astronomy

October, 29 2018 - 9 p.m. - Public Auditorium of Merate - Conference of music and astronomy - Monica Sperandio (speaker) - Abramo Raule (violin) - Giovanni L. Mazzei (piano) - Andrea Bianco (infrared shooting) - Marta Fustella (lectures) - Ghost (The ghost) - Halloween, bewithes, ancient and new spirits of astronomy future. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-10-29 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 2018
Bergamoscienza 2018 & Scienze Festival of Genova - INAF is present!

BERGAMO SCIENCE from 6 to 21 October 2018 - GENOVA SCIENCE FESTIVAL frorm 25 October to 4 November: INAF is there with different events! Go to links Bergamo Science - Genova Science Festival - Changes
October, 19 2018
Cosmos among notes - Conference in Robbiate (LC)

Robbiate (LC) - October, 19 2018 - 8:45 p.m. - Title of conference: Cosmos among notes - Monologues, illustrations and interstellar travels - Speaker: Angelo Adamo (astronomer populariser) - Robbiate Municipal Hall - Organized by La Semina association - Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-10-19 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 17 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

October, 17 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: Hunting sounds and light with gravitational waves and photons - Speaker: Marica Branchesi - Gran Sasso Science Institute All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-10-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 9 2018
How can neutrons die in a water molecule after crossing Earth? - Public conference in MIlano - AGN13

AGN13 Congress - October, 9 2018 - time 9:00 p.m. - Milano Civic Acquarium - Public conference: "How can neutrons die in a water molecule after crossing Earth?" - Speaker: Chiara Righi - INAF-OAB. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-10-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

September, 24
Opening booking for Astronomy courses - Milano - Universo in fiore

On Monday, 24 opening registration for astronomical courses in Milano. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-10-08 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 2018
PRISMA Project - The live image

Live image for the PRISMA all-sky camera in Merate. PRISMA is the first network to monitor sistematically meteoroid and atmosphere. Go to live image. More information about project: PRISMA
2018-10-01 icona per documenti web   

September, 28 2018
MEETmeTONIGHT - We will be in Milano and Lecco

September, 28 2018 - INAF Astronomical Observatory of Milano will be in MIlano and Lecco for MEETmeTONIGHT - All info The observatory and MEETmeTONIGHT
2018-09-28 icona per documenti web   
September 03, 2018
Information for guided visits

Milano Astronomical Museum: guided tours from September,3 2018. All info: Astronomical Museum - Merate: from September, 7 monthly guided tours (first friday). For evening full until December 2018. For booking from January 2019 call o send an email from October. All info guided tours
2018-09-22 icona per documenti web   
October 2018 - May 2019
L’universo in fiore - 2018-19 - New astronomy courses

On September, 3 you can sign up for the new astronomy courses (basic and advanced levels). All info at Universo in fiore 2018-19
2018-09-21 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

September, 19 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

September, 19 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: A neutrino history: from cosmic hotbed to South Pole ice - Speaker: Chiara Righi - University of Insubria - Como All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-09-20 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August 29, 2018
Stars v. Dust in the Carina Nebula - ESO Photo release

VISTA gazes into one of the largest nebulae in the Milky Way in infrared. ... Read all story on eso1828
2018-09-16 icona per documenti web   
August 08, 2018
Elliptical Elegance - ESO Photo release

A glittering host of galaxies populate this rich image taken with ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope, a state-of-the-art 2.6-m telescope designed for surveying the sky in visible light. ... Read all story on eso1827
2018-08-16 icona per documenti web   

July, 31 2018
Moving sounds 2018 - Moderately alone (among stars in Merate)

July, 31 2018 - "Moderately alone (among stars)" - Pasquale Mirra - vibraphone - During the festival "Moving sounds 2018" - June 28 to August 4 everyday a concert, everyday a new place to discover - All info Moderately alone (among stars)
2018-07-31 icona per documenti web   
June 05, 2018
"Magini" award to Andrea Zannoni (UniMi) - Media Inaf

"Mangini"’s award for Andrea Zannoni’s degree thesis in astrophysics. For the thesis worked with our astronomers Ennio Poretti and Francesco Borsa with the supervision of Giuseppe Lodato (Statal University of Milano). Title for the thesis: Revelation of exoplanetary atmospheres through high-resolution transmission spectroscopy ... Read all story on Media Inaf
2018-06-20 icona per documenti web   
June, 13 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

june, 13 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: BepiColombo - Discovering Mercurio: scienze and technology - Speaker: - Bep-it Team - INAF and La Sapienza University of Rome All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-06-18 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May 31, 2018
Gravitational waves, curtain lowers down on X-ray - Media Inaf

A team of reserachers led by our astronomer Paolo D’Avanzo obtained a crucial information to better understand the mechanisms at the base of the first neutron stars fusion event ... Read all story on Media Inaf - Reead on ESA Cosmic Blast Takes Rest at Last - Read on Le Scienze INAF: La luce X di GW170817 si sta spegnendo - Read on La Stampa Si spengono i raggi X emessi con le onde gravitazionali
2018-06-17 icona per documenti web   

Astronomy courses 2017-18 closed - Milano - Universo in fiore

Astronomical courses in Milano closed in May. See you in October. Audio and slides: "Universo in fiore"
2018-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May, 16 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

May, 16 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: The dark side of the Universe - Speaker: Andrea Cimatti - University of Bologna. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-05-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 16 2018 - International Day of Light
Open Night in Merate

April, 20 2018 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation. On booking event.
May 16, 2018
Pint of Science - Milano

May 2018, 16 - 07:00 p.m. - Our astronomers Paolo D’Avanzo and Stefano Covino present during the event Pint of Science "Fantastic days" c/o Ostello Bello Grande , Via Lepetit 33, Milano - The festival Pint of Science is the place to tell and to listen about last news in research sipping a good beer (from 14 to 16 May) - Info:
2018-05-16 icona per documenti web   
May 15, 2018
5x15 - 5 speakers for 15 minutes

May 2018, 15 - 07:45 p.m. - Stefano Sandrelli during the event 5x15 will present "Giovanni the telegraphist feels alone although there are one hundred thousand billion of planets - c/o Philological Society in Milano - Via Clerici 10, 20121 - 5x15 connects five persons to tell about their life but they have only 15 minutes to describe themeselves - Info and tickets:
2018-05-15 icona per documenti web   

May, 2018 12
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

May, 2018 09 - twelfth lesson for basic course - "Historical guided visit to Astronomical Obseravtory of Brera in Milano - All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-05-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

May, 2018
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

May, 2018 09 - twelfth lesson for advanced course - "Italian astrophysical research in space - Speaker: Roberto Della Ceca. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-05-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
April 25, 2018
Ancient Galaxy Megamergers - ESO Science Release

ALMA and APEX discover massive conglomerations of forming galaxies in early Universe ... Read all story on eso1812
2018-05-08 icona per documenti web   

April 12, 2018
Tacchini’award to Matteo Genoni

Congratulation to Matteo Genoni for his PhD thesis has won Tacchini’ award as the best technological thesis in 2018. For his thesis Matteo worked in our gOlem group with Marco Landoni as supervisor and Marco Riva as tutor, The same award in 2016 to our astronomer Bianca Salmaso.
April 06, 2018
PRISMA project - Monitoring meteoroids!

A camera for meteoroid in Merate since March. 27 (PRISMA/FRIPON project) - Our researcher Stefano Basso tells us on facebook - All info -
2018-05-08 icona per documenti web   
April 11, 2018
SPHERE Reveals Fascinating Zoo of Discs Around Young Stars

New images from the SPHERE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope are revealing the dusty discs surrounding nearby young stars in greater detail than previously achieved ... Read all story on eso1811
2018-04-26 icona per documenti web   
April 14-15 and 21-22, 2018 - Week dedicated to Astronomy
"A walk between Stars" Painting show in collaboration with Ist. Statale Cernusco

April 2018, 14/15 and 21/22 - "A Walk between Stars" - astronomical painting show in collaboration with Ist. Statale of Cernusco - 3A and 3F classroom of junior high school. - Event on booking - Our astronomer Sabrina De Grandi tells us about the project on : video mp4 format or in 3gp format - All info Passeggiando tra le Stelle - Open booking on: booking page - Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-04-22 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
April, 20 2018 - Week dedicated to Astronomy
Open Night in Merate - Booking open

April, 20 2018 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation. On booking event.
2018-04-20      icona per documenti pdf 

March, 2018 28
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March, 2018 28 - eleventh lesson for advanced course - "Is there anybody outside? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-28 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
March 27 2018

The ultra-high stable spectrograph ESPRESSO is on its way to be offered to the astrophysical community for new and exciting science! Let’s illustrate the successfully faced technological challenge and the main stream research lines keeping an eye toward the future - When: March, 27 2018 - 2:00 p.m. - Where: Palazzo Brera - cupola fiore. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-27 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 26 2018
Space epic: Mars, what a passion! - Speaker: Patrizia Caraveo - Milano

Conference: Mars, what a passion - Soeaker: Patrizia Caraveo - 2018/03/26 - 6:30 p.m. - c/o Circolo Filologico Milanese - Palazzo Liberty - via Clerici, 10 Milano. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-26 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
March, 21 2018
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

March, 21 2018 - 6 p.m. - Title: Coexist with Sun: from apparently quite to spatial storm - Speaker: Alessandro Bemporad - INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Torino. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2018. Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-22 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
March 20 2018
OAB and CarpInScienza

March 2018, 20 - 8:45 p.m. - CarpInScienza Festival of Science in Carpi (Modena) - Location: Corso cinema - Conference by Stefano Sandrelli - title: "One hundred thousand billion of planets and John the Telegraphist feels alone" - With the partecipation of "Rulli frulli band". All info CarpInScienza 2018
2018-03-20 icona per documenti web   
March 05 2018
MATISSE Instrument Sees First Light on ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer - Organisation Release

Most powerful interferometric instrument ever at mid-infrared wavelengths ...
Read all story on eso1808
2018-03-14 icona per documenti web   

March, 2018 10
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March, 2018 10 - tenth lesson for advanced course - "Visit to the laboratories in Merate - All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-10 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 2018 06
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March, 2018 06 - tenth lesson for basic course - "Standard cosmological model and the puzzle of expansion - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-03-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
February 16 2018
ESO Astronomer Selected for Astronaut Training Programme - ESO Science Release

ESO astronomer Suzanna Randall is one step closer to her dream of becoming the first German woman to travel into space ...
Read all story on eso1807
2018-03-03 icona per documenti web   
February 13 2018
ESO’s VLT Working as 16-metre Telescope for First Time - ESO Science Release

ESPRESSO instrument achieves first light with all four Unit Telescopes ... See our fb page for a short lunch-interview to our researchers who projected ESPRESSO!
Read all story on eso1806
2018-03-02 icona per documenti web   

February, 2018 20
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February, 2018 20 - ninth lesson for basic course - "Giants in the universe: galaxy clusters - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-02-20 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

February 05 2018
TRAPPIST-1 Planets Probably Rich in Water - ESO Science Release

First glimpse of what Earth-sized exoplanets are made of ...
Read all story on eso1805
2018-02-15 icona per documenti web   

February, 2018 14
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February, 2018 14 - ninth lesson for advanced course - "The primordial universe and the inflation theory - Speaker: Paola Battaglia. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-02-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

February, 2018 06
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February, 2018 06 - eighth lesson for basic course - "In the galaxies kingdom - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-02-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
January 31 2017
Glory From Gloom - ESO Photo Release

A dark cloud of cosmic dust snakes across this spectacular wide field image, illuminated by the brilliant light of new stars ...
Read all story on eso1804
2018-02-05 icona per documenti web   
January 24 2017
First Light for Planet Hunter ExTrA at La Silla - ESO Science Release

A new national facility at ESO’s La Silla Observatory has successfully made its first observations. The ExTrA telescopes will search for and study Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby red dwarf stars ... Read all story on eso1803
2018-02-01 icona per documenti web   

January, 2018 31
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January, 2018 31 - eighth lesson for advanced course - "The strong force - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-01-31 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
January 17 2018
Odd Behaviour of Star Reveals Lonely Black Hole Hiding in Giant Star Cluster - ESO Science Release

Astronomers using ESO’s MUSE instrument on the Very Large Telescope in Chile have discovered a star in the cluster NGC 3201 that is behaving very strangely ... Read all story on eso1802
2018-01-31 icona per documenti web   

January, 2018 23
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January, 2018 23 - seventh lesson for basic course - "Stellar wrecks: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-01-23 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

January, 2018 17
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January, 2018 17 - seventh lesson for advanced course - "The weak force - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-01-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
January 06 2018
Gianpiero Tagliaferi on Media-Inaf

MediaInaf interviews our director Gianpiero Tagliaferri about the role of Swift Satellite for GW170817 event. Look on YouTube
2018-01-15 icona per documenti web   

January, 2018 09
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January, 2018 09 - sixth lesson for basic course - "The biggest explosions in the Universe - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2018-01-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

Christmas 2017
Merry Christmas!

Days closed during Christmas: from 23/12/2017 to 01/01/2018.
Our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
2018-01-02      icona per documenti pdf 

December 22 2017
Giant Bubbles on Red Giant Star’s Surface - ESO Photo Release

Astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope have for the first time directly observed granulation patterns on the surface of a star outside the Solar System ... Read all story on eso1741
2017-12-29 icona per documenti web   
December 06 2017
Ennio Poretti the new Director of FGG (TNG)!

Compliments to Ennio Poretti: starting 1st January 2018 will be the new Director<./span> of TNG! Read on TNG web site Ennio Poretti Director of TNG
2017-12-22 icona per documenti web   
December 14 2017
Stellar Nursery Blooms into View - ESO Photo Release

The OmegaCAM camera on ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope has captured a glittering view of the stellar nursery called Sharpless 29 ... Read all story on eso1740
2017-12-21 icona per documenti web   

December, 2017 20
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 20 - sixth lesson for advanced course - "Light and Electromagnetism - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-20 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December, 13 - 19 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

December, 13 2017 - 6 p.m. - The secrets of Cerere - Speaker: Maria Cristina De Sanctis -INAF – Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali di Roma. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-12-13 icona per documenti web   

December, 2017 12
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 12 - fifth lesson for basic course - "Stellar evolution - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

December, 2017 06
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December, 2017 06 - fifth lesson for advanced course - "Gravity - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
December 06 2017
First Light for ESPRESSO - the Next Generation Planet Hunter - ESO Science Release

The Echelle Spectrograph ESPRESSO has successfully made its first observations. Our Observatory is part of the consortium that designed and built ESPRESSO ... Read all story on eso1739 - Read also MediaInaf article: An Espresso will find Exoplanets and see MediaInaf video: First light for Espresso, 3.0 Planet Hunter
2017-12-05 icona per documenti web   
November 29 2017
MUSE Probes Uncharted Depths of Hubble Ultra Deep Field - ESO Science Release

Deepest ever spectroscopic survey completed ... Read all story on eso1738
2017-12-04 icona per documenti web   

Decemberr, 4 2017
A golden era of astronomy - Conference in Merate

December 4, 2017 - 9:00 p.m. - Merate Auditorium - Piazza Prinetti - Conference with our astronomers: A golden era of astronomy - Cosmic collisions and gravitational and electromagnetic waves - All info web page - Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-12-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

November, 2017 28
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 28 - fourth lesson for basic course - "New possible worlds: the extrasolar planets - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-28 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 26 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

November 26, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Under Ofiuco zodiac sign - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format

2017-11-26 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

November, 2017 22
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 22 - fourth lesson for advanced course - "To be astronomer for an hour - Speaker: Ginevra Trinchieri. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-22 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 13 - 19 2017
2017, Light in Astronomy

From November, 13 - 19, 2017 Italy Light Festival organized by INAF and National Astronomical Society. . Web page events for our Observatory : Light in Astronomy 2017 - Download flyer for MERATE - download flyer for MILANO
2017-11-20 icona per documenti web   
November, 15 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

November, 15 2017 - 6 p.m. - Advanced Virgo: study gravitational waves in Galileo land - Speaker: Giovanni Losurdo - INFN - Pisa Advanced Virgo Project Leader. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-11-15 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 15 2017
Closest Temperate World Orbiting Quiet Star Discovered - ESO Science Release

ESO’s HARPS instrument finds Earth-mass exoplanet around Ross 128 ... Read all story on eso1736
2017-11-15 icona per documenti web   

November, 2017 14
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 14 - third lesson for basic course - "The solar system: origin and characteristics - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November 03 2017
ALMA Discovers Cold Dust Around Nearest Star - ESO Science Release

The ALMA Observatory in Chile has detected dust around the closest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri ... Read all story on eso1735
2017-11-14 icona per documenti web   

November, 2017 08
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November, 2017 08 - third lesson for advanced course - "A proof for a theory - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-11-08 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October 25 2017
Revealing Galactic Secrets - ESO Photo Science Release

An astonishingly deep image reveals a myriad of dim objects along with faint intracluster light ... Read all story on eso1734
2017-11-01 icona per documenti web   
October 16 2017
ESO Telescopes Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source - ESO Science Release

Merging neutron stars scatter gold and platinum into space. ESO’s fleet of telescopes in Chile have detected the first visible counterpart to a gravitational wave source. Read all story on eso1733
2017-10-26 icona per documenti web   

October, 2017 25
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 25 - second lesson for advanced course - "The casual discovery - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-25 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 2017 24
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 24 - second lesson for basic course - "The sky above Milano - Speaker: Fabio Peri. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-24 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October 16 2017
New results for gravitational astronomy - INAF-ASI-INFN Press Release

Today October 2017, 16 from 3:45 p.m. Press Release about new discoveries for gravitational astronomy. Streaming on MIUR web site ( and on Media INAF. Read all the story on INAF.
2017-10-16 icona per documenti web   
October, 15 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

October 15, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Space and time - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format

2017-10-15 icona per documenti web   

September, 29 - October 15 2017
BergamoScienza, between music theatre and ... science - by Stefano Sandrelli - Media Inaf

BergamoScienza 2017 - The Science divulgation festival in Bergamo - From September 30 to October 15 2017. Read the story on Media Inaf by Stefano sandrelli Media Inaf
2017-10-15 icona per documenti web   
October, 11 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

October, 11 2017 - 6 p.m. - Trappist-1: seven red lights planets - Speaker: Monica Rainer - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-10-11 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 2017 10
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2018 10 - first lesson for basic course - "Introduction to Astronomy - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-10 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 03 2017
The gravitational waves swamp the Nobel Prize in Physics - Media Inaf

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 was divided, one half awarded to Rainer Weiss, the other half jointly to Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne ... Read on Media Inaf
2017-10-09 icona per documenti web   
September, 27 2017
The Strange Structures of the Saturn Nebula - ESO Photo Release

The spectacular planetary nebula NGC 7009, or the Saturn Nebula, emerges from the darkness like a series of oddly-shaped bubbles, lit up in glorious pinks and blues ... Read all the story on ESO 1731
2017-10-05 icona per documenti web   

October, 2017 04
Astronomy courses 2017-18 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October, 2017 04 - first lesson for advanced course - "From G. Galileo to G. Schiaparelli - Speaker: Agnese Mandrino. All info: "Universo in fiore". Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-10-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 14 2017
Merz-Repsold, the telescope that lived twice - by Stefano Sandrelli - Media Inaf

A new life for the telescope used in the last 1800s by G.V. Schiaparelli to discover Mars secrets. Now you can find it in the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milano - by Stefano sandrelli with interview to A. Mandrino - Read all story on Media Inaf
2017-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September, 29-30 2017
MEET me TONIGHT 2017 - September 29/30

MEET me TONIGHT 2017: observatory events Meet Me Tonight 2017 & Observatory
2017-09-30 icona per documenti web   
September, 23 2017
Heritage European days

September 23, 2017 cultural institutions will be open. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m seminars about "Culture and nature in Milano". - place: Milano National Archive. Among speakers Agnese Mandrino at 12 a.m. with a seminar about "The Martians in Milano" - All info National archive Authority of Lombardy or National Archive.
Download the progam in pdf format
2017-09-23 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 24 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

September 24, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Discovering Saturn rings - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-09-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August, 09 2017
News for evening visits in Merate

News for evening visits in Merate: sold out until December 2017 - For booking from January 2018 phone o send an email - All info Visite guidate
2017-09-15 icona per documenti web   

September, 14 2017
STAR TREK Live - Milano

Visiting our Astronomical Museum in Milano you can receive two free tickets for the Star Trek Live. All info Star Trek Live Adventure
2017-09-14 icona per documenti web   
September, 13 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

September, 13 2017 - 6 p.m. - Italian space astrophisycs - Speaker: Roberto Della Ceca - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017.
2017-09-13 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August, 17 2017
Supermassive Black Holes Feed on Cosmic Jellyfish - ESO Science Release

ESO’s MUSE instrument on the VLT discovers new way to fuel black holes ... Read all the story on ESO 1725
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   

August, 25 2017
Neutron stars and the collapsed atoms - by Paolo D’Avanzo - MediaInaf

Small as asteroids but able to make very powerfull explosions...By Paolo D’Avanzo. Read all the story on MediaInaf
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   
August, 31 2017
ALMA Finds Huge Hidden Reservoirs of Turbulent Gas in Distant Galaxies - ESO Science Release

First detection of CH+ molecules in distant starburst galaxies provides insight into star formation history of the Universe ... Read all the story on ESO 1727
2017-09-04 icona per documenti web   

August, 08 2017
On-line three books of F.G.W. Struve!

Three Struve’s books in pdf format - Struve was an astronomer best known for his observations of double stars. You can find the books in pdf format at the link Opere Struve
2017-08-24 icona per documenti web   

August, 11 2017
Schiaparelli and the Merz-Repsold telescope

Merz-Repsold telescope used by G.V. Schiaparelli for Mars observations from our Observatory in Milano will be showed in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milano. Read the article on ":La lettura - Corriere della sera" Schiaparelli and the telescope that caused the Mars legend
2017-08-24 icona per documenti web   

August, 10 2017
News for Obseravory - summer closing

On August 14th and 15th the Observatory will be closed

July, 25 2017
Eyes Wide Open for MASCARA in Chile - ESO Organisation Release

Exoplanet hunter sees first light at ESO’s La Silla Observatory ... Read all the story on ESO 1722
2017-08-08 icona per documenti web   
July, 27 2017
A Tale of Three Stellar Cities - ESO Science Release

Using new observations from ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope, astronomers have discovered three different populations of young stars within the Orion Nebula Cluster. ... Read all the story on ESO 1723
2017-08-08 icona per documenti web   

August, 04 2017
Moving sounds 2017- Cosmic bassoon in Merate!

Sold out for "Cosmic bassoon" - August 4, 2017 - During the festival "Moving sounds 2017" - July 1 to August 4 everyday a concert, everyday a new place to discover- All info Cosmic bassoon
2017-08-04 icona per documenti web   
July, 05 2017
Dazzling Spiral with an Active Heart - ESO Photo Release

ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) has captured a magnificent face-on view of the barred spiral galaxy Messier 77 ... Read all the story on ESO 1720
2017-07-20 icona per documenti web   
July, 07 2017
Open Night in Merate - read the article!

Open Night in Merate a success!
July 07, 2017 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation. Next opening in September. Read the article on Merateonline.
2017-07-07      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 21 2017
The six women of the stars explain how they conquered Nasa

For the first time an article signed only by women. They discovered the secrets of Black Holes born after Big Bang. Among the six researchers Tullia Sbarrato who studied in our Observatory for degree and PhD. Read the article on Repubblica Le sei ragazze italiane delle stelle: "Così abbiamo conquistato la Nasa"
2017-07-04 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
CTA Prototype Telescope, ASTRI, Achieves First Light

During the nights of 25 and 26 May, the camera of the ASTRI telescope prototype recorded its first ever Cherenkov light while undergoing testing at the astronomical site of Serra La Nave (Mount Etna) in Sicily managed by INAF-Catania. Read all the story on MediaInaf (in italian) Astri cattura i suoi primi lampi gamma dal cielo - Read CTA press release CTA Prototype Telescope, ASTRI, Achieves First Light
2017-06-30 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
VST Captures Three-In-One - ESO Photo Release

Two of the sky’s more famous residents share the stage with a lesser-known neighbour in one enormous new three gigapixel image from ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope (VST) ... Read all the story on ESO 1719
2017-06-29 icona per documenti web   
May, 31 2017
More spectra with hologram

A new theoretical study in our Observatory uses diffraction gratings to obtain more spectra during a single observation ... On MediaInaf the interview to Alessio Zanutta More spectra with hologram
2017-06-23 icona per documenti web   
May, 17 2017
This. Is Inaf - teaser video by Davide Coreo Borga

What is Inaf? A three minuts video to discover it - Teaser video by Davide Coreo Borga - Go to Youtube link: Inaf - Chasing the unknown
2017-06-18 icona per documenti web   
June, 14 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

June, 14 2017 - 6 p.m. - CTA: light octaves - Speaker: Giovanni Pareschi - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-06-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 22 2017
Remember that time we discovered a supernova using Ruth?

Surprising Ruthsonday - time 9:43 p.m. - What a discover for seven students of Milano University during an astronomical prectice exercise ... All story on Media Inaf Remember that time we discovered a supernova using Ruth?
2017-06-13 icona per documenti web   
June, 08 2017
ALMA Finds Ingredient of Life Around Infant Sun-like Stars - ESO Science Release

ALMA has observed stars like the Sun at a very early stage in their formation and found traces of methyl isocyanate ... Read all the story on ESO 1718
2017-06-08 icona per documenti web   
June, 01 2017
Sad news: farewell to Nanni Bignami

Greeting to Nanni Bignami: the funeral ceremony will be in Milano at "Sala delle Colonne - National Museum of Science and Technology - June, 1 2017 - time 11 a.m. .
2017-06-01 icona per documenti web   
May, 26 2017
Open Night in Merate

May 26, 2017 from 7.00 p.m. - Open night in Merate: laboratories and telescopes guided tour and sky observation.
May, 23 2017
Stefano Sandrelli and Samantha Cristoforetti on TV

On Sunday May 21 during the TV program "Che tempo che fa" Samantha Cristoforetti presented the book "Nello spazio con Samantha" written in collaboration with Stefano Sandrelli! Look at the interview at 20th minuts of registration Che tempo che fa
2017-05-23 icona per documenti web   
May, 21 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

May 21, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - The astronaut Paolo Nespoli will return on International Station.... - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-05-21 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 17 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

May, 17 2017 - 6 p.m. - Homo sapiens in the space - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-05-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 03 2017
VISTA Peeks Through the Small Magellanic Cloud’s Dusty Veil - ESO Science Photo Release

The Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy is a striking feature of the southern sky even to the unaided eye. But visible-light telescopes cannot get a really clear view of what is in the galaxy because of obscuring clouds of interstellar dust ... Read all the story on ESO 1714
2017-05-15 icona per documenti web   
April 2017
Stars and rock’n’roll by Ilaria Arosio

In the montlly magazine "Le stelle" April number you can find a very interesting article by Ilaria Arosio about stars and rock’n’roll. On line magazine Le stelle.
2017-04-22 icona per documenti web   

April, 19 2017
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

April, 19 2017 - 6 p.m. - 1 - 100 - multi-verse? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - INAF–OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2017. Download the flyer with all conferences in pdf format
2017-04-19 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
April, 12 2017
ALMA Captures Dramatic Stellar Fireworks - ESO Science Release

Stellar explosions are most often associated with supernovae, the spectacular deaths of stars. But new ALMA observations provide insights into explosions at the other end of the stellar life cycle, star birth. ... Read all the story on ESO 1711
2017-04-19 icona per documenti web   
March, 27 2017
Stars Born in Winds from Supermassive Black Holes - ESO Science Release

ESO’s VLT spots brand-new type of star formation ... Read all the story on ESO 1710
2017-04-13 icona per documenti web   
March, 16 2017
Dark Matter Less Influential in Galaxies in Early Universe - ESO Science Release

VLT observations of distant galaxies suggest they were dominated by normal matter ... Read all the story on ESO 1709
2017-04-12 icona per documenti web   

April, 11 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

April 11, 2017 - eleventh lesson for basic course - The Standard Cosmological Model and the puzzle of expansion of the Universe - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-04-11 icona per documenti web   
April, 09 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

April 09, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - Titan? A world made up by methane - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-04-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 29 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 29, 2017 - last lesson for advanced course - What is time? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini (INAF-OAB). All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-29 icona per documenti web   
March, 28 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 28, 2017 - eleventh lesson for basic course - The large-scale structure of the Universe - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-28 icona per documenti web   
March, 10 2017
Ancient Stardust Sheds Light on the First Stars - ESO Science Release

Astronomers have used ALMA to detect a huge mass of glowing stardust in a galaxy seen when the Universe was only four percent of its present age. ... Read all the story on ESO 1708
2017-03-21 icona per documenti web   
March, 15 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 15, 2017 - tenth lesson for advanced course - The Physics of Star Trek - Speaker: Fabio Peri. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-15 icona per documenti web   
March, 14 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 14, 2017 - tenth lesson for basic course - What is the meaning of the stars? - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-14 icona per documenti web   
March, 12 2017
Astrokids 2017: Travelling the universe - conferences for children

March 12, 2017 - 11:30 a.m. - White snow and seven planets - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2017. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-03-12 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 09 2017
Conference in Merate

March, 09 2017 - 8:45 p.m. - Searching another Earth - conference by Stefano Covino INAF-OAB - c/o Aula Magna P. Borsellino Ist. Agnesi and Viganò - Merate - De’ Lodovichi 10 - Merate (Lc)
2017-03-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

March, 01 2017
A Galaxy on the edge - ESO Photo Release

A colourful stripe of stars, gas, and dust is actually a spiral galaxy named NGC 1055. Captured here by ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), this big galaxy is thought to be up to 15 percent larger in diameter than the Milky Way ... Read all the story on ESO 1707
2017-03-07 icona per documenti web   
March, 5 2017
Museocity - Milano - Secret museum - Sidereus Nuncius exhibition

March 5, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Galileo "Sidereus Nuncius" exhibition c/o Brera Astronomical Observatory Event: "Museocity" - Secret Museum. More information about MuseoCity Milano - MuseoCity. Download our program in pdf format
2017-03-05 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

February, 14 2017
Statue of Boscovich in Milano

A statue in Milano as a tribute to Ruggero Boscovich. Read on Repubblica - Read on Comune di Milano
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   
February, 23 2017
Ultracool Dwarf and the seven Planets - ESO Science Release

Temperate Earth-sized Worlds Found in Extraordinarily Rich Planetary System ... Read all the story on ESO 1706
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   
March, 01 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 01, 2017 - ninth lesson for advanced course - Introduction to quantum mechanics - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-03-01 icona per documenti web   

February, 21 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 21, 2017 - Eighth lesson for basic course - Universe giants: galaxy clusters - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-21 icona per documenti web   

11-12 - 18-19 February 2017
Mars and the Martian - Milano

February, 11-12 and 18-19 2017 - Mars and Martians: exploring Red Planet for two weekends in Milano. Where: National Museum of Science and Thecnology "Leonardo Da Vinci" Milano - All info: Mars and Martians in Milano
February, 6 2017
Neil Gehrels Neil Gehrels passed away

Neil Gehrels passed away on February 6. Neil was one of the most respected scientist for high enery astrophisics. Read on Media INAF the interview to our Director Gianpiero Tagliaferri: Farewell to Neil Gehrels
2017-02-17 icona per documenti web   

February, 15 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 15, 2017 - eighth lesson for advanced course - Technology - What about instruments to study cosmic inflation - Speaker: Paola Battaglia. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-15 icona per documenti web   
February, 6 2017
Giovedìscienza award

Sign up for GiovedìScienza award for researchers under 35 years old. All info GiovedìScienza
2017-02-14 icona per documenti web   
February, 10 2017
Conference in Merate

February 10, 2017 9:45 p.m. - conference: Climate changes and civilization collapse - Speaker: Elio Antonello. Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-02-10      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 1 2017
Celestial Cat Meets Cosmic Lobster - ESO Photo Release

Astronomers have for a long time studied the glowing, cosmic clouds of gas and dust catalogued as NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 ... Read all the story on ESO 1705
2017-02-10 icona per documenti web   
February, 10 2017
Conference in Merate

February, 10 10 2017 - 9 p.m. - Evening hearts - Waiting for S. Valentino - Speaker: Monica Sperandio - Abramo Raule (violinist) - Giovanni Mazzei (piano) - Third conference about "Music and Astronomy" - Merate Auditorium - piazza Eroi - Merate (Lc). Information about conference "Evening Hearts" - Download the flyer in pdf format
2017-02-10      icona per documenti pdf 

February, 07 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 07, 2017 - Seventh lesson for basic course - In galaxies kingdom - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-07 icona per documenti web   
February, 3 2017
Conference in Merate

February, 3 2017 - 08:45 p.m. - Why knowledge makes free - by Edoardo Boncinelli Conference organized by La Semina - The conference will be mediated by our astronomer Stefano Covino. Place: Auditorium P. Borsellino - Ist. Agnesi and Viganò Via De’ Lodovichi 10 - Merate (Lc)
2017-02-03      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 01 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

february 1th 2017 - Seventh lesson for advanced course - Technology - All about ESO telescopes - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-02-01 icona per documenti web   
January, 27 2017
Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

To commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day we share this video Night Will Fall
2017-01-27 icona per documenti web   

January, 19 2017
Contracts Signed for ELT Mirrors and Sensors - ESO Organisation Release

The construction of the 39-metre ELT, the largest optical/near-infrared telescope in the world, is moving forward ... Read all the story on ESO 1704
2017-01-27 icona per documenti web   
January 2017
Tutta colpa di Galileo - on TV

On TV - Italia Uno - Three episodes about space discovery - Some scenes were recorded in OAB.
Link to the first .
2017-01-24 icona per documenti web   

January, 24 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 24, 2017 - Sixth lesson for basic course - Stellar relics: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-24 icona per documenti web   
January, 17 2017
ALMA Starts Observing the Sun - ESO Science Release

New images taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile have revealed otherwise invisible details of our Sun, including a new view of the dark, contorted centre of a sunspot that is nearly twice the diameter of the Earth. ... Read all the story on ESO 1703
2017-01-23 icona per documenti web   
January, 18 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 18, 2017 - Sixth lesson for advanced course - Research - News from particles world - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-18 icona per documenti web   

January, 10 2017
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 10, 2017 - Fifth lesson for basic course - Stellar evolution - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info "Universo in fiore"
2017-01-10 icona per documenti web   

Christmas 2016
Holiday cards from Hubble!

From Hubble Space Telescope web-site you can download holiday cards..
Holiday cards.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2016
2017 APOD

From APOD web-site you can download the 2017 calendar..
2017 APOD Calendar.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   

Christmas 2016
2017 TNG CalendarStars!

From TNG web-site you can download the 2017 calendar..
CalendarStars 2017.
2017-01-09 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2016
The most accurate Universal map - MediaInaf

VIPERS project results. The project is coordinated by INAF researchers..
Read all story Media Inaf
2017-01-01 icona per documenti web   
Christmas 2016
Days closed during Christmas - Our wishes

Days closed: from December 27, 2016 to January 01, 2017.
For Milano no guided visits from December 20, 2016 to January 1, 2017.

All info Guided visits.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year
December, 20 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December 20, 2016 - Fourth lesson for basic course - New possible worlds: the extrasolar planets - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-12-22 icona per documenti web   
December, 21 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December 21, 2016 - Fifth lesson for advanced course - Research - Science double meaning: a theory demonstration - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-12-21 icona per documenti web   
December, 12 2016
Spinning Black Hole Swallowing Star Explains Superluminous Event - ESO Science Release

ESO telescopes help reinterpret brilliant explosion ... Read all the story on ESO 1644
2016-12-20 icona per documenti web   
December, 9 2016
Xavier Barcons Appointed as Next ESO Director General - ESO Science Release

The ESO Council has appointed Xavier Barcons, 57, as the next Director General of ESO. He will take up his position on 1 September 2017, when Tim de Zeeuw, the current Director General, completes his mandate. ... Read all the story on ESO 1643
2016-12-19 icona per documenti web   
December, 7 2016
Dark Matter May be Smoother than Expected - ESO Science Release

Careful study of large area of sky imaged by VST reveals intriguing result ... Read all the story on ESO 1642
2016-12-19 icona per documenti web   
December, 14 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

December, 14 2016 - 6 p.m. Italy on Mars: Exomars mission and Schiaparelli probe - Speaker: Maria Cristina De Sanctis INAF –(Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
2016-12-14 icona per documenti web   
December, 12 2016
Conference in Merate

December, 12 2016 - 8:45 p.m. - Climate change and man evolution - conference by Elio Antonello INAF-OAB and President of Italian Archeoastronomy Association - c/o ARTEe20 Merate Bastioni - Don Cazzaniga 3 street - Merate (Lc)
2016-12-12      icona per documenti pdf 

December, 6 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December 6, 2016 - Third lesson for basic course - The great mystery of planet Earth - Speaker: Gianluca Lentini - Poliedra - Polytechnic university of Milano . All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-12-06 icona per documenti web   
November, 23 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November 30, 2016 - Fourth lesson for advanced course - Research - Science double meaning: a casual discovery - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-11-30 icona per documenti web   
November, 25 2016
The history of Italy by 5 telescopes - Conference

November 25, 2016 - 8:45 p.m. - Calco (Lc) - The history of Italy by 5 telescopes - Conference by Stefano Covino Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-11-25      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 16 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

November 22, 2016 - Second lesson for basic course - Solar system: origin and characteristics - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-11-22 icona per documenti web   
November, 11 2016
Light in Astronomy - Special service on Teleunica

Light in Astronomy: interview to Bianca Salmaso - See it on Teleunica Speciali SETTE or you can download it from our web page Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-21 icona per documenti web   
November, 16 2016
Italian Astronomical Olympic Games - Edition XV - Dead-line November, 25 2016

Italian Astronomical Olympic Games - edition XV - From October 21, 2016. For students born in the following years: 2000-2001 (Senior) and 2002-2003 (Junior).
All info: Edizione 2017
2016-11-20 icona per documenti web   
November, 19 2016
A completely mine telescope - Multimedial show - Milano - For Light in Astronomy 2016

November, 19 2016 - Multimedial recital - PACTA. Dei Teatri - ScienzaInScena - DonneTeatroDiritti with Maria Eugenia d’Aquino and Ilaria Arosio - 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. . Only by booking. All information on Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-19 icona per documenti web   
November, 16 2016
Light in Astronomy 2016 - Our events!

November 14 - 20, 2016 the Brera Astronomical Observatory lights up! - Events on booking - All info: Light in Astronomy 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-11-19 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 16 2016
Faraway in the time - Show in Milano

During Light in Astronomy 2016 - November 14-19 in Milano - Show: "Faraway in the time... A travel in the Universe riding light"- You can see the show during Observatory opening times. For school: you can book a conference every day (November 14-18) at 11 a.m. lasting one hour. All info Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-19 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 18 2016
Open night - Merate - For Light in Astronomy 2016

November, 18 2016 - 7:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. - Visits for our laboratories - astronomical conference. Only by booking. All information on Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-18 icona per documenti web   
November, 16 2016
Open night - Milano - For Light in Astronomy 2016

November, 17 2016 - 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Visits for ancient astronomical instruments and "Schiaparelli’s dome". Every 30 min. All information on Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-17 icona per documenti web   
October, 28 2016
ESO’s VLT Detects Unexpected Giant Glowing Halos around Distant Quasars - ESO Science Release

An international team of astronomers has discovered glowing gas clouds surrounding distant quasars ... Read all the story on ESO 1636
2016-11-16 icona per documenti web   
November, 16 2016
The Science of "Interstellar" - conference and film for Light in Astronomy 2016

November, 16 2016 - 2:30 p.m. Gabriele Ghisellini tells us about the Physics of Interstellar a film by Christopher Nolan (2014). Then we will see the film. Event on booking. All information on Light in Astronomy 2016.
2016-11-16 icona per documenti web   
November, 16 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano for Light in Astronomy 2016

November, 16 2016 - 6 p.m. Stars and particles - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio INAF – OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
2016-11-16 icona per documenti web   
November, 7 2016
Golden night - Conference with music - Light in Astronomy 2016

November 14, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. - Golden night - conference with music - Speaker: Monica Sperandio - Abramo Raule, violin - To follow observations of Urano e Nettuno. All info: Light in Astronomy 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-11-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 10 2016
Astrokids 2016 - Milano

November, 13 2016 - 11:30 a.m. - conference: "Everybody on Plutone!" - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-11-13 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 24 2016
Latest articles on MediaInaf

Latest articles on MEDIA INAF MediaInaf
2016-11-04 icona per documenti web   

October, 24 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October 26, 2016 - Second lesson for advanced course - One hour as astronomer: Gamma ray bursts - Speaker: Om Sharan Salafia. All info "Universo in fiore"
2016-10-26 icona per documenti web   
October, 05 2016
A completely mine telescope - A multimedia show - Milano

"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." V. Woolf. October, 20-23, 2016 - Maria Eugenia D’Aquino and Ilaria Arosio in "A completely mine telescope" - c/o Ariberto theater, Daniele Crespi, 9 street - Milano. By PACTA . dei teatri "ScienzaInScena" - DonneTeatroDiritti in colaboration with INAF-OAB. Read on fb A completely mine telescope. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-10-23 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 

October, 10 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

Waiting for "Schiaparelli" lander coming - October, 19 2016 - 6 p.m.Schiaparelli on Mars - Speaker: Agnese Mandrino (INAF-OAB) and Andrea Bernagozzi (Astronomical Observatory of Valle d’Aosta). All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
2016-10-19 icona per documenti web   
October, 12 2016
The Milky Way’s Ancient Heart - ESO Science Release

VISTA finds remains of archaic globular star cluster ... Read all the story on ESO 1636
2016-10-18 icona per documenti web   

October, 10 2016
Workshop on Autism - Merate

Wednesday - October 12, 2016 - from 2 p.m. - Workshop on Autism - from 6 p.m. ADAM film - Merate Council Auditorium - free admission - All info: Autism workshop in Merate.
2016-10-12 icona per documenti web   
October, 04 2016
God particle - Short film - Milano

Wednesday - October 12, 2016 - from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. - The short film tells about Higgs boson by Mark Levinson and Walter Murch - c/o CINEWANTED - Tertulliano, 68 street - Milano Info: CINEWANTED.
2016-10-12 icona per documenti web   
September, 26 2016
The gold maker couple - from MediaInaf

A very interesting new study on Nature Communication about compact objects fusion. Among authors our Stefano Covino and Paolo D’Avanzo. Read all the story on The gold maker couple
2016-10-10 icona per documenti web   
October, 04 2016
Family Day at Museum - F@Mu 2016

Sunday - October 09 2016 - The Family Day at Museum - We want to experience it with all of you: adults, children, and museums. See you soon! All info: F@Mu 2016.
2016-10-09 icona per documenti web   
October, 05 2016
ESO’s Dustbuster Reveals Hidden Stars - ESO Photo Release

In this new image of the nebula Messier 78, young stars cast a bluish pall over their surroundings, while red fledgling stars peer out from their cocoons of cosmic dust. ... Read all the story on ESO 1635
October, 04 2016
Astrokids 2016 - Milano

October, 09 2016 - 11:30 a.m. - conference: "Everybody on Bennu!" - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-10-09 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 22 2016
ALMA Uncovers Secrets of Giant Space Blob - ESO Science Release

An international team using ALMA, along with ESO’s Very Large Telescope and other telescopes, has discovered the true nature of a rare object in the distant Universe called a Lyman-alpha Blob. ... Read all the story on ESO 1632
September, 30 2016
ALMA Catches Stellar Cocoon with Curious Chemistry - ESO Science Release

A hot and dense mass of complex molecules, cocooning a newborn star, has been discovered by a Japanese team of astronomers using ALMA. This unique hot molecular core is the first of its kind to have been detected outside the Milky Way galaxy ... Read all the story on ESO 1634
2016-10-04 icona per documenti web   

October, 04 2016
Astronomy courses 2016-17 - Milano - Universo in fiore

October 5, 2016 - First lesson for advanced course - One hour as astronomer: what about astronomical images? By Ginevra Trinchieri. All info "Universo in fiore".
2016-10-04 icona per documenti web   
September, 30 - October, 01 2016
Meet me Tonight 2016

September, 30 - October 01 2016 - The Milano edition for European Researchers’ Night - All info: MEET me TONIGHT.
2016-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September, 28 2016
25/09/2016 - Amalia Ercoli Finzi on TV

Amalia Ercoli Finzi welcome guest in "Che tempo che fa" transmission broadcast. See the interview on RaiPlay
2016-10-01 icona per documenti web   
September, 26 2016
ALMA Explores the Hubble Ultra Deep Field - ESO Science Release

Deepest ever millimetre observations of early Universe ... Read all the story on ESO 1633
2016-09-30 icona per documenti web   
September, 15 2016
Starving Black Hole Returns Brilliant Galaxy to the Shadows - ESO Science Release

The mystery of a rare change in the behaviour of a supermassive black hole at the centre of a distant galaxy has been solved by an international team of astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope along with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory ... Read all the story on ESO 1631
September, 08 2016
Astronomers Discover Rare Fossil Relic of Early Milky Way - ESO Science Release

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope and other telescopes a fossilised remnant of the early Milky Way harbouring stars of hugely different ages has been revealed by an international team of astronomers ... Read all the story on ESO 1630
September, 19 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

September, 21 2016 - 6 p.m. Earth and esoplanets weather - Speaker: Gianluca Lentini - Poliedra - Politecnico di Milano. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
September, 13 2016
Astrokids 2016 - Milano

September, 18 2016 - 11:30 a.m. - conference: "Giove wait for us!" - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-09-18      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 13 2016
Science for all - short film - Milano

September, 14 2016 - 5:00 p.m. "Science for all", show - Milano Film Festival - MUDEC. Info Festa della Scuola al Milano Film Festival - Su fb Festa della scuola
August, 25 2016
Planet Found in Habitable Zone Around Nearest Star - ESO Science Release

Pale Red Dot campaign reveals Earth-mass world in orbit around Proxima Centauri ... Read all the story on ESO 1629
July, 27 2016
Stellar Lab in Sagittarius - ESO Photo Release

Messier 18: a perfect cosmic laboratory in which to study the life and death of stars ... Read all the story on ESO 1628
July, 27 2016
White Dwarf Lashes Red Dwarf with Mystery Ray - ESO Science Release

Astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, along with other telescopes on the ground and in space, have discovered a new type of exotic binary star ... Read all the story on ESO 1627
July, 26 2016
The Area Galactic Music - Booking only - Sold out!

August, 3 2016 - 9-9:45-10:30 p.m. A night visit in Merate with music - Jazz Guitarists: Enrico Merlin and Valerio Scrignoli. All information on The Area Galactis Music
June, 27 2016
Jupiter Awaits Arrival of Giuno - ESO Photo Release

Spectacular VLT images of Jupiter presented just days before the arrival of the Juno spacecraft ... Read all the story on ESO 1623
June, 17 2016
Successful First Observations of Galactic Centre with GRAVITY - ESO press release

Black hole probe now working with the four VLT Unit Telescopes ... Read all the story on ESO 1622
June, 21 2016
Spresso Project - The Front End in Ginevra!

The Espresso Front End after final tests was sent to Ginevra. Thanks to gOlem group and to all the off stage OAB staff. Read on Espresso Project
June, 17 2016
Unexpected Excess of Giant Planets in Star Cluster - ESO press release

An international team of astronomers have found that there are far more planets of the hot Jupiter type than expected in a cluster of stars called Messier 67 ... Read all the story on ESO 1621
June, 17 2016
ALMA Observes Most Distant Oxygen Ever - ESO press release

A team of astronomers has used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to detect glowing oxygen in a distant galaxy seen just 700 million years after the Big Bang. ... Read all the story on ESO 1620
June, 15 2016
First Detection of Methyl Alcohol in a Planet-forming Disc - ESO press release

The organic molecule methyl alcohol has been found by the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) in the TW Hydrae protoplanetary disc ... Read all the story on ESO 1619
June, 15 2016
Bologna as the host site of the CTA Headquarters!

On 13 June 2016, the governing body of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory gGmbH (CTAO gGmbH), the CTA Council, selected Bologna as the host site of the CTA Headquarters. Read all the story on CTA news. Download our President’s congratulations in pdf format
2016-06-25      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 13 2016
Ok from NASA for Swift, NuSTAR, XMM and Fermi missions - Media Inaf

NASA Senior Review assesses the merits and performance of the following six missions: Swift, Kepler, NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, Fermi, Spitzer ... Read all the story on Media Inaf
June, 10 2016
Astrophysics as star attraction in the Italian Academy of Lincei - MediaInaf

Today June 10, 2016 the "Tartufari" award: for astronomy Andrea Cimatti and Gabriele Ghisellini ... Read all the story on Media Inaf
June, 16 2016
White night in Cernusco Lombardone

June 18, 2016 since 10 p.m. the Observatory will be present in the Cernusco Lombardone white night - c/o Parco della Vittoria, Cernusco Lombardone (Lc). Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-06-18      icona per documenti pdf 
June, 13 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

June, 15 2016 - 6 p.m. First light: the cosmic microwave background radiation - Speaker: Paola Battaglia - Univ. of Trieste. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
June, 10 2016
Black Hole Fed by Cold Intergalactic Deluge - ESO press release

An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has witnessed a cosmic weather event that has never been seen before ... Read all the story on ESO 1618
May, 19 2016
A Beautiful Instance of Stellar Ornamentation - ESO photo release

Light from blazing blue stars energises the gas left over from the stars’ recent formation ... Read all the story on ESO 1616
May, 23 2016
Gravitational waves: impossible detection - Conference in Merate

May 27, 2016 - 9 p.m - Municipal auditorium : conference about the gravitational waves discovery - Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-05-27      icona per documenti pdf 
May, 23 2016
Pint of science - Milano

May - 23 - 25, 2016 - Milano - science suitable for all! All info Pint of science
May, 03 2016
Solar bottle - "Permanente" museum in Milano

April 2, since September 12 2016 - Permanente Museum of Milano. A bottle for water sanitize - The detector was developped in OAB by Andrea Bianco e Martino Quintavalla. You can see the bottle in the show La logica del’approssimazione, nell’arte e nella vita. See on Youtube the bottle story.
May, 17 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

May, 18 2016 - 6 p.m. What is time? - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini - INAF/OAB. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
May, 17 2016
GW150914: The detection of gravitational waves - conference - Milano Bicocca

May 18, 2016 - U6-Aula Magna - Milano Bicocca University. Speaker: Dr. Michele Punturo - INFN, EGO - LIGO Science Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-05-18      icona per documenti pdf 
May, 17 2016
Samantha Cristoforetti & Stefano Sandrelli - Torino International Book show

The complete recording of the meeting with Samantha Cristoforetti, Stefano Sandrelli and Piero Bianucci on YouTube
May, 13 2016
50 years of space in Europa - conference in Merate

May, 13 2016 - 8:45 p.m.- Merate - 50 years of space in Europa: a history of great success - Speaker: Franco Bonacina - ESA. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-05-13      icona per documenti pdf 
May, 04 2016
Tacchini 2016 award to Bianca Salmaso

Bianca Salmaso won Tacchini’ award for the best PhD technological thesis. The award ceremony on May 2, 2016 during the SAIt meeting in Roma. Our best compliments to Bianca!
May, 09 2016
IAA Fellow prize to Stefano Andreon

The International Astrostatistics Association (IAA) assigned the "IAA Fellow" prize to Stefano Andreon of OAB, as reported by Mediainaf. To know more about IAA activity you can check their web site hosted on our web at the link. Our best compliments to Stefano!
May, 04 2016
Unique Fragment from Earth’s Formation Returns after Billions of Years in Cold Storage - ESO press release

Tailless Manx comet from Oort Cloud brings clues about the origin of the Solar System ... Read all the story on ESO 1614
May, 04 2016
Latest articles on Media Inaf

BeppoSax satellite between latest Media Inaf articles ... Read all on Media Inaf news
May, 04 2016
Three Potentially Habitable Worlds Found Around Nearby Ultracool Dwarf Star - ESO press release

Currently the best place to search for life beyond the Solar System ... Read all the story on ESO 1614
April, 19 2016
German-OAB cultural interchange!

April 18, 2016: 44 German students in Merate for a twinning visited our Observatory ... Read all article Merateonline
May, 06 2016
Transit of Mercury seen in Merate

May 9, 2016 from 1 to 5 p.m.: in Merate we’ll see together Mercury transit. Free admission - All info Transit of Mercury 2016
April, 15 2016
Inside the Fiery Furnace - ESO photo release

VLT Survey Telescope Captures the Fornax Cluster ... Read all the story on ESO 1612
April, 27 2016
INot(te) d'oro - conference with live music in Merate

April 30, 2016 - 9 p.m. - Note about conquest of space - speaker: Monica Sperandio - INAF-OAB - Violinist: Abramo Raule - Auditorium Merate - municipal hall - free admission. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-04-30      icona per documenti pdf 
April, 8 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

Astronomical courses closed - Audio and presentations Universo in fiore
April, 13 2016
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

April, 13 2016 - 6 p.m. Gravitational waves: a new window on the universe - Speaker: Monica colpi - Milano Bicocca University. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2016
April, 10 2016
Astrokids 2016 - Milano

April 10, 2016 - 11:30 a.m. - conference: "Explore the mysteries of exoplanets" - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-04-10      icona per documenti pdf 
April, 5 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

April 5, 2016 last lesson for basic course - The Standard cosmological model and the expansion enigma - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info Universo in fiore
March, 31 2016
ALMA’s Most Detailed Image of a Protoplanetary Disc - ESO photo release

Evidence for planet formation in Earth-like orbit around young star. ... Read all the story on ESO 1611
March, 23 2016
The Wilds of the Local Group - ESO photo release

The story of a stand alone galaxy. ... Read all the story on ESO 1610
March, 23 2016
Gravitational waves - Museum of Science and Technology of Milano

March 23, 2016 - 6 p.m. - Gravitational waves discovery All info conference
March, 22 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 22, 2016 10th lesson for basic course - Universe Large Scale Structure - Speaker: Luigi Guzzo. All info Universo in fiore
March, 18 2016
Conference - Lecco Planetarium

March, 18 2016 - 9 p.m. - Human evolution and Paleoclimatology - Speaker: Elio Antonello (INAF-OAB). All info Lecco Planetarium
March, 16 2016
Unexpected Changes of Bright Spots on Ceres Discovered - ESO photo release

Observations made using the HARPS spectrograph at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile have revealed unexpected changes in the bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres. ... Read all the story on ESO 1609
March, 16 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 16, 2016 last lesson for advanced course - Science two-way - Speaker: Giancarlo Ghirlanda. All info Universo in fiore
March, 13 2016
Astrokids 2016 - Milano

March 13, 2016 - 11:30 a.m. - conference: "Everybody on Mars" - c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids 2016. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-03-13      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 11 2016
Conference - Lecco Planetarium

March, 11 2016 - 9 p.m. - Galaxies and clusters: how do they fatten? - Speaker: Sabrina De Grandi (INAF-OAB). All info Lecco Planetarium
March, 09 2016
A own telescope on Merate on-line

The conference by Ilaria Arosio on Merate on-line
March, 09 2016
Brera on Mars - Waiting for European Schiaparelli satellite launch

March 9, 2016 - from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. c/o Sala della Passione della Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano. Download the flyer
2016-03-09      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 08 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 08, 2016 9th lesson for basic course - Active Galactic Nuclei - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info Universo in fiore
March, 08 2016
A own telescope - The the role of female astronomers

Conference by Ilaria Arosio - "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." V.Woolf. March, 8 20162016 - 9 p.m. At Library of Cernusco Lombardone (Lc) - March, 9 2016 - 9 p.m. At Villa Monguzzi - Biassono (Mi). Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-03-08      icona per documenti pdf 
March, 02 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

March 02, 2016 9th lesson for advanced course - Time’s arrow - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info Universo in fiore
March, 01 2016
Conference - gravitational waves - La Semina

March 01, 2016 - 8:45 p.m. - Presentation of gravitational waves - Speaker: Stefano Covino (INAF-OAB) - address: via Lodovichi 10 - Merate. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-03-01      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 24 2016
ATLASGAL Survey of Milky Way Completed - ESO photo release

A spectacular new image of the Milky Way has been released to mark the completion of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) ... Read all the story on ESO 1606
February, 23 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 23, 2016 8th lesson for basic course - Galaxies: cosmo pillars - Speaker: Ginevra Trinchieri. All info Universo in fiore
February, 21 2016
Luca Perri on tv - Youtube

Luca Perri guest on TV show "Il mondo insieme" ... Look the video on Youtube
February, 17 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 17, 2016 8th lesson for advanced course - Introduction to quantum mechanics - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli. All info Universo in fiore
February, 15 2016
Luca Perri and the gravitational waves - MediaInaf

Gravitational waves: Luca Perri’s interview about his post on fb ... Read on MediaInaf
February, 12 2016
Gavitational Waves - Articles by MediaInaf

Gavitational Waves - MadiaInaf special issue - All articles: MediaInaf
February, 11 2016
LIGO press release via streaming

February 11, 2016 - 4:00 p.m. - Milano Bicocca - Meeting to duscuss the LIGO results for gravitational waves. Download the flyer in pdf format
2016-02-11      icona per documenti pdf 
February, 10 2016
A Star’s Moment in the Spotlight - ESO photo release

A newly formed star lights up the surrounding cosmic clouds in this new image from ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile ... Read all the story on ESO 1605
February, 09 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

February 9, 2016 7th lesson for basic course - Galaxies: structures and colours - Speaker: Ginevra Trinchieri. All info Universo in fiore
February, 07 2016
A telescope completely mine - Theatre

Febraury 07, 2016 - 5:00 p.m. - Ilaria Arosio (INAF-OAB) and Maria Eugenia D’Aquino (PACTA . dei Teatri). At 6:00 p.m. "Scienze and Women" by Monica Colpi (Univ. Milano Bicocca) - Teatro Alfredo Chiesa via San Cristoforo 1 - Milano. All info: A telescope completely mine
February, 03 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

Febraury 03, 2016 7th lesson for advanced course - Comparison of cosmological models: cosmic inflation - Speaker: Carmelita Carbone. All info Universo in fiore
February, 03 2016
The Deep-Frozen Flying Saucer - ESO press release

ALMA finds unexpectedly cold grains in planet-forming disc ... Read all the story on ESO 1602
January, 27 2016
The Milky Way’s Clean and Tidy Galactic Neighbour - ESO press release

Many galaxies are chock-full of dust, while others have occasional dark streaks of opaque cosmic soot swirling in amongst their gas and stars ... Read all the story on ESO 1602
January, 26 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 26, 2016 sixth lesson for basic course - Stellar wrecks: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes - Speaker: Gabriele Ghisellini. All info Universo in fiore
January, 20 2016
#givemefiveplanets - from 20/01 to 20/02

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have been visible simultaneously before dawn since last week. All five will remain visible before dawn through mid-February, 2016. See the iniziative organized by INAF: #givemefiveplanets
January, 20 2016
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

January 20, 2016 sixth lesson for advanced course - News from particles world: new light in astrophisycs - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio. All info Universo in fiore
January, 15 2016
The Turbulent Birth of a Quasar - ESO press release

ALMA reveals secrets of most luminous known galaxy in Universe ... Read all the story on ESO 1602
January, 15 2016
Follow a Live Planet Hunt! - ESO Announcement

A unique outreach campaign has been launched that will allow the general public to follow scientists from around the globe as they search for an Earth-like exoplanet around the closest star to us, Proxima Centauri. ... Read all the story on ESO Announcement ann16002
January, 13 2016
First Light For Future Black Hole Probe - ESO press release

Successful commissioning of GRAVITY at the VLTI ... Read all the story on ESO 1601
January, 18 2016
Our universe in a single image!

The Argentinian artist Pablo Carlos Budassi reveals stunning circular artwork showing everything from Earth to the Andromeda galaxy to the plasma left behind billions of years ago by the Big Bang. From la
December, 23 2015
TNG Astronomical calendar and Hubble Christmas cards

Telescopio Nazionale Galileo calendar:TNG CalendarStar 2016 - Season’s greetings from Hubble:
December, 23 2015
Our best wishes

Merry Christmas
and Happy new year for 2016!
December, 16 2015
ALMA Reveals Planetary Construction Sites - ESO press release

New evidence for young planets in discs around young stars ... Read all the story on ESO 1549
December, 16 2015
XXL Hunt for Galaxy Clusters - ESO press release

Observations from ESO telescopes provide crucial third dimension in probe of Universe’s dark side ... Read all the story on ESO 1548
December, 14 2015
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

December, 16 2015 - 6 p.m. Extraterrestrial life from science to science fiction from Copernico to Schiaparelli - Speaker: Pasquale Tucci - Milano University. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2015. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-12-21      icona per documenti pdf 
December, 09 2015
VLT Revisits a Curious Cosmic Collision - ESO press release

The spectacular aftermath of a 360 million year old cosmic collision is revealed in great detail in new images from ESO’s Very Large Telescope ... Read all the story on ESO 1547
Decmber, 09 2015
Lecco Planetarium - Conferences program 2015

Very interesting conferences - among speakers our astronomers Luigi Foschini, Paolo D&rsquo'Avanzo, Luca Perri, Elio Antonello e Stefano Covino. All info: Deep Space. Download flyer in pdf format
2015-12-17      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 25 2015
Aging Star’s Weight Loss Secret Revealed - ESO press release

Giant star caught in the act of slimming down ... Read all the story on ESO 1546
November, 19 2015
Far Away in Time

A travel in the universe with light - Show from November 10 to December 9, 2015 - Natural History Museum - Milano All info: Lontano, lontano nel tempo
November, 25 2015
Happy birthday Relativity - MediaInaf

The year 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s presentation of the complete "Theory of General Relativity" to the Prussian Academy ... Read all story on: MediaInaf
December, 02 2015
Astronomy courses 2015-16 - Milano - Universo in fiore

December 09, 2015 fifth lesson for advanced course - Boundaries at the edge of our solar system: new horizons for Plutone - Speaker: Anna Wolter. All info Universo in fiore
November, 30 2015
Astronomy courses

December 1, 2015 third lesson for basic course - Planet Earth - Speaker: Gianluca Lentini. All info Universo in fiore
November, 4 2015
ERC spotlight

Discover #ERC-funded research addressing some of the most important challanges in the field of Universe Sciences including the research project "Darklight" led by L. Guzzo here at the OAB-Merate. Project download: ERC science
November, 23 2015
Astronomy courses

November, 4 fourth lesson for advanced course: 1915-2015: 1 hundred year for General Relativity - Speaker: Monica Colpi. All info Universo in fiore
November, 05 2015
The Birth of Monsters - ESO press release

ESO’s VISTA survey telescope pinpoints earliest giant galaxies ... Read all the story on ESO 1545
November, 16 2015
Astrokids - last conference in Milano

November 22, 2015: conference: "What is light?" - time 11:30 a.m. c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids: travelling in the universe. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-11-22      icona per documenti pdf 
October, 30 2015
One thousand of GRB detected by Swift satellite - by MediaInaf

On October 27, 2015 Swift satellite detected GRB number one thousand. Swift is now eleven years old. Read on MediaInaf
November, 05 2015
First Observations from SEPIA - ESO press release

New APEX instrument for finding water in the Universe ... Read all the story on ESO 1543
September, 29 2015
AstroFIt2 - First call

Project and aims: AstroFIt2 – Astronomy Fellowships in Italy – supports the mobility of 18 researchers to INAF research structures in Italy for a period of 36 months - First call dead-line: November 18, 2015, at 12:00 noon (CET). All info: AstroFIt2.
November, 11 2015
Astronomy courses

November, 17 second lesson for basic course: Solar system: origin and characteristics - Speaker: Mario Carpino. All info Universo in fiore
November, 10 2015
Light in astronomy - November 9-16, 2015 - All OAB events

Program for events in Merate and Milano (INAF- Astronomical Observatory of Brera). Events on booking. All info: Light in astronomy 2015. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-11-17      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 10 2015
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

November, 11 2015 - 6 p.m. Extrasolar planets - Speaker: Isabella Pagano - INAF-OACatania. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2015. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-11-11 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 2 2015
Astronomy courses

November, 4 third lesson for advanced course: Man in space - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli. All info Universo in fiore
November, 2 2015
Astronomy courses

November, 3 first lesson for basic course: Astronomy introduction - Speaker: Ilaria Arosio. All info Universo in fiore
September, 03 2015
Mysterious Ripples Found Racing Through Planet-forming Disc - ESO press release

Unique structures spotted around nearby star ... Read all the story on ESO 1538
October, 06 2015
Astrokids - Sixth conference in Milano

October 25, 2015: EXPO event - conference: "Earth seen from space" - time 11:30 a.m. c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids: travelling in the universe. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-10-22      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 23 2015
A Cosmic Rose With Many Names - ESO press release

Messier 17 a star forming region with more names ... Read all the story on ESO 1537
September, 16 2015
A Shy Galactic Neighbour - ESO press release

The Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy story ... Read all on ESO 1536
September, 25-26 2015
Meet me Tonight

September, 25-26 2015 - The Milano edition for European Researchers' Night - All info: MEET me TONIGHT.
August, 03 2015
L’universo in fiore - 2015/16 astronomy courses

On-line the 2015/16 agenda for our astronomy courses in Milano. Web page: L’universo in fiore
September, 03 2015
Daytime and evening visits restart!

All info: Guided visits.
September, 04 2015
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

September 16, 2015 - 06:00 p.m. - EXPO2015 - Fourth conference: Cannibalism among stars - Speaker: Sandro Mereghetti - INAF-IASF Milano. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2015. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-09-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 03 2015
Cosmic Recycling - ESO press release

Dominating this image is part of the gigantic nebula Gum 56, illuminated by the hot bright young stars that were born within it. ... Read all the story on ESO 1535
July, 07 2015
Contemporary Brera

Since July 10, 2015 shows and events. Download press release in pdf format
2015-09-14      icona per documenti pdf 
August, 19 2015
Sibling Stars - ESO press release

Open star clusters are not just perfect subjects for pretty pictures ... Read all the story on ESO 1534
July, 30 2015
Gorilla for X-ray telescopes - by MediaInaf

Smartphone technology good for astronomy. Tell us our astronomer Bianca Salmaso. Read on MediaInaf
August, 11 2015
The Ghost of a Dying Star - ESO press release

An extraordinary bubble, glowing like the ghost of a star in the darkness of space, may appear supernatural and mysterious, but it is a familiar astronomical object ... The story on ESO 1532
July, 30 2015
First Detection of Lithium from an Exploding Star - ESO press release

The chemical element lithium has been found for the first time in material ejected by a nova. The story on ESO 1531
July, 01 2015
Buried in the Heart of a Giant - ESO press release

A rich view of an array of colourful stars and gas. The story on ESO 1525
June, 26 2015
Giant Galaxy is Still Growing - ESO press release

Messier 87 has swallowed an entire galaxy in the last billion years. The story on ESO 1525
June, 18 2015
Best Observational Evidence of First Generation Stars in the Universe - ESO press release

VLT discovers CR7, the brightest distant galaxy, and signs of Population III stars. The story on ESO 1524
June, 17 2015
Stereotypes and images in information: still an open problem

July 1, 2015 - 2:30 - 6:30 p.m. c/o Milano National Museum of Science and Technology - Sala Cenacolo via San Vittore 21. Read on we page.
June, 15 2015
A possible macronova for a Gamma-Ray Burst

To describe GRB 060614 you need an unusual idea ... Our astronomer Stefano Covino in the scientists team.Read on Media Inaf.
June, 19 2015
Near Summer - Look at the sky!

June, 20 2015 - 10 p.m. you can observe the sky with our astronomers during Cernusco Lombardone sleepless night ! Read on Cernusco sleepless night. Download the flyer in pdf format
June, 12 2015
A Celestial Butterfly Emerges from its Dusty Cocoon

SPHERE reveals earliest stage of planetary nebula formation. Read on ESO Science Release.
June, 12 2015
Sharpest View Ever of Star Formation in the Distant Universe

ALMA’s observation of Einstein Ring reveals extraordinary detail. Read on ESO Science Release.
June, 08 2015 the new web site for educational resources

EDU.INAF.IT The new INAF web-platform for Educational astronomical resources. Go to the link
June, 08 2015
I Cieli di Brera - conferences in Milano

June 10, 2015 - 06:00 p.m. - EXPO2015 - Third conference: The Sun and the weather changes - Speaker: Ester Antonucci - INAF-OATorino. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2015. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-06-11 icona per documenti web   
May, 12 2015
EXPO2015 - FameLab...the winner Luca Perri!

The italian winner for FameLab is our astronomer Luca Perri. Read full story on Media Inaf. Video on Vedi il video su youtube.
May, 08 2015
EXPO2015 and OAB

All our events for EXPO2015!
May, 15 2015
Book launch - Science and language - Luigi Foschini

May, 28 2015 - 9 p.m. - Public Library of Merate - Our astronomer Luigi Foschini will present his book "Science and language" - Introduction of our astronomer Gian Antonio Guerrero. Download the flyer in pdf format
May, 18 2015
Pint of science

May 19, 2015 - 8:00 p.m. - bar oTTo, via Paolo Sarpi 8, Milano. Our astronomers Monica Colpi and Tomaso Belloni speak about research news. Read on Pint of science.
April, 27 2015
Happy birthday HST! 25 years!

Hubble Space Telescope: our window to the Universe for 25 Years. Read on HST history
April, 30 2015
The Pillars of Creation Revealed in 3D - ESO photo release

New study suggests that iconic structures more aptly named the Pillars of Destruction. Read on eso 1518en
May, 15 2015
Astrokids - Fifth conference in Milano - EXPO2015! - Attention new data

May 17, 2015 instead of May, 10: Fifth conference: "Foods in space" - EXPO event - time 11:30 a.m. c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids: travelling in the universe. Download the flyer in pdf format
April, 20 2015
Cold cosmic mystery solved

A team of astronomers among which our Ben Granett may have found an explanation for the existence of the Cold Spot. Read on (italian link) Media Inaf. Read on (English link): Cold cosmic mystery solved.
March, 10 2015
Astronomy courses

Lessons: 06/05 and 20/05 for advanced course. The most powerful explosions in the universe - Audio On-line for past lessons - All info Universo in fiore
March, 27 2015
Best View Yet of Dusty Cloud Passing Galactic Centre Black Hole - ESO press release

VLT observations confirm that G2 survived close approach and is a compact object. The story on ESO 1512en
April, 7 2015
About the discovery of Tau Bootis - Media Inaf

A new article about planetary systems in our galaxy - By a team of astronomers directed by Francesco Borsa (INAF-OAB). All story on Media Inaf
March, 02 2015
FAMELAB - Luca Perri performance!

See Luca performance on youtube. All info FAMELAB.
March, 24 2015
March 20, Solar eclipse - Video and images

A very success in Milano and in Merate!. Some images got in Merate: eclipse in Merate - The video in Milano by La Repubblica: Milano eclipse.
March, 23 2015
Colliding Stars Explain Enigmatic Seventeenth Century Explosion - ESO press release

APEX telescope observations help unravel mystery of Nova Vulpeculae 1670. The story on ESO 1511en
March, 10 2015
Astrokids - Third conference in Milano

March 22, 2015: Third conference: "What about solar eclipse" - time 11:30 a.m. c/o the bookshop Feltrinelli - address: Piazza Piemonte 2/4 - Milano. All info: Astrokids: travelling in the universe. Download the flyer in pdf format
March, 16 2015
March 20, Solar eclipse - Milano

March 20, 2015 Solar eclipse observation in Milano. No Reservation. All info Solar eclipse at OAB - Milano<
March, 16 2015
March 20, Solar eclipse - Merate

March 20, 2015 Solar eclipse observation in Merate. Reservation required. All info Solar eclipse at OAB - Merate
March, 11 2015
A Grand Extravaganza of New Stars - ESO press release

A dramatic landscape in the southern constellation of Ara (The Altar) is a treasure trove of celestial objects. The story on ESO 1510en
March, 11 2015
Mars: The Planet that Lost an Ocean’s Worth of Water - ESO press release

A primitive ocean on Mars held more water than Earth’s Arctic Ocean, and covered a greater portion of the planet’s surface than the Atlantic Ocean does on Earth, according to new results published today. The story on ESO 1509en
March, 10 2015
Light from cosmo - 2015 IYL

Conference - March 12, 2015 - 3:00 p.m. - Arese (Mi) - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli. All info: QuiArese
March, 03 2015
An Old-looking Galaxy in a Young Universe

ALMA and VLT probe surprisingly dusty and evolved galaxy. The story on ESO 1508en
March, 02 2015
Tacchini’s award

For P.h.D. students. Dead-line: March 15, 2015. Download in pdf format
February, 26 2015
An intermediate-mass black hole

An intriguing object has been found in one of the spiral arms of the galaxy NGC 2276. It appears to be an intermediate-mass black hole. Comment by Anna Wolter. Read on MediaInaf
February, 26 2015
Night sky and music - Conference with concert

February 27 - 21:00 - Abramo Raule (violin)_ - Monica Sperandio (speaker). 2015 - International Year of Light . An itinerary among music and scientific discovery for William Herschel (1738-1822). Download all info in pdf format. Download the flyer in pdf format
2015-03-01      icona per documenti pdf 
January, 29 2015
The Mouth of the Beast

VLT images cometary globule CG4. The story on ESO
February, 19 2015
The Strange Case of the Missing Dwarf

New SPHERE instrument shows its power. The story on ESO
February, 09 2015
Less lighting ... more stars!!

February 02, 2015 - Energetic economy day: a very simple experiment to see more stars!. All info to INAF dedicated page.
January, 28 2015
Is another Earth or another Sun? - News from MediaInaf

From the study of Solar System Kepler-444 a captivating theory ... with a comment of our astronomer Ennio Poretti. Read on MediaInaf
January, 20 2015
Ginapiero Tagliaferri our new Director on Merateonline!

Interview to our Director on merateonline. Read on:merateonline
January, 15 2015
Under the same sky? - Holocaust Memorial Day 2015

January 26, 2015 - 03:30 p.m. - The Race Laws and the Italian astronomers: Bologna - Aula della Specola via Zamboni 33 - Third floor. 27 January 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Download the flyer in pdf format
January, 15 2015
Giannini minister visiting Brera

January 14, 2015: Stefania Giannini, education minister during her visit to Brera, Observatory Milano site. Our Director, Gianpiero Tagliaferri, played along with minister. Go to MediaInaf video.
January, 07 2015
Italian astronomical olympic games - 2015

Pre-selection phase closed. More than 600 registrations for 2015 edition! All info: official site
December, 22 2014
Christmas: stop for guided visits in Milano

Stop for December 24 and 31 guided visits in Milano Next visit January 7, 2015!
December, 23 2014
Astronomical calendars

Telescopio Nazionale Galileo calendar:TNG CalendarStar 2015 - Season’s greetings from Hubble:
December, 15 2014
Our best wishes

Merry Christmas
and Happy new year for 2015!

December, 15 2014
An article on "Il Sole 24 ore Junior"

The Italian excellence to investigate the universe Italian astronomers on the top in this field!
2014-12-27      icona per documenti pdf 
December, 02 2014
I Cieli di Brera - conferences

December 10, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Seventh conference: Parabola and pulsars: how do we can intercept the time-space breath - Speaker: Andrea Possenti. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014
2014-12-15 icona per documenti web   
december, 3 2014
Swift 10 Years Celebration

A meeting in Rome to celebrate 10 years of Swift success. More than 200 scientists to discuss Swift scientifical results. See MediaInaf video. Go to congress site Swift: 10 Years of Discovery
20November 2014
Black holes with turbo - by Media Inaf

In the universe there are engines that are able to release a huge quantity of energy with an extraordinary efficiency. The results of this study on Nature. In the team our astronomers Gabriele Ghisellini, Fabrizio Tavecchio and Laura Maraschi. Read on Media Inaf. See on Youtube
2014-12-02 icona per documenti web   
20November 2014
Happy Birthday Swift! The first 10 years!

NASA’s Swift Satellite Marks 10 Years of Game-changing Astrophysics ... Read on Media Inaf and on NASA
2014-12-01 icona per documenti web   
November, 14 2014
PISCO project

A (small) PISCO success at the Observatory! Info about project PISCO. Download the history in pdf format
2014-11-26 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
November, 10 2014
Evening visits for Merate - info booking

Evening visits for Merate: now you can book via e-mail. Contacts: evening switchboard for Merate.More info: Merate visits.
2014-11-24 icona per documenti web   
17 November 2014
TeatroInMatematica - ScienzaInScena

2014, November - 9 p.m.: show: "APPUNTAMENTO AL LIMITE – Il calcolo sublime" - from 10 p.m.: "GLI INFINITI MONDI: LO SPAZIO COME LABORATORIO SOCIALE" with Stefano Sandrelli. All info:
2014-11-21 icona per documenti web   
31 October 2014
CoRoT treasure - by Media Inaf

The exploitation of the CoRoT treasure of stars observed in the exoplanetary field allowed the detection of a unusual Cepheid in the Milky Way. In the team our astronomer Ennio Poretti. Read on Media Inaf.
2014-11-19 icona per documenti web   
October, 31 2014
ESO Science Release

Planet-forming Lifeline discovered in a binary satr system: ALMA Examines Ezekiel-like “Wheel in a Wheel” of Dust and Gas. Italian translation by Anna Wolter. Read on:
2014-11-18 icona per documenti web   
November, 12 2014
Conference in Merate

November 14, 2014 - 08:45 p.m. - Speaker: Claudio Firmani - Title: In the Big Bang heart - c/o Aula Magna Liceo Agnesi and Ist. Viganò Via dei Lodovichi 10, Merate (Lc). Download a short presentation of the conference - Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-11-14      icona per documenti pdf 
November, 7 2014
Rosetta landing on comet!

2014, 12 November: Rosetta will deploy Philae on 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet. Milano From 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. with our astronomers Stefano Covino and Mario Carpino: live-streaming from ESA. All info in pdf format
2014-11-14      icona per documenti pdf 
October, 17 2014
Astronomical Olympic Games - 2015 edition

First dead-line: November, 12 2014!. All info:Olimpiadi Italiane di Astronomia
2014-11-12 icona per documenti web   
October, 23 2014
ESO Science Release

Two families of comets found around nearby star: the most complete census of comets around another star - Beta Pictoris- ever created. Italian translation by Anna Wolter. Read on:
2014-11-02 icona per documenti web   
October, 23 2014
Space - New section in Milano

Milano National Museum of Science and Technology: from October, 29 a new interactive section dedicated to space. More information:
2014-10-31 icona per documenti web   
October, 23 2014
Astronautics National Convention - Lecco

October, 25 2014 - 9:00 p.m. - Lecco Planetarium - Conference: INTEGRAL satellite and gamma-ray research - Speaker: Erik Kuulkers. More information: Download the poster in pdf format
2014-10-25 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 16 2014
XXIV week for Scientific and Technologic culture

October 22, 2014 - Please to invite you to the lesson: "The solar system". All infoUniverso in fiore
October, 16 2014
Astronomy course - on-line lessons

Introduction to quantum mechanics - Speaker: Stefano Sandrelli - Advanced course - First lesson - Slides and audio on-line: L’universo in fiore
2014-10-23 icona per documenti web   
October, 16 2014
I Cieli di Brera - conferences

November 12, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Sixth conference: Looking at the sky with different eyes. - Speaker: Teresa Montaruli. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014
2014-10-22 icona per documenti web   
09 ottobre 2014
EXTraS - Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky

EXTraS project has received funding from the European Union. The project is going to harvest the hitherto unexplored temporal domain information buried in the serendipitous data collected by the EPIC instrument onboard the ESA XMM-Newton satellite. All info EXTraS. Download the EXTraS Newsletter 2 in pdf format
2014-10-17 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
October, 10 2014
I Cieli di Brera - conferences

October 15, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Fifth conference: Cherenkov Telescope Array: one hundred of new eyes to look at the sky. - Speaker: Giacomo Bonnoli. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014
2014-10-15 icona per documenti web   
September, 29 2014
The odyssey of Merz telescope

Mars telescope without location. Read on Corriere della Sera - by Giovanni Caprara. Download the article in pdf format
2014-10-10      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 09 2014
Schools: 2014-15 program for Merate and Milano

Info for school at Download the new program for Merate in pdf format
2014-10-10 icona per documenti web   
September, 09 2014
2014-15 Astronomy courses

Registration open from September 15, 2014. For all information go to the web page L’universo in fiore
2014-10-06      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 18 2014
Inauguration of the ASTRI SST-2M telescope

September 24, 2014 - 03:00 p.m.: Inauguration of the ASTRI SST-2M telescope in Catania Observatory. The inauguration is among the events of the Italian semester of the European Union Council. Read the INAF news Prove di CTA sull’Etna. Download the invitation in pdf format
2014-09-29 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 23 2014
Women’s time - conference

September 24, 2014 - 05:00 p.m. - Which are the barriers for a woman’career in science world? All info Troppo belle per il Nobel?. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-09-29 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
September, 02 2014
The Laniakea supercluster of galaxies

Read the article on La Repubblica Scienze - Read on Nature - Download the pdf article with our astronomer Luigi Guzzo’s interview
2014-09-29      icona per documenti pdf 
September, 01 2014
New INAF mirrors for MAGIC telescopes

75 new mirrors for MAGIC telescopes. Rodolfo Canestrari, Sergio cantù and Luca Perri from OAB were in the team involved in this project. Read news on MediaInaf. See on YouTube!
2014-09-29 icona per documenti web   
September, 22 2014
I Cieli di Brera - conferences

September 24, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Fourth conference: The particle physics and the Large Hadron Collider: news and open questions - Speaker: Cristina Lazzeroni. All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014. Download the conference in pdf format
2014-09-29 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
August, 14 2014
A great result at OAB

A great result for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). Read news on MediaInaf.
2014-09-06 icona per documenti web   
July, 28 2014
SAIt-2014 Congress - talks on-line

On-line talks: SAIt2014
2014-09-04 icona per documenti web   
July, 23 2014
Guided visits - stop in August

August: Stop for daytime and evening visits in Merate and Milano. The visits will restart in September 2014.
For all info Guided visits.
2014-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August, 11 2014
OAB on Merateonline

On Merateonline our history (in italian). Go to links Merate: Osservatorio di Brera, cinque secoli di storia - Merate: telescopio Zeiss da 90 anni gioiello dell’Osservatorio, Marco Scardia "custode"
July, 23 2014
Swift: 10 Years of Discovery - congress

Registration open for the meeting that will celebrate 10 years of Swift Satellite. The congress will be in Rome La Sapienza University from December 2 to December 5 2014. All info: Swift10
2014-08-14 icona per documenti web   
July, 23 2014
Guided visits in Milano - stop in July and August

Stop for wednesday visits to ancient astronomical instruments and to Schiaparelli’s dome from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. during July and August months. The visits will restart in September 2014.
For all info Guided visits.
2014-08-10 icona per documenti web   
07 luglio 2014
Ecography of young stars reveals their evolution - by Media Inaf

On Science journal a study about a seismic analysis of stars in their earliest evolutionary phases. The study reveals a powerful method to identify young stars and distinguish their evolutionary states. In the team our astronomers Ennio Poretti and Monica Rainer. Read on Media Inaf.
2014-07-23 icona per documenti web   
June, 19 2014
L’universo in fiore - 2014 astronomy courses

Audio and presentations of lessons on line

2014-07-23 icona per documenti web   
07 luglio 2014
Twins but different - by Media Inaf

An Italian discovery: a stellar binary system where each star has a planetary system but with different properties. In the team our astronomers Francesco Borsa, Ennio Poretti and Monica Rainer. Read on Media Inaf - Rai News - Le Scienze.
2014-07-23 icona per documenti web   
I Cieli di Brera - Conferences series
June 11, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Third conference: One step Beyond: the SKA telescope - Speaker: Anna Wolter.
All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014.
2014-06-12 icona per documenti web   
Rosetta - Philae Mission
June, 6 - from 2 p.m. Rosetta Mission event. Milano Politecnico. For all info: Polimi events. Download the flyer pdf format
2014-06-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Dinosaurs at OAB
From March 8, 2014 the show: "The last day of Mesozoic Era". All information on the web page Dinosaurs at dome.
2014-06-03 icona per documenti web   
Seasons and tastes
May, 19 2014 - 3:00 p.m. - Milano: conferences and guided tour. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-05-19      icona per documenti pdf 
Astrokids 2014: fourth meeting - Milano
May 18, 2014: fourth meeting for children (5-8 y): Pay attention to black hole! - All information on Astrokids 2014. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-05-18 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
LVIII SAIt Congress - Milano
From May 13-16 the LVIII SAIt congress: "Cosmic structures: from Solar System to Universe borderline". The congress is open to non expert too. All information on SAIt 2014 congress - Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-05-16 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
May, 15 2014 - 6:30 p.m. - Milano: Last news from Solar System - Public event. All information SAIt 2014 events. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-05-15      icona per documenti pdf 
I Cieli di Brera - Conferences series
May 14, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - Second conference: How does a telescope work? - Speaker: Emilio Molinari.
All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014.
2014-05-14 icona per documenti web   
LVIII SAIt Congress - Milano - Public Conference
May 13 2014 - 9:00 p.m. Public conference: Cosmic structure: from Solar System to Universe borderline - Speaker: Massimo Capaccioli - c/o Civico Planetario "Ulrico Hoepli". All information SAIt 2014 events
2014-05-13 icona per documenti web   
A star called "Gh’è minga" - conference
May, 12 2014 - 6:00 p.m. - Speaker: Giovanni Bignami - c/o IUSS, Sala del Camino, Piazza della Vittoria 15, Pavia. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-05-12      icona per documenti pdf 
Astrokids book
A book from Astrokids experiences. Title: "Astrokids: Space Adventures and discoveries". By INAF researchers.
Read on Media Inaf.
2014-05-11 icona per documenti web   
Our article commented on Nature
The article about the quasar ULAS J1120+0641 commented on Nature.
Leggi al link: Early quasars ate like the rest
2014-04-23 icona per documenti web   
I Cieli di Brera - Conferences series
April 9, 2014 - 06:00 p.m. - First conference: Rosetta travel to Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet - Speaker: Ivano Bertini.
All information on I Cieli di Brera 2014.
2014-04-09 icona per documenti web   
Astrokids 2014: third meeting - Milano
April 6, 2014: third meeting for children (5-8 y): Empty bodies - A travel from very big to very small. All information on Astrokids 2014. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-04-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
"Infinitamente" Ars & Science Festival of Verona
Verona - March, 16 2014 - from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Speaker: Luigi Guzzo - Conference Title: "The Universe expansion and the dark energy mistery" All information Infinitamente.
2014-03-16 icona per documenti web   
FameLab - International competition TalkingScience
Are you a young researcher with communication skill? You have to partecipate in FameLab!
Press release on February 11 - 11:30 a.m. in Sala Adunanze Ist. Lombardo via Brera 28 - Milano On Sunday, 16 March 2014 there will be the Italian selection for Milano - dead-line March, 12 2014. For information go to FameLab Milano webpage. More information about FameLab in Italy to the page
2014-03-16 icona per documenti web   
Astronomical pendulum rediscovered
A precision pendulum built for astronomy and lended to Cidnea Specola.
By Stefano Sandrelli.
The story on MediaInaf.

2014-03-16 icona per documenti web   
TNG at night - second episode!
A visit to the Galileo National Telescope located in the Island of San Miguel de La Palma - Canarie. By Caterina Boccato. In the control room our astronomer Ennio Poretti.
The second episode on MediaInaf
2014-03-14 icona per documenti web   
X-rays from young Universe
Results from X-ray observation of ULAS J1120+0641, the most distant quasar at z = 7.08. Between article’s authors ours researchers Moretti, L. Ballo, V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca, e P. Severgnini.
The story on MediaInaf
2014-03-14 icona per documenti web   
Terror from deeo space
Mario di Martino and our astronomer Elio Antonello on Radio 3 Scienza. Go to the link.
2014-03-01 icona per documenti web   
TNG at night
A visit to the Galileo National Telescope located in the Island of San Miguel de La Palma - Canarie. By Caterina Boccato. In the control room our astronomer Ennio Poretti.
The first episode on MediaInaf
2014-03-01 icona per documenti web   
Milano - Special opening
450o anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s birthday: OAB-Milano special opening for saturday 15 - 10:00 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Booking web page
2014-02-15 icona per documenti web   
Astrokids 2014: first meeting - Milano
February 9, 2014: first meeting for children (5-8 y): Take it by trail! All information on Astrokids 2014. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-02-10 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Guided visits in Milano
All information: Guided visits.
Monthly guided visits: next visit 2014/01/17 from 4.30 p.m. - booking page. Weekly guided visits: every wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Download the flyer in pdf format
2014-02-04 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Astronomy courses - on-line lessons
Today - 29 January 2014 - lesson was cancelled because speaker’s desease. The lesson will be recovered as soon as possible. Slides and audio on-line on the page: L’universo in fiore
2014-02-03 icona per documenti web   
Astronomy course - on-line lessons
Stars & particles: the cosmic rays mistery - Speaker: Fabrizio Tavecchio - Advanced course - third lesson - Slides on-line: L’universo in fiore
2013-12-20 icona per documenti web   
An asteroid for Walter Albisetti
An asteroid to the memory of a friend of us, Walter Albisetti passed away last summer. Download the circular in pdf format
2013-12-06 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
About GRB 130427A!
GRB 130427A is one of the brightest ever seen. Its history in the following links: NASA press release, INAF news, article on La Repubblica and an interesting youtube video.
Comet Ison news
Comet C/2012 S1, the ISON comet will arrive near the Sun and could put on an amazing show when it passes close to the sun... Read news in pdf format
2013-12-03      icona per documenti pdf 
The italian astronomical olympic games
An Italian excellence for the Italian Department of University and Reserach Our Director thanks Angela Iovino, Stefano Sandrelli and all the OAB staff active in the astronomical olylmpic games. Download INAF write pdf format
2013-12-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Guided visits in Milano every wednesday
From November 6, 2013 every wednesday it’s possible a guided visit from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The visits are for ancient astronomical instruments and "Schiaparelli’ dome". Price: 5 €. For more information: Guided visits. Download the flyer in pdf format
2013-11-30 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Schiaparelli and the ExoMars lander
Read about the news on MediaInaf
2013-11-25 icona per documenti web   
I cieli di Brera - on-line conferences
The ice moons of our solar system - Speaker: Federico Tosi Inside comets Speaker: Maria Cristina De Sanctis - Slides on-line: I cieli di Brera
2013-11-21 icona per documenti web   
Italian astronomical olympic games
Registration from September 20. First deadline November 18, 2013. All info here.
2013-11-18 icona per documenti web   
October 31, 2013
L’universo in fiore - astronomy courses

Introduction to astronomy - First lesson basic course: slides and audio on-line. Download -> L’Universo in fiore
2013-11-12 icona per documenti web   
PhD - Milano-Bicocca University (2013-2014)
Dead-line: October 16, 2013 - 12:00 a.m. - Read on Milano-Bicocca University
2013-10-17 icona per documenti web   
Space recovering - Show in Merate
Show and musical performance - Franco Napoli e Cecilia Luce - Opening ceremony October 5th - 6.00 p.m. c/o OAB in Merate. For all information RitrovareSpazio. Download the flyer in pdf format
2013-10-06 icona per documenti web   
12 a.m. - Moment of silence lasts one minute for Lampedusa tragedy
Download the MIUR newsletter in pdf format
2013-10-04      icona per documenti pdf 
Gamma ray burts controlled by magnetars
The mistery of the sporadic emission of Gamma ray bursts studied by a team leaded by Maria Grazia Bernardini (INAF Brera). Read on MediaInaf.
2013-10-03 icona per documenti web   
Science in the contemporary astrophysic - X edition - Milano
Our program of lessons for schools for Milano - 2013-14. More information on L’OAB per le scuole. Download in pdf format
2013-09-29 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
MEETmeTONIGHT - European researchers night
September, 27 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Our events: Astrokids: cosmo play (+ 3 year - 5 p.m. - 07.30 p.m.) - With astronomers’ eyes (+ 3 year - 3.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m.) - All information: events web page
2013-09-24 icona per documenti web   
The new astronomy course!!
Basic and advanced astronomy courses. Booking from Septembre 11, 2013. booking web page - All information: courses web page.
2013-09-20 icona per documenti web   
Magie in cielo e in terra 2013-14 - Merate
Our program of lessons for schools for Merate - 2013-14. More information on L’OAB per le scuole. Download in pdf format
2013-09-15 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
PhD - Insubria University (2013-2014)
Dead-line: September 30, 2013 - 12:00 a.m. - Read on Università Insubria
2013-09-15 icona per documenti web   
OAB site of Milano closure
Closing days: August 15 and 16!!
For information about our guided visits: web page.
Asteroseismology for exoplanets
A reserachers team used asteroseismology to obtain the mass of an exoplanet around the star HD52265. Ennio Poretti, an astronomer of us, tells on MediaInaf
2013-08-10 icona per documenti web   
SCS Italian School - edition 2013
Italian National School for Science, Comunication and Society (SCS) for young researchers and PhD students. Number of available fellowships: 10. Registration dead-line July 17, 2013. More information to web page
2013-07-18 icona per documenti web   
ESO Astronomy Camp for Secondary School Students
Win a free winter trip to the Alps. The camp will take place from 26-31 December 2013 at the Astronomical Observatory of the Aosta Valley, located in Saint-Barthelemy, Nus, Italy. Several partners, including ESO, are providing for a total of, so far, five bursaries that will be awarded to the winning applicants. All the information here.
2013-06-15 icona per documenti web   
OAB and the school
Premio per gli studenti del Liceo Agnesi di Merate con la ricerca in 3D sulla rotazione solare. Progetto in collaborazione con l’OAB nelle persone di Michele Bossi, Monica Sperandio e Luciano Mantegazza. Leggi la notizia su Merate online.
2013-06-02 icona per documenti web   
PhD Lectures
Marta Volenteri’s lectures for Insubria University PhD about Massive Black Holes and their host galaxies. Link for presentations.
2013-05-29 icona per documenti web   
Closure for Astronomical courses 2013
On-line all lessons. Go to the site L’universo in fiore.
2013-05-29 icona per documenti web   
PAOLO is ready!
The Polarimeter Add-On for the LRS Optics is an optical polarimeter mounted at the INAF-TNG. Polarimetry is a powerful diagnostic tool to study astrophysical sources. Full story on Media Inaf.
2013-05-20 icona per documenti web   
A chronograph returns to Observatory
Negli scorsi giorni è avvenuta la restituzione di un cronografo realizzato nelle prime decadi del ’900. Il cronografo era stato dato in prestito dal Prof. Zagar al Prof. Bruno Cottalasso nel 1970 circa, perchè lo usasse nel laboratorio di fisica della scuola nella quale insegnava a Genova. Ora il cronografo si trova nelle bacheche dell’ufficio del direttore a Brera. Si ringraziano: Ginevra Trinchieri, Agnese Mandrino, Mario Carpino, Roberta Donnarumma, Sandro Manara e Angelo Fiorenza. Per una storia dei cronografi a Brera si veda il lavoro del Prof. P. Broglia: Cronografi registratori all’OAB.
2013-05-13 icona per documenti web   
ALMA Pinpoints Early Galaxies at Record Speed
A team of astronomers has used the new ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) telescope to pinpoint the locations of over 100 of the most fertile star-forming galaxies in the early Universe. . Read the ESO press release. Read also on Media Inaf.
2013-05-08 icona per documenti web   
Planetary systems identikit
Firts results from GAPS - Global Architecture of Planetary Systems project. GAPS is an Italian project devoted to understanding the architectural properties of planetary systems. In the team our researchers Monica Rainer, Francesco Borsa and Ennio Poretti . Go to the Italian press release INAF.
You pass around me ...
MAXI J1659-152 is a binary system formed by a red dwarf and a solar mass black hole and it is the shortest orbital black hole transient ever seen. Among the astronomers who studied the system our astronomer Tomaso Belloni. Go to INAF press release.
What is universe? It’s a huge web
The largest project ever undertaken to map out the Universe in three dimensions using ESO telescopes has reached the halfway stage. An international team of astronomers - PI our astronomer Luigi Guzzo - has used the VIMOS instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope to measure the distances to 55 000 galaxies as part of the VIPERS survey. Links: VIPERS press release - INAF press release - ESO press release - INAF video on youtube
Is it a surprise quasar?
A new particle can be the reason for an anomaluos emission from a quasar. Giacomo Bonnoli and Fabrizio Tavecchio among the astronomers who propose this new theory. Download the article in pdf format
2013-03-15      icona per documenti pdf 
Sweeping the Dust from a Cosmic Lobster
A new image from ESO’s VISTA telescope captures a celestial landscape of glowing clouds of gas and tendrils of dust surrounding hot young stars ... By Anna Wolter for ESO. Go to the web page.
2013-03-01 icona per documenti web   
Give a name to Pluto’s moons!
You can vote on-line until february 25! More information: Media Inaf
2013-02-26 icona per documenti web   
The asteroid is here!
The small asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass within about 3.5 Earth radii of the Earth’s surface on February 15, 2013. More information: 02/02/2013 - 11/02/2013
2013-02-16 icona per documenti web   
APOD’s 2013 calendar!
Download the 2013 APOD calendar containing some of the best APOD images of 2012! Go to the link APOD's 2013 calendar. The calendar is in pdf format (1,6 Mb).
INTEGRAL Picture Of the Month - January 2013
This month the Integral picture is dedicated to a new black hole transient found in a dense observing campaign leading by OAB (P.I. Tomaso Belloni). Read more on the Integral web page: Swift J174510.8-262: a new black-hole transient.
2013-02-01 icona per documenti web   
Astronomy course: January 9 - Cancelled lesson!
For relator’s disease the lesson "Wave on wave: introduction to quantum mechanics" is cancelled. As soon as possible the new data.
2013-01-09 icona per documenti web   
WISHES 2012!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and happy new year!
X-ray mirror for astronomy X
È italiano il primo modulo europeo di ottiche per astronomia X interamente in vetro, realizzato presso i laboratori dell’INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera realizzato nell’ambito di un progetto dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea. Leggi l’intera storia su Media Inaf
Gold medal "Ambrogino d’Oro"to Observatory!
Read on Media Inaf and on
The city of Milano awarded the Observatory of the Medal Gold "Ambrogino d’Oro" for its hystory. Awards ceremony: December 7 - 10:30 a.m. at "Dal Verme" Theater in Milano.
2012-12-31 icona per documenti web   
Same origin for all the relativistic jets
Different origin and energy but similar efficiency of energy dissipation in jets produced in black hole systems. Giancarlo Ghirlanda (INAF-OAB) comments this result. Read the full story on Media Inaf.
2012-12-25 icona per documenti web   
Astronomical basic course
December 19 2012 - 17:00 - 18:30 - Stellar evolution. Astronomy lesson. Speaker: Fabio Pizzolato (INAF-IASF Milano). Go to booking page. Go to course page.
2012-12-20 icona per documenti web   
A new record for the cosmic X-ray background
Can we discover anything else about X ray background? The answer in a recent article on Astronomy & Astrophysics. Among the authors Alberto Moretti, Paola Severgnini and Dino Fugazza (INAF-OAB). Read on Media Inaf.
2012-12-17 icona per documenti web   
BookCity Event
November 16 2012 - 5:00 p.m. - Natural Science Museum of Milano - "Big bang: from particles to stars". With Piero Bianucci and Piero Boitani, Download the program in pdf format.
2012-11-17 icona per documenti web   
A new particle for a too much energetic quasar
A quasar emitting very high energy photons in a very anomalous way was observed by MAGIC telescopes. Currente theories can’t explain this emission. A possible explanation in the scientifical international review Physical Review D by researchers of INAF, INFN & Insubria University. Read the INFN press release and INAF press release (23/10/2012).
2012-11-15 icona per documenti web   
The big story of the stars
A video review for Piero Boitani’s essay "The big story of the stars" by Luigi Mascheroni (Il Giornale). Look the video.
2012-11-12 icona per documenti web   
The show "X The InVisible UniVerse" in Merate on line!
Brianzanews video!
Go to the video link.
2012-11-01 icona per documenti web   
Commemorating stamps
Today, October 22 the Italian Postal service will issue a stamp celebrating the 250° anniversary of OAB fundation. Read more in this italian link. Download the press release in pdf format.
2012-10-30 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
X the InVisible Universe - closing date for the show in Merate
Saturday October 27 - 05:30 p.m.: commemorating stamp & lectures by Elio Antonello and Monica Sperandio
2012-10-28 icona per documenti web   
L’universo in fiore - Astronomy course
Free places. Booking on reservation. Download the flyer for the basic course - Download the flyer for the higher course.
2012-10-23 icona per documenti web   
YouTube interview to Riccardo Giacconi
October 3rd 2012, Nobel Riccardo Giacconi tells about the history of the beginning of the X-Ray astronomy. By scientific reporter Piero Bianucci, Shooting and montage: Stefano Parisini (Media INAF)
2012-10-15 icona per documenti web   
"X InVisible UniVerse"
Show opening in Merate

October 13 - 5:30 p.m. - Villa Confalonieri via Garibaldi 17. Download the flyer for the opening in pdf format. Download the press release in pdf format
2012-10-14 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Italian astronomical olympic games
The announcement for 2013 edition is now on-line! Deadline: November 19th - 12:00 p.m. Download the documents: bando (pdf) - domanda (pdf) - griglia valutazione (pdf) - template (doc). For more information go to MIUR web pages.
2012-10-09 icona per documenti web   
"X-ray astronomy turns fifty" - a video on YouTube!
A INAF video to celebrate the opening of the international congress "X-ray astronomy: the next 50 years" (Milano, October 1-5, 2012). With Riccardo Giacconi & Laura Proserpio. Realized by Marco Malaspina & Stefano Parisini, with the scientific advisory of Patrizia Caraveo. Go to the video.
2012-10-08 icona per documenti web   
Brera and Merate for schools
Download the 2012/2013 program for Brera in pdf format (175 Kb) - Download the 2012/2013 program for Merate in pdf (897 Kb)
X the InVisible Universe - show opening on MEDIA INAF
Show opening: September 12, 2012 in Milano.
Students competition for PhD School a.a. 2012/13
Students competition for PhD School in Insubria University (Como) is now open. Dead line si 14 September 2012 - 12:00. Go to the web page.
2012-09-14 icona per documenti web   
Concorso Ricercatore 3 Livello - Galassie e Cosmologia
The date for the written test is September 3, 2012 and it has been published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale August 10, 2012.The written test will be at the IASF of Milano - E. Bassini 15. The Selection Committee apologizes for the short notice, which is unfortunately related to external causes independent of OAB. Download the italian diary for the written test in pdf format
A wolf in lamb's clothing
The history of a new low magnetic field magnetar Swift J1822.3-1606 ... Follow on Segui la storia su Media Inaf.
2012-08-01 icona per documenti web   
L’universo in fiore
Astronomy training courses - 2012/13 - Download the flyer for the basic course - Download the flyer for the higher course. Booking from September 10.
2012-07-31 icona per documenti web   
Program for schools 2012-2013 - Merate
The program for 2012-2013 for Merate to download. Have a nice Holiday!
2012-07-15 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
Transito of Venus - Images taken by Luciano Mantegazza, Monica Sperandio and Stefano Basso!
Some images and an animated gif!
2012-06-15 icona per documenti web   
The history of the Observatory through its instruments
A web site telling the history of the Observatory through its instruments
2012-06-11 icona per documenti web   
Astronomy and astrophysic on Rai Unomattina
Anna Wolter and Stefano Giovanardi speak about astronomy and astrophysic on RAI Unomattina - April 30 2012 from 8:45 to 8:55.
2012-05-13 icona per documenti web   
Black hole's hurricanes - one more sorprise from IGR J17091-3624!
An extreme X-Ray disk wind in the stellar-mass black hole candidate IGR J17091–3624.
2012-03-15 icona per documenti web   
Swift's observation
2010 Christmas burst

On december 25, 2010 Swift satellite detected a strange Gamma-Ray burst. The Italian Team's explanation is the fall of an asteroid on a neutron star. The results in a Nature's article.
2011-12-31 icona per documenti web   
Have all GRBs the same luminosity?
All bursts have a characteristic luminosity - 10.000 times that of our galaxy. The discovery by an Italian team with OAB researchers. Read full story on Media Inaf (in italian).
2011-12-15 icona per documenti web   
Download the astronomical calendar 2012 - Our Best Wishes for Christmas and for a Peaceful New Year! 2011-12-13 icona per documenti web   
Is IGR J17091-3624 the smallest-known black hole?
The evidence comes from a specific type of X-ray pattern, nicknamed a "heartbeat" because of its resemblance to an electrocardiogram. Italian researchers among the discovery team. Read full story on Media Inaf (in italian); Read also on NASA - Goddard Multimaedia.
2011-12-12 icona per documenti web   
Civic Merit - On Wednesday 7 a cerimony for the Civic Merit to our Institute by the city of Merate (Lc). 2011-12-08    
2005 YU55
INAF astrophysicist leads Swift towards asteroid

On Monday 7 november Sergio Campana, a Swift team member at Brera Observatory in Merate, requested that Swift train its telescopes on the asteroid as a target of opportunity.
2011-12-01 icona per documenti web   
A winner proposal!
Luigi Guzzo’s project (INAF-OAB) is one of the winner for the 2011 proposal of European Research Council. One of the object si to understand if dark energy really exists.
2011-11-15 icona per documenti web   
The history of the universe rewritten by a galaxy cluster 2010-12-26      icona per documenti pdf 
JKCS041: "Most distant" galaxy group spied 2009-10-22 icona per documenti web   
"Heavenly Pages", Brera ancient books showed in new library of Alessandria of Egypt (from 22 june to 21 july 2009) 2009-06-19 icona per documenti web   
Gamma rays from a new type of cosmic source discovered by Fermi satellite 2009-05-29 icona per documenti web   
CoRoT Satellite: a view to stars near the Sun 2008-11-24 icona per documenti web   
GRB of march 19 2008: a remote overview 2008-03-01 icona per documenti web