PhD Thesis at the Observatory

In entrambe le sedi dell’OAB di Milano e di Merate il personale di ricerca collabora con le università per le tesi di dottorato.

In both the OAB offices in Milan and Merate, the research staff collaborates with the universities for PhD thesis.

Merate (LC) - PhD ThesisMilano - PhD Thesis
BEaTriX Data science
2 available thesis Bringing efficient and scalable Bayesian computations for Big Data in the astronomer toolbox
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Tutors: Stefano Andreon, Marco Landoni e Alberto Trombetta (UniInsubria)
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Compact objectsGalaxy Clusters
Extreme Jets from Compact Accretors Galaxy cluster science in the Euclid era with Big Data Methods
Tutor: Sara Motta
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Tutors: Stefano Andreon, Marco Landoni, Alberto Moretti, Ginevra Trinchieri A. Trombetta (UniInsubria) e M. Radovic (INAF-Pd)
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Fast variability from X-ray binaries: the next step Thermodynamical properties of weak-lensing selected clusters
Tutor: Sara Motta
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Tutors: Stefano Andreon Ginevra Trinchieri Alberto Moretti
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Supermassive Black Holes
Probing the accretion-ejection connection around accreting compact objects via X-ray and radio observations Quasars and Jets in the early Universe: Understanding the Formation and Evolution of Supermassive Black-Holes
Tutor: Sara Motta
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Tutors: Alessandro Caccianiga, Alberto Moretti, Fabrizio Tavecchio
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Timing-based spin and mass measurement of neutron star X-ray binaries The quest for super massive black hole binary systems
Tutor: Sara Motta
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Tutors: Paola Severgnini, Marco Landoni in collaboration with Cristian Vignali, Alessandra De Rosa
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Dark energy - Euclid
Optimising Euclid galaxy clustering measurements
Tutors: Benjamin Granett
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Cosmological inference with Euclid
Tutors: Benjamin Granett
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High-resolution spectroscopic studies of the atmospheres of Solar System bodies using exoplanets’ techniques
Tutors: Monica Rainer, Francesco Borsa
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High resolution spectroscopy studies of exoplanetary atmospheres  
Tutors: Francesco Borsa, Monica Rainer
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Gamma Ray Bursts
Deciphering the nature of the progenitors of Gamma Ray Bursts  
Tutors: Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Om Sharan Salafia
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Development of a model for the prompt emission of Gamma Ray Bursts  
Tutors: Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Lara Nava e Om Sharan Salafia
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Physics of the afterglow emission in Gamma Ray Bursts  
Tutors: Lara Nava, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Om S. Salafia
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Materials Engineering
High Performance Photopolymers for Holographic Optical Elements in Astronomy  
Tutor: Andrea Bianco
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Relativistic Jets
Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei  
Tutors: Luigi Foschini, Patrizia Romano, Stefano Vercellone
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