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Tolerances analysis for the innovative EUV grazing incidence Hettrick-Bowyer telescope for the MANTIS CubeSat

Representative image for thesis Tutors: Marta M. Civitani
Master Thesis

MANTIS( Monitoring Activity of Nearby sTars with UV Imaging and Spectroscopy) is a 12U CubeSat missio submitted by the University of Colorado at Boulder to the NASA APRA call (December 2022). The MANTIS CubeSat is designed to measure the ultraviolet (UV) irradiance and variability of low-mass stars in order to better understand the environment for habitable-zone exoplanets. As part of this collaboration, the INAF is committed to provide scientific expertise in high-energy astrophysics, and a novel extreme EUV (10 –80 nm) grazing incidence Hettrick-Bowyer telescope.

This thesis work aims at the tolerances analysi for the innovative grazing incidence optical system. This analysis will be the basis for the realization process definition and for the alignment procedure set-up. The activity will be carried out with ray-tracing numerical simulations (Matlab/Python). .