List of publications in refereed journals
Multi-wavelength properties of three new radio-powerful z∼5.6
QSOs discovered from RACS, L. Ighina, L., A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, J.W. Broderick, J.K. Leung, A.R. López-Sánchez, F. Rigamonti, F., N. Seymour, T. An, S. Belladitta, S. Bisogni, R. Della Ceca, G. Drouart, A. Gargiulo, Y. Liu, Y, 2024, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, 241
Extinction and AGN/host galaxy contrast effects on the optical
spectroscopic classification of AGN, L. Barquín-González, S. Mateos, F. J. Carrera, I. Ordovás-Pascual, A. Alonso-Herrero, A. Caccianiga, N. Cardiel, A. Corral, R.M. Domínguez, I. García-Bernete, G. Mountrichas, and P. Severgnini, 2024, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, 159
Comprehensive view on a z ∼ 6.5 radio-loud QSO: from the radio to the optical/NIR to the X-ray band, L. Ighina, A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, J. W. Broderick, J. K. Leung, S. Paterson, F. Rigamonti, N. Seymour, S. Belladitta, G. Drouart, T. J. Galvin, and N. Hurley-Walker, 2024, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, 242
Obscuration in high redshift jetted QSO, A. Caccianiga, L. Ighina, A. Moretti, R. Brivio, S. Belladitta, D. Dallacasa, C. Spingola, M.J. Marcha, S. Anton, 2024, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, 98
New radio-loud QSOs at the end of the Re-ionization epoch, L. Ighina, A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, S. Belladitta, J.W. Broderick, J. W., G. Drouart, J.K. Leung, N. Seymour, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 2060
A powerful (and likely young) radio-loud quasar at z=5.3, S. Belladitta, A. Moretti, A. Caccianiga, D. Dallacasa, C. Spingola, M. Pedani, L.P. Cassara', S. Bisogni, 2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 669, 134
Quasars at High-Redshift: Physics and Cosmology, G. Risaliti, A. Caccianiga, A., R. Gilli, M. Paolillo, M., L. Amati, G. Bargiacchi, S. Belladitta, D. Dallacasa, A. Diana, T. Di Girolamo, F. Haardt, L. Ighina, E. Lusso, S. Marchesi, A. Moretti, R. Nanni, R., E. Nardini, A. Peca, E. Piedipalumbo, A. Sacchi, T. Sbarrato, P. Severgnini, M. Signorini, C. Spingola, B. Trefoloni, 2022, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 93, 64
Supermassive Black Hole Binaries and dual AGN, P. Severgnini, P., R. Serafinelli, V. Braito, C. Vignali, C., C. Cicone, R. Della Ceca, L. Ballo, F. Ambrosino, M. Bonetti, A. Caccianiga, F. Cusano, M. Dotti, M., V.E. Gianolli, M. Landoni, V. La Parola, G. Matzeu, A. Moretti, D. Paris, G. Pruto, P. Saracco, A. Sesana, A. Zaino, 2022, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 93, 74
Extragalactic Observatory Science with the ASTRI Mini-Array at the
Observatorio del Teide, F.G. Saturni, C.H.E. Arcaro, B. Balmaverde, J. Becerra Gonzalez, A. Caccianiga, et al. 2022, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, 35, 91
Constraining the Radio Properties of the z=6.44 QSO
VIK J2318−3113, L. Ighina, J.K. Leung, J. W. Broderick, G. Drouart, N. Seymour, S. Belladitta,
A. Caccianiga, E. Lenc, A. Moretti, T. An., T. J. Galvin, G. H. Heald, M. T.
Huynh, D. McConnell, T. Murphy, J. Pritchard, B. Quici, S. S. Shabala, S. J.
Tingay, R. J. Turner, Y. Wang, and S. V. White, 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 663, 73
The evolution of the heaviest super-massive black-holes in jetted AGNs, A. Diana, A. Caccianiga, L. Ighina, S. Belladitta, A. Moretti, R. Della Ceca 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511, 5436
The central engine of the highest redshift blazar , S. Belladitta, A. Caccianiga, A. Diana, A. Moretti, P. Severgnini, M. Pedani, L.P. Cassarà, C. Spingola, L. Ighina, A. Rossi, and R. Della Ceca 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 660, 74
Direct observation of an extended X-ray jet at z=6.1 , L. Ighina, A. Moretti, F. Tavecchio, A. Caccianiga, S. Belladitta, D. Dallacasa, R. Della Ceca, T. Sbarrato, C. Spingola, 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659, 93
Minute-timescale variability in the X-ray emission of the highest redshift blazar,
A. Moretti, G. Ghisellini, A. Caccianiga, S. Belladitta, R. Della Ceca, L. Ighina, T. Sbarrato, P. Severgnini, C. Spingola, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal, 920, 15
The Impact of the CMB on the Evolution of high-z Blazars,
L. Ighina, A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, S. Belladitta, R. Della Ceca, A. Diana, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, 4120
Observations of the gamma-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1, SBS 0846+513, and its host galaxy ,
T. S. Hamilton, M. Berton, S. Antón, L. Busoni, A. Caccianiga, S. Ciroi, W. Gässler, I. Georgiev, E. Järvelä, S. Komossa, S. Mathur, S. Rabien, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504, 5188
Radio Detection of VIK J2318-3113, the Most Distant Radio-Loud Quasar (z=6.44) ,
L. Ighina, S. Belladitta, A. Caccianiga, J. W. Broderick, G. Drouart, A. Moretti, N. Seymour, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics letter, 647, L11
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation, H. Abdalla et al. 2021, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 02, article id. 048
Parsec-scale properties of the radio brightest jetted AGN at z > 6,
C. Spingola, D. Dallacasa, S. Belladitta, A. Caccianiga, M. Giroletti, A. Moretti, M. Orienti, 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics letter, 643, L12
The Radio Structure of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Mrk 783 with VLBA and e-MERLIN,
E. Congiu, P. Kharb, A. Tarchi, M. Berton, A. Caccianiga, S. Chen,
L. Crepaldi, F. Di Mille, E. Järvelä, M. E. Jarvis, G. La Mura, A. Vietri, 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499, 3149
Scientific prospects for a mini-array of ASTRI telescopes: a γ-ray TeV data challenge, F. Pintore, A. Giuliani, A. Belfiore, A. Paizis, S. Mereghetti, N. La Palombara,
S. Crestan, L. Sidoli, S. Lombardi, A. D’Ai, F. G. Saturni, P. Caraveo, A. Burtovoi,
M. Fiori, C. Boccato, A. Caccianiga, A. Costa, G. Cusumano, S. Gallozzi,
L. Zampieri, B. Balmaverde for the ASTRI Projecty, L. Tibaldo, 2020, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, 26, 83
The first blazar observed at z>6 , S. Belladitta, A. Moretti, A. Caccianiga, Spingola, C., Severgnini, P., Della Ceca, R, Ghisellini, G.
Dallacasa, D. Sbarrato, T., Cicone, C., Cassarà, L.P., Pedani, M., 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics letter, 635, L7
The Te-REX sample of extragalactic TeV-emitting candidates, B. Balmaverde, A. Caccianiga,
R. Della Ceca, A. Wolter, A. Belfiore, L. Ballo, M. Berton, I.M. Gioia, T. Maccacaro, B. Sbarufatti, 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 3728
X-ray properties of z>4 blazars, L. Ighina, A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, S. Belladitta,
R. Della Ceca, L. Ballo and D. Dallacasa 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, 2732
An extremely X–ray weak blazar at z=5, Belladitta, S., Moretti, A., Caccianiga, A., Ghisellini, G.,
C. Cicone, T. Sbarrato, L. Ighina, and M. Pedani, M. 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 629, 68
Water masers in Compton-thick AGN
II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of IRAS 15480-0344, P. Castangia, S. Surcis, A. Tarchi, A. Caccianiga,
P. Severgnini and R. Della Ceca, 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 629, 25
The space density of z>4 blazars, A. Caccianiga, A. Moretti, S. Belladitta, R. Della Ceca
S. Anton, L. Ballo, C. Cicone, D. Dallacasa, A. Gargiulo, L. Ighina, M.J. Marcha, P. Severgnini
2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 204
Evidence of a clumpy disc-wind in the star forming Seyfert 2 galaxy
MCG–03–58–007, G. A. Matzeu, V. Braito, J. N. Reeves,
P. Severgnini, L. Ballo, A. Caccianiga,
S. Campana, C. Cicone, R. Della Ceca, M. L. Parker, M. Santos-Lleó, and N. Schartel,
2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483, 2836
The interacting late-type host galaxy of the radio-loud narrow-line
Seyfert 1 IRAS 20181-2244, M. Berton, E.Congiu, S. Ciroi, S. Komossa,
M. Frezzato, F. Di Mille, S. Anton, R. Antonucci, A. Caccianiga,
P. Coppi, E. J¨arvel¨a, J. Kotilainen, A. L¨ahteenm¨aki, S. Mathur, S. Chen, V. Cracco,
G. La Mura, P. Rafanelli, 2019, The Astronomical Journal, 157, 48
Science with e-ASTROGAM. A space mission for MeV-GeV gamma-ray astrophysics, de Angelis et al 2018, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 19, p. 1-106
A new powerful and highly variable disk wind
in a AGN-star forming galaxy, the case of MCG-03-58-007, V. Braito, J. N. Reeves,
G. A. Matzeu, P. Severgnini, L. Ballo, A. Caccianiga,
S. Campana, C. Cicone, R. Della Ceca, T. J. Turner, 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479, 3592
Swift data hint at a binary Super Massive Black Hole candidate at
sub-parsec separation, P. Severgnini, C. Cicone, R. Della Ceca, V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, L.
Ballo, S. Campana, A. Moretti, V. La Parola, C. Vignali, A. Zaino, G. A.
Matzeu, M. Landoni, 2018, MNRAS, 479, 3804
Radio-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in the JVLA perspective, M. Berton, E. Congiu, E. Jarvela,
R. Antonucci, P. Kharb, M. L. Lister, A. Tarchi,
A. Caccianiga, S. Chen, L. Foschini, A. Lahteenmaki, J. L. Richards,
S. Ciroi, V. Cracco, M. Frezzato, G. La Mura, and P. Rafanelli 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 614, 87
An orientation-based unification of young jetted active galactic nuclei: the case of 3C 286 , M. Berton, L. Foschini, A. Caccianiga, S. Ciroi, E. Congiu, V. Cracco, M. Frezzato, G. La Mura, P. Rafanelli 2017, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol. 4, id. 8
Survival of the obscuring torus in the most powerful Active Galactic Nuclei, S. Mateos, F.J. Carrera, X. Barcons, A. Alonso-Herrero,
A. Hernan-Caballero, M. Page, C. Ramos Almeida, A. Caccianiga, T. Miyaji, A. Blain, 2017, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 841, 18
Kiloparsec-scale emission in the
narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 783, E. Congiu, M. Berton, M. Giroletti, R. Antonucci, A. Caccianiga, P. Kharb, M. L. Lister,
L. Foschini, S. Ciroi, V. Cracco, M. Frezzato, E. Jarvela, G. La Mura, J. L. Richards, and P. Rafanelli,
2017, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 603, 32
AGN with discordant optical and X-ray classification are not a physical family: Diverse origin in two AGN,
N. Ordovas-Pascual, S. Mateos, F. J. Carrera, K. Wiersema, X. Barcons,
V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, A. Del Moro, R. Della Ceca, P. Severgnini, 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, 693
SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 at VLBI: a compact radio galaxy in a
narrow-line Seyfert 1,
A. Caccianiga, D. Dallacasa, S. Anton, L. Ballo, M. Berton, K.-H. Mack,
A. Paulino-Afonso 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464, 1474
Compact steep-spectrum sources as parent population of flat-spectrum radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies,
M. Berton, A. Caccianiga, L. Foschini, B. M. Peterson, S. Mathur, G. Terreran,
S. Ciroi, E. Congiu, V. Cracco, M. Frezzato, G. La Mura, and P. Rafanelli 2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 591, 98
X-ray absorption, nuclear infrared emission and dust covering factors of AGN: testing Unification Schemes ,
S. Mateos, F. J. Carrera, A. Alonso-Herrero, A. Hernán-Caballero, X. Barcons, A. Asensio Ramos, M. G. Watson, A. Blain, A. Caccianiga,
L. Ballo, V. Braito, C. Ramos Almeida, 2016, Astrophysical Journal, 819, 166
Water masers in Compton-thick AGN
I. Detailed study of the new water megamaser in IRAS 15480-0344 ,P. Castangia, A. Tarchi,
A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, and R. Della Ceca,
2016, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 586, 89
The structure of the X-ray absorber in Mrk 915 revealed
by Swift , P. Severgnini, L. Ballo, V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, S. Campana, R. Della Ceca, A. Moretti, C. Vignali,
2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, 3611
WISE colours and star-formation in the host galaxies of radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 , A. Caccianiga, S. Anton, L. Ballo, L. Foschini, T. Maccacaro, R. Della Ceca, P. Severgnini, M.J. Marcha, S. Mateos, E. Sani,
2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451, 1795
Revisiting the relationship between 6mic and 2-10 keV continuum luminosities of AGN, S. Mateos, F.J. Carrera, A. Alonso-Herrero, E. Rovilos, E.,
A. Hernan-Caballero, X. Barcons, A. Blain, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca, R., P. Severgnini, 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, 1422
Exploring the Active Galactic Nuclei population with extreme
X-ray to optical flux ratios (fx/fo>50), R. Della Ceca, F. Carrera, A. Caccianiga,
P. Severgnini, L. Ballo, V. Braito, A. Corral, A. Del Moro, S. Mateos, A. Ruiz, M. Watson, 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447, 3227
Properties of flat-spectrum radio-loud
narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, L. Foschini ,M. Berton, A. Caccianiga, S. Ciroi, V. Cracco, B.M. Peterson, E. Angelakis, V. Braito, L. Fuhrmann, L. Gallo, D. Grupe, E. Jarvela, S. Kaufmann, S. Komossa, Y. Y. Kovalev, A. Lahteenmaki, M.M. Lisakov, M. L. Lister, S.Mathur, J. L. Richards, P. Romano, A. Sievers, G. Tagliaferri, J. Tammi, O. Tibolla, M. Tornikoski, S. Vercellone, G. LaMura, L. Maraschi, P. Rafanelli, 2015, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 575, 2580
The XMM-Newton Bright Survey sample of absorbed quasars: X-ray and accretion properties, L. Ballo, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga,
C. Vignali, F. J. Carrera, A. Corral, S. Mateos, 2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444, 2580
SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3: a link between radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1
galaxies and compact steep-spectrum radio sources? A. Caccianiga, S. Anton, L. Ballo, D. Dallacasa, R. Della Ceca, R.
Fanali, L. Foschini, T. Hamilton, A. Kraus, T. Maccacaro, K.-H. Mack, M.J.
Marcha, A. Paulino-Afonso, E. Sani, P. Severgnini, 2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441, 172
X-ray observation of ULAS J1120+0641, the most distant quasar at z=7.08 A. Moretti,
L. Ballo, L., V. Braito, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca, R. Gilli, R. Salvaterra, P. Severgnini, C. Vignali, 2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 563, 46
The variable ionized absorber in the Seyfert 2 Mrk 348 E. Marchese, V. Braito, J.N. Reeves, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga,
A. Markowitz, G. Risaliti, P. Severgnini, T.J. Turner, 2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437, 2806
Uncovering obscured luminous AGN with WISE S. Mateos, A. Alonso-Herrero, F.J. Carrera, A. Blain, P. Severgnini, A. Caccianiga,
A. Ruiz, 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434, 941
Studying the relationship between X-ray emission and accretion in AGN using the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey R. Fanali, A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, R., E. Marchese, F.J. Carrera, A. Corral, S. Mateos,
2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433, 648
The merger fraction of active and inactive galaxies in the
local Universe through an improved non-parametric
classification S. Cotini, E. Ripamonti, A. Caccianiga, M. Colpi, R. Della Ceca, M. Mapelli, P. Severgnini, A.
Segreto, 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431, 2661
The XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey (XWAS)
P. Esquej, M. Page, F. J. Carrera, S. Mateos, J. Tedds, M. G. Watson, A. Corral, J. Ebrero, M. Krumpe,
S. R. Rosen, M. T. Ceballos, A. Schwope, C. Page, A. Alonso-Herrero, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca,
O. Gonzalez-Martin, G. Lamer, P. Severgnini, 2013, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 557, 123
The CLASS BL Lac sample: The Radio Luminosity Function
M.J.Marcha & A. Caccianiga, 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, 2464
Black-hole masses of type 1 AGN in the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey
A. Caccianiga, R. Fanali, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, E. Marchese, S. Mateos, 2013, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 549, 119
A new technique to efficiently select Compton thick AGNs
P. Severgnini, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca 2012, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 542, 46
NGC454: unveiling a new "changing look"
E. Marchese, V. Braito, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, 2012,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 1803
The optical-UV spectral energy distribution of the unabsorbed AGN population in the XMM-Newton Bright
Serendipitous Survey E. Marchese, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, A. Corral, R. Fanali, 2012,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 539, 48
The relationship between [OIII]5007A equivalent width and obscuration in AGN
A. Caccianiga & P. Severgnini, 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415, 1928
The X-ray spectral properties of the AGN population in the XMM-Newton bright serendipitous survey
A. Corral, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, H. Brunner, F.J. Carrera, M.J. Page, A.D. Schwope, 2011, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 530, 42
Suzaku and SWIFT-BAT observations of a newly discovered Compton-thick AGN
P. Severgnini, A. Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca, V. Braito, C. Vignali, V. La Parola, A. Moretti, 2011, Astronomy &
Astrophysics, 525, 38
The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey. V. The Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue
M.G. Watson et al. 2009, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 493, 339
High precision X-ray logN-logS distributions: implications for the obscured AGN population
S., Mateos, R.S. Warwick, F.J. Carrera, G.C. Stewart, J. Ebrero, R. Della Ceca, A. Caccianiga,
R. Gilli, M.J. Page, E. Treister, J.A. Tedds, M.G. Watson, G. Lamer, R.D. Saxton, H., Brunner, C.G. Page, 2008,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 492, 51
The cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey
R. Della Ceca, R., A. Caccianiga, A., P. Severgnini, T. Maccacaro, H. Brunner, F. J. Carrera,
F. Cocchia, S. Mateos, M. J. Page, J. A. Tedds, 2008, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 487, 119
The XMM-Newton Bright serendipitous survey. Identification and optical spectral properties,
A. Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, T. Maccacaro, F. Cocchia, X. Barcons, F. J. Carrera,
I. Matute, R. G. McMahon, M. J. Page, W. Pietsch, B. Sbarufatti, A. Schwope, J. A. Tedds, M. G. Watson,
2008, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 477, 735
The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey V. Optical identification of the XMM-Newton Medium
sensitivity Survey (XMS),
Barcons, X. et al. 2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 476, 119
Elusive AGN in the XMM-Newton brigth serendipitous survey,
A.Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca, T.
Maccacaro, F.J. Carrera, M.J. Page, 2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 470, 557
Searching for absorbed AGN in the 2XMM-Newton pre-release EPIC
Serendipitous Source Catalogue,
E. Memola, A.Caccianiga, F. Cocchia, R. Della Ceca, T.
Maccacaro, P. Severgnini, D.J. Fyfe, S. Mateos, M.G. Watson, G. Lamer,
2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 465, 759
The stellar content of the XMM-Bright Serendipitous Survey,
J. Lopez-Santiago, G. Micela, S. Sciortino, F. Favata, A.Caccianiga, R. Della Ceca, P. Severgnini, V. Braito,
2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 463, 165
An X-ray bright ERO hosting a type 2 QSO,
P. Severgnini, A.Caccianiga, V. Braito, T. Maccacaro, M. Akiyama, F.J. Carrera, M.T. Ceballos,
M.J. Page, P. Saracco, M.G. Watson, 2006, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 451, 859
X-ray spectra of XMM-Newton serendipitous medium flux sources,
S. Mateos, X. Barcons, F.J. Carrera, M.T. Ceballos, A.Caccianiga, G. Lamer, T.Maccacaro, M.J.Page,
A. Schwope, M.G. Watson, 2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 433, 855
The first optical validation of an XLEO: a detection in the XMM-Newton observation of the CDFS,
V. Braito, T. Maccacaro, A.Caccianiga, P. Severgnini, R. Della Ceca,
2005, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 621, L97
XMM-Newton spectroscopy of an X-ray selected sample of RL AGNs,
E.Galbiati, A.Caccianiga, T.Maccacaro, V.Braito, R.Della Ceca, P.Severgnini, H.Brunner, I.Lehmann, M.J.Page ,
2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 430, 927
X-ray Line Emitting Objects in XMM-Newton Observations: the Tip of the Iceberg,
T.Maccacaro, V.Braito, R.Della Ceca, P.Severgnini, A.Caccianiga ,
2004, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 617, L33
Exploring the Bright X-ray Sky with the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey,
R.Della Ceca, T. Maccacaro, A.Caccianiga, P.Severgnini, V.Braito,
X.Barcons, F.J.Carrera, M.G.Watson, J.A.Tedds, H.Brunner, I.Lehmann, G.Lamer, A.Schwope,
2004, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 428, 383
The XMM-Newton HBS28 sample: studying the obscuration in hard X-ray selected AGNs,
A.Caccianiga, P.Severgnini, V.Braito, R.Della Ceca, T.Maccacaro,
A.Wolter, X.Barcons, F.J.Carrera, I.Lehmann, M.J.Page, R.Saxton, N.A.Webb,
2004, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 416, 901
The CLASS blazar survey: testing the blazar sequence,
A.Caccianiga & M.J.M. Marcha, 2004, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
348, 937 2003
A Hard Medium Survey with ASCA. IV: the Radio-Loud Type 2 QSO AX J0843+2942,
R.Della Ceca, V.Braito, V.Beckmann, A.Caccianiga, I. Cagnoni, I.M. Gioia, T. Maccacaro, P. Severgnini, A. Wolter,
2003, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 406, 555
XMM-Newton observations expose AGN in apparently normal galaxies,
P.Severgnini, A.Caccianiga, V.Braito, R.Della Ceca,T.Maccacaro, A.Wolter, K.Sekiguchi, T.Sasaki,
M.Yoshida, M.Akiyama, M.G.Watson, X.Barcons, F.J.Carrera, W.Pietsch, N.A.Webb, 2003,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 406, 483 2002
On the cosmological evolution of BL Lacs,
A.Caccianiga, T.Maccacaro, A.Wolter, R.Della Ceca, I.M.Gioia 2002,
The Astrophysical Journal, 566, 181
The CLASS blazar survey -II.
Optical properties,
A.Caccianiga, M.J.M.Marcha, S.Anton, K.-H.Mack, M.J.Neeser 2002,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 329, 877 2001
EVN observations of
low-luminosity flat-spectrum AGNs, A.Caccianiga, M.J.Marcha,
A.Thean, J.Dennett-Thorpe 2001,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328, 867
The CLASS blazar survey -I.
Selection criteria and radio properties, M.J.Marcha,
A.Caccianiga, I.W.A.Browne, N.Jackson 2001,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 326, 1455 2000
Emission line
AGN from the REX survey: results from optical spectroscopy,
A.Caccianiga, T.Maccacaro, A.Wolter, R.Della Ceca,
I.M.Gioia 2000, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series,
144, 247
variability and prediction of TeV emission in the HBL 1ES1101-232,
A.Wolter, F.Tavecchio, A.Caccianiga, G.Ghisellini,
G.Tagliaferri 2000, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 357, 429 1999
The REX survey:
a search for Radio Emitting X-ray sources, A.Caccianiga,
T.Maccacaro, A.Wolter, R.Della Ceca, I.M.Gioia 1999, The
Astrophysical Journal, 513, 51 1998
of newly discovered radio emitting X-ray sources: results from
spectroscopy, A.Wolter, C.Ruscica, A.Caccianiga
1998, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 299, 1047
The REX survey:
A search for BL Lac objects, T.Maccacaro, A.Caccianiga,
R.Della Ceca, A.Wolter 1998, Astron. Nachr., 319, 15 1997
Spectroscopy of the unusual galaxy J2310-43, A.Caccianiga
& T.Maccacaro 1997, The Astronomical Journal, 114,
2350 1994
Functions of BL Lac Objects, A.Wolter, A.Caccianiga,
R.Della Ceca, T.Maccacaro 1994, The Astrophysical Journal, 433,
29 1993
Unified Model
for X-ray and radio-selected BL Lac Objects, A.Celotti,
L.Maraschi, G.Ghisellini, A.Caccianiga, T.Maccacaro 1993,
The Astrophysical Journal, 416, 118