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Proceedings Submission

The Conference Proceedings will be published in a special Volume of the Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana:
Editors: Roberto Della Ceca, Tommaso Maccacaro, Laura Maraschi, Giovanni Pareschi & Ginevra Trinchieri.

JANUARY 7, 2013.

All papers presented (invited, oral and poster contributions) will be subject to a review process by the SOC.
A copy of the Proceedings Volume will be shipped to each participant.

It is assumed that any material submitted for publication is original and its copyright belongs to the author.
In case this were not the case, the fact should be notified to the Editor, and it is the author’s responsability to obtain permission to publish material already published elsewhere.
Failure to notify the Editor of the presence of copyrighted material in an article may lead to the rejection of the paper.

XMM-Newton image of the cluster Abell.

The page limits are:
8 pages for Talks in the Historic Session
6 pages for Invited talks and Future Missions Talks
4 pages for Contributed talks
2 pages for Poster papers.

The manuscript should be written using LateX2e and the document class mem.cls (derived from the style form used for Astronomy & Astrophysics, available at

You can find instructions, the mem.cls and a tar-ball with templates and style files here.

To expedite the production of the volume, please pay attention to the required formats when preparing the manuscript.
In particular, refer to the natbib.sty package for the references (aa.bst bibliography style ) and use the macros \citet,\citep etc.. to introduce references, as detailed in the manual natnotes.ps available at
Use of these macros is essential to allow "the Memorie" to correctly create the related hyperlinks.
Similarly, figures and tables should be properly referred to in the text, as shown in the example provided.
Note: figures will be printed in BLACK AND WHITE.
Please, adapt your figures accordingly.

Please upload your latex file and postscript figures in a single archive (.tar, also in compressed form, without path - max size 50 Megabyte) using the form provided below.
The tar file should include only the tex file and the postscript figures.
The mem.cls and the logo will be provided by the system.
If you are submitting more than one contribution EACH CONTRIBUTION SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN A SEPARATE TAR (or ZIP) FILE.
Please, use for filenames first author’s family name and initials, i.e. Isaac Newton would be newtoni.tex (latex file), newtoni_f1.eps (fig. n° 1), newtoni_f2.eps (fig. n° 2), etc.
If you are submitting more than one contribution please add to the filename a sequential number (e.g. newtoni1.tex etc..).

Participant Information
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First name
Last name
All fields are mandatory
Address where to ship
Proceedings Volume
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