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Documenti in archivio: 30   -   Gamma-Ray bursts
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 74 / 374
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 19.79%
  • ∑citations: 535
  • ∑I.F.: 398.2
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 13.27


Ghisellini, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Nava, L. , Celotti, A.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 403, Issue 2, pp. 926-937.
Citations: 190     I.F.: 142.5        Citations/Authors: 47.5

Ghirlanda, G. , Nava, L. , Ghisellini, G.

2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 511, id.A43, 11 pp.
Citations: 99     I.F.: 99        Citations/Authors: 33

Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Nava, L.

2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 510, id.L7, 4 pp.
Citations: 89     I.F.: 89        Citations/Authors: 29.67

Campana, S. , Thöne, C. C., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Tagliaferri, G. , Moretti, A. , Covino, S.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 4, pp. 2429-2435.
Citations: 56     I.F.: 37.33        Citations/Authors: 9.33

Nardini, M., Ghisellini, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Celotti, A.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 403, Issue 3, pp. 1131-1142.
Citations: 25     I.F.: 12.5        Citations/Authors: 6.25

Covino, S. , Campana, S. , Conciatore, M. L., D'Elia, V., Palazzi, E., Thöne, C. C., Vergani, S. D., Wiersema, K., Brusasca, M., Cucchiara, A., Cobb, B. E., et al.

2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 521, id.A53, 11 pp.
Citations: 24     I.F.: 3.6        Citations/Authors: 0.6

D'Avanzo, P. , Perri, M., Fugazza, D. , Salvaterra, R., Chincarini, G., Margutti, R., Wu, X. F., Thöne, C. C., Fernández-Soto, A., Ukwatta, T. N., Burrows, D. N., et al.

2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 522, id.A20, 8 pp.
Citations: 14     I.F.: 2.8        Citations/Authors: 0.7

D'Elia, V., Fiore, F., Goldoni, P., D'Odorico, V., Campana, S. , Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , Meurs, E. J. A., Norci, L., Tagliaferri, G.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 401, Issue 1, pp. 385-393.
Citations: 6     I.F.: 2.4        Citations/Authors: 0.6


Ghisellini, G.

2010, X-RAY ASTRONOMY 2009; PRESENT STATUS, MULTI-WAVELENGTH APPROACH AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES: Proceedings of the International Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1248, pp. 45-48 (2010).
Citations: 4     I.F.: 4        Citations/Authors: 4

Campana, Sergio

2010, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010, in Bremen, Germany, p.2


de Ugarte Postigo, A., Horváth, I., Veres, P., Bagoly, Z., Kann, D. A., Thöne, C. C., Balazs, L. G., D'Avanzo, P. , Aloy, M. A., Foley, S., Campana, S. , et al.

2010, DECIPHERING THE ANCIENT UNIVERSE WITH GAMMA-RAY BURSTS. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1279, pp. 283-286 (2010).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.16        Citations/Authors: 0.05

Thöne, C. C., Campana, S. , Lazzati, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Christensen, L., Levan, A. J.

2010, DECIPHERING THE ANCIENT UNIVERSE WITH GAMMA-RAY BURSTS. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1279, pp. 279-282 (2010).

Ubertini, Pietro, Natalucci, L., Tagliaferri, G. , Bassani, L., Bazzano, A., Caraveo, P., Della Ceca, R. , Ghisellini, G. , Grindlay, J. E., Pareschi, G. , Ramsey, B., EXIST Team

2010, American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #11, id.40.23; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.724


Bufano, F., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., Covino, S. , Vergani, S., Goldoni, P., Della Valle, M., Pian, E., Campana, S. , Tagliaferri, G. , Malesani, D., et al.

2010, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 2227, #1 (2010). Edited by Green, D. W. E.
Citations: 6     I.F.: 1.2        Citations/Authors: 0.4

Campana, S. , Covino, S. , Racusin, J. L., Page, K. L.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 11501, #1 (2010)
Citations: 2     I.F.: 1        Citations/Authors: 0.5

Racusin, J. L., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , Chester, M. M., Cummings, J. R., Gehrels, N., Gelbord, J. M., Holland, S. T., Kennea, J. A., Krimm, H. A., Littlejohns, O. M., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 11493, #1 (2010)
Citations: 5     I.F.: 0.71        Citations/Authors: 0.36

Bufano, F., Bufano, F., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., Covino, S. , Vergani, S., Goldoni, P., Della Valle, M., Pian, E., Campana, S. , Tagliaferri, G. , et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10543, #1 (2010)
Citations: 3     I.F.: 0.56        Citations/Authors: 0.19

Stamatikos, M., Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , de Ugarte Postigo, A., Evans, P. A., Gelbord, J. M., Guidorzi, C., Holland, S. T., Kennea, J. A., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10496, #1 (2010)
Citations: 3     I.F.: 0.41        Citations/Authors: 0.14

Campana, S. , Evans, P. A., Holland, S. T.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10588, #1 (2010)
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.33        Citations/Authors: 0.33

Stamatikos, M., Baumgartner, W. H., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , Evans, P. A., Gelbord, J. M., Guidorzi, C., Holland, S. T., Littlejohns, O. M., Margutti, R., Markwardt, C. B., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10491, #1 (2010)
Citations: 3     I.F.: 0.32        Citations/Authors: 0.16

Immler, S., Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , D'Elia, V., Evans, P. A., Gelbord, J. M., Godet, O., Gronwall, C., Guidorzi, C., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 11159, #1 (2010)
Citations: 3     I.F.: 0.23        Citations/Authors: 0.12

de Pasquale, M., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D. N., Campana, S. , Curran, P. A., Gehrels, N., Holland, S. T., Kennea, J. A., Krimm, H. A., Mangano, V., Margutti, R., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10336, #1 (2010)
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.14        Citations/Authors: 0.05

Mangano, V., Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Burrows, D. N., Campana, S. , Curran, P. A., Evans, P. A., Gehrels, N., Holland, S. T., Hoversten, E. A., Kennea, J. A., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10348, #1 (2010)

Baumgartner, W. H., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , Evans, P. A., Gelbord, J. M., Guidorzi, C., Holland, S. T., Littlejohns, O. M., Mangano, V., Markwardt, C. B., O'Brien, P. T., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10489, #1 (2010)

Wolf, C. W., Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Burrows, D. N., Campana, S. , Gehrels, N., Grupe, D., Holland, S. T., Kennea, J. A., Krimm, H. A., Landsman, W. B., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 11411, #1 (2010)

Campana, S. , Covino, S. , Cucchiara, A., Evans, P. A., Grupe, D., Malesani, D., Sakamoto, T., Starling, R. L. C.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 11457, #1 (2010)

Campana, S.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10517, #1 (2010)

Campana, S. , Grupe, D.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10940, #1 (2010)

Gelbord, J. M., Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , D'Elia, V., Evans, P. A., Grupe, D., Guidorzi, C., Holland, S. T., Kennea, J. A., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10498, #1 (2010)

Pagani, C., Beardmore, A. P., Campana, S. , Evans, P. A., Guidorzi, C., Littlejohns, O. M., Markwardt, C. B., O'Brien, P. T., Page, K. L., Palmer, D. M., Rowlinson, A., et al.

2010, GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 10708, #1 (2010)