Scientific Seminars

NRT: a world leading telescope for time domain astronomy

Carloz Gutierrez

2022-06-23    11:00    Merate - Merate - sala POE (or virtually at

The new era of time domain astronomy in which large numbers of faint sources are detected by survey facilities of large apertures, requires a new generation of larger and faster robotic telescopes to perform quick and efficient identification, classification and spectroscopic characterisation of such objects. Based on the experience gained with the Liverpool Telescope, a new initiative emerged to build the NRT telescope as the first of a new generation of robotic telescopes. When NRT will enter into operation around 2026, due to the aperture of 4 m, the time response of 30 sec, and the superb atmospheric conditions for astronomical observations in the ORM observatory, it will be a leading facility for the study of transient objects. As pioneer of a new class of telescopes, some of its systems, and in particular those more related to the fast response and autonomous operation require innovative approaches that also aim to define new standards for future robotic telescopes of this class. In this talk we will present the project, emphasizing status, timescales and opportunities for collaboration.