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Dottorati/Students with P.h.D.

Name Subject Tutor Supervisor (Milano/Merate) Cycle Beginning End
Cabona Lorenzo Applications of Bayesian Frameworks to optimal observational design strategies. The case of ESPRESSO follow-up of TESS targets Haardt F. Landoni M. XXXII 2016-10-01 2019-10-01
Genoni Matteo Toward the Extremely Large Telescopes era in Exoplanetary science: Simulation tools, instrumental optimization and design for high resolution spectroscopy. The cases of ESPRESSO and ELT-HIRES Landoni M. & Riva M. XXX 2014-11-01 2018-03-01

Laureati/Graduate students

Name Subject Supervisor Supervisors (Milano/Merate) Date University
Rossetti Letizia Application of Machine Learning Techniques to REM Telescope Data Archive to assess night sky pollution from artificial satellites Tosi S. & Raveri M. Landoni M. & Molinari E. 2024-03-20 Uni Genova - Magistrale
Sciaccaluga Alberto Exploring capabilities on detection of Lorentz Invariance Violation via delays with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Tosi. S. Landoni M. & Tavecchio F. 2021-07-01 Univ. Genova
Ferro Matteo Design of a system for polarimetry for high-energy astrophysics Bracco G. & Tosi S. Landoni M. & Covino S. 2021-03-24 Univ. Genova
Asquini Laura Dynamic scheduling techniques for time domain astronomy: the case of the SOXS spectograph Pizzochero M. Landoni M. & Campana S. 2020-07-13 Milano Statale - Magistrale
Bernardi Federico Caratterizzazione dei requisiti strumentali ad alto livello per la scienza esoplanetaria Ghisellini G. Landoni M. 2018-11-19 Milano Bicocca