Scientific Seminars

Planck 2015: Implications for Cosmology

Michele Liguori
Universita' degli Studi di Padova

2015-06-18    11:30    Merate - POE

The ESA Planck collaboration has released the most accurate, full sky temperature and polarization maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) to date. Thanks to its unprecedented angular resolution, sensitivity, sky and frequency coverage, the Planck dataset has provided a goldmine of information for Astrophysics and Cosmology. In this talk, I will summarize several of the main cosmological results obtained from the analysis of Planck data, including measurements of Cosmological Parameters, studies of primordial non- Gaussianity and their implication for Inflation, detection of CMB lensing, and neutrino constraints. While Planck measurements are overall in outstanding agreement with the standard cosmological Lambda CDM model, some interesting areas of tension were also identified, e.g. a statistical friction between Weak Lensing and CMB based meaurements of the sigma_8 parameter. I will conclude with a brief overview of these issues and their implications.