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BEaTriX: the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility

Representative image for thesis
BEaTriX: the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility [crediti: INAF-OAB].
ATHENA is an ESA mission. Within the ATHENA consortium, INAF-OAB works on the X-ray characterization; to this end, in the Merate seat we have realized BEaTriX, a world-unique X-ray calibration facility. BEaTriX generates a wide, parallel and monochromatic beam within a small lab, allowing us to directly measure the focusing accuracy of the SPO modules at their production rate.
For details about the facility, please refer to the WEB page: BEaTrix facility.
  • BEaTriX, the X-ray facility for the functional test of the ATHENA telescope
Lasting: 3 years. PhD thesis.
Tutors: Daniele Spiga, Bianca Salmaso, Stefano Basso
The PhD thesis targets to the optimization of the facility to minimize the beam divergence, maximize the flux, optimize the beam uniformity and stability, modeling and simulating the optical setup to isolate possible critical points. Besides, the PhD student shall apply the results achieved with the current facility to the oncoming beamlines.

  • 2) BEaTriX upgrade from fixed to variable focal length: a new reference facility for X-ray testing
Lasting: 3 years. PhD thesis.
Tutors: Bianca Salmaso, Stefano Basso e Daniele Spiga
The PhD thesis targets the upgrade of the BEaTriX facility, to make it a reference facility in Italy for the X-ray tests of astrophysics from ground and from space, maintaining the ATHENA requirements. To this goal, the BEaTriX facility must be modified from the experimental chamber to the detector to host the detector at positions different than the 12m focal length of ATHENA and host optics bigger than the ATHENA mirror modules.