Scientific Seminars

Espresso Day

Francesco Pepe & Landoni - Riva - Genoni

2018-03-27    14:00    Brera - Cupola Fiore

The ultra-high stable spectrograph ESPRESSO at the Very Large Telescope is on its way to be offered to the astrophysical community for new and exciting science, from exoplanets to fundamental physics and extragalactic astronomy! Let’s illustrate the successfully faced technological challenge and the main stream research lines keeping an eye toward the future. 1. An overview of ESPRESSO. Toward 10 cm/sec of radial velocity accuracy. (Francesco Pepe , PI of the Instrument– University of Geneva) (14:15 – 15:00) 2. Technological contribution of INAF-Brera in the ESPRESSO project. From design to first light. (Marco Riva, System Engineer of ESPRESSO– INAF Brera) (15:00 – 15:45) *Free ESPRESSO coffee break (15:45 – 16:15)* 3. Science with ESPRESSO. Main galactic and extragalactic research lines and the role of INAF Brera with the upcoming photons. (Marco Landoni – INAF Brera)(16:15 – 16:45) 4. Toward the future. The case of ESPRESSO successor: HIRES@ELT. Technological aspects and science cases. (Matteo Genoni – Università degli Studi dell’Insubria) (16:45 – 17:15)