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Documents in archives: 10   -   Instrumental projects and technologies   -   Author: Ghigo, M
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 54 / 194
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 27.84%
  • ∑citations: 25
  • ∑I.F.: 6.59
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 0.66


Civitani, M. , Basso, S. , Ghigo, M. , Pareschi, G. , Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Banham, R., Breuning, E., Burwitz, V., Hartner, G., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 99056U 22 pp. (2016).
Citations: 3     I.F.: 1.75        Citations/Authors: 0.25

Spiga, D. , Pelliciari, C., Salmaso, B. , Arcangeli, L., Bianucci, G., Ferrari, C., Ghigo, M. , Pareschi, G. , Rossi, M., Tagliaferri, G. , Valsecchi, G., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9963, id. 996304 13 pp. (2016).
Citations: 3     I.F.: 1.38        Citations/Authors: 0.23

Ragazzoni, R., Magrin, D., Rauer, H., Pagano, I., Nascimbeni, V., Piotto, G., Piazza, D., Levacher, P., Schweitzer, M., Basso, S. , Bandy, T., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9904, id. 990428 7 pp. (2016).
Citations: 11     I.F.: 1.05        Citations/Authors: 0.26

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 990523 11 pp. (2016).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.88        Citations/Authors: 0.12

Pareschi, G. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Parodi, G., Pelliciari, C., Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 99051T 14 pp. (2016).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.78        Citations/Authors: 0.11

Magrin, D., Ragazzoni, R., Bergomi, M., Biondi, F., Chinellato, S., Dima, M., Farinato, J., Greggio, D., Gullieuszik, M., Marafatto, L., Viotto, V., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9904, id. 99042Z 11 pp. (2016).
Citations: 4     I.F.: 0.5        Citations/Authors: 0.12

Magrin, D., Ragazzoni, R., Bruno, G., Piazza, D., Borsa, F. , Ghigo, M. , Mogulsky, V., Bergomi, M., Biondi, F., Chinellato, S., Dima, M., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9904, id. 990430 8 pp. (2016).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.12        Citations/Authors: 0.03

Gullieuszik, M., Magrin, D., Ragazzoni, R., Greggio, D., Bergomi, M., Biondi, F., Chinellato, S., Dima, M., Farinato, J., Marafatto, L., Viotto, V., et al.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9904, id. 990431 9 pp. (2016).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.12        Citations/Authors: 0.03
Ion beam figuring of thin glass plates: achievements and perspectives

Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Vecchi, G. , Basso, S.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 990578 8 pp. (2016).

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Pelliciari, C., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9965, id. 99650B 15 pp. (2016).