Scientific Seminars
Main scientific cases for near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy
Pedro Amado
Instituto de Astronomia de Andalucia, Granada, Spain
2007-10-11 15.30-16.30 Merate -
This talk will be based on a project to start a viability study for a near-infrared, high-resolution spectrograph for the 3.5m telescope of Calar Alto. It will be designed to measure the radial velocity of the stars with a very high precision (1-10 m/s). This precision would allow, for instance, to do asteroseismology or the detection of low-mass exoplanets (probably of Earth type) orbiting around cool stars. Furthermore, the instrument will also be of interest for topics as varied as the study of cool stellar atmospheres, stellar activity and magnetic fields, circumstellar and planetary disks and characterization of gamma ray bursts. |