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Documents in archives: 191
1/2 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 238 / 658
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 36.17%
  • ∑citations: 170
  • ∑I.F.: 10.16
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 0.05


Conconi, Paolo, Cunniffe, Ronan, D'Alessio, Francesco, Calzoletti, Luca, Jordan, Brendan, Mazzoleni, Ruben, Melandri, Andrea, Molinari, Emilio , Testa, Vincenzo, Vitali, Fabrizio, Zerbi, Filippo M. , et al.

2004, Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy. Edited by Alan F. M. Moorwood and Iye Masanori. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5492, pp. 1602-1612 (2004).
Citations: 29     I.F.: 5.8        Citations/Authors: 1.45

Laureijs, R., Amiaux, J., Arduini, S., Auguères, J. L., Brinchmann, J., Cole, R., Cropper, M., Dabin, C., Duvet, L., Ealet, A., Garilli, B., et al.

2011, eprint arXiv:1110.3193
Citations: 117     I.F.: 1.6        Citations/Authors: 0.53

Lamb, D. Q., Ricker, G. R., Lazzati, D., Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Firmani, C., Amati, L., Atteia, J. -L., Avila-Reese, V., Burles, S., Butler, N., et al.

2005, eprint arXiv:astro-ph/0507362
Citations: 15     I.F.: 1.03        Citations/Authors: 0.52

Andreon, Stefano

2008, Chandra proposal ID #10800217
Citations: 1     I.F.: 1        Citations/Authors: 1

Albrecht, A., Amendola, L., Bernstein, G., Clowe, D., Eisenstein, D., Guzzo, L. , Hirata, C., Huterer, D., Kirshner, R., Kolb, E., Nichol, R., et al.

2009, eprint arXiv:0901.0721
Citations: 8     I.F.: 0.73        Citations/Authors: 0.73
2D diffraction simulations of a 12 m focal length SPO mirror module for ATHENA

Spiga, D. , Valsecchi, G., Marioni, F., Bianucci, G., Bavdaz, M., Wille, E.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 14/2016
Acceptance tests and calibration of the Explorer Atomic Force Microscope new head

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2015
pdf icon   Acceptance tests for the MicroFinish Topographer

Tayabaly, K., Rossi, M., Scaccabarozzi, L., Spiga, D.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2016

D'Avanzo, Paolo

2006, XMM-Newton Proposal ID #05053901
AFM analysis of test wafers coated with Cr-Ni-Au layers: roughness characterization

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D.

2012, INAF/OAB technical note 01/2012
A preliminary optical design for the HEX-P hard X-ray telescope

Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Pareschi, G. , Valsecchi, G.

2023, INAF/OAB internal report 01/2023

Sandrelli, S.

2004, RaiNews24
BEaTriX: vibrations campaign on the laboratory ground

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Giro, E., Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G.

2018, INAF/OAB technical report 03/2018
BEaTriX X-ray facility for testing ATHENA mirror modules: a white paper for the implementation

Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G. , Salmaso, B. , Tagliaferri, G.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 02/2017
"Blurring contribution due to the longitudinal out-of-focus error"

Basso, S. , Conconi, P., Pareschi, G.

2006, SX-INAF-OABRERA-TN-0002, v. 2.0 - Oct 23, 2006
pdf icon   Calibration of SIMBOL-X optics at PANTER facility: proposed setup and hardware implementation

Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Pareschi, G. , Malaguti, P., Freyberg, M., Briel, U.

2008, INAF/OAB Technical report 02/2008
Calibration of very long (>10 m) focal length X-ray optics at PANTER facility: a short update

Spiga, D.

2009, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2009
Calibration of W/Si multilayer samples for SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope Phase A development

Spiga, D. , Proserpio, L. , Civitani, M. , Dell’Orto, E., Sironi, G. , Cotroneo, V. , Mattarello, V., Garoli, D., Boscolo Marchi, E.

2009, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2009

Campana, Sergio

2003, Chandra Proposal ID 05400403

van den Berg, M., Tagliaferri, G. , Belloni, T., Verbunt, F.

2004, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/418/509. Originally published in: 2004A&A...418..509V

Andreon, Stefano

2007, Chandra Proposal ID #09800154
Characterization of an antenna for RFID systems

Canestrari, R., Pareschi, G.

2006, INAF-OAB Internal report 07/2006
Characterization of a PECVD-SiC replicated mirror sample

Canestrari, R., Valtolina, R., Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G.

2006, INAF/OAB Internal report 04/06
Characterization of a W/Si graded multilayer coated mirror shell (n. 326) preformed by Nickel electroforming (april 2004)

Spiga, D.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal report 06/05
Characterization of Pt/C and W/Si multilayer-coated mirror shells at the PANTER facility (Sep 2004 - Feb 2005)

Spiga, D.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal Report 07/05
pdf icon   Characterization of slumped glasses for the IXO backup optics project, phase 2

Spiga, D. , Proserpio, L. , Pagano, G., Salmaso, B.

2011, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2011
pdf icon   Characterization of the profiles of slumped glass foils after cutting and annealing

Holyszko, J., Salmaso, B. , Civitani, M.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 13/2015
Characterization of the Silicon cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA

Salmaso, B. , Brizzolari, C., Civitani, M. , Spiga, D.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 11/2014
Characterization of the Zerodur K20-20B cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA

Salmaso, B. , Brizzolari, C., Arcangeli, L, Rossi, M., Spiga, D.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 03/2015
Characterization of the Zerodur K20-20 cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA

Salmaso, B. , Brizzolari, C., Spiga, D. , Rossi, M., Arcangeli, L.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 01/2014
Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): carriages systematic error removal

Civitani, M.M. , Ghigo, M.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 14/2014
Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): NewPort carriage characterization

Civitani, M.M. , Ghigo, M.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 13/2014
pdf icon   Charged particle diverters for X-ray telescopes: the magnetic field of a uniformly-magnetized wedge

Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB internal report 07/2017
pdf icon   Cleaning of Ruths primary mirror

Salmaso, B. , Crimi, G.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 04/2014
pdf icon   Cleaning of Ruths primary mirror: 2016

Salmaso, B. , Crimi, G.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 09/2016
Coating design for the PLATO telescope optical unit

Spiga, D. , Pagano, I., Munari, M., Magrin, D., Viotto, V., Ragazzoni, R.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 08/2016
Coating samples for the BEaTriX mirrors: surface roughness analysis

Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Vecchi, G.

2021, INAF-OAB internal report 01/2021
Design of mandrels with internal shaft

Basso, S.

2008, INAF/OAB Technical report 05/2008
pdf icon   Detecting the mitigation of fused silica roughening after Ion Beam Figuring

Holyszko, J., Salmaso, B. , Ghigo, M. , Arcangeli, L., Passaretti, F., Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 05/2017
"Development of slumping technique - Progress Test Review"

Ghigo, M.

2006, Doc n. ELT-INA-09300-00004,1.0, relazione del meeting ELT-DS Progress test review nell'ambito delle attivita'? per lo slumping, 11 October 2006
Development of slumping technique. Statement of Work

Ghigo, M.

2006, Doc. n. ELT-SOW-INA-09300-0004, prodotto nell' ambito dello sviluppo della tecnica di Slumping per ELT Design Study FP6, (2006).

Della Ceca, Roberto

2007, XMM-Newton Proposal ID #05509606
pdf icon   Effective area analytical computation for segmented optics

Spiga, D.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 16/2014
Effective Area Calculation for XEUS pore optics

Cotroneo, V. , Pareschi, G.

2006, INAF/OAB Internal report 05/2005
Effective area simulations for the ARCUS SPO MM-0024

Spiga, D. , Burwitz, V.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 09/2017
pdf icon   Electroformed nickel samples for the polarimetric LAMP X-ray telescope: sample roughness characterization

Tayabaly, K., Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Valsecchi, G., Banham, R., Missaglia, N., Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2014
Engineering Models for SIMBOL-X Phase A: metrological and X-ray analyses post PANTER tests

Spiga, D. , Sironi, G. , Salmaso, B. , Romaine, S., Bruni, R., Cotroneo, V. , Mattarello, V., Garoli, D.

2009, INAF/OAB internal report 07/2009
ESA Silicon Substrate Microroughness Chracterization

Vernani, D., Mazzoleni, F., Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G. , Citterio, O.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal Technical Report 01/2005
Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the chemical tempering on Gorilla glass samples

Civitani, M.M. , B.Salmaso, G.Pareschi

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 10/2013
Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the coating on flat AF32 samples

Civitani, M.M. , Spiga, D.

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 11/2013
Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the coating on small cylindrical AF32 samples

Civitani, MM. , Basso, S. , Pareschi, G.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 09/2015
Evaluation of the centroid displacement in the UV diffraction pattern of a Silicon Pore Optic Mirror Module

Spiga, D. , Valsecchi, G., Marioni, F., Bianucci, G., Bavdaz, M., Wille, E.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 06/2016
"Evaluation of the Simbol-X mirror module mass"

Basso, S.

2006, SX-INAF-OABRERA-TN-0003-v. 1.0 11 December 2006
pdf icon   Extending the INAF/OAB Ultraviolet Vertical Optical Bench to a 20 m focal length

Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G. , Ferrario, I.

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2013
Fine-tuning of slumped AF32 glasses on a Zerodur K20 mould

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D.

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 14/2013
Flat Proof of Concept: manufacturing and characterization

Civitani, MM. , Basso, S. , Pareschi, G. , Tintori, M., Fumi, P.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 10/2015
From AF32 to Eagle XG: characterization of glasses slumped on Zerodur K20-10 mould

Salmaso, B. , Brizzolari, C., Spiga, D.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2014
pdf icon   Fused Silica thin segments for X-ray telescopes: status of the process at OAB.

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Pariani, G. , Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Arcangeli, L., Ritucci, A., Rossi, M., Pareschi, G. , et al.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 10/2017
geometrical tolerances for the mandrels design

Basso, S.

2008, Internal report IR 06/08
Global PSD tolerance for the VERT-X Wolter-I mirror

Spiga, D. , Moretti, A. , Pareschi, G.

2022, INAF/OAB internal report 01/2022
Gold-coated mirror shell test at PANTER facility: Proposed Test Plan Definition

Spiga, D.

2007, INAF/OAB technical report 04/07
Hard X-ray mirrors for NHXM: reflectivity and roughness characterization of mirror shell samples

Salmaso, B. , Raimondi, L., Negri, R., Spiga, D. , Binda, R., Orlandi, A., Valsecchi, G.

2011, INAF/OAB internal report 02/2011
"HIGH Energy Telescope (HET) onboard of EDGE Explorer of Diffuse structures and Gamma-ray burst Explosions"

Pareschi, G. , Campana, S. , den Herder, J.W., Holland, A., Molendi, S., Piro

2006, SRON-INAF/OAB-INAF/IASFRM-Brunel Univ document in preparation to the ESA Cosmic Vision Call, November 2006
High-resolution X-ray scattering measurement of slumped glasses

Spiga, D. , Raimondi, L., Salmaso, B. , Civitani, M. , Pagano, G., Basso, S. , Ghigo, M. , Proserpio, L.

2011, INAF/OAB internal report 04/2011
"INAF scientific assessment of the SIMBOL-X project for the ASI pre-Phase A study", in: "Simbol-X: Pre-Phase A Study for a Formation Flight mission in the Hard X-ray Energy Band"

Pareschi, G. , (coord.), Malaguti, G., Fiore, F., Collura, A., Cusumano, G.

2006, ALENIA Alcatel Space Italia document to ASI, December 2006
Influenza dei gradienti di temperatura su una lastra di vetro

Basso, S. , Pareschi, G.

2006, Internal report INAF-OAB 06/2006
Integration for NHXM prototypes in Phase A in OAB vertical bench

Basso, S.

2008, INAF-OAB Technical Report IR/ 03 2008
Integrazione di shell sottili presso la torrre di misura UV (OAB) utilizzando il case realizzato nel 2004

Basso, S.

2006, Internal Report INAF-OAB 05/2006
Interferometric measurement campaign of the NEOSTED Primary Mirror

Ghigo, M. , Vecchi, G. , Basso, S.

pdf icon   Ion Beam Figuring of thin Fused Silica flat wafers

Salmaso, B. , Ghigo, M.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 11/2017
IXO backup optics with slumped glasses: PANTER test of the Proof of Concept #2 optic

Spiga, D. , Civitani, M. , Proserpio, L. , Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Burwitz, V., Menz, B., Hartner, G., Budau, B.

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 10/2013
IXO back-up optics with slumped glasses: Proof of Concept (PoC) tests at PANTER and INAF/OAB

Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Proserpio, L. , Ghigo, M. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Pareschi, G. , Sironi, G. , Pagano, G., Zambra, A., Burwitz, V., et al.

2012, INAF/OAB internal report 04/2012
IXO back-up optics with slumped glasses: XOU-BB tests at PANTER and INAF/OAB

Spiga, D. , Civitani, M. , Proserpio, L. , Ghigo, M. , Basso, S. , Salmaso, B. , Pareschi, G. , Zambra, A., Pagano, G., Burwitz, V., Menz, B., et al.

2012, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2012
IXO glasses cleaning procedure after slumping: removing residuals affecting the high frequency region

Salmaso, B. , Bianco, A. , Proserpio, L. , Ghigo, M. , Spiga, D.

2013, INAF/OAB Internal report 01/2013
IXO slumped glasses D5 and D7: analysis of spatial wavelength impact on the Point Spread Function by means of the Fresnel diffraction

Raimondi, L., Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Civitani, M. , Pagano, G., Basso, S. , Ghigo, M. , Proserpio, L.

2011, INAF/OAB internal report 03/2011
LTP and ZYGO comparison of the profile measurements of MK20-20B slumping mould

Salmaso, B. , Brizzolari, C., Pariani, G. , Spiga, D.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 04/2015
LTP profiles of AF32 glasses with FEA correction: a method to remove spurious mid-frequency errors

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Spiga, D.

2013, INAF/OAB internal report 12/2013

Comoretto, G., Masi, S., Pareschi, G. , Ragazzoni, R., Zacchei, A.

2006, [contributo della MA5 al Piano triennale INAF 2007-2009]
pdf icon   Magnetic field design for the polarimetric X-ray Gas Pixel Detector

Spiga, D. , Soffitta, P., Costa, E., Muleri, F.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 08/2014
Magnetic field simulation for the Athena proton diverter

Spiga, Daniele

2021, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2021
Maintenance of the BEaTriX facility: MPT 200 Vacuum sensors

Sisana, D. , Salmaso, B.

2023, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2023
Mirror module design for BICE X-ray telescopes

Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Citterio, O. , Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G. , Bianucci, G., Valsecchi, G.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 05/2015
pdf icon   Mirror module design for the XIPE X-ray polarimeter

Spiga, D. , Tagliaferri, G. , Costa, E., Soffitta, P., Muleri, F.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 10/2014 - ESA class. XIPE-OAB-TN-0001
Mirror shell 295/2 for SIMBOL-X optic Phase A prototype: results of performed tests at MPE-PANTER

Spiga, D. , Mazzoleni, F., Freyberg, M., Burkert, W., Hartner, G., Budau, B., Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G.

2008, INAF/OAB Technical report 04/2008
Mirror shell 338 (Jet-X mandrel n.1 sized shell):Achieved tests at Panter facility and INAF/OAB

Spiga, D. , Canestrari, R., Vernani, D., Freyberg, M., Bukert, W., Hartner, G., Budau, B., Pareschi, G. , Citterio, O. , Basso, S. , Mazzoleni, F., et al.

2006, INAF/OAB Internal Report 02/2006
Mission Description Document

Mereghetti, S., Amati, L., Campana, S. , De Luca, A., Fiorini, M., Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Moretti, A. , La Palombara, N., Stella, L., Tiengo, A., et al.

2008, XIAO Phase A Documents, XIAO-XST-SP-001 (May 2008)
Modeling and measurement of the scattering properties of the source pinhole in the BEaTriX facility

Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Basso, S.

2021, INAF/OAB internal report 04/2021
Multilayer-coated mirror shell test at PANTER facility: Preliminary Performances Evaluation and Tst Plan definition

Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G.

2006, INAF/OAB Internal Technical Report 01/2006
Multilayer coating for high-energy optics for astrophysics (samples characterisation test plan)

Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G. , Grisoni, G., Valsecchi, G.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal report Code I/R/ 002/05
Multilayer Coatings for High-Energy Optics for Astrophysics Assessment of the scientific requirements for the XEUS mirrors

Pareschi, G.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal Technical Report 03/2005
Multilayer Coatings for High-Energy Optics for Astrophysics Coating design, optimisation and trade-off

Pareschi, G. , Cotroneo, V.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal Technical Report 04/2005
New input for the assessment of the BEaTriX design

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Pelliciari, C., Giro, E., Pareschi, G. , Tagliaferri, G.

2018, INAF/OAB technical report 04/2018
pdf icon   Notes on the development of a magnetic diverter for the SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope

Spiga, D. , Mattaini, E., Parodi, G., Ottolina, M., Fioretti, V., Tiengo, A.

2009, INAF/OAB internal report 06/2009
pdf icon   On the mirror profile reconstruction from intra-focal X-ray imaging using a source at finite distance

Spiga, D.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 01/2016
Optical simulations for the BEaTriX X-ray facility: a brief performance and alignment tolerance study

Spiga, D. , Salmaso, B. , Tagliaferri, G. , Pareschi, G. , Pelliciari, C.

2018, INAF/OAB technical report 01/2018
Optic (HXT 150 + 230)test at Panter facility: Preliminary Performances Evaluation and Proposed Test Plan definition

Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G.

2006, INAF/OAB Internal Report 03/2006
Optimization of the slumping process of Eagle XG on Zerodur K20: fine tuning for the production of POC#4 glass foils

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Brizzolari, C., Civitani, M. , Spiga, D.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 01/2015
pdf icon   Out-of-focus image of a paraboloidal mirror: analytical description in far-field and near-normal approximations

Spiga, D. , Tayabaly, K.

2014, INAF/OAB internal report 09/2014
"Partecipazione INAF al progetto MAGIC 2 con realizzazione di parte dei pannelli riflettenti - Studio preliminare di fattibilit?"

Pareschi, G.

2006, White Paper presentato alla Presidenza INAF nell'ambito del WG "TelescopiCherenkov" del Dipartimento 2 di INAF
Payload per astrofisica delle alte energie - Progetto Preliminare e Prove Effettuate

Pareschi, G. , Malaguti, G.

2005, Contratto ASI: N.I/014/04/0 - Commessa: N. P150102 - OAB/INAF team-study coordinato e finanziato da ASI