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Dottorati/Students with P.h.D.

Name Subject Tutor Supervisor (Milano/Merate) Cycle Beginning End
Pezzotta Andrea Cosmological measurements and models of galaxy clustering and redshift-space distortions using galaxy redshift surveys Granett B. Guzzo L. XXIX 2014-01-07 2017-04-11

Laureati/Graduate students

Name Subject Supervisor Supervisors (Milano/Merate) Date University
Parimbelli Gabriele Constraining the growth rate using redshift-space distortions and the halo model in galaxy simulations Guzzo L. Granett B. 2016-03-22 Milano Bicocca
Coppola Stefano Cross-Correlation between the large scale structure of the universe and the cosmic microwave background Granett B. Guzzo L. 2014-03-24 Milano Bicocca
Pezzotta Andrea Colour dependency of redshift-space distortions in the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey Granett B. Guzzo L. 2013-11-27 Milano Bicocca