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Our best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a good 2023 - At the link below the wishes from our Brera POE Office: "It was the last hour of the day ..." 2022-12-31 icona per documenti web   
December, 21 tenth lesson for the basic course of astronomy in Milano - "Christmas lecture" - For info: poefactory - BASIC course 2022-12-31 icona per documenti web   
December, 12 2022 - WEAVE First Light - Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes press release - First-light observations with the WEAVE spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Canary Islands) - Congratulations to all our researchers, students and associates who contribute to this great project - Read more: Press Release 2022-12-30 icona per documenti web   
December, 07 2022 - Polarimetry of a gamma ray burst, with Alma and Vlt - MediaInaf - In Nature and Astronomy journal the results of a simultaneous measurement of polarization in the radio band and in the optical band. Among the authors of the study also our Stefano Covino. Read more: MediaInaf article 2022-12-29 icona per documenti web   
December, 07 2022 - Astonishing high-energy gamma-ray bursts - MediaInaf - The discovery gave rise to 4 articles in Nature, one of which in collaboration with INAF with our researchers O. Salafia, P. D’Avanzo, S. Campana and G. Ghirlanda and Stefano Giarratana (INAF-OAS Bologna). Read more: MediaInaf article 2022-12-28 icona per documenti web   
December, 06 2022 - The pre-selection phase of the Italian Astronomy championships is underway - MediaInaf - Read more: 21th edition of the Italian Astronomy championships 2022-12-27 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - November, 30 2022 - Most distant detection of a black hole swallowing a star - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2216 2022-12-26 icona per documenti web   
November, 20 2022 - "Mars is yellow, here it’s snowing" - Read in pdf format the article on La Lettura of Corriere della Sera newspaper 2022-12-24      icona per documenti pdf 
Margherita. The voice of the stars - Documentary/portrait of Margherita Hack 100 years after her birth with the important contribution of Stefano Sandrelli - See to the link RaiPlay - Margherita. The voice of the stars 2022-12-23 icona per documenti web   
The 21st edition of the Italian Astronomy Championships is underway - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-12-06 icona per documenti web   
December 2022 Astrocuriosity: Live on a rotating world by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-12-02 icona per documenti web   
M4RT3! - The online escape room between science and science fiction to discover the mysteries of Mars - Created by the Observatory in collaboration with the Museum of Science and Technology of Milan (Agnese, Ilaria and Laura!) - From 25 to 27 November you will find it at Milan Games Week - 25/11 at 17:45 the talk: Science, Science Fiction & Videogame with our Stefano Sandrelli - Information at the link: M4RT3! 2022-11-27 icona per documenti web   
Horn lights - A precious legacy - The exhibition in Milano: from September 20 to October 21 - an exhibition dedicated to the figure of Guido Horn d’Arturo recognized as the father of "wedge" mirrors for large reflector telescopes - Several scheduled events - All info: the exhibition 2022-11-21 icona per documenti web   
ESO Photo Release - November, 10 2022 - ESO images a wondrous star factory to mark 60 years of collaboration - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2215 2022-11-10 icona per documenti web   
Interview with Tomaso Belloni about the black hole discovered using data from GAIA mission - See the interview on TGR Leonardo November, 8 2022 (-3:20 sec): TGR Leonardo - Read the article on MediaInaf: Here is the closest black hole to Earth 2022-11-08 icona per documenti web   
November 2022 Astrocuriosity: Taken it! by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-11-02 icona per documenti web   
On Wednesday 2 November, the medal dedicated to "George Gamow", a Russian-Ukrainian naturalized American astrophysicist, was awarded to our colleague Filippo Zerbi, scientific director of INAF - All story to the link: The "George Gamow" medal to Filippo Zerbi - MediaInaf 2022-11-02    
November Newsletter - from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2022-11-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Photo Release - October, 31 2022 - ESO captures the ghost of a giant star - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2214 2022-10-31 icona per documenti web   
October, 25 2022 from 11:15 a.m. - Follow the partial Solar eclipse with us! - INAF telescopes for a special live series "Sky in the living room" - Vai alla pagina con tutte le info: partial eclipse 2022-10-25 icona per documenti web   
The XXVI International Astronomy Olympiad (IRAO 2022) took place remotely from 15 to 24 October - Read more: IRAO 2022: the results 2022-10-24 icona per documenti web   
With Hugo we will discover the first gamma-ray bursts: Searching for gamma-ray bursts isn’t very simple - Our researcher Sergio Campana tells us about it - Read the italian article on: MediaInaf 2022-10-14 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - October, 13 2022 - Heaviest element yet detected in an exoplanet atmosphere - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2213 2022-10-13 icona per documenti web   
X-ray optics: better doped: a new approach for deposition of a carbon-based coating by immersion of the optic in a liquid dopamine solution - Our researcher Vincenzo Cotroneo tells us about it - Read the italian article on: MediaInaf 2022-10-07 icona per documenti web   
October 2022 Astrocuriosity: The first images of the James Webb Space Telescope by Gabriele Ghisellini - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-10-02 icona per documenti web   
October Newsletter - from our editorial staff - For all info download the pdf 2022-10-01      icona per documenti pdf 
27/09/2022 - 1:14 italian time - impact of the dart probe with the asteroid Dimosphos - Waiting, read on MediaInaf: Italian record photo: Earth from 14 million kilometers 2022-09-27 icona per documenti web   
SOLD-OUT - Merate under stars 2022 - 16/09/2022 - 7:30 p.m. - Guided sky observation with musical interludes - In collaboration with: municipality of Merate and L. Clerici Founding - All info to the link: Merate under stars 2022 2022-09-19 icona per documenti web   
Merate under stars 2022 - 18/09/2022 - 9:00 p.m. Conference of astronomy - Title: The most powerful fireworks in the Universe - Speaker: Maria Edvige Ravasio - In collaboration with: municipality of Merate and L. Clerici Founding - All info to the link: Merate under stars 2022 2022-09-18 icona per documenti web   
September 2022 Astrocuriosity: DART: how to play billiards with asteroids by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-09-02 icona per documenti web   
Astrophysical Polarimetry in the TimeDomain Era - August 29 - September 1 2022 - International Workshop organized by INAF-OAB at the Campus of Milano Polytechnic, Lecco territorial Pole - Read the news on LECCOTODAY: Supernovae, x-ray, gravitational waves: all the secrets at the Polytechnic - Download and read the article on La provincia: "The elite of astrophysics in Lecco city - 4 days at the Polytechnic" - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-09-01 icona per documenti web   
August 2022 - Read in this very hot summer two articles about G.V. Schiaparelli’s diaries preserved in our site in Milano: From Brera to Mars with Schiaparelli’s diaries - MediaInaf - G.V. Schiaparelli’s diaries: alternative use of stamps 2022-08-31    
The weather and our Observatory - Read the newspaper in our section about us 2022-08-31    
ESO Photo release - August, 16 2022 - ESO telescope images a spectacular cosmic dance - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2211 2022-08-16 icona per documenti web   
What about Luna on the night of San Lorenzo 2022? - August, 1 2022 - Read all story on: Media Inaf 2022-08-12 icona per documenti web   
Astrocuriosity on holiday! See you in September - Read and look the videos: astrocuriosity on POE OAB FACTORY
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-08-02 icona per documenti web   
Summer Newsletter - from our editorial staff.
Our events in June - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-08-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - June, 18 2022 - "Black hole police" discover a dormant black hole outside our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2210 2022-07-18 icona per documenti web   
July, 13 2022 - 9 p.m. - Conference Show - "And it was evening and morning, light seen by a physicist and an actor" - BIanca Salmaso (physicist - OA Brera) and Marco Ballerini (actor) - Società Umanitaria - Milano - Download the flyer in pdf format for all info 2022-07-13      icona per documenti pdf 
Media Inaf - July, 12 2022 - James Webb, five wonders of the universe to come - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-07-12 icona per documenti web   
July 2022 Astrocuriosity: X-rays on different plans observed! by Tomaso Belloni - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-07-01 icona per documenti web   
Nights of whims - astronomical musical conference - June, 24 time 9 p.m. in Merate - All info: cycle of musical conferences - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-06-24 icona per documenti web     icona per documenti pdf 
U(V)DAY - Workshop - COVID19 and UV rays - June, 21 2022 from 10 to 18 - Palazzo Brera - Via Brera 28 - Milano - Free participation - Online registration request - Download the flyer in pdf format 2022-06-21      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Photo Release - June, 15 2022 - The Tarantula's cosmic web: astronomers map violent star formation in nebula outside our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2209 2022-06-15 icona per documenti web   
Media Inaf - June, 15 2022 - Long gamma-ray bursts: thirty years of history - A study signed by Giancarlo Ghirlanda and Ruben Salvaterra presents a historical excursus of the observations of long gamma-ray bursts - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-06-15 icona per documenti web   
MusAB - June, 12 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Visits to Schiaparelli’s dome - Sunday openings 2022-06-12 icona per documenti web   
June 2022 Astrocuriosity: Is Stonehenge the solstice stone ... or it’s not?? by Daniele Spiga - Read and look the video!
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-06-02 icona per documenti web   
June Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in June - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-06-01      icona per documenti pdf 
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - The final - The National final: the winners 2022-05-18 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - May, 12 2022 - Astronomers reveal first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2208 2022-05-12 icona per documenti web   
May 2022 Astrocuriosity: How we can see black holes if they are really black? by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-05-02 icona per documenti web   
May Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in May - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-05-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Our Ukrainian guests, Vladimir e Oksa, tell their stories on Merateonline. Read all story on: Merateonline by Saba Viscardi. 2022-04-26 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - April, 20 2022 - Astronomers discover micronovae, a new kind of stellar explosion - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2207 2022-04-20 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - April, 11 2022 - ESO telescope captures surprising changes in Neptuno’ temperatures - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2206 2022-04-11 icona per documenti web   
April 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Observing X-ray on different planes by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-04-02 icona per documenti web   
April Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in April - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-04-01      icona per documenti pdf 
Media Inaf - March, 11 2022 - A study on Astronomy and Astrophysics about direct observation of an extended X-ray jet in a blazar - Among authors - coordinated by our PhD Luca Ighina - several our researchers - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-03-30 icona per documenti web   
Media Inaf - March, 07 2022 - A study on Nature Astronomy about accreting corona and relativistic jet in a microquasar - Among authors Tomasdo Belloni - Read on: Beat. Strong. The microquasar. 2022-03-29 icona per documenti web   
Sunday and weekly openings for MusAB - Brera Astronomical Museum - All info: MusAB site 2022-03-28 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - 2022 National final - Admitted list published - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-03-24 icona per documenti web   
Media Inaf - March, 24 2022 - A study on Monthly Notices about not predictable brightness clusters of galaxies - Compliments to Stefano Andreon, Ginevra Trinchieri and Alberto Moretti - Read on: MediaInaf 2022-03-24 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - March, 02 2022 - "Closest black hole" system found to contain no black hole - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2204 2022-03-13 icona per documenti web   
BEaTriX is a new building laboratory in Merate site.... - Learn more to the link: BEaTriX facility 2022-03-12 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - February, 24 and 25 2022 Interregional competition - Read more: Italian Astronomical Olympiad 2022-03-11 icona per documenti web   
March 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Lucy in the sky with the five tightrope walkers by Daniele Spiga
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-03-02 icona per documenti web   
March Newsletter - from our editorial staff read INAF events
Our events in March - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-03-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Science Release - February, 16 2022 - Supermassive black hole caught hiding in a ring of cosmic dust - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2203 2022-02-23 icona per documenti web   
From February, 9 2022 on line the ADVANCED ASTRONOMICAL course - For booking and info: poefactory - online course 2022-02-21 icona per documenti web   
Febraury, 17 2022 - time 8:30 p.m. - Hundred thousand of billion of stars but Giovanni the telegraphist feels themself alone - by Stefano Sandrelli - In occasion of Margherita Hack centennial - For info and booking: google form 2022-02-17 icona per documenti web   
February, 03 2022 - by MediaInaf - Four hundred mirrors for ASTRI and CTA - Read the italian new to the link: MediaInaf 2022-02-10 icona per documenti web   
ESO Science Release - February, 10 2022 - New planet detected around star closest to the Sun - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2201 2022-02-10 icona per documenti web   
February 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: The James Webb Space Telescope by Gabriele Ghisellini
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
2022-02-02 icona per documenti web   
February Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in February - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-02-01      icona per documenti pdf 
ESO Photo Release - January, 04 2022 - Orion’s fireplace: ESO releases new image of the Flame Nebula - Italian translation by Anna Wolter - Read on: eso2201 2022-01-21 icona per documenti web   
A researchers team guided by Francesco Borsa reported the presence of atomic oxygen in the hot atmosphere of Kelt-9b an extrasolar planet ... Read all story on MediaInaf: "Detection of neutral oxygen in the atmosphere of Kelt-9b" 2022-01-21 icona per documenti web   
XX Italian Astronomical Olympiad - Admitted students for interregional competition - Read the news: Admitted students 2022-01-20 icona per documenti web   
Sunday opening for MusAB - Brera Astronomical Museum - January, 16 2022 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. - All info on MusAB web page Sunday openings 2022-01-16 icona per documenti web   
January 2022 Astrocuriosity on POEFACTORY link: Avenged Icaro! by Tomaso Belloni
The astrocuriosity of the month on POE factory
January Newsletter - from our editorial staff
Our events in January - Click on the pdf icon to download the newsletter
2022-01-01      icona per documenti pdf