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Documenti in archivio: 9   -   Autore: Ghigo, M
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 31 / 101
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 30.69%
  • ∑citations: 31
  • ∑I.F.: 8.8
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 0.98


Scardia, M. , Prieur, J.L., Sala, M., Ghigo, M. , Koechlin, L., Aristidi, E., Mazzoleni, F.

2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 357, Issue 4, pp. 1255-1266.
Citations: 15     I.F.: 4.29        Citations/Authors: 2.14
Development of a prototype nickel optic for the Constellation-X hard-x-ray telescope: III

Romaine, S., Basso, S. , Bruni, R., Burkert, W., Citterio, O. , Conti, G., Engelhaupt, D., Freyberg, M., Ghigo, M. , Gorenstein, P., Gubarev, M., et al.

2005, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II. Edited by Citterio, Oberto; O'Dell, Stephen L. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5900, pp. 225-231 (2005).
Citations: 6     I.F.: 1.67        Citations/Authors: 0.33

Scardia, M. , Prieur, J.-L., Sala, M., Ghigo, M. , Koechlin, L., Aristidi, E., Mazzoleni, F.

2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 362, Issue 3, pp. 1120-1120.

Friedrich, P., Aschenbach, B., Braeuninger, H., Hasinger, G., Citterio, O. , Ghigo, M. , Mazzoleni, F., Pareschi, G. , Dinger, U., Egle, W., Matthes, A., et al.

2005, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II. Edited by Citterio, Oberto; O'Dell, Stephen L. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5900, pp. 258-265 (2005).


Romaine, S., Basso, S. , Bruni, R., Burkert, W., Citterio, O. , Conti, G., Engelhaupt, D., Freyberg, M., Ghigo, M. , Gorenstein, P., Gubarev, M., et al.

2005, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II. Edited by Citterio, Oberto; O'Dell, Stephen L. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5900, pp. 225-231 (2005).
Citations: 6     I.F.: 1.67        Citations/Authors: 0.33

Pareschi, G. , Citterio, O. , Basso, S. , Ghigo, M. , Mazzoleni, F., Spiga, D. , Burkert, W., Freyberg, M., Hartner, G.D., Conti, G., Mattaini, E., et al.

2005, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II. Edited by Citterio, Oberto; O'Dell, Stephen L. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5900, pp. 47-58 (2005).
Citations: 4     I.F.: 1.18        Citations/Authors: 0.24

Ghigo, M. , Conconi, P., Antonello, E.. , Pareschi, G.

2005, Proceedings of Workshop "Optro 2005", ESA SP-594

Romaine, S., Gorenstein, P., Bruni, R., Pareschi, G. , Citterio, O. , Ghigo, M. , Mazzoleni, F., Spiga, D. , Basso, S. , Conti, G., Ramsey, B., et al.

2005, American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, #12.12; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 37, p.1172


"Thickness variation measurements performed on Borofloat 33 sheets"

Ghigo, M.

2005, INAF/OAB Internal report 07/05