NICMOS-NIC2 images of the 10 TESIS ETGs

 The NIC2 images (0.075 arcsec/pixel)  of the 10 ETGs  at 1.2<z<1.7 have been taken with the HST-NICMOS camera during Cycle 14  in the F160W filter (lambda~1.6 mu). Two orbits have been spent on each galaxy with the exception of S2F5_109, the brightest ETG of the sample, for which one orbits has been arranged.

The observations, the instrument setup and the data reduction are described in Longhetti et al. 2007.

Get the NIC2 images (S2_images.tar and S7_images.tar):

S2F1_142, S2F1_357, S2F1_389, S2F1_443, S2F1_511, S2F1_527, S2F1_633, S2F5_109,

S7F5_45, S7F5_254