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Documents in archives: 7   -   Author: Ponti, G
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 7 / 47
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 14.89%
  • ∑citations: 54
  • ∑I.F.: 8.77
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 1.25


Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G.

2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 448, Issue 2, March III 2006, pp.677-687
Citations: 8     I.F.: 1.33        Citations/Authors: 1.33

Petrucci, P. O., Ponti, G. , Matt, G., Maraschi, L., Malzac, J., Mouchet, M., Boisson, C., Longinotti, A., Nandra, K., Ferrando, P., Henri, G., et al.

2006, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.327, Issue 10, p.1043
Citations: 3     I.F.: 0.27        Citations/Authors: 0.27


XMM-Newton study of the complex and variable spectrum of NGC 4051

Ponti, G. , Miniutti, G., Cappi, M., Maraschi, L., Fabian, A.C., Iwasawa, K.

2006, MNRAS, in press
Citations: 43     I.F.: 7.17        Citations/Authors: 7.17


Ponti, G. , Miniutti, G., Cappi, M., Maraschi, L., Fabian, A. C., Iwasawa, K.

2006, Proceedings of the , ", The X-ray Universe 2005, ", , 26-30 September 2005, El Esc, orial, Madrid, Spain. Organised by European Space Agency (ESA). Ed. by A. Wilson. ESA SP-604, Volume 2, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, 2006, p.479
Is the light bending effect at work in the core of NGC 4051?

Ponti, G. , Miniutti, G., Cappi, M., Fabian, A.C., Maraschi, L., Iwasawa, K.

2006, "The X-ray Universe", San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid, Spain), 26-30, September 2005

Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G.

2006, Proceedings of the The X-ray Universe 2005 (ESA SP-604). 26-30 September 2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain. Editor: A. Wilson, p.277

Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G.

2006, ALBERT EINSTEIN CENTURY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 861, pp. 682-686