(In bold: refereed papers, invited review/papers, edited books, books)

259. Antonello E., 2023 (a cura di),  “Per la nobilitade del suo subietto e per la sua certezza”, SIA-Archeoastronomia 2, XXI Convegno SIA, Firenze 2022, Padova University Press.

258. Antonello E., Olostro Cirella E., 2022, Corrispondenza di Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich, Carteggi Francolini – La Ville, ENRGB Corrispondenza Vol. VII/1  -   in stampa.

257. Antonello E., 2022, Astronomia pre-strumentale, in Rappresentare il tempo. Architettura. geometria e astronomia, ed.: L. Farroni, M. Incerti, A. Pagliano, p. 30.

256.  Antonello E., 2022, Atmospheric ozone. A short review, in INAF Research and Development against COVID-19 pandemic, ed.: G. Pareschi, Mem. Soc. Astr. It. 93, p. 32.

255. Nicastro F., Sironi G., Antonello E., Bianco A., Biasin M., Brucato J.R., Ermolli I., Pareschi G., Salvati M., Tozzi P., Trabattoni D., Clerici M., 2022, Seasonality of viral respiratory diseases and virucidal power of solar UV photons, in INAF Research and Development against COVID-19 pandemic, ed.: G. Pareschi, Mem. Soc. Astr. It. 93, p. 25.

254. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2022, “Ad una ad una annoverar le stelle”, SIA-Archeoastronomia 1,  XIX Convegno SIA, Bari 2019, Padova University Press.

253. Antonello E., 2022, Calendari agricoli, pietre forate e megaliti. Che fare? In “Ad una ad una annoverar le stelle”, SIA-Archeoastronomia 1, XIX Convegno SIA, Bari 2019, Padova University Press, p. 63.

252.  Antonello E., 2021, Risings and Settings of Stars: The Case of Hesiod Calendar and the Star Spica, in From Alexandria to Al-Iskandariya Astronomy and Culture in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond Proceedings of the SEAC 2009 Conference in Alexandria, Egypt, ed.: M.A. Rappenglück, M. Saltout, SEAC Publ., p. 89.

251.  Antonello E., Ronzitti R. (a cura di), 2021, “... in purissimo azzurro veggo dall’alto fiammeggiar le stelle”, Atti del XVIII Convegno SIA, Genova 2018, Padova University Press.

250. Antonello E., 2021, Mutamenti climatici dipendenti da fenomeni astronomico-astrofisici: effetti in epoca protostorica e storica, in Atti del XVIII Convegno SIA, ‘... in purissimo azzurro veggo dall’alto fiammeggiar le stelle’, Padova University Press, p. 449.

249. Antonello E., 2021, Impatto del clima nella storia umana, ALSSA 2021.

248. Antonello E., 2021, Sul legame tra astronomia e geologia, in: ‘La Misura del tempo’ 2020, Sassari.

247. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2021, Edizione Nazionale R.G. Boscovich: Opere a stampa, Vol. XI/1 e 2: Opere varie di geodesia,

246. Nicastro F., Sironi G., Antonello E., Bianco A., Biasin M., Brucato J.R., Ermolli I., Pareschi G., Salvati M., Tozzi P., Trabattoni D., Clerici M., 2021, Solar UV B/A radiation is highly effective in inactivating SARS CoV 2, Scientific Reports, 11:14805; eprint arXiv:2006.03454.

245. Sacchi Landriani G., Antonello E., 2015, Al tramonto del geocentrismo. Astronomia nelle cinquecentine dell’Istituto Lombardo, Istituto Lombardo (Rend. Scienze) 149, 43-68.

244. Antonello  E., 2021, Astronomia, mutamenti climatici ed evoluzione delle civiltà, in Ex Oriente: Mithra and the others. Astronomical contents in the cults of Eastern origin in ancient Italy and Western Mediterranean, Atti del XVII Convegno SIA 2017, Padova University Press, p. 73.

243. Antonello E. (a cura di ), 2021, Ex Oriente: Mithra and the others. Astronomical contents in the cults of Eastern origin in ancient Italy and Western Mediterranean, Atti del XVII Convegno SIA 2017, Padova University Press.

242.  Nicastro F., Sironi G., Antonello E., Bianco A., Biasin M., Brucato J.R., Ermolli I., Pareschi G., Salvati M., Tozzi P., Trabattoni D., Clerici M., 2020, Forcing Seasonality of Influenza-like Epidemics with Daily Solar Resonance, iScience 23, 101605.

241. Antonello E., 2020, Astronomia, paleoclimatologia, evoluzione umana e delle società umane, Aracne editrice

240. Antonello E., 2019, Il cielo del lontano passato (Le ciel du passé lointain), in: La chevauchée des Celtes. Mélanges offerts à Venceslas Kruta, Editions Yoran, Fouesnant, p. 63.

239. Antonello E., 2019, Sugli antichi calendari agricoli, in: F. Maurici, V.F. Polcaro, A. Scuderi, ‘Civiltà del Sole in Sicilia. Indicatori solstiziali ed equinoziali di presumibile epoca preistorica’, Ed. Kalos, p. 9.

238. Antonello E., 2019, Astronomia, paleoclimatologia ed evoluzione umana, in Atti del XVI Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano, 2016, Ed. La Città del Sole, p. 3.

237. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2019, Atti del XVI Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano, 2016, Ed. La Città del Sole.

236. Antonello E., 2019, Preface, in ‘Archaeoastronomy in the Roman World’, G. Magli, A.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, J. Belmonte Aviles, E. Antonello (eds.), Historical & Cultural Astronomy, Springer, p. XXIII.

235. Magli G., Gonzalez-Garcia A.C., Belmonte Aviles J., Antonello E. (eds.), 2019, Archaeoastronomy in the Roman World, Historical & Cultural Astronomy, Springer.

234. Antonello E., 2018, Astronomia e paleoclima: il legame tra cielo e uomo, in: ‘La misura del tempo. Atti 4°, 5°, 6° Convegno di Archeoastronomia in Sardegna, Cronache di Archeologia Vol. 13, Ed. Mediando p. 45.

233. Antonello E., 2018, Astronomia, paleoclimatologia e storia dell’uomo, in: ‘La misura del tempo. Atti 4°, 5°, 6° Convegno di Archeoastronomia in Sardegna, Cronache di Archeologia Vol. 13, Ed. Mediando p. 23.

232. ANPI, Antonello E., Falcone R., Gaudenzi S., Rossi C., Viotti R., Ubertini P., 2018, In ricordo di Vito Francesco Polcaro, Giornale di Astronomia 44, 3, p. 47.

231. Antonello E., 2017, The Palaeolithic Sky, in ‘The light, the stones, and the sacred’, Proceedings of the XVth Italian Society of Archaeoastronomy Congress, A. Orlando (ed.), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 48, Springer, p.  159.

230. Antonello E., 2017, Foreword, in ‘The light, the stones, and the sacred’, Proceedings of the XVth Italian Society of Archaeoastronomy Congress, A. Orlando (ed.), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 48, Springer, p.  V.

229. Antonello E., 2017, Achille Ratti e le personalità dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, in ‘Pio XI e il suo tempo. Nona edizione. Desio 6 febbraio 2016’, I Quaderni della Brianza n. 183, p. 469 [invited paper].

228. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2017, Atti del X Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Trinitapoli (Puglia) 2010, Ed. La Città del Sole.

227. Antonello E., Polcaro V.F., Tunzi A.M., LoZupone M., 2017, Buche cultuali e stelle, in ‘Atti del X Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Trinitapoli (Puglia) 2010, a cura di E. Antonello, Ed. La Città del Sole, p. 3.

226. Antonello E., 2016, Astronomia, paleoclima ed evoluzione umana, P. Tucci (ed.) Atti del 34° Convegno Annuale SISFA Firenze, Pavia University Press, p. 1.

225. Antonello E., 2016,  Sky simulations for the Paleolithic epoch, SEAC Conference 2016, V.F. Polcaro (ed.), Rome, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.220954.

224. Antonello E., Polcaro V.F., Tunzi A.M., LoZupone M., 2016, Prehistoric sanctuaries in Daunia, in: ‘Astronomy and power: how worlds are structured’. Proceed. SEAC conference 2010, Gilching, Germany, ed. by M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück, N. Campion, F. Silva, BAR International Series 2794,  p. 37.

223. Antonello E., 2016,  L’astronomia culturale e l’archeoastronomia. Dai convegni lincei a oggi, in ‘Lo sguardo sugli astri. Scienza, cultura e arte’, Convegno Roma 2 aprile 2012, Atti dei Convegni Lincei n. 288, Bardi Edizioni, p. 163.

222. Antonello E., 2016, The dichotomy between ‘practical’ and ‘theoretical’ astronomy in ancient and late antique literature, eprint arXiv,1606.01665.

221. Antonello E., 2016, Two examples of the relation between the contemporary science and Plato, eprint arXiv,1609.01163.

220. Antonello E., 2016, Atlantis, Carli and Bailly, and a short discussion about ‘demonstration’ in cultural astronomy, eprint arXiv,1609.08804.

219. Antonello E., 2015, L’esplorazione del cosmo, in ‘Il sapere scientifico in Italia nel secolo dei lumi’, a cura di G. Sironi, A. Conte,  G.A. Danieli; Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia, p. 71 [invited paper].

218. Antonello E., Polcaro, V. F., Tunzi Sisto A.M., LoZupone M., 2015, Astronomical Orientations in Sanctuaries of Daunia, in ‘Stars and Stones, Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy’, Proceedings SEAC conference 2011, Evora, Portugal. Archaeopress/British Archaeological Reports, pp. 236-239.

217. Antonello E., 2015, Boscovich, the Brera Observatory and the Enlightenment, in ‘Stars and Stones, Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy’, Proceedings SEAC conference 2011, Evora, Portugal. Archaeopress/British Archaeological Reports, pp. 302-305.

216. Rauer H., Catala C., Aerts C., Appourchaux T., Benz W., Brandeker A., … Antonello E., …, 2014, The PLATO 2.0 mission, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 38, Issue 1-2, pp. 249-330.

215. Giannetto E.R.A.C., Ricciardo S., Antonello E., Mazzoni M. (a cura di), 2014, Cielo e Terra. Fisica e Astronomia un antico legame. Saggi di storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia e di Archeoastronomia. Dai congressi della SISFA e della SIA, Firenze 2009, Aracne Editrice.

214. Antonello E., Fontana S., 2015, Astronomia culturale e psiche umana, in ‘Il cielo in terra ovvero della giusta distanza’, XIV Convegno della Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, a cura di V. Girotto, G. Rosada, Padova University Press, p. 179.

213. Antonello E., 2014, Su una possibile ‘astronomical perspective’ per lo studio dell’evoluzione umana, in ‘Atti del XII Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Albano Laziale 2012, a cura di V.F. Polcaro, Ed. La Città del Sole, p. 25.

212. Antonello E., 2014, Presentazione, in ‘Atti del XII Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Albano Laziale 2012, a cura di V.F. Polcaro, Ed. La Città del Sole, p. 9.

211. Antonello E., 2014, Barnaba Oriani e il generale Bonaparte, in ‘Cielo e Terra. Fisica e Astronomia un antico legame. Saggi di storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia e di Archeoastronomia’. Dai congressi della SISFA e della SIA, Firenze 2009, a cura di Giannetto E.R.A.C., Ricciardo S., Antonello E., Mazzoni M.; Aracne Editrice, p. 155.

210. Antonello E., 2014, La stella Spica e la Vergine, in ‘Cielo e Terra. Fisica e Astronomia un antico legame. Saggi di storia della Fisica e dell’Astronomia e di Archeoastronomia’. Dai congressi della SISFA e della SIA, Firenze 2009, a cura di Giannetto E.R.A.C., Ricciardo S., Antonello E., Mazzoni M.; Aracne Editrice, p. 1267.

209. Antonello E., 2014, Introduzione, in ‘La misura del tempo. 3, Atti 3° Convegno Archeoastronomia in Sardegna, XIII Convegno Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Sassari 2013, Parte Prima, Cronache di Archeologia Vol. 11, Ed. Mediando p. 17.

208. Antonello E., 2014, La separazione delle culture, il caso dell’astronomia ‘pratica’ e ‘teorica’ nella letteratura classica, in ‘La misura del tempo, Atti 3° Convegno Archeoastronomia in Sardegna, XIII Convegno Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Sassari 2013, Parte Prima, Cronache di Archeologia Vol. 11, Ed. Mediando p. 193.

207. Antonello E., 2014, Water-filled telescopes, eprint arXiv,1401.5585.

206. Antonello E., 2014, Bonaparte and the astronomers of Brera Observatory, eprint arXiv,1405.6841.

205. Antonello E., 2013, Sole, comete, meteore, fulmini e arcobaleni, in ‘RAFFAELLO A MILANO. La Madonna di Foligno’, a cura di V. Merlini, D. Storti, Esposizione straordinaria dai Musei Vaticani a Palazzo Marino, Sala Alessi, 28 novembre 2013-12 gennaio 2014, 24Ore Cultura srl, p. 171 [invited paper].

204. Antonello E., 2013, Astronomia, in ‘I diamanti sono stelle. Giulio Manfredi incontra il genio della scienza’, mostra a cura di A. Colasanti, A. Robbiati Bianchi, Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, p. 125 [invited paper].

203. Antonello E., Polcaro V.F., Tunzi A.M., LoZupone M., 2013, Santuari preistorici della Daunia, in ‘Atti del XI Convegno Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia: Il dentro e il fuori del cosmo, punti di vista per interpretare il mondo’, Bologna 2011, a cura di M. Incerti, Bononia University Press, p. 11.

202. Antonello E., 2013, Saluto del presidente, in ‘Atti del XI Convegno Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia: Il dentro e il fuori del cosmo, punti di vista per interpretare il mondo’, Bologna 2011, a cura di M. Incerti, Bononia University Press, p. 9.

201. Antonello E., 2013, Spica e il calendario di Esiodo, in ‘La misura del tempo. 2’, Cronache di Archeologia, 10, Ed. Mediando, Sassari, p. 85.

200. Antonello E., 2013, Boscovich and the Brera Observatory, Mem. SAIt Suppl. 23, 16.

199. Antonello E., 2013, Hesiod’s calendar and the star Spica, eprint arXiv,1304.2176.

198. Antonello E., 2013, The myths of the Bear, eprint arXiv,1305.0367.

197. Antonello E., Polcaro, V. F., Tunzi, A. M., Lo Zupone, M., 2013, Prehistoric sanctuaries in Daunia, eprint arXiv,1306.5893.

196. Antonello E., Polcaro V. F., Tunzi Sisto A. M, LoZupone M., 2013, Astronomical orientations in sanctuaries of Daunia, eprint arXiv,1307.1964.

195. Antonello E., 2013, On the Possibility of an Astronomical Perspective in the Study of Human Evolution, eprint arXiv,1312.1561.

194. Antonello E., 2013, Cultural Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy, an Italian Experience, eprint arXiv,1312.2332.

193. Antonello E., 2012, Il mito delle Orse e Arturo, in ‘La misura del tempo. 1’, Cronache di Archeologia, 9, Ed. Mediando, Sassari, p. 27.

192. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2011, Astronomia culturale in Italia. Lavori presentati ai convegni della Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Ed. SIA.

191. Antonello E., 2011, Una proposta per la discussione del concetto di tempo, in ‘Astronomia culturale in Italia. Lavori presentati ai convegni della Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, a cura di E. Antonello, Ed. SIA.

190. Antonello E., 2011, Astronomia e Unità d’Italia, Giornale di Astronomia, 37, 2, p. 10.

189. Incerti M., Antonello E., 2011, MENSURA CAELI Territory, Town, Architectures, Tools, in ‘The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture’, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Vol. 260, p. 497-502.

188. Antonello E., 2011, Postfazione, in J. Morellato, ‘Archeologia e astronomia. Trecento anni d’incontro’, Scienze e Lettere, Roma, p. 201.

187. Antonello E., 2011, L’Orsa Maggiore e la storia dell’uomo, in ‘Cielo e cultura materiale. Recenti scoperte di archeoastronomia’, Atti del Convegno, Paestum 20 novembre 2010, a cura di L. Lozito, F. Pastore, Gruppo Arcehologico Salernitano, pp. 5-15.

186. Mantegazza L., Rainer M., Antonello E., 2010, Spectroscopic search for g-mode pulsations in ψ Centauri, Astronomy & Astrophysics 512, 42.

185. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2010, Il cielo e l’uomo, problemi e metodi di astronomia culturale, Atti VII Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Roma, Terme di Diocleziano 2007, Ed. SIA.

184. Antonello E., 2010, A proposito di archeoastronomia, Giornale di Astronomia, 36, 2, p. 16.

183. Antonello E., 2010, Schiaparelli and the dawn of astronomy, Mem. SAIt. 82, p. 280.

182. Tunzi A.M., LoZupone M., Antonello E., Polcaro V.F., Ruggieri F., 2010, Il santuario dell’età del Bronzo di Trinitapoli. Il Calendario di Pietra, in ‘MENSURA CAELI. Territorio, città, architetture, strumenti, Atti VIII Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Ferrara 2008, a cura di M. Incerti, p. 249.

181. Antonello E., 2010, Le stelle delle Orse e Arturo, in ‘MENSURA CAELI. Territorio, città, architetture, strumenti, Atti VIII Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Ferrara 2008, a cura di M. Incerti, p. 261.

180. Antonello E., 2010, Analisi dei moti propri stellari e forma delle costellazioni, in ‘MENSURA CAELI. Territorio, città, architetture, strumenti, Atti VIII Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia’, Ferrara 2008, a cura di M. Incerti, p. 353.

179. Antonello E., Speroni L., Kanbur S., Richter I., Szabó, R., 2009, On the possible resonance of very high order pulsation modes in Cepheids, Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol.158, p. 274. Proc. Of ‘38th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, Evolution and Pulsation of Massive Stars on the Main Sequence and Close to it’, edited by A. Noels, C. Aerts, J. Montalban, A. Miglio and M. Briquet.

178. Antonello E., 2009, La dea nel cielo, in ‘Antenate di Venere. 27000 – 4000 a.C.’, a cura di V. Kruta, L. Kruta Poppi, M. Lička, E. Magni, mostra Milano, Castello Sforzesco-Sala Sforzesca, 5 dicembre 2009-28 febbraio 210, SKIRA editrice, p. 63 [invited paper].

177. Antonello E., 2009, Arcturus and the Bears, in ‘Cosmology Across Cultures’, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 409, proceedings of the SEAC conference 2008, Granada, Spain. Edited by J.A. Rubiño-Martín, J.A. Belmonte, F. Prada, and A. Alberdi, p. 157.

176. Tunzi A., Zupone M. L., Antonello E., Polcaro V.F., Ruggieri F., 2009, The ``Madonna di Loreto’’ Bronze Age Sanctuary and its Stone Calendar, in ‘Cosmology Across Cultures’, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 409, proceedings of the SEAC conference 2008, Granada, Spain. Edited by J.A. Rubiño-Martín, J.A. Belmonte, F. Prada, and A. Alberdi, p. 375.

175. Antonello E., 2009, The Collaborations between the Italian Society for Archaeoastronomy and the Archaeological Superintendences, in ‘Cosmology Across Cultures’, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 409, proceedings of the SEAC conference 2008, Granada, Spain. Edited by J.A. Rubiño-Martín, J.A. Belmonte, F. Prada, and A. Alberdi, p. 494.

174. Antonello E., 2008, Origini remote di miti e costellazioni: l’Orsa Maggiore, in ‘Gli occhi della notte. Celti, Etruschi, Italici e la volta celeste’, a cura di V. Kruta, L. Kruta Poppi, E. Magni, mostra Milano, Castello Sforzesco-Sala Castellana, 6 novembre-21 dicembre 2008, SKIRA editore, p. 25 [invited paper].

173. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2008, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Atti VI Congresso Nazionale di Archeoastronomia, Astronomia antica e culturale e Astronomica storica, Università degli Studi del Molise, Campobasso 2006, Ed. SIA.

172. Antonello E., 2007, The Italian Society for Archaeoastronomy, and a proposal for the discussion of the concept of time, in ‘Lights and shadows in cultural astronomy’, proceedings of the SEAC 2005, Isili, Sardinia, edited by M.P. Zedda and J.A. Belmonte, Italy,  p. 298.

171. Antonello E., 2007, L’Astronomia culturale e la Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, www., 26 aprile 2007.

170. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Rainer M., Miglio A., 2006, Probable nonradial g-mode pulsation in early A-type stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics 445, L15.

169. Antonello E., 2006, On the light curve shape of Cepheids in IC 1613 and NGC 6822, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 449, 569.

168. Cernuti S., Mariani L., Antonello E., 2006, La necropoli di Casalecchio di Reno e la ricostruzione del calendario agricolo celtico, Rivista Italiana di Archeoastronomia, IV, 109.

167. Antonello E., Fossati L., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Gieren W., 2006, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. VII. P-L relation in the BVRI bands of Cepheids in IC 1613, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 445, 901.

166. Antonello E., Fossati L., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Gieren W., 2006, The P-L relation of Cepheids in the BVRI bands in IC 1613, Memorie SAIt. 77, 259.

165. Catala C., Poretti E., Garrido R., Solano E., … Antonello E. … 2006, The Ground-Based Observations in Preparation and Support of the Seismology Programme, Proceedings of ‘The CoRoT Mission Pre-Launch Status – Stellar Seismology and Planet Finding’ (ESA SP-1306). Editors, M. Fridlund, A. Baglin, J. Lochard and L. Conroy. ISBN 92-9092-465-9., p. 329.

164. Solano E., Catala C., Garrido R., Poretti E., Janot-Pacheco E., Gutierrez R, Gonzalez R., Mantegazza L., Neiner C., Fremat Y., Charpinet S., Weiss W., …, Antonello E. …, 2005, GAUDI,  A preparatory archive for the COROT Mission, Astron. J. 129, 547.

163. Antonello E. (a cura di), 2005, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, Atti V Congresso Nazionale di Archeoastronomia, Astronomia antica e culturale e Astronomica storica, INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Ed. SIA.

162. Broglia P., Antonello E., 2005, Aspetti dell’ottica in Italia nei secoli XVIII e XIX attraverso il contributo dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Anno LX, n. 5, 811.

161. Briguglio R., Cacciani A., Antonello E., 2005, Instrument developments for asteroseismology at Dome-C, in ‘Dome C Astronomy/Astrophysics Meeting’, EAS Publications Series 14, 313.

160. Ghigo M., Conconi P., Antonello E., Pareschi G., 2005, Accurate ion beam  figuring of field correctors for optical and UV space instrumentation, Proceed. OPTRO 2005, Paris.

159. Catala C., Aerts C., Aigrain S., Antonello E., …, 2005, The life of stars and their planets, in Proceed. Of  9th ESLAB Symp., ESA SP-588, p. 99.

158. Antonello, E., Fossati, L., Fugazza, D., Mantegazza, L., Gieren, W. 2005, VizieR Online Data Catalog, BV(RI)c bands of Cepheids in IC 1613 (Antonello+, 2006), VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/445/901. Originally published in, 2006A&A…445..901A.

157. Miglio A., Antonello E., 2004, Breaking the core-envelope asymmetry in p-mode pulsating stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics 422, 271.

156. Ghigo M., Conconi P., Sala M., Antonello E., Pareschi G., Poletto L, 2004, Field corrector for the Ultraviolet Italian Sky Surveyor on the International Space Station (UVISS), ion beam figuring and application of  the multilayer filters, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5488, p. 475.

155. Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 2004, SV39, a strange variable star in the field of the Local Group galaxy IC 1613, Proceed. IV Nat. Workshop in Astrophys., eds. M. Bellazzini, A. Buzzoni, S. Cassisi, Mem.SAIt, 75, 122.

154. Miglio A., Antonello E., 2004, Seismic properties of solar-type stars, in Stars in Galaxies, Proceed. IV Nat. Workshop in Astrophys., eds. M. Bellazzini, A. Buzzoni, S. Cassisi, Mem.SAIt, 75, 65.

153. Antonello E., Miglio A., 2004, First order perturbation and radial adiabatic oscillations, COROT Week 7, Granada.

152. Deeg Hans J., Horne Keith, Favata Fabio, The Eddington Science Team, Aerts C., Antonello E., Badiali M., Catala C. …., 2004, Planet Detection Capabilities of the Eddington Mission. ‘Planetary Systems in the Universe’, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 202, held 7-11 August 2000 at Manchester, United Kingdom. Edited by A. Penny, p. 448.

151. Conconi P., Ghigo M., Pareschi G., Sala M., Antonello E., 2004, The ultraviolet telescope UVISS, ioan beam figuring and multilayer technology, in ‘I Colori dell'Universo’, 48th Annual Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society, Mem. S.A.It. Suppl. 5, 391.

150. Bernacca P.L., Antonello E., Preite Martinez A., Bertola F., Catalano S., Rodono' M., Stalio R., Tondello G., Villa G.E., et al., 2003, Ultraviolet astronomy from the space station, a case study,  Recent Res. Devel. Astr.  & Astroph. 1, 75  [invited review].

149. Miglio A., Antonello E., 2003, The core/envelope symmetry in p-mode pulsating stars, Proceed. of the Minisymposium on Asteroseismology and  Stellar Evolution, JENAM 2003 Budapest, Comm. in Asteroseismology,  145, 37.

148. Weiss W.W., Aerts C., Aigrain S., Alecian G., Antonello E., et al., 2003, Additional science potential for COROT, in ‘Stellar structure and habitable planet finding’, 2nd Eddington Workshop, ESA SP-538, 435.

147. Antonello E., Bossi M., Covino S., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Stefanon M., 2003, Variable stars in nearby galaxies, MemSAIt 74, 856.

146. Conconi P., Pareschi G., Antonello E., Scuderi S., Poletto L., 2003, Multilayer coatings for the Ultraviolet Italian Sky Surveyor (UVISS) on the International Space Station, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4854, ‘Future EUV/UV and Visible Space Astrophysics Missions and Instrumentation’, J. C. Blades, O.H.W. Siegmund (eds.), p. 397.

145. Antonello E., Stefanon M., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Gieren W., 2003, Detection and study of variable sources with wide-field imagers, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4836, ‘Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and Discoveries’, J.A.Tyson, S. Wolff (eds.), p. 369.

144. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Stefanon M., 2002, Variable stars in the Field A of NGC 6822, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 5254.

143. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., 2002, Search for second overtone mode Cepheids in Magellanic Clouds. II. Characteristics of second overtone mode pulsations, Astronomy & Astrophysics 385, 793.

142. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Stefanon M., Covino S., 2002, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. V. Search for Cepheids in Field A of NGC 6822, Astronomy & Astrophysics 386, 860.

141. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., Fugazza D., Covino S., Israel G., Poretti E.,  2002, V39, an unusual star in the field of IC 1613,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 388, 861.

140. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., 2002, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. VI. Frequency--period distribution of Cepheids in IC 1613 and other galaxies of the Local Group, Astronomy & Astrophysics 388, 477.

139. Antonello E., 2002, The effects of blending on the light curve shape of Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 391, 795.

138. Antonello E., Martin-Ruiz S., 2002, The COROT Mission, in ‘Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources’, Proceed.of Frascati Workshop 2001, Vulcano, Mem.SAIt  73, 1241.

137. Antonello, E., Fugazza, D., Mantegazza, L., 2002, VizieR Online Data Catalog, Cepheids in Magellanic Clouds. II. (Antonello+, 2002), Originally published in, 2002A&A...385..793A.

136. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., Fugazza D., Bossi M., Covino S., 2001, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. IV. Fields C and D of IC 1613, Astronomy & Astrophysics 367, 759.

135. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., Fugazza D., Bossi M., Covino S., 2001, VizieR Online Data Catalog, Variable stars in IC 1613 (Mantegazza+, 2001), VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/367/759. Originally published in, 2001A&A...367..759M.

134. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Bossi M., Covino S., 2001, VizieR Online Data Catalog, Variable stars in IC 1613 (Antonello+, 2000), VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/363/29. Originally published in, 2000A&A...363...29A.

133. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., 2000, Metallicity effects on the light curve shape of Cepheids with period  close to 10 days,   Astronomy & Astrophysics  356, L37.

132. Antonello E., Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Bossi M., S. Covino, 2000, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. III. White light observations of Field B of IC 1613, Astronomy & Astrophysics 363, 29.

131. Aikawa T., Antonello E., 2000, Nonlinear model pulsations for long-period Cepheids. I. Galactic Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 363, 593.

130. Aikawa T., Antonello E., 2000, Nonlinear model pulsations for long-period Cepheids. II. Magellanic Cloud Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 363, 601.

129. Bernacca P.L., Antonello E., Bertola F., Martinez A.P., Stalio R., Catalano S., Maraschi L., Rodono M., Tondello G., Villa G.E., Badiali M., Bonanno G., 2000, Ultraviolet Italian Sky Surveyor (UVISS) on the International Space Station (ISS), study report. Proc. SPIE Vol. 4139, in ‘Instrumentation for UV/EUV Astronomy and Solar Missions’,  S. Fineschi, C.M. Korendyke, O.H. Siegmund, B.E. Woodgate  (Eds.), p. 199.

128. Antonello E., 2000, Non linear pulsational characteristics of HADS stars, in Delta Scuti and related stars, eds. Breger M., Montgomery M.H.,  ASP Conf. Ser. 210, 381.

127. Fugazza D., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., 2000, The false nova 1999 in the nearby galaxy IC 1613, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 4942.

126. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Fugazza D., Bossi M., Covino S., 2000, Cepheids in the nearby galaxy IC 1613, in ‘The Impact of Large-scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research’, IAU Coll. 176, eds. L. Szabados, D.W. Kurtz, ASP Conf. Ser. 203, 157.

125. Panzera M.R., Tagliaferri G., Pasinetti L., Antonello E., 1999, X-ray emission from A0-F6 spectral type stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics 348, 161.

124. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Fugazza D., Bossi M., Covino S., 1999, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. I. Search for Cepheids in Field A of IC 1613, Astronomy & Astrophysics 349, 55.

123. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Fugazza D., Bossi M.,  1999, Variable stars in nearby galaxies. II. Population I and II Cepheids in Field A of IC 1613,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 350, 797.

122. Antonello E., Pasinetti Fracassini L.E., 1998, Pulsating and nonpulsating stars in Hyades observed by Hipparcos satellite, Astronomy & Astrophysics 331, 995.

121. Antonello E., 1998, The possible effects of an unusual resonance in very long period Cepheids,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 333, L35.

120. Zerbi F.M., Mantegazza L., Campana S., Antonello E., 1998, Search for Low-Instability Strip Variables in the Young Open Cluster NGC 2516, Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific 110, 804.

119. Antonello E., Aikawa T., 1998, Study of transient double-mode behaviour of nonlinear models of Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 337, 145.

118. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1998, Search for second overtone mode Cepheids in Magellanic Clouds. I. Study of three candidates in the SMC, Astronomy & Astrophysics Suppl. Ser. 132, 39.

117. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1998, Search for second overtone mode Cepheids in Magellanic Clouds. I. Study of three candidates in the SMC, eprint arXiv,astro-ph/9805298.

116. Much R., Lumb D., Cropper M.S., Hunt R., Mason K.O., Cordova F.A., Sassen T., Ho C., Priedhorsky W., Jamar C., Antonello E., 1998, The Optical Monitor on the X-Ray Multi Mirror Mission, in ‘Ultraviolet Astrophysics beyond the IUE Final Archive’, eds. Wamsteker W., Gonzalez-Riestra R., Harris R.A., ESA-SP--413, p. 815.

115. Antonello E., 1998, VizieR Online Data Catalog, Magellanic Clouds Cepheids Fourier decomposition (Antonello 1998), VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/333/L35. Originally published in, 1998A&A...333..L35A.

114. Antonello E., Carcano P., Kanbur S.M., 1997, On the masses and luminosities of double--mode Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 319, 863.

113. Antonello E., Kanbur S.M., 1997, The characteristics of second overtone mode Cepheids predicted by nonlinear pulsation models, Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.  286, L33.

112. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1997, Luminosity and related parameters of delta Scuti stars. General properties of luminosity, Astronomy & Astrophysics 327, 240.

111. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., 1997, Luminosity of delta Sct stars after Hipparcos satellite, in ‘The First results of Hipparcos and Tycho’, Highlights of Astronomy 11A, 567.

110. Antonello E., 1998, Nonlinear models of Cepheids and the effects of possible resonances, in ‘A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation  Interpretations’, ed. Bradley P.A., Guzik J.A., ASP Conf. Ser. 135, 243.

109. Antonello E., Kanbur S.M., McArthur G.K., 1996, The problem of the pulsation of the Cepheid CO Aur, Astronomy & Astrophysics 309, 144.

108. Antonello E., Morelli P.L., 1996, Search for resonance effects in long period Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 314, 541.

107. Mason K.O., Cropper M.S., Hunt R., Horner S., Priedhorsky W.,  Ho C., Cordova F.A., Jamar C., Antonello E., 1996, The XMM Optical/UV Monitor Telescope, in  ‘EUV, X--ray, and Gamma-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII’, SPIE Proceed. Conf. 2808, p 438.

106. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., 1996, Light curves of Cepheids in nearby galaxies, in  ‘Variable Stars and the Astrophysical Returns of Microlensing Surveys’, ed. Ferlet R., Maillard J.P., Raban B.,  Editions Frontieres, Paris, p. 435.

105. Carcano P., Pardo I., Poretti E., Antonello E., 1996, An analysis of  double--mode Cepheids, in ‘Variable Stars and the Astrophysical Returns of Microlensing Surveys’, ed. Ferlet R., Maillard J.P., Raban B., Editions Frontieres, Paris, p. 405.

104. Antonello E., 1996, Resonance effects in Cepheids, in ‘Variable Stars and the Astrophysical Returns of Microlensing Surveys’, ed. Ferlet R., Maillard J.P., Raban B.,  Editions Frontieres, Paris, p. 225.

103. Antonello E., Morelli P.L., 1996, VizieR Online Data Catalog, Long period Cepheids (Antonello+, 1996), VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/314/541. Originally published in, 1996A&A...314..541A.

102. Antonello E., Aikawa T., 1995, A comparison between observations and nonlinear models of first overtone mode Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 302, 105.

101. Poretti E., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1995, Accurate CCD light curves of Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud, in ‘Astrophysical  Applications of Stellar Pulsations’, R.S. Stobie, P.A. Whitelock (eds.), Astr.Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser.  83, 377.

100. Horner S., Antonello E., 1995, Variability Studies and Asteroseismology with the XMM Optical Monitor, in ‘Astrophysical Applications of  Stellar Pulsations’, R.S. Stobie, P.A. Whitelock (eds.), Astr.Soc. Pac.Conf.Ser. 83, 457.

99. Antonello E., 1994, Resonance effects in fundamental, first overtone and double-mode Cepheids,   Astronomy & Astrophysics 282, 835.

98. Antonello E., 1994, Fourier coefficients of nonlinear oscillators, Astronomy & Astrophysics 285, 140.

97. Antonello E., 1994, Nonlinear properties of double--mode pulsators, Astronomy & Astrophysics 291, 820.

96. Antonello E. (editor), 1994, Small and medium size Italian scientific satellites, Proceedings of the Forum held in Tremezzo, 13-15 june 1994, Milano, Centro Stampa dell'Area di Ricerca di Milano del CNR.

95. Novi A., Labate D., Antonello E., Cropper M., Bingham R., 1994, The Design of the Optical/UV Telescope in the XMM Optical Monitor, in International Symposium on Space Optics. Astronomy, SPIE Proceed. Conf. 2209, p. 360.

94. Horner S.D., Lumb D.H., Cordova F.A., Ho C., Priedhorsky W.P., Chavez J.C., Cropper M.S., Huckle H.E., Kawakami H., Mason K.O., Fordham J.L.A., Jamar C., Antonello E., Leisawitz D.T., 1994, The breadboard phase of the XMM Optical Monitor, in Instrumentation in Astronomy VIII, eds. D.L. Crawford, E.R. Craine, SPIE 2198, p. 1238.

93. Antonello E., Citterio O., Perenzoni A., Poretti E., Landi A., Novi A., Simoncini G., 1994, Optical Monitor of Jet-X on Spectrum-X-Gamma, in Advances in Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-ray,/EUV/FUV Optics, eds. R.B. Hoover, A.B.C. Walker, SPIE Proceed. Conf. 2279, p. 504.

92. Antonello E., Aikawa T., 1993, Nonlinear models of first overtone mode Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 279, 119.

91. Antonello E., 1993, The asymmetry parameter M-m of the light curves of Cepheids in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds, Astronomy & Astrophysics 279, 125.

90. Mason K.O., Cropper M.S., Fordham A., Cordova F.A., Leisawitz D., Lumb D.H., Ho C., Antonello E., Jamar C., 1993, Optical/UV monitor telescope on the X--ray multimirror observatory, in Space Astronomical Telescopes  and Instruments II, eds. P.Y. Bely, J.B. Breckinridge, SPIE Proceed. Conf. 1945, p. 152.

89. Cropper M.S., Mason K.O., Lumb D.H., Cordova F.A., Priedhorsky W.C., Antonello E., Jamar C., 1993, Multi-wavelength observations with the  XMM Observatory, in  XXVIIth ESLAB Symposium, Frontiers of Space and  Ground-based Astronomy [invited review].

88. Pasinetti Fracassini L.E., Pastori L., De Nile F., Poretti E., Antonello E., 1993, X--ray sources in Delta Scuti stars, an ultraviolet study of 71 Tau, in IAU Colloquium No. 139, in New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 396.

87. Antonello E., Maraschi L., Citterio O., 1993, Capabilities of the  Optical Monitor for the research in X--ray source and stellar variability, in IAU Colloquium No. 134, M. Takeuti, R. Buchler (eds.), Nonlinear Phenomena in Stellar Variability,  Astrophys.Space Sci. 210, 235.

86. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., Zerbi F., 1993, Photospheric activity among early F--type stars, in IAU Colloquium No. 137, W.W. Weiss and A. Baglin (eds.), in Inside the Stars, ASP Conf. Ser.  40, 651.

85. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., Riboni E., 1993, Methodological aspects in the frequency analysis of multiperiodic Delta  Scuti stars, in IAU Colloquium No. 137, W.W. Weiss and A. Baglin (eds.),  Inside  the Stars, ASP Conf. Ser. 40, 733.

84. Antonello E., 1993, Stellar research with the Optical Monitors of JET--X and XMM, in  Space Projects to probe the internal structure and magnetic activity of the Sun and Sun--like stars, Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana  64, 351.

83. Antonello E., 1993, Resonance effects in Cepheid light curves, in IAU Colloquium No. 139, in  New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 357.

82. Antonello E., Cernuti S., 1993, Amplitude of RR Lyrae star light curves, comparison between observations and one--zone model predictions, in IAU Colloquium No. 139 New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 339.

81. Antonello E., Fossati S., Mantegazza L., 1993, Spectrophotometric determination of Te for six Cepheids with P < 4 d, in IAU Colloquium No. 139, in New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 377.

80. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., Bossi M., 1992, Photospheric activity of HD 220140, optical counterpart of the X--ray source H 2311 +77,   Astronomy & Astrophysics  256, 459.

79. Antonello E., 1992, Relative photometry with CCD, in Forum, La Photometrie en France, Obs. de Paris [invited review, paper not available].

78. Antonello E., 1992, New opacities and first overtone mode Cepheids, in IAU Colloquium No. 134, M. Takeuti, R. Buchler (eds.), Nonlinear Phenomena in Stellar Variability},  Astrophys.Space Sci.  210, 331.

77. Antonello E., Cropper M., 1992, Stellar photometry with the Optical Monitors, in IAU Colloquium No. 136  Stellar Photometry – Current Techniques and Future Developments, Butler C.J., Elliott I. (eds.), Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 358.

76. Antonello E., Poretti E., 1992, Simulations of CCD photometric  observations from a satellite for asteroseismology studies, in IAU Colloquium  No. 136 - Poster Papers on Stellar Photometry, Elliott I., Butler C.J. (eds.), p. 169.

75. Antonello E., Poretti E., Reduzzi L., 1992, First overtone mode Cepheids, in Star Clusters and Stellar Evolution, Mem. Soc. Astr. Ital.  63, 75.

74. Arellano-Ferro A., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1991, The distance to the Magellanic Clouds from luminous F supergiants,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 246, 341.

73. Wells A., Stewart G.C., Turner M.J.L., Watson D.J., Whitford C.H., Antonello E., Citterio O., Brauninger H., Cropper M.S., Curtis W.J., Peskett S., Eyles C.J., Goodall C.V., Mineo T., Sacco B., Terekhov O., 1992,  The JET-X instrument for the USSR SPECTRUM-RG mission, its design and  performance, in Multi-layer and Grazing Incidence, X--ray/EUV Optics,  SPIE Proceed. Conf. 1546, 205.

72. Antonello E., 1991, Possible lack of circumstellar matter around nearby Am and Ap stars, in The Infrared Spectral Region of Stars, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 383.

71. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., 1991, HD 111828, a new small amplitude variable star, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 3612.

70. Antonello E., Poretti E., Reduzzi L., 1990, The separation of s-Cepheids from classical Cepheids and a new definition of the class,   Astronomy & Astrophysics 236, 138.

69. Antonello E., Citterio O., Mazzoleni F., Mariani A., Pili P., Lombardi P., 1990, Optical Monitor for X--ray satellites, in Instrumentation in Astronomy VII, SPIE Proc. Conf. 1235, 867.

68. Antonello E., 1990, Color index curves of pulsating stars predicted by simple models. I. The m1--index, Astronomy & Astrophysics 230, 127.

67. Grieco A., Antonello E., 1990, Light and color curves of RR Lyrae stars predicted by simple models, in C. Cacciari and G. Clementini (eds.), in Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series, 11, 101.

66. Antonello E., Poretti E., Reduzzi E., 1990, First overtone mode pulsation of Cepheids, in C. Cacciari and G. Clementini (eds.), Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series,  11, 209.

65. Antonello E., 1990, The Optical Monitors and the detection of stellar microvariability, in C. Cacciari and G. Clementini (eds.), in Confrontation  between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution,  Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Series,  11, 597.

64. Maraschi L., Treves A., Antonello E., 1990, JET--X Optical Monitor. A Scientific Perspective, Milano Preprint Series in Astrophysics, No. 70.

63. Mantegazza L., Antonello E., Poretti E., 1989, The UU Herculis star HD 161796, Astronomy & Astrophysics 208, 91.

62. Poretti E., Antonello E., Le Borgne J.F., 1989, Fourier decomposition of the light curves of pulsating variables, the Delta Scuti stars BD-7.1108, KU Cen and V567 Oph, Astronomy & Astrophysics 228, 350.

61. Antonello E., 1990, Rotation, pulsation and atmospheric phenomena in A--type stars, in L.A. Willson and R. Stalio (eds.) Angular Momentum and  Mass Loss for Hot Stars, NATO Adv. Res. Workshop, Ames (Iowa, USA), 97 [invited review].

60. Antonello E., Poretti E., 1989, The pulsation of some Delta Scuti  stars with unusual light curves, in E.G. Schmidt (ed.) The Use of Pulsating Stars  in Fundamental Problems of Astronomy, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 249.

59. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., 1989, The observational Programme at Merate Observatory, Delta Scuti Star Newsletter, vol. 1, p. 5.

58. Poretti E., Antonello E., 1988, The peculiar light curves of some large amplitude Delta Scuti stars,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 199, 191.

57. Antonello E., Poretti E., Stellingwerf R.L., 1988, Double mode pulsators with unusual light curves, in Multimode Stellar Pulsations, Konkoly Observatory, p. 27.

56. Antonello E., 1988, Some tests of the precision of CCD differential photometry measurements of bright double stars, in  Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, ESA SP-286, p. 617.

55. Poretti E., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1988, Is nu Her really a variable star? Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 3168.

54. Breger M., Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Huang Lin, Jiang Shi-yang, Guo Zi-he, 1987, The unusual Delta Scuti star theta-2 Tau, in A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks and G.S. Starrfield (eds.),  Stellar Pulsation,  Lect. Not. Phys. (Springer-Verlag), vol. 274, p. 122.

53. Antonello E., Poretti E., 1987, Properties of the light curves of  s-Cepheids, in A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks and G.S. Starrfield (eds.),  Stellar Pulsation,  Lect. Not. Phys. (Springer-Verlag), Vol. 274, p. 176.

52. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., 1987, Double mode pulsators in the instability strip, in A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks and G.S. Starrfield (eds.), Stellar Pulsation,  Lect. Not. Phys. (Springer-Verlag), Vol. 274, p. 191.

51. Antonello E., Broglia P., Conconi P., Mantegazza L., 1987, The Fourier coefficients derived from the decomposition of pulsating star light curves, Astronomy & Astrophysics 171, 131.

50. Breger M., Huang Lin, Jiang Shi-yang, Guo Zi-he, Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1987, Multiple close frequencies of the Delta Scuti star  theta-2  Tau,  Astronomy & Astrophysics 175, 117.

49. Poretti E., Niarchos P.G., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., Conconi P., 1987, Photometry and elements of the pre-contact system FO Vir,  Astronomy & Astrophysics Suppl. Ser. 69, 337.

48. Aikawa T., Antonello E., Simon N.R., 1987, Hydrodynamic models for the short-period, classical Cepheid, SU Cas, Astronomy & Astrophysics 181, 25.

47. Poretti E., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1987, HD 37819=V356 Aur, a double mode Delta Scuti star with an unusual period ratio,   Astronomy & Astrophysics 181, 273.

46. Mantegazza L., Poretti E., Antonello E., 1987, The light variations of the hypergiant HR 8752 (V509 Cas), Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 3137.

45. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., 1986, The two periods of the Cepheid CO Aur, Astronomy & Astrophysics 159, 269.

44. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1986, Variable stars in the southern open cluster NGC 2516, Astronomy & Astrophysics 164, 40.

43. Antonello E., Broglia P., Conconi P., Mantegazza L., 1986, Fourier decomposition of high amplitude Delta Scuti  and SX Phe star light curves,   Astronomy & Astrophysics 169, 122.

42. Antonello E., Poretti E., 1986, Structural properties of the light curves of s-Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 169, 149.

41. Antonello E., Pastori L., Poretti E., 1986, beta Cas, a probable small amplitude monoperiodic Delta Scuti star, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2958.

40. Antonello E., Guerrero G., Mantegazza L., Scardia M., 1985, Study of the variability of the Delta Scuti stars. VIII. HR 4684 and the resonance mechanism in dwarf pulsators, Astronomy & Astrophysics 146, 11.

39. Pastori L., Pasinetti L.E., Antonello E., Malaspina G., 1985, Standard stars for the comparison of methods of diameter determination, in V.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti and A.G. Davis Philip (eds.) Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities, IAU Symp. No. 111, p. 455.

38. Pastori L., Pasinetti L.E., Antonello E., 1985, A comparison of  direct and indirect methods of determination of stellar angular diameters, in V.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti and A.G. Davis Philip (eds.), Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities}, IAU Symp. No. 111, p. 459.

37. Antonello E., 1985, A preliminary luminosity calibration of the  uvby,beta systems for supergiant F-type stars, in V.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti and A.G. Davis Philip (eds.)  Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities}, IAU Symp. No. 111, p. 491.

36. Antonello E., Fracassini M., 1985, Pulsars and interstellar medium, multiple regression analysis of related parameters, Astrophys. Space Sci.  108, 187.

35. Poretti E., Mantegazza L., Antonello E., 1985, Light variability of HD 220140, optical counterpart of the X-ray source H 2311+77, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2807.

34. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1984, CO Aur and the double mode Cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics 133, 52.

33. Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Antonello E., 1984, Pulsars and interstellar medium, Proc. Course and Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, ESA SP-207, p. 319.

32. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Poretti E., 1984, FO Vir, a close  eclipsing binary, not a RR Lyr variable,  Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2567.

31. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Pastori L., 1984, Short period variability of the Be star lambda Eri, Astrophys. Space Sci. 104, 245.

30. Antonello E., Raffaelli G., 1983, An application of discriminant analysis to variable and nonvariable stars, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 95, 82.

29. Fracassini M., Manzotti G., Pasinetti L.E., Raffaelli G., Antonello E., Pastori L., 1983, Application of multivariate analysis to the parameters of astrophysical objects, in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201, p. 21.

28. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., Pastori L., 1983, A note on the  variability of lambda Eri and the pulsation in Be stars, in  Rapid Variability of Early Type Stars, Hvar Obs. Bull.  7, 155.

27. Antonello E., Bossi M., Guerrero G., Mantegazza L., Scardia M., 1983, HR 4684, a possible example of resonance in Delta Scuti stars, in Rapid Variability of Early Type Stars, Hvar Obs. Bull.  7, 323.

26. Antonello E., 1983, The pulsational amplitudes of Delta Scuti stars, in  Rapid Variability of Early Type Stars, Hvar Obs. Bull.  7, 329.

25. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1983, The light variation of the  Delta Scuti star theta-2 Tau, in Rapid Variability of Early Type Stars, Hvar  Obs. Bull.  7, 335.

24. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1983, The unique double mode Cepheid CO Aur,  Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No 2411.

23. Antonello E., 1983, Some applications of multiple regression analysis, in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201, p. 145.

22. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Manzotti G., Pasinetti L.E., Pastori L., Raffaelli G., 1983, The discriminant analysis in astronomy, in Statistical Methods in Astronomy, ESA SP-201, p. 157.

21. Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Castelli F., Antonello E., Pastori L., 1983, Variations of UV chromospheric emissions during a pulsation period of rho Puppis (HD 67523), Astrophys. Space Sci.  97, 323.

20. Pastori L., Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1982, Search for long period radial velocity variations in some Be stars, in M. Jaschek and H.G. Groth (eds.), Be stars, IAU Symposium No. 98,  p. 155.

19. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Pastori L., 1982, Search for pulsating stars in multiple stellar systems, in Z. Kopal and J. Rahe (eds.), Binary and multiple stars as tracers of stellar evolution, IAU Coll. No. 69, Bamberg, p. 27.

18. Antonello E., 1982, An ad hoc hypothesis on the pulsation of Delta Scuti stars, in Z. Kopal and J. Rahe (eds.), Binary and multiple stars as tracers of stellar evolution, IAU Coll. No. 69, Bamberg, p. 33.

17. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Pastori L., 1982, The luminosity and related parameters of variable and nonvariable A, F stars, in  The scientific aspects of the Hipparcos space astrometry mission, ESA SP-177, p. 123.

16. Antonello E., Conconi P., 1982, A P-R-C relation for Delta Scuti stars, Astrophys. Space Sci.  88, 185.

15. Antonello E., 1982, Linear and nonlinear oscillations of simple stellar models, Astrophys. Space Sci.  86, 485.

14. Pastori L., Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1982, Long term radial velocity variations of omicron And,  Astrophys. Space Sci.  86, 179.

13. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1982, Photoelectric observations of theta-2 Tau (HR 1412), Inf. Bull. Var. Stars No. 2144.

12. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1982, Photoelectric observations of 20 Leo, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 2152.

11. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Pastori L., 1982, Long term radial velocity variations in some Be stars, Astrophys. Space Sci. 83, 381.

10. Antonello E., Mantegazza L., 1982, Photoelectric and spectrographic observations of rho Vir (HR 4828), Astronomy & Astrophysics Suppl. Ser. 49, 709.

9. Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Antonello E., Raffaelli G., 1981, Multivariate analysis of ultra-short-period cepheids, Astronomy & Astrophysics   99, 397.

8. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pastori L., 1981, On the amplitudes of Delta Scuti stars,  Astrophys. Space Sci. 78, 435.

7. Antonello E., Pastori L., 1981, The distribution of pulsation constant Q of Delta Scuti stars, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 93, 237.

6. Antonello E., Farinella P., Guerrero G., Mantegazza L., Paolicchi P., 1980, The period distribution of eclipsing and spectroscpic binary systems. II, Astrophys. Space Sci.  72, 359.

5. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1980, Nuovi risultati spettrografici sulla sospetta variabile di tipo Delta Scuti 2 Lyncis, Atti XXIII Congresso SAIt, Giornale di Astronomia, p. 223.

4. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., Pastori L., 1980, Some properties of Delta Scuti stars, in Variability in Stars and Galaxies, 5th Europ. Regional Meeting, Liège, Abstracts of papers, B.2.4.

3. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1979, Spectrographic observations of the suspected Delta Scuti stars 2 Lyncis, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1676.

2. Antonello E., Arienti F., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1978, Spectrographic observations of three suspected Delta Scuti variables, Astronomy & Astrophysics 66, 37.

1. Antonello E., Fracassini M., Pasinetti L.E., 1977, Possible relation between the pulsation constant and the period in Delta Scuti variables, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No. 1339.