Scientific Seminars

mochi_class: A tool to streamline cosmological analyses of Horndeski's gravity

Matteo Cataneo
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (AIfA), Universität Bonn

2024-05-21    11:30    Dip. di Fisica, UNIMI, Via Celoria - Aula Polvani

I will introduce mochi_class, an extension of the popular Einstein-Boltzmann solver hi_class optimised for calculations within Horndeski's gravity framework. Thanks to (i) a re-parametrisation of Horndeski functions, (ii) a numerically stable quasi-static approximation, and (iii) support for time-dependent inputs, mochi_class enhances hi_class capabilities and nicely complements other public Einstein-Boltzmann solvers. Additionally, I will present a non-parametric approach that, when integrated with Principal Component Analysis, can effectively reconstruct Horndeski functions from well-studied modified gravity models, extending the exploration of scalar-tensor theories beyond conventional parametrisations. I will conclude by highlighting practical applications where mochi_class can prove instrumental in analysing current and forthcoming large- scale structure data.