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Monografie in archivio: : 8417
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Titolo Autore Data ins. Anno publ. Posizione Codice In prestito
Earthquakes and Earth structure Hodgson J.H. 1998-12-15 1964 11/7A 5716 no
The gravity field of the earth Caputo M. 1998-12-15 1967 11/7A 5723 no
Theory of the Earth's interior Takeuchi H. 1998-12-15 1966 11/7A 5724 no
Physics of the Earth's interior Gutenberg B. 1998-12-15 1959 11/7A 5725 no
The rotation of the Earth Munk W.H., Macdonald G.J.F. 1998-12-15 1975 11/7A 5730 no
Geschichte des Fixsternnhimmels, abteilung II, der sudliche sternhimmel, band 9, Zweite Liferung Haas J. 1998-12-15 1950 AL/1 4768 no
The Earth's variable rotation: Geophysical causes and consequences Lambeck K. 1998-12-15 1980 11/7B 5731 no
Interior structure of the Earth & planets, revised and expandend english edition Zharkov V.N. 1998-12-15 1986 11/7B 5886 no
Mantle convection, plate tectonics and global dynamics Peltier W.R. 1998-12-15 1989 11/7B 5887 no
Correlations regulieres supplementaires du systeme planetaire Socolow S. 1998-12-15 1901 11/7A 4062 no