Active Galactic Nuclei and Supermassive Black Holes
April 7-8, 2011 - Milano, Italy
Lectures by Bradley Peterson
Organized by INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di  Brera


Active Galactic Nuclei at the Half-Century Mark: AGN properties and
taxonomy, fundamental physics of AGNs, AGN structure, AGN luminosity
function and its evolution.

Reverberation Mapping of the Broad-Line Region in AGNs: The broad-line
region, emission-line variability, reverberation mapping principles,
practice, and results, AGN outflows and disk-wind models, the
radius-luminosity relationship.

Supermassive Black Holes and Their Relationships with Their Host Galaxies:
Role of black holes, direct/indirect measurement of AGN black hole masses,
relationships between BH mass and AGN/host properties, limiting
uncertainties and systematics.