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Documents in archives: 14   -   Author: Spiga, D
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 42 / 111
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 37.84%
  • ∑citations: 2
  • ∑I.F.: 0.43
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 0.03


Valsecchi, G., Marioni, F., Bianucci, G., Zocchi, F., Gallieni, D., Parodi, G., Ottolini, M., Collon, M., Civitani, M. , Pareschi, G. , Spiga, D. , et al.

2017, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 103990E 10 pp. (2017).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.23        Citations/Authors: 0.08

Spiga, D. , Della Monica Ferreira, D., Shortt, B., Bavdaz, M., Bergback Knudsen, E., Bianucci, G., Christensen, F., Civitani, M. , Collon, M., Conconi, P., Fransen, S., et al.

2017, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 103990H 32 pp. (2017).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.2        Citations/Authors: 0.05
pdf icon   Fused Silica segments: a possible solution for x-ray telescopes with very high angular resolution like Lynx/XRS

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2017, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 103990X 13 pp. (2017).

Hong, J., Romaine, S., Ramsey, B., Nittler, L., Gendreau, K., Spiga, D. , Elvis, M., Grindlay, J.

2017, 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 20-24 March 2017, at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1964, id.2063

Bavdaz, M., Wille, E., Ayre, M., Ferreira, I., Shortt, B., Fransen, S., Collon, M.J., Vacanti, G., Barriere, N.M., Landgraf, B., Haneveld, J., et al.

2017, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 103990B 12 pp. (2017).


BEaTriX X-ray facility for testing ATHENA mirror modules: a white paper for the implementation

Spiga, D. , Pareschi, G. , Salmaso, B. , Tagliaferri, G.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 02/2017
pdf icon   Charged particle diverters for X-ray telescopes: the magnetic field of a uniformly-magnetized wedge

Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB internal report 07/2017
pdf icon   Detecting the mitigation of fused silica roughening after Ion Beam Figuring

Holyszko, J., Salmaso, B. , Ghigo, M. , Arcangeli, L., Passaretti, F., Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 05/2017
Effective area simulations for the ARCUS SPO MM-0024

Spiga, D. , Burwitz, V.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 09/2017
pdf icon   Fused Silica thin segments for X-ray telescopes: status of the process at OAB.

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Pariani, G. , Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Arcangeli, L., Ritucci, A., Rossi, M., Pareschi, G. , et al.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 10/2017
Roughness characterization of an SPO sample with AFM: optical side and non-optical side in the inter-rib region

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 08/2017
Simulation of a Silicon Pore Optic mirror module diffraction pattern: the case of a light source at finite distance

Spiga, D. , Valsecchi, G., Marioni, F., Burwitz, V., Hartner, G.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 03/2017
Specifications for the enhanced X-ray Timing Polarimeter (eXTP)

Spiga, D. , Tagliaferri, G. , Pareschi, G. , Feroci, M., Santangelo, A.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 01/2017
pdf icon   X-ray scattering measurements of Fused Silica samples after Ion Beam Figuring

Salmaso, B. , Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 06/2017