Deep near-IR observations of the Chandra Deep Field and of the HDF South
Color and Number Counts
Saracco P., Giallongo E., Cristiani S., D'Odorico S., Fontana A., Iovino A., Poli F., Vanzella E.
A&A 2001, 375, 1

We present near-IR (J and Ks) number counts and colors of galaxies detected in deep VLT-ISAAC images centered on the Chandra Deep Field and
      Hubble Deep Field-South for a total area of 13.6 arcmin^2. The limiting surface brightness obtained is Ks=22.8 mag/arcsec^2 and
      J=24.5 (1sigma) on both fields. A dlog(N)/dm relation with a slope of ~0.34 in J and ~0.28 in Ks is found in both fields with no evidence
      of decline near the magnitude limit. The median J-Ks color of galaxies becomes bluer at magnitudes fainter than Ks~18, in agreement with the
      different number counts slope observed in the two bands. We find a fraction (~5% of the total sample) of sources with color redder than J-Ks=2.3 at
      magnitudes Ks>20. Most of them appear as isolated sources, possibly elliptical or dusty starburst galaxies at redshift z>2. The comparison of the
      observed number counts with models shows that our J-band and Ks-band counts are consistent with the prediction of a model based on a small amount of
      merging in a Omega=1 cosmology. On the other hand, we fail to reproduce the observed counts if we do not consider merging independently of the
      parameters defining the universe.

The CDF-South near-IR catalog

The HDF-South near-IR catalog