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Seminar place selection: Tutti Pavia Dip. Fisica-Milano via Celoria Dip. Fisica-Milano Bicocca IASF Brera Merate

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N. records: 52
Seminars Calendar Milan Area - Year 2024
January Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Tuesday, 30 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Luca Zampieri INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova - on behalf of the Aqueye+Iqueye Team and the ASTRI Mini-Array Intensity Interferometry Working Group Fast Photon Counting Optical Astronomy and Stellar Intensity Interferometry  
February Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Tuesday, 27 11:00 Merate Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Alberto Vecchiato INAF - OA Torino The Global Sphere Reconstruction in astrometry. Problems and approaches  
March Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Monday, 04 14:30 Merate Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific - MIRTA - Mappa Interattiva sulla Ricerca TecnologicA  
 Tuesday, 05 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Sabine Bellstedt ICRAR-University of Western Australia Physical properties of galaxy bulges and disks from simultaneous structural modelling and SED fitting  
 Monday, 11 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Caldirola Scientific Anze Slosar Brookhaven National Laboratory LuSEE-Night: a Pathfinder Radio Telescope on the Far Side of the Moon  
 Tuesday, 26 11:00 Merate Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Fabio Rigamonti Univ. Insubria / OAB Kinematic discs and bulges across mass and star formation in the local Universe  
April Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Thursday, 04 11:00 Merate Biblioteca (or virtually at Scientific Kashmira Nakhoda - Title: When X-ray astronomy imaging systems inspire biological research  
 Tuesday, 09 - Merate OAB Colloquia: sala Belloni + Sala virtuale - Scientific Benito Marcote JIVE Unveiling the Transient Universe with unprecedented precision using Very Long Baseline Interferometry  
 Wednesday, 10 11:00 IASF IASF - Sala EXPO e sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Roberto Taverna Universita' di Padova X-ray polarization from magnetar sources  
 Tuesday, 16 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: sala Belloni + Sala virtuale - Scientific Luca Ighina INAF-OAB Relativistic jets from QSOs in the early Universe  
 Tuesday, 23 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Dimitra Atri New York University Abu Dhabi Mars Exploration: Unresolved Questions and Future Directions  
May Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Monday, 06 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Caldirola Scientific Sabrina Realini University of Groningen Activities at the NOVA Sub-mm Instrumentation Group  
 Thursday, 09 11:00 Merate Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Juan Escudero Pedrosa Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC, Granada) The Recurrent Flaring Activity of the Blazar AO 0235+164  
 Monday, 13 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Alberto Sesana Universita` degli Studi di Milano Bicocca Listening to the universe with a Galactic-size detector  
 Tuesday, 14 10:45 Brera Cupola Fiore (or virtually at Scientific Vincenzo Cotroneo INAF - OAB Doped mirrors for X-ray astronomy  
 Thursday, 16 13:30 Bicocca Aula U1-02 Scientific Julio Navarro University of Victoria, Canada Dark Matter Clues from the Faintest Galaxies  
 Monday, 20 11:00 IASF Sala EXPO + Sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Alvio Renzini INAF - Osservatorio di Padova A Transient Overcooling in the Early Universe? Clues from Globular Cluster Formation  
 Monday, 20 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Polvani Scientific Stefano Gariazzo University of Torino Relic neutrinos: decoupling and direct detection perspectives  
 Tuesday, 21 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Gloria Bordogna IREA CNR - Milano ChatGPT and the likes: from information retrieval to contents' generation  
 Tuesday, 21 11:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Polvani Scientific Matteo Cataneo Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (AIfA), Universität Bonn mochi_class: A tool to streamline cosmological analyses of Horndeski's gravity  
 Tuesday, 28 11:00 - Aula Polvani Scientific Iñigo Saez Casares Universite’ Paris Cite’, Meudon, Paris Large-scale structure formation in modified gravity  
 Tuesday, 28 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Diego Gotz CEA Saclay The SVOM Mission status  
 Wednesday, 29 11:00 IASF Sala EXPO e sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Paolo Saracco INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera SHARP – A NEAR-IR MULTI-MODE SPECTROGRAPH CONCEIVED FOR THE MULTI-CONJUGATE ADAPTIVE OPTICS MODULE MORFEO@ELT  
June Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Tuesday, 04 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Michele Perna Astrobiology Center (CAB), Madrid Galaxy Assembly with JWST/NIRSpec IFS (GA-NIFS): the dense environment of luminous AGN at z > 3  
 Friday, 07 14:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Polvani Scientific Michele Pizzardo Saint Mary's University, Halifax The growth of clusters with IllustrisTNG  
 Monday, 10 13:30 - Aula Polvani Scientific Piero Madau UCSC and Milano Bicocca Reionizing the Universe: A Brief History of Baryons and the Cosmic Web  
 Tuesday, 18 11:00 Brera OAB Seminar: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Om Sharan Salafia INAF-OAB Bright gamma-rays and riddles from the Universe  
 Tuesday, 25 11:00 Brera OAB Colloquia: Cupola Fiore + Sala virtuale - Scientific Ferdinando Patat ESO-Garching Changes in the time allocation process at ESO  
 Friday, 28 11:00 Merate Merate - biblioteca Scientific Daniele Sorini - The impact of feedback on the distribution of baryons within and outside haloes  
July Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Friday, 05 11:00 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Teorici Scientific Hans Kristian Eriksen University of Oslo Commander4 and OpenHFI -- massively parallel end-to-end Bayesian CMB analysis  
 Friday, 05 11:00 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Teorici Scientific Ingunn Wehus University of Oslo Cosmoglobe DR2: Global analysis of the microwave and infrared sky  
 Monday, 08 11:00 Merate sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Christina C. Thoene Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences Host galaxies of GRBs in the 2020ies  
September Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Wednesday, 11 11.30 IASF Sala EXPO e Scientific Gabriele Bruni INAF -IAPS - Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology The GRACE project: High-energy giant radio galaxies and their duty cycle  
 Thursday, 19 15:00 Merate sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Raniere Menezes Università di Torino How the dynamical properties of globular clusters impact their γ-ray and X-ray emission  
October Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Wednesday, 02 11:30 IASF Sala EXPO + Sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Elena Kronberg University of Munich Where and under which conditions do soft protons affect X-ray observations: space physics meets astrophysics and machine learning  
 Wednesday, 09 15:00 Merate OAB Merate, Sala Belloni and virtually at Scientific Gustavo Soares INAF-OAB Effects of high-density environments on progenitor dynamics and electromagnetic signatures of gamma-ray bursts  
 Thursday, 10 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Suzanne Romaine  &  JaeSub Hong Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian VOXI: Versatile Optics for X-ray Imaging Development and Applications  
 Wednesday, 16 11:30 IASF Sala A + Sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Shuang Zhou INAF - OAB Modelling the chemical evolution of galaxies through semi-analytic spectral fitting  
 Tuesday, 22 11:00 Merate Sala Belloni + sala virtuale: Scientific Emma Dreas SISSA Magnetized Jets in Binary Neutron Star Mergers: From Breakout to Ballistic Phase  
 Tuesday, 29 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Kaya Mori - Multi-wavelength Observations of Galactic PeVatrons  
 Wednesday, 30 11:30 IASF Sala EXPO + Sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Fabio Castagna INAF - OAB A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for estimating the heterogeneity of pressure profiles within a population of galaxy clusters  
 Thursday, 31 14:30 Merate OAB Colloquia: sala POE + Sala virtuale - Scientific Lawrence Bissell UK Astronomy Technology Centre Polishing Lightweighted Fused Silica Mirrors produced by Additive Manufacturing  
November Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Monday, 04 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Caldirola Scientific Davide Bianchi UNIMI Measuring our expanding Universe: one year of DESI observations  
 Friday, 08 11:00 Merate Sala Belloni (or virtually at Scientific Roland Bacon Univ. Lyon - CNRS WST - The Wide Field Spectroscopic Telescope  
 Tuesday, 19 14:30 Merate OAB Colloquia: sala POE + Sala virtuale - Scientific Vadim Kravtsov University of Turku Probing the physics of black hole and neutron star X-ray binaries with polarimetry  
 Monday, 25 13:30 - Aula Caldirola Scientific Marion Villenave UNIMI Observational constraints on dust concentration and planetesimal formation in protoplanetary disks  
 Thursday, 28 10:30 Merate Biblioteca and virtually at Scientific Elisa Guerriero Osservatorio di Palermo Aspetti innovativi del processo di polishing, con particolare riferimento allo sviluppo di ottiche in alluminio  
December Starting time Location + (Room/Chamber) Type Speaker Institute Title & abstract File
 Monday, 02 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Caldirola Scientific Mattia Sormani Universita' degli Studi dell'Insubria The formation of nuclear rings in barred galaxies  
 Tuesday, 03 11:00 Merate OAB Colloquia: sala POE + Sala virtuale - Scientific Cristiana Spingola INAF - IRA Extended AGN jets as a direct test to the ΛCDM model  
 Thursday, 12 14:30 IASF Sala EXPO + Sala virtuale a questo link Scientific Stefano Borgani INAF - OATS - Universita' di Trieste Galaxy clusters from adolescence to maturity: challenges for simulations  
 Monday, 16 13:30 Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria Aula Caldirola Scientific Michele Moresco Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna Cosmology beyond standard probes: exploring new paths to constrain the expansion history of the Universe  
 Wednesday, 18 11:30 IASF IASF - EXPO room and virtual room at this link Scientific Nicolo' Parmiggiani INAF - OAS Bologna Deep Learning Models to Analyze Gamma-ray sky maps and time series