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Documents in archives: 29
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 40 / 760
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 5.26%
  • ∑citations: 174
  • ∑I.F.: 54.94
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 1.89


Ghisellini, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Tavecchio, F.

2006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 375, Issue 1, pp. L36-L40.
Citations: 42     I.F.: 42        Citations/Authors: 14
XMM-Newton study of the complex and variable spectrum of NGC 4051

Ponti, G. , Miniutti, G., Cappi, M., Maraschi, L., Fabian, A.C., Iwasawa, K.

2006, MNRAS, in press
Citations: 43     I.F.: 7.17        Citations/Authors: 7.17

Kann, D. A., Klose, S., Zhang, B., Wilson, A. C., Butler, N. R., Malesani, D., Nakar, E., Antonelli, L. A., Chincarini, G., Cobb, B. E., Covino, S. , et al.

2008, eprint arXiv:0804.1959
Citations: 12     I.F.: 2        Citations/Authors: 0.5

Mandelbaum, R., Seljak, U., Hirata, C. M., Bardelli, S., Bolzonella, M., Bongiorno, A., Carollo, M., Contini, T., Garilli, B., Iovino, A. , Kampczyk, P., et al.

2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 386, Issue 2, pp. 781-806.
Citations: 41     I.F.: 1.46        Citations/Authors: 1.46

Perger, M., Ribas, I., Damasso, M., Morales, J. C., Affer, L., Suárez Mascareno, A., Micela, G., Maldonado, J., González Hernández, J. I., Rebolo, R., Scandariato, G., et al.

2017, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 608, id.A63, 15 pp.
Citations: 9     I.F.: 1.12        Citations/Authors: 0.28

Coupon, J., Ilbert, O., Kilbinger, M., McCracken, H. J., Mellier, Y., Arnouts, S., Bertin, E., Hudelot, P., Schultheis, M., Le Fèvre, O., Le Brun, V., et al.

2008, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 500, Issue 3, 2009, pp.981-998
Citations: 10     I.F.: 0.56        Citations/Authors: 0.56

Fabbiano, G., Brassington, N.J., Zezas, A., Zepf, S., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Kim, D-W., King, A.R., Kundu, A., et al.

2007, Ap. J. [arXiv:0710.5126]
Citations: 6     I.F.: 0.46        Citations/Authors: 0.46

Marinoni, C., Saintonge, A., Contini, T., Walcher, C. J., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M. P., Ilbert, K. L., Masters, O., Iovino, A. , LeBrun, V., LeFevre, O., et al.

2007, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 478, Issue 1, January IV 2008, pp.71-81
Citations: 4     I.F.: 0.15        Citations/Authors: 0.15

Tinetti, Giovanna, Drossart, Pierre, Eccleston, Paul, Hartogh, Paul, Isaak, Kate, Linder, Martin, Lovis, Christophe, Micela, Giusi, Ollivier, Marc, Puig, Ludovic, Ribas, Ignasi, et al.

2015, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 40, Issue 2-3, pp. 329-391
Citations: 6     I.F.: 0.02        Citations/Authors: 0.02

Rauer, H., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Appourchaux, T., Benz, W., Brandeker, A., Christensen Dalsgaard, J., Deleuil, M., Gizon, L., Güdel, M., Janot Pacheco, E., K.

2013, European Planetary Science Congress 2013, held 8-13 September in London, UK. Online at:, id.EPSC2013-707
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0        Citations/Authors: 0.01

Pian, E., Tuerler, M., Fiocchi, M., Bazzano, A., Foschini, L. , Tavecchio, F. , Bianchin, V., Boissay, R., Castignani, G., Ferrigno, C., Raiteri, C. M., et al.

2013, Astronomy and Astrophysics, to be published
Astronomical orientations of sanctuaries of Daunia

Antonello, E. , Polcaro, V.F., Tunzi Sisto, A.M., LoZupone, M.

2013, arXiv: 1307.1964. SEAC 2011, Evora, Portugal, in press
Bonaparte and the astronomers of Brera Observatory

Antonello, E.

2014, arxiv: 1405.6841
Chandra and HST observations of gamma-ray blazars: comparing jet emission at small and large scales

Tavecchio, F. , Maraschi, L., Wolter, A. , Cheung, C.C., Sambruna, R.M., Urry, C.M.

2006, ApJ, submitted

Maceroni, C., Montalbán, J., Gandolfi, D., Pavlovski, K., Rainer, M.

2013, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/552/A60. Originally published in: 2013A&A...552A..60M
Deep Chandra Monitoring Observations of NGC 3379: Catalog of Source Properties

Brassington, N.J., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D., Zezas, A., Zepf, S., Kundu, A., Angelini, L., Davies, R., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Fragos, T., et al.

2007, Ap. J. [arXiv:0711.1289]

Governato, F., Willman, B., Mayer, L., Brooks, A., Stinson, G., Valenzuela, O., Wadsley, J., Quinn, T.

2006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Online Early

Kim, Dong-Woo, Kim, Eunhyeuk, Fabbiano, Giuseppina, Trinchieri, Ginevra

2007, eprint arXiv:0706.4254
G. V. Schiaparelli, P. Lowell: scambi epistolari inediti (1896-1910)

Manara, A. , Chlistovsky, F.

2002, Nuncius
Hesiod's calendar and the star Spica

Antonello, E.

2013, arXiv: 1304.4019. SEAC 2009, Alexandria, Egypt, in press
Il signore degli anelli: il misterioso caso degli anelli scomparsi

Sandrelli, S. , Cavallotti, F., Romaniello, S.

2006, Frascati Physics Series Vol. VVVV (xxxx), pp. 000-000, proceeding from Comunicare Fisica 2005 Frascati 24-27 ottobre 2005
La collaborazione ESA-RaiNews24: lo spazio come fonte di news televisive

Sandrelli, S.

2006, Frascati Physics Series Vol. VVVV (xxxx), pp. 000-000, proceeding from Comunicare Fisica 2005 Frascati 24-27 ottobre 2005

Chumakov, V. , Romanchuk, V., Kharchenko, O.

2023, engineering engrXiv archive - Preprin: Version 1

Landoni, Marco , Falomo, Renato, Treves, Aldo, Sbarufatti, Boris , Decarli, Roberto, Tavecchio, Fabrizio , Kotilainen, Jari

2012, eprint arXiv:1205.1215
Prehistoric sanctuaries in Daunia

Antonello, E. , Polcaro, V.F., Tunzi, A.M., LoZupone, M.

2013, arXiv: 1306.5893. SEAC 2010, Gilching, Germany, in press
Ricerche sulla tomba dei giganti di S' Elena e Tomes (Dorgali) in Sardegna

Manara, A. , Gaspani, A.

2002, Rivista di Archeoastronomia
The myths of the Bear

Antonello, E.

2013, arXiv: 1305.0367

Saturni, F. G., Bischetti, M., Piconcelli, E., Bongiorno, A., Cicone, C., Feruglio, C., Fiore, F., Gallerani, S., Giustini, M., Piranomonte, S., Vietri, G., et al.

2018, eprint arXiv:1804.10038
Water-filled telescopes

Antonello, E.

2014, arxiv: 1401.5585