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1/45 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 319 / 5599
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 5.7%
  • ∑citations: 23958
  • ∑I.F.: 5417.35
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 1.22


Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Lazzati, D.

2004, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 616, Issue 1, pp. 331-338.
Citations: 531     I.F.: 354        Citations/Authors: 177

Abbott, B.P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T.D., ..., ..., Campana, S. , Cappellaro, E., Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , D'Elia, V., Getman, F., Ghirlanda, G. , et al.

2017, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. (2017).
Citations: 758     I.F.: 291.54        Citations/Authors: 58.31

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F.

2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 397, Issue 2, pp. 985-1002.
Citations: 258     I.F.: 258        Citations/Authors: 129

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F. , Chiaberge, M.

2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 432, Issue 2, March III 2005, pp.401-410
Citations: 352     I.F.: 234.67        Citations/Authors: 117.33

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F. , Foschini, L. , Ghirlanda, G. , Maraschi, L., Celotti, A.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 1, pp. 497-518.
Citations: 348     I.F.: 232        Citations/Authors: 58

Moretti, A. , Campana, S. , Lazzati, D., Tagliaferri, G.

2003, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 588, Issue 2, pp. 696-703.
Citations: 299     I.F.: 224.25        Citations/Authors: 74.75

Tavecchio, F. , Ghisellini, G. , Foschini, L. , Bonnoli, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Coppi, P.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 406, Issue 1, pp. L70-L74.
Citations: 259     I.F.: 215.83        Citations/Authors: 43.17

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F.

2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 387, Issue 4, pp. 1669-1680.
Citations: 189     I.F.: 189        Citations/Authors: 94.5

Gehrels, N., Chincarini, G., Giommi, P., Mason, K.O., Nousek, J.A., Wells, A.A., White, N.E., Barthelmy, S.D., Burrows, D.N., Cominsky, L.R., Hurley, K.C., et al.

2004, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 611, Issue 2, pp. 1005-1020.
Citations: 2446     I.F.: 169.86        Citations/Authors: 33.97

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F. , Foschini, L. , Ghirlanda, G.

2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 414, Issue 3, pp. 2674-2689.
Citations: 146     I.F.: 146        Citations/Authors: 36.5

Ghisellini, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Nava, L. , Celotti, A.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 403, Issue 2, pp. 926-937.
Citations: 190     I.F.: 142.5        Citations/Authors: 47.5

Tavecchio, F. , Ghisellini, G.

2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 385, Issue 1, pp. L98-L102.
Citations: 141     I.F.: 141        Citations/Authors: 70.5

Tavecchio, F. , Ghisellini, G. , Bonnoli, G. , Ghirlanda, G.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 405, Issue 1, pp. L94-L98.
Citations: 138     I.F.: 138        Citations/Authors: 34.5

Celotti, A., Ghisellini, G.

2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 385, Issue 1, pp. 283-300.
Citations: 273     I.F.: 136.5        Citations/Authors: 136.5

Ghisellini, G. , Maraschi, L., Tavecchio, F.

2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 396, Issue 1, pp. L105-L109.
Citations: 178     I.F.: 118.67        Citations/Authors: 59.33

Tavecchio, F. , Ghisellini, G. , Bonnoli, G. , Foschini, L.

2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 414, Issue 4, pp. 3566-3576.
Citations: 118     I.F.: 118        Citations/Authors: 29.5

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F.

2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 386, Issue 1, pp. L28-L32.
Citations: 114     I.F.: 114        Citations/Authors: 57

Tavecchio, F. , Ghisellini, G. , Ghirlanda, G. , Foschini, L. , Maraschi, L.

2010, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 401, Issue 3, pp. 1570-1586.
Citations: 138     I.F.: 110.4        Citations/Authors: 27.6

Salvaterra, R., Campana, S. , Vergani, S. D., Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , Fugazza, D. , Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Melandri, A., Nava, L. , Sbarufatti, B. , et al.

2012, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 749, Issue 1, article id. 68, 7 pp. (2012).
Citations: 168     I.F.: 108        Citations/Authors: 12

Malesani, D., Tagliaferri, G. , Chincarini, G., Covino, S. , Della Valle, M., Fugazza, D. , Mazzali, P. A., Zerbi, F. , D'Avanzo, P. , Kalogerakos, S., Simoncelli, A., et al.

2004, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 609, Issue 1, pp. L5-L8.
Citations: 320     I.F.: 98.46        Citations/Authors: 12.31

Ghisellini, G. , Tavecchio, F. , Maraschi, L., Celotti, A., Sbarrato, T.

2014, Nature, Volume 515, Issue 7527, pp. 376-378 (2014).
Citations: 163     I.F.: 97.8        Citations/Authors: 32.6

Ghirlanda, G. , Celotti, A., Ghisellini, G.

2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.406, p.879-892 (2003)
Citations: 142     I.F.: 94.67        Citations/Authors: 47.33

Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Lazzati, D., Firmani, C.

2004, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 613, Issue 1, pp. L13-L16.
Citations: 178     I.F.: 89        Citations/Authors: 44.5

Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Firmani, C.

2006, New Journal of Physics, Volume 8, Issue 7, pp. 123 (2006).
Citations: 133     I.F.: 88.67        Citations/Authors: 44.33

Maraschi, L., Tavecchio, F.

2003, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 593, Issue 2, pp. 667-675.
Citations: 157     I.F.: 78.5        Citations/Authors: 78.5

D'Avanzo, P. , Campana, S. , Salafia, O. S. , Ghirlanda, G. , Ghisellini, G. , Melandri, A., Bernardini, M. G. , Branchesi, M., Chassande Mottin, E., Covino, S. , D'Elia, V., et al.

2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 613, id.L1, 5 pp.
Citations: 125     I.F.: 75        Citations/Authors: 8.33

Ghirlanda, G. , Nava, L. , Ghisellini, G. , Celotti, A., Burlon, D., Covino, S. , Melandri, A.

2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 420, Issue 1, pp. 483-494.
Citations: 117     I.F.: 66.86        Citations/Authors: 16.71

Trujillo, I., Feulner, G., Goranova, Y., Hopp, U., Longhetti, M. , Saracco, P. , Bender, R., Braito, V. , Della Ceca, R. , Drory, N., Mannucci, F., et al.

2006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 373, Issue 1, pp. L36-L40.
Citations: 158     I.F.: 65.83        Citations/Authors: 13.17

Nousek, J. A., Kouveliotou, C., Grupe, D., Page, K. L., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Patel, S. K., Burrows, D. N., Mangano, V., Barthelmy, S., Beardmore, A. P., et al.

2006, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 642, Issue 1, pp. 389-400.
Citations: 404     I.F.: 57.71        Citations/Authors: 14.43

Firmani, C., Ghisellini, G. , Avila-Reese, V., Ghirlanda, G.

2006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 370, Issue 1, pp. 185-197.
Citations: 111     I.F.: 55.5        Citations/Authors: 27.75

Boehringer, H., Schuecker, P., Guzzo, L. , Collins, C. A., Voges, W., Cruddace, R. G., Ortiz-Gil, A., Chincarini, G., De Grandi, S. , Edge, A.C., MacGillivray, H.T., et al.

2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.425, p.367-383 (2004)
Citations: 337     I.F.: 48.14        Citations/Authors: 24.07

DellaValle, M., Chincarini, G., Panagia, N., Tagliaferri, G. , Malesani, D., Testa, V., Fugazza, D. , Campana, S. , Covino, S. , Holland, S. T., Mangano, V., et al.

2006, Nature, Volume 444, Issue 7122, pp. 1050-1052 (2006).
Citations: 169     I.F.: 46.94        Citations/Authors: 9.39

Polletta, M., Tajer, M., Maraschi, L., Trinchieri, G. , Lonsdale, C. J., Chiappetti, L., Andreon, S. , Pierre, M., Le Fevre, O., Zamorani, G., Maccagni, D., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 663, Issue 1, pp. 81-102.
Citations: 483     I.F.: 46        Citations/Authors: 23

Falcone, A. D., Morris, D., Racusin, J., Chincarini, G., Moretti, A. , Romano, P. , Burrows, D. N., Pagani, C., Stroh, M., Grupe, D., Campana, S. , et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 671, Issue 2, pp. 1921-1938.
Citations: 132     I.F.: 44        Citations/Authors: 8.8

Burrows, D. N., Kennea, J. A., Ghisellini, G. , Mangano, V., Zhang, B., Page, K. L., Eracleous, M., Romano, P. , Sakamoto, T., Falcone, A. D., Osborne, J. P., et al.

2011, Nature, Volume 476, Issue 7361, pp. 421-424 (2011).
Citations: 304     I.F.: 41.93        Citations/Authors: 5.24

Waxman, E., Meszaros, P., Campana, S.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 667, Issue 1, pp. 351-357.
Citations: 123     I.F.: 41        Citations/Authors: 41

Watson, M. G., Schröder, A. C., Fyfe, D., Page, C. G., Lamer, G., Mateos, S., Pye, J., Sakano, M., Rosen, S., Ballet, J., Barcons, X., et al.

2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 493, Issue 1, 2009, pp.339-373
Citations: 403     I.F.: 40.3        Citations/Authors: 8.06

Molinari, E. , Vergani, S. D., Malesani, D., Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , Chincarini, G., Zerbi, F. , Antonelli, L. A., Conconi, P., Testa, V., Tosti, G., et al.

2007, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 469, Issue 1, July I 2007, pp.L13-L16
Citations: 197     I.F.: 39.4        Citations/Authors: 5.63

Della Valle, M., Malesani, D., Benetti, S., Testa, V., Hamuy, M., Antonelli, L.A., Chincarini, G., Cocozza, G., Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , Fugazza, D. , et al.

2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.406, p.L33-L37 (2003)
Citations: 166     I.F.: 39.06        Citations/Authors: 9.76

Ghirlanda, G. , Salafia, O. S. , Paragi, Z., Giroletti, M., Yang, J., Marcote, B., Blanchard, J., Agudo, I., An, T., Bernardini, M. G. , Beswick, R., et al.

2019, Science, Volume 363, Issue 6430, pp. 968-971 (2019).
Citations: 171     I.F.: 38        Citations/Authors: 4.75

Barthelmy, S. D., Chincarini, G., Burrows, D. N., Gehrels, N., Covino, S. , Moretti, A. , Romano, P. , O'Brien, P. T., Sarazin, C. L., Kouveliotou, C., Goad, M., et al.

2005, Nature, Volume 438, Issue 7070, pp. 994-996 (2005).
Citations: 196     I.F.: 37.94        Citations/Authors: 6.32

Ghisellini, G. , Haardt, F., Matt, G.

2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.413, p.535-545 (2004)
Citations: 110     I.F.: 36.67        Citations/Authors: 36.67

Pian, E., D’Avanzo, P., Benetti, S., Branchesi, M., Brocato, E., Campana, S. , Cappellaro, E., Covino, S. , D’Elia, V., Fynbo, J. P. U., Getman, F., et al.

2017, Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp. 67-70 (2017).
Citations: 377     I.F.: 35.9        Citations/Authors: 4.49

Chincarini, G., Moretti, A. , Romano, P. , Falcone, A. D., Morris, D., Racusin, J., Campana, S. , Covino, S. , Guidorzi, C., Tagliaferri, G. , Burrows, D. N., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 671, Issue 2, pp. 1903-1920.
Citations: 195     I.F.: 34.82        Citations/Authors: 6.96

Salvaterra, R., Della Valle, M., Campana, S. , Chincarini, G., Covino, S. , D'Avanzo, P. , Fernández-Soto, A., Guidorzi, C., Mannucci, F., Margutti, R., Thöne, C. C., et al.

2009, Nature, Volume 461, Issue 7268, pp. 1258-1260 (2009).
Citations: 254     I.F.: 33.87        Citations/Authors: 5.64

Troja, E., Cusumano, G., O'Brien, P. T., Zhang, B., Sbarufatti, B. , Mangano, V., Willingale, R., Chincarini, G., Osborne, J. P., Marshall, F. E., Burrows, D. N., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 665, Issue 1, pp. 599-607.
Citations: 169     I.F.: 33.8        Citations/Authors: 6.76

Burrows, D. N., Romano, P. , Falcone, A., Kobayashi, S., Zhang, B., Moretti, A. , O'Brien, P. T., Goad, M. R., Campana, S. , Page, K. L., Angelini, L., et al.

2005, Science, Volume 309, Issue 5742, pp. 1833-1835 (2005).
Citations: 264     I.F.: 31.06        Citations/Authors: 7.76

Campana, S. , Mangano, V., Blustin, A. J., Brown, P., Burrows, D. N., Chincarini, G., Cummings, J. R., Cusumano, G., Della Valle, M., Malesani, D., Meszaros, P., et al.

2006, Nature, Volume 442, Issue 7106, pp. 1008-1010 (2006).
Citations: 291     I.F.: 29.85        Citations/Authors: 7.46

Franceschini, A., Braito, V. , Persic, M., Della Ceca, R. , Bassani, L., Cappi, M., Malaguti, Palumbo, G.G.C., Risaliti, G., Salvati, M., Severgnini, P.

2003, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 343, Issue 4, pp. 1181-1194.
Citations: 137     I.F.: 27.4        Citations/Authors: 13.7

Tagliaferri, G. , Goad, M., Chincarini, G., Moretti, A. , Campana, S. , Burrows, D. N., Perri, M., Barthelmy, S. D., Gehrels, N., Krimm, H., Sakamoto, T., et al.

2005, Nature, Volume 436, Issue 7053, pp. 985-988 (2005).
Citations: 163     I.F.: 23.29        Citations/Authors: 4.66

Hill, J.E., Burrows, D.N., Nousek, J.A., Abbey, A.F., Ambrosi, R.M., Brauninger, H.W., Burkert, W., Campana, S. , Cheruvu, C., Cusumano, G., Freyberg, M.J., et al.

2004, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII. Edited by Flanagan, Kathryn A.; Siegmund, Oswald H. W. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5165, pp. 217-231 (2004).
Citations: 162     I.F.: 22.09        Citations/Authors: 7.36

O'Brien, P. T., Willingale, R., Osborne, J., Goad, M. R., Page, K. L., Vaughan, S., Rol, E., Beardmore, A., Godet, O., Hurkett, C. P., Wells, A., et al.

2006, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 647, Issue 2, pp. 1213-1237.
Citations: 233     I.F.: 21.84        Citations/Authors: 7.28

Racusin, J. L., Karpov, S. V., Sokolowski, M., Granot, J., Wu, X. F., Pal'Shin, V., Covino, S. , van der Horst, A. J., Oates, S. R., Schady, P., Smith, R. J., et al.

2008, Nature, Volume 455, Issue 7210, pp. 183-188 (2008).
Citations: 274     I.F.: 20.62        Citations/Authors: 2.95

Zhang, B., Liang, E., Page, K. L., Grupe, D., Zhang, B., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D. N., Campana, S. , Chincarini, G., Gehrels, N., Kobayashi, S., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 655, Issue 2, pp. 989-1001.
Citations: 168     I.F.: 16.8        Citations/Authors: 8.4

Fiore, F., Brusa, M., Cocchia, F., Baldi, A., Carangelo, N., Ciliegi, P., Comastri, A., La Franca, F., Maiolino, R., Matt, G., Molendi, S., et al.

2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.409, p.79-90 (2003)
Citations: 231     I.F.: 15.4        Citations/Authors: 15.4

Pozzetti, L., Cimatti, A., Zamorani, G., Daddi, E., Menci, N., Fontana, A., Renzini, A., Mignoli, M., Poli, F., Saracco, P. , and 5 coauthors

2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.402, p.837-848 (2003)
Citations: 154     I.F.: 15.4        Citations/Authors: 15.4

Falcone, A. D., Burrows, D. N., Lazzati, D., Campana, S. , Kobayashi, S., Zhang, B., Meszaros, P., Page, K. L., Kennea, J. A., Romano, P. , Pagani, C., et al.

2006, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 641, Issue 2, pp. 1010-1017.
Citations: 117     I.F.: 15.1        Citations/Authors: 3.77

Fontana, A., Pozzetti, L., Donnarumma, I., Renzini, A., Cimatti, A., Zamorani, G., Menci, N., Daddi, E., Giallongo, E., Mignoli, M., Perna, C., et al.

2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.424, p.23-42 (2004)
Citations: 254     I.F.: 14.94        Citations/Authors: 14.94

Gehrels, N., Sarazin, C. L., O'Brien, P. T., Zhang, B., Barbier, L., Barthelmy, S. D., Blustin, A., Burrows, D. N., Cannizzo, J., Cummings, J. R., Goad, M., et al.

2005, Nature, Volume 437, Issue 7060, pp. 851-854 (2005).
Citations: 273     I.F.: 14.18        Citations/Authors: 3.55

Vaughan, S., Goad, M. R., Beardmore, A. P., O'Brien, P. T., Osborne, J. P., Page, K. L., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D. N., Campana, S. , Cannizzo, J. K., Capalbi, M., et al.

2006, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 638, Issue 2, pp. 920-929.
Citations: 114     I.F.: 13.82        Citations/Authors: 3.45

Vaughan, S., Goad, M. R., Beardmore, A. P., O'Brien, P. T., Osborne, J. P., Page, K. L., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D., Campana, S. , Cannizzo, J. K., Capalbi, M., et al.

2006, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 638, Issue 2, pp. 920-929.
Citations: 114     I.F.: 13.82        Citations/Authors: 3.45

Romano, P. , Campana, S. , Chincarini, G., Cummings, J., Cusumano, G., Holland, S. T., Mangano, V., Mineo, T., Page, K. L., Pal'Shin, V., Rol, E., et al.

2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 456, Issue 3, September IV 2006, pp.917-927
Citations: 119     I.F.: 12.53        Citations/Authors: 3.13

Fontana, A., Donnarumma, I., Vanzella, E., Giallongo, E., Menci, N., Nonino, M., Saracco, P. , Cristiani, S., D'Odorico, S., Poli, F.

2003, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 594, Issue 1, pp. L9-L12.
Citations: 117     I.F.: 11.7        Citations/Authors: 11.7

Mignoli, M., Cimatti, A., Zamorani, G., Pozzetti, L., Daddi, E., Renzini, A., Broadhurst, T., Cristiani, S., D'Odorico, S., Fontana, A., Giallongo, E., et al.

2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 437, Issue 3, July III 2005, pp.883-897
Citations: 138     I.F.: 9.86        Citations/Authors: 9.86

Actis, M., Agnetta, G., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A., Aleksić, J., Aliu, E., Allan, D., Allekotte, I., Antico, F., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., et al.

2011, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp.193-316
Citations: 658     I.F.: 9.79        Citations/Authors: 0.98

Scoville, N., Aussel, H., Brusa, M., Capak, P., Carollo, C. M., Elvis, M., Giavalisco, M., Guzzo, L. , Hasinger, G., Impey, C., Kneib, J.-P., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 1-8.
Citations: 214     I.F.: 9.73        Citations/Authors: 9.73

Le Fevre, O., Vettolani, G., Garilli, B., Tresse, L., Bottini, D., Le Brun, V., Maccagni, D., Picat, J. P., Scaramella, R., Scodeggio, M., Zanichelli, A., et al.

2005, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 439, Issue 3, September I 2005, pp.845-862
Citations: 220     I.F.: 9.17        Citations/Authors: 4.58

Cappi, M., Panessa, F., Bassani, L., Dadina, M., Dicocco, G., Comastri, A., della Ceca, R. , Filippenko, A. V., Gianotti, F., Ho, L. C., Malaguti, G., et al.

2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 446, Issue 2, February I 2006, pp.459-470
Citations: 148     I.F.: 8.22        Citations/Authors: 8.22

Tueller, J., Baumgartner, W. H., Markwardt, C. B., Skinner, G. K., Mushotzky, R. F., Ajello, M., Barthelmy, S., Beardmore, A., Brandt, W. N., Burrows, D., Chincarini, G., et al.

2010, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 186, Issue 2, pp. 378-405 (2010).
Citations: 158     I.F.: 8.1        Citations/Authors: 4.05

Le Fevre, O., Vettolani, G., Paltani, S., Tresse, L., Zamorani, G., Le Brun, V., Moreau, C., Bottini, D., Maccagni, D., Picat, J. P., Scaramella, R., et al.

2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.428, p.1043-1049 (2004)
Citations: 189     I.F.: 7.56        Citations/Authors: 3.78

Ilbert, O., Arnouts, S., McCracken, H. J., Bolzonella, M., Bertin, E., LeFevre, O., Mellier, Y., Zamorani, G., Pello, R., Iovino, A. , Tresse, L., et al.

2006, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 457, Issue 3, October III 2006, pp.841-856
Citations: 188     I.F.: 7.23        Citations/Authors: 3.62

Lilly, S. J., F?vre, O. Le, Renzini, A., Zamorani, G., Scodeggio, M., Contini, T., Carollo, C. M., Hasinger, G., Kneib, J.-P., Iovino, A. , Le Brun, V., et al.

2007, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 70-85.
Citations: 243     I.F.: 6.31        Citations/Authors: 3.16

Acharya, B. S., Actis, M., Aghajani, T., Agnetta, G., Aguilar, J., Aharonian, F., Ajello, M., Akhperjanian, A., Alcubierre, M., Aleksic, J., Alfaro, R., Herman

2013, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 43, p. 3-18.
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